--[[ The Dimension class keeps track of the dimenionality of a physical quantity. It can be used to perform validity checks on mathematical operations such as addition and subtraction. Copyright (c) 2020 Thomas Jenni Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]]-- local Dimension = {} Dimension.__index = Dimension -- make the table callable setmetatable(Dimension, { __call = function(class, ...) return Dimension.new(...) end }) -- index for the dimension names Dimension._index = {} -- registry for base dimensions Dimension._base = {} -- constructor function Dimension.new(d) -- string if type(d) == "string" then return Dimension._index[d] end local e = {} setmetatable(e, Dimension) -- copy constructor if getmetatable(d) == Dimension then for i=1, #Dimension._base do e[i] = d[i] or 0 end -- create zero dimension else for i=1, #Dimension._base do e[i] = 0 end end return e end -- define a base new dimension function Dimension.defineBase(symbol, name) local index = Dimension._index if index[name] ~= nil then error("Error: Base dimension '"..name.."' does already exist.") elseif index[symbol] ~= nil then error("Error: Base dimension '"..symbol.."' does already exist.") end -- create new dimension local base = Dimension._base local n = #base + 1 local d = Dimension.new() d[n] = 1 d.symbol = symbol -- add to registry base[n] = d -- resize all other base dimension vectors for i=1, n-1 do base[i][n] = 0 end -- update index index[symbol] = d index[name] = d return d end -- define a new derived dimension function Dimension.define(name, o) local index = Dimension._index if index[name] ~= nil then error("Error. Dimension '"..name.."' is already defined.") elseif getmetatable(o) ~= Dimension then error("Error. Object in definition of '"..name.."' is no dimension.") end index[name] = o return o end -- check if the dimension vector has length zero function Dimension.iszero(o) for i=1,#Dimension._base do if o[i] ~= 0 then return false end end return true end -- test if two dimensions are equal function Dimension.__eq(d1, d2) for i=1, #Dimension._base do if d1[i] ~= d2[i] then return false end end return true end -- add two dimensions function Dimension.__add(d1,d2) error("Error: Cannot add dimension objects.") end -- subtract two dimensions function Dimension.__sub(d1,d2) error("Error: Cannot subtract dimension objects.") end -- multiply two dimensions function Dimension.__mul(d1,d2) local d = Dimension.new(d1) for i=1, #Dimension._base do d[i] = d1[i] + d2[i] end return d end -- divide two dimensions function Dimension.__div(d1,d2) local d = Dimension.new(d1) if type(d1) == "number" then for i=1, #Dimension._base do d[i] = 0 - d2[i] end else for i=1, #Dimension._base do d[i] = d1[i] - d2[i] end end return d end -- raise a dimension to the power function Dimension:__pow(n) if type(n) ~= "number" then error("Error: The exponent of the power operation has to be a number.") end local d = Dimension.new() for i=1, #Dimension._base do d[i] = self[i] * n end return d end -- convert dimension to a string function Dimension:__tostring() local result = {} -- search for the name of the dimension for name,d in pairs(Dimension._index) do if d == self then result[#result + 1] = name end end if #result ~= 0 then return "["..table.concat(result,",").."]" end -- assemble dimension from base dimensions local base = Dimension._base for i=1,#base do if self[i] ~= 0 then local dim = "["..base[i].symbol.."]" if self[i] ~= 1 then dim = dim.."^"..self[i] end result[#result + 1]= dim end end return table.concat(result," ") end return Dimension