#!/usr/bin/env texlua -- Copyright 2016-2017 Brian Dunn -- Print the usage of the lwarpmk command: printversion = "v0.27" function printhelp () print ("lwarpmk: Use lwarpmk -h or lwarpmk --help for help.") ; end function printusage () print ( [[ lwarpmk print [project]: Compile a print version. lwarpmk printindex [project]: Process the index for the print version. lwarpmk html [project]: Compile an HTML version. lwarpmk htmlindex [project]: Process the index for the html version. lwarpmk again [project]: Touch the source code to trigger recompiles. lwarpmk limages [project]: Process the "lateximages" created by lwarp.sty. lwarpmk pdftohtml [project]: For use with latexmk or a Makefile: Convert project_html.pdf to project_html.html and individual HTML files. lwarpmk clean [project]: Remove project.aux, .toc, .lof, .lot, .idx, .ind, .log lwarpmk cleanall [project]: Remove auxiliary files and also project.pdf, *.html lwarpmk -h: Print this help message. lwarpmk --help: Print this help message. ]] ) printconf () end -- Print the format of the configuration file lwarpmk.conf: function printconf () print ( [[ An example lwarpmk.conf or .lwarpmkconf project file: -- opsystem = "Unix" (or "Windows") latexname = "pdflatex" (or "lualatex", or "xelatex") sourcename = "projectname" (the source-code filename w/o .tex) homehtmlfilename = "index" (or perhaps the project name) htmlfilename = "" (or "projectname" - filename prefix) uselatexmk = "false" (or "true" to use latexmk to build PDFs) -- Filenames must contain only letters, numbers, underscore, or dash. Values must be in "quotes". ]] ) ; end -- Split one large sourcefile into a number of files, -- starting with destfile. -- The file is split at each occurance of