--[[ This file contains the methods for accessing physical data. Copyright (c) 2020 Thomas Jenni Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]]-- local prefix = ... and (...):match '(.-%.?)[^%.]+$' or '' local N = require(prefix..'physical-number') -- N class local Data = {} Data.__index = Data -- -- ASTRONOMICAL DATA -- Data.Astronomical = {} -- make the table callable setmetatable(Data.Astronomical, { __call = function(class, ...) return Data.Astronomical.get(...) end }) function Data.Astronomical.get(name, key) local data = require(prefix..'physical-astronomical') -- return all names if name == nil then local names = {} for name,_ in pairs(data) do names[#names+1] = name end return names end if data[name] ~= nil then local row = data[name] -- return all keys if key == nil then local result = {} for key,_ in pairs(row) do result[key] = row[key] end return result end if row[key] ~= nil then return row[key] end end return nil end -- -- ISOTOPE DATA -- Data.Isotope = {} -- make the table callable setmetatable(Data.Isotope, { __call = function(class, ...) return Data.Isotope.get(...) end }) -- get isotope data -- -- 1) Get the mass excess of Helium-5 by the following commands -- Data.Isotope("5He","MassExcess") or -- Data.Isotope("5-He","MassExcess") or -- Data.Isotope("5Helium","MassExcess") or -- Data.Isotope("5-Helium","MassExcess") or -- Data.Isotope("He5","MassExcess") or -- Data.Isotope("He-5","MassExcess") or -- Data.Isotope("Helium5","MassExcess") or -- Data.Isotope("Helium-5","MassExcess") -- -- 2) Get the mass excess of all helium isotopes -- Data.Isotope("He","MassExcess") or -- Data.Isotope("Helium","MassExcess") -- -- 3) Get the half life of Lithium-3 -- Data.Isotope({3,3},"HalfLife") -- -- 4) Get the half life of all isotopes -- Data.Isotope(nil,"HalfLife") -- -- 5) Get the names of all isotopes -- Data.Isotope(nil,nil) function Data.Isotope.get(isotope,key) local data = require(prefix..'physical-isotope') -- match 1) and 2) or 4) if type(isotope) == "string" then return Data.Isotope.getByName(isotope, key) -- match 3) or 4) elseif type(isotope) == "table" then local A = isotope[1] local Z = isotope[2] if type(A) == "number" and type(Z) == "number" then return Data.Isotope.getByAZ(A, Z, key) end -- match 5) else local Akey = data.keys["A"] local Zkey = data.keys["Z"] local names = {} for _,row in ipairs(data.data) do local A = row[Akey] local Z = row[Zkey] names[#names + 1] = tostring(A)..data.symbols[Z+1] end return names end return nil end -- returns isotope data by the isotope name. function Data.Isotope.getByName(isotope, key) local data = require(prefix..'physical-isotope') -- match "Helium-5", "Helium5", "He-5" or "He5" local name, A = string.match(isotope, "^([%a]+)%-?([%d]+)$") if name ~= nil then local Z = data.names[name] if Z == nil then Z = data.symbols[name] end A = tonumber(A) if A ~= nil and Z ~= nil then return Data.Isotope.getByAZ(A, Z, key) end end -- match "5-Helium", "5Helium", "5-He" or "5He5" local A,name = string.match(isotope, "^([%d]+)%-?([%a]+)$") if name ~= nil then local Z = data.names[name] if Z == nil then Z = data.symbols[name] end A = tonumber(A) if A ~= nil and Z ~= nil then return Data.Isotope.getByAZ(A, Z, key) end end local name = string.match(isotope, "^([%a]+)$") if name ~= nil then local Z = data.names[name] if Z == nil then Z = data.symbols[name] end if Z ~= nil then return Data.Isotope.getByZ(Z, key) end end return nil end -- return isotopes with a certain A and Z function Data.Isotope.getByAZ(A, Z, key) local data = require(prefix..'physical-isotope') -- get row number local i = data.indexAZ[tonumber(tostring(A)..tostring(Z))] if i == nil then error("Isotope with (A,Z) = ("..tostring(A)..","..tostring(Z)..") not found in 'Data.Isotope'.") end return Data.Isotope._getValues(data.data[i],key) end -- return all isotope data with a certain Z function Data.Isotope.getByZ(Z, key) local data = require(prefix..'physical-isotope') local Akey = data.keys["A"] local result = {} for _, i in ipairs(data.indexZ[Z+1]) do local name = tostring(data.data[i][Akey])..data.symbols[Z+1] result[name] = Data.Isotope._getValues(data.data[i],key) end return result end -- return key value pairs from a specific row function Data.Isotope._getValues(row, keys) local data = require(prefix..'physical-isotope') if keys == nil then keys = data.keys elseif type(keys) == "string" then keys = {keys} elseif type(keys) ~= "table" then error("Unknown key type '"..tostring(key).."'.") end local result = {} for _,key in ipairs(keys) do -- name and symbol if key == "name" then result["name"] = data.names[row[data.keys["Z"]] + 1].."-"..row[data.keys["A"]] elseif key == "symbol" then result["symbol"] = row[data.keys["A"]]..data.symbols[row[data.keys["Z"]] + 1] elseif key ~= "" then local i = data.keys[key] local di = data.dkeys[key] local x = row[i] local dx = row[di] -- invalid key if x == nil then error("Key "..key.." not found in 'Data.Isotope'.") end -- get value local value = x -- append uncertainty if type(x) == "number" and type(dx) == "number" then value = N(x, dx) end -- append unit local unit = data.units[i] if type(x)=="number" and unit ~= "" then value = value * _G["_"..unit] end result[key] = value end end if #keys == 1 then return result[keys[1]] else return result end end return Data