#!/usr/bin/env perl use v5.22; # minimum version use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling_values require_order no_ignore_case); use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use File::Copy; use Config; use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile devnull); use File::Find; use Cwd; use autodie; #use Data::Dumper; # for test ### Directory for work and tmp files my $tempDir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1); my $tempSys = dirname($tempDir); my $workdir = cwd; my $null = devnull(); ### Program identification my $program = "LTXimg"; my $nv='v1.5'; my $copyright = <yahoo.com END_COPYRIGHT ### Default values my $prefix = 'fig'; # defaul prefix for extract files my $skiptag = 'noltximg'; # internal tag for regex my $extrtag = 'ltximg'; # internal tag for regex my $imageDir = "images"; # dir for images my $verbcmd = "myverb"; # set \myverb command my $margins = "0"; # margins for pdfcrop my $DPI = "150"; # dpi for image formats my $arara = 0; # use arara to compiler my $force = 0; # force capture \psset|\tikzset my $latex = 0; # compiling all images using latex my $dvips = 0; # compiling output using dvips>ps2pdf my $dvipdf = 0; # compiling all images using dvipdfmx my $xetex = 0; # compiling all images using xelatex my $luatex = 0; # compiling all images using lualatex my $noprew = 0; # don't use preview packpage my $srcenv = 0; # create src code for environments my $subenv = 0; # create sub document for environments my @extr_env_tmp; # save extract environments my @skip_env_tmp; # save skip some environments my @verb_env_tmp; # save verbatim environments my @verw_env_tmp; # save verbatim write environments my @delt_env_tmp; # save delete environments in output file my @clean; # clean options my $pdf = 1; # create a PDF image file my $run = 1; # run mode compiler my $crop = 1; # croped pdf image files my $gray = 0; # create a gray scale images my $output; # set output name for outfile my $outfile = 0; # write output file my $outsrc = 0; # enable write src env files my $debug = 0; # debug my $PSTexa = 0; # extract PSTexample environment my $STDenv = 0; # extract standart environments my $verbose = 0; # verbose ### Search Ghostscript # The next code it's part of pdfcrop adapted from TexLive 2014 # Windows detection my $Win = 0; $Win = 1 if $^O =~ /mswin32/i; $Win = 1 if $^O =~ /cygwin/i; my $archname = $Config{'archname'}; $archname = 'unknown' unless defined $Config{'archname'}; # get Ghostscript command name my $gscmd = ''; sub find_ghostscript () { return if $gscmd; if ($debug) { print "* Perl executable: $^X\n"; if ($] < 5.006) { print "* Perl version: $]\n"; } else { printf "* Perl version: v%vd\n", $^V; } if (defined &ActivePerl::BUILD) { printf "* Perl product: ActivePerl, build %s\n", ActivePerl::BUILD(); } printf "* Pointer size: $Config{'ptrsize'}\n"; printf "* Pipe support: %s\n", (defined($Config{'d_pipe'}) ? 'yes' : 'no'); printf "* Fork support: %s\n", (defined($Config{'d_fork'}) ? 'yes' : 'no'); } my $system = 'unix'; $system = "dos" if $^O =~ /dos/i; $system = "os2" if $^O =~ /os2/i; $system = "win" if $^O =~ /mswin32/i; $system = "cygwin" if $^O =~ /cygwin/i; $system = "miktex" if defined($ENV{"TEXSYSTEM"}) and $ENV{"TEXSYSTEM"} =~ /miktex/i; print "* OS name: $^O\n" if $debug; print "* Arch name: $archname\n" if $debug; print "* System: $system\n" if $debug; my %candidates = ( 'unix' => [qw|gs gsc|], 'dos' => [qw|gs386 gs|], 'os2' => [qw|gsos2 gs|], 'win' => [qw|gswin32c gs|], 'cygwin' => [qw|gs gswin32c|], 'miktex' => [qw|mgs gswin32c gs|] ); if ($system eq 'win' or $system eq 'cygwin' or $system eq 'miktex') { if ($archname =~ /mswin32-x64/i) { my @a = (); foreach my $name (@{$candidates{$system}}) { push @a, 'gswin64c' if $name eq 'gswin32c'; push @a, $name; } $candidates{$system} = \@a; } } my %exe = ( 'unix' => '', 'dos' => '.exe', 'os2' => '.exe', 'win' => '.exe', 'cygwin' => '.exe', 'miktex' => '.exe' ); my $candidates_ref = $candidates{$system}; my $exe = $Config{'_exe'}; $exe = $exe{$system} unless defined $exe; my @path = File::Spec->path(); my $found = 0; foreach my $candidate (@$candidates_ref) { foreach my $dir (@path) { my $file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, "$candidate$exe"); if (-x $file) { $gscmd = $candidate; $found = 1; print "* Found ($candidate): $file\n" if $debug; last; } print "* Not found ($candidate): $file\n" if $debug; } last if $found; } if (not $found and $Win) { $found = SearchRegistry(); } if ($found) { print "* Autodetected ghostscript command: $gscmd\n" if $debug; } else { $gscmd = $$candidates_ref[0]; print "* Default ghostscript command: $gscmd\n" if $debug; } } sub SearchRegistry () { my $found = 0; eval 'use Win32::TieRegistry qw|KEY_READ REG_SZ|;'; if ($@) { if ($debug) { print "* Registry lookup for Ghostscript failed:\n"; my $msg = $@; $msg =~ s/\s+$//; foreach (split /\r?\n/, $msg) { print " $_\n"; } } return $found; } my $open_params = {Access => KEY_READ(), Delimiter => '/'}; my $key_name_software = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/'; my $current_key = $key_name_software; my $software = new Win32::TieRegistry $current_key, $open_params; if (not $software) { print "* Cannot find or access registry key `$current_key'!\n" if $debug; return $found; } print "* Search registry at `$current_key'.\n" if $debug; my %list; foreach my $key_name_gs (grep /Ghostscript/i, $software->SubKeyNames()) { $current_key = "$key_name_software$key_name_gs/"; print "* Registry entry found: $current_key\n" if $debug; my $key_gs = $software->Open($key_name_gs, $open_params); if (not $key_gs) { print "* Cannot open registry key `$current_key'!\n" if $debug; next; } foreach my $key_name_version ($key_gs->SubKeyNames()) { $current_key = "$key_name_software$key_name_gs/$key_name_version/"; print "* Registry entry found: $current_key\n" if $debug; if (not $key_name_version =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) { print " The sub key is not a version number!\n" if $debug; next; } my $version_main = $1; my $version_sub = $2; $current_key = "$key_name_software$key_name_gs/$key_name_version/"; my $key_version = $key_gs->Open($key_name_version, $open_params); if (not $key_version) { print "* Cannot open registry key `$current_key'!\n" if $debug; next; } $key_version->FixSzNulls(1); my ($value, $type) = $key_version->GetValue('GS_DLL'); if ($value and $type == REG_SZ()) { print " GS_DLL = $value\n" if $debug; $value =~ s|([\\/])([^\\/]+\.dll)$|$1gswin32c.exe|i; my $value64 = $value; $value64 =~ s/gswin32c\.exe$/gswin64c.exe/; if ($archname =~ /mswin32-x64/i and -f $value64) { $value = $value64; } if (-f $value) { print "EXE found: $value\n" if $debug; } else { print "EXE not found!\n" if $debug; next; } my $sortkey = sprintf '%02d.%03d %s', $version_main, $version_sub, $key_name_gs; $list{$sortkey} = $value; } else { print "Missing key `GS_DLL' with type `REG_SZ'!\n" if $debug; } } } foreach my $entry (reverse sort keys %list) { $gscmd = $list{$entry}; print "* Found (via registry): $gscmd\n" if $debug; $found = 1; last; } return $found; } # end GS search ### If windows if ($Win and $gscmd =~ /\s/) { $gscmd = "\"$gscmd\""; } ### Call GS find_ghostscript(); ### Program identification, options and help for command line my $licensetxt = <] [] [--] . ** Usage ** \$ ltximg --latex [] \$ ltximg --arara [] \$ ltximg [] \$ ltximg If used without [] and [] the extracted environments are converted to pdf image format and saved in the "/images" directory using "pdflatex" and "preview" package. Relative or absolute paths for directories and files is not supported, if the last option take a list separated by commas you need -- at the end. ** Default environments extract ** pspicture tikzpicture pgfpicture psgraph postscript PSTexample ** Options ** [default] -h, --help Display command line help and exit [off] -l, --license Display GPL license and exit [off] -v, --version Display current version ($nv) and exit [off] -t, --tif Create .tif files using ghostscript [$gscmd] -b, --bmp Create .bmp files using ghostscript [$gscmd] -j, --jpg Create .jpg files using ghostscript [$gscmd] -p, --png Create .png files using ghostscript [$gscmd] -e, --eps Create .eps files using poppler-utils [pdftops] -s, --svg Create .svg files using poppler-utils [pdftocairo] -P, --ppm Create .ppm files using poppler-utils [pdftoppm] -g, --gray Gray scale for images using ghostscript [off] -f, --force Capture "\\psset" and "\\tikzset" to extract [off] -n, --noprew Create images files whitout "preview" package [off] -d , --dpi Dots per inch resolution for images [150] -m , --margin Set margins for pdfcrop [0] --imgdir Set name of directory to save images [images] -o , --output Create output file [off] --verbose Verbose printing [off] --srcenv Create files whit only code environment [off] --subenv Create files whit preamble and code [off] --latex Using latex>dvips>ps2pdf for compiler input and pdflatex for compiler output [off] --dvips Using latex>dvips>ps2pdf for compiler input and latex>dvips>ps2pdf for compiler output [off] --arara Use arara for compiler input and output [off] --xetex Using xelatex for compiler input and output [off] --dvipdf Using dvipdfmx for compiler input and output [off] --luatex Using lualatex for compiler input and output [off] --prefix Set prefix append to each image file [off] --norun Run script, but no create images files [off] --nopdf Don't create a ".pdf" image files [off] --nocrop Don't run pdfcrop [off] --verbcmd Set "\\cmdname" verbatim command [myverb] --clean (doc|pst|tkz|all|off) Removes specific text in output file [doc] --extrenv Add new environments to extract [empty] --skipenv Skip environments to extract [empty] --verbenv Add verbatim environments [empty] --writenv Add verbatim write environments [empty] --deltenv Delete environments in output file [empty] ** Example ** \$ ltximg --latex -e -p --srcenv --imgdir=mypics -o test-out test-in.ltx \$ ltximg --latex -ep --srcenv --imgdir mypics -o test-out test-in.ltx Create a "/mypics" directory whit all extracted environments converted to image formats (.pdf, .eps, .png), individual files whit source code (.tex) for all extracted environments, a file "test-out.ltx" whit all extracted environments converted to \\includegraphics and file "test-in-fig-all.tex" with only the extracted environments using latex>dvips>ps2pdf and preview package for and pdflatex for . ** Documentation ** For extended documentation use: \$ texdoc ltximg END_OF_USAGE ### Error in command line sub errorUsage { die "@_ (try ltximg --help for more information)\n"; } ### Getopt::Long configuration my %opts_cmd; my $result=GetOptions ( # short and long options 'h|help' => \$opts_cmd{help}, # help 'v|version' => \$opts_cmd{version}, # version 'l|license' => \$opts_cmd{license}, # license 'd|dpi=i' => \$DPI, # numeric 'm|margin=i' => \$margins, # numeric 'b|bmp' => \$opts_cmd{bmp}, # gs 't|tif' => \$opts_cmd{tif}, # gs 'j|jpg' => \$opts_cmd{jpg}, # gs 'p|png' => \$opts_cmd{png}, # gs 's|svg' => \$opts_cmd{svg}, # pdftocairo 'e|eps' => \$opts_cmd{eps}, # pdftops 'P|ppm' => \$opts_cmd{ppm}, # pdftoppm 'g|gray' => \$gray, # gray (bolean) 'f|force' => \$force, # force (bolean) 'n|noprew' => \$noprew, # no preview (bolean) 'o|output=s{1}' => \$output, # output file name (string) # bolean options 'subenv' => \$subenv, # subfile environments (bolean) 'srcenv' => \$srcenv, # source files (bolean) 'arara' => \$arara, # arara compiler 'xetex' => \$xetex, # xelatex compiler 'latex' => \$latex, # latex compiler 'luatex' => \$luatex, # lualatex compiler 'dvips' => \$dvips, # dvips compiler 'dvipdf' => \$dvipdf, # dvipdfmx compiler # string options from command line 'extrenv=s{1,9}' => \@extr_env_tmp, # extract environments 'skipenv=s{1,9}' => \@skip_env_tmp, # skip environment 'verbenv=s{1,9}' => \@verb_env_tmp, # verbatim environment 'writenv=s{1,9}' => \@verw_env_tmp, # verbatim write environment 'deltenv=s{1,9}' => \@delt_env_tmp, # delete environment # string options 'imgdir=s{1}' => \$imageDir, # images dir name 'verbcmd=s{1}' => \$verbcmd, # \myverb inline (string) 'prefix=s{1}' => \$prefix, # prefix # negated options 'crop!' => \$crop, # run pdfcrop 'pdf!' => \$pdf, # pdf image format 'clean=s{1}' => \@clean, # clean output file 'run!' => \$run, # run compiler 'debug!' => \$debug, # debug mode 'verbose!' => \$verbose, # debug mode, ) or die $usage; ### Remove white space and '=' in array captured from command line s/^\s*(\=):?|\s*//mg foreach @extr_env_tmp; s/^\s*(\=):?|\s*//mg foreach @skip_env_tmp; s/^\s*(\=):?|\s*//mg foreach @verb_env_tmp; s/^\s*(\=):?|\s*//mg foreach @verw_env_tmp; s/^\s*(\=):?|\s*//mg foreach @delt_env_tmp; ### Split comma separte list options from command line @extr_env_tmp = split(/,/,join('',@extr_env_tmp)); @skip_env_tmp = split(/,/,join('',@skip_env_tmp)); @verb_env_tmp = split(/,/,join('',@verb_env_tmp)); @verw_env_tmp = split(/,/,join('',@verw_env_tmp)); @delt_env_tmp = split(/,/,join('',@delt_env_tmp)); ### Validate input string options if ( grep( /(^\-|^\.).*?/, @extr_env_tmp ) ) { die errorUsage "Invalid option for --extrenv, invalid environment name"; } if ( grep( /(^\-|^\.).*?/, @skip_env_tmp ) ) { die errorUsage "Invalid option for --skipenv, invalid environment name"; } if ( grep( /(^\-|^\.).*?/, @verb_env_tmp ) ) { die errorUsage "Invalid option for --verbenv, invalid environment name"; } if ( grep( /(^\-|^\.).*?/, @verw_env_tmp ) ) { die errorUsage "Invalid option for --verwenv, invalid environment name"; } if ( grep( /(^\-|^\.).*?/, @delt_env_tmp ) ) { die errorUsage "Invalid option for --deltenv, invalid environment name"; } ### Help if (defined $opts_cmd{help}){ find_ghostscript(); print $usage; exit(0); } ### Version if (defined $opts_cmd{version}){ print $title; exit(0); } ### Licence if (defined $opts_cmd{license}){ print $licensetxt; exit(0); } ### Set tmp random name for name-fig-tmp (temp files) my $tmp = "$$"; ### Check --srcenv and --subenv option from command line if ($srcenv && $subenv) { die errorUsage "--srcenv and --subenv options are mutually exclusive"; } ### Check the input file from command line @ARGV > 0 or errorUsage "Input filename missing"; @ARGV < 2 or errorUsage "Unknown option or too many input files"; ### Check input file extention my @SuffixList = ('.tex', '', '.ltx'); # posibles my ($name, $path, $ext) = fileparse($ARGV[0], @SuffixList); $ext = '.tex' if not $ext; ### Read input file in memory (slurp), need :crlf for windows/linux open my $INPUTfile, '<:crlf', "$name$ext"; my $archivo; { local $/; $archivo = <$INPUTfile>; } close $INPUTfile; ### Funtion uniq sub uniq { my %seen; grep !$seen{$_}++, @_; } ### Funtion array_minus sub array_minus(\@\@) { my %e = map{ $_ => undef } @{$_[1]}; return grep( ! exists( $e{$_} ), @{$_[0]} ); } ### Funtion to create hash begin -> BEGIN, end -> END sub crearhash{ my %cambios; for my $aentra(@_){ for my $initend (qw(begin end)) { $cambios{"\\$initend\{$aentra"} = "\\\U$initend\E\{$aentra"; } } return %cambios; } ### Default environment to extract my @extr_tmp = qw ( postscript tikzpicture pgfpicture pspicture psgraph ); push(@extr_env_tmp,@extr_tmp); ### Default verbatim environment my @verb_tmp = qw ( Example CenterExample SideBySideExample PCenterExample PSideBySideExample verbatim Verbatim BVerbatim LVerbatim SaveVerbatim PSTcode LTXexample tcblisting spverbatim minted listing lstlisting alltt comment chklisting verbatimtab listingcont boxedverbatim demo sourcecode xcomment pygmented pyglist program programl programL programs programf programsc programt ); push(@verb_env_tmp,@verb_tmp); ### Default verbatim write environment my @verbw_tmp = qw ( filecontents tcboutputlisting tcbexternal extcolorbox extikzpicture VerbatimOut verbatimwrite PSTexample filecontentsdef filecontentshere ); push(@verw_env_tmp,@verbw_tmp); ### Rules to capture in regex my $braces = qr/ (?:\{)(.+?)(?:\}) /msx; my $braquet = qr/ (?:\[)(.+?)(?:\]) /msx; my $no_corchete = qr/ (?:\[ .+? \])? /msx; ### Capture new verbatim environments defined in input file my @new_verb = qw ( newtcblisting DeclareTCBListing ProvideTCBListing NewTCBListing lstnewenvironment NewListingEnvironment NewProgram specialcomment includecomment DefineVerbatimEnvironment newverbatim newtabverbatim ); ### Regex to capture names for new verbatim environments from input file my $newverbenv = join "|", map quotemeta, sort { length $a <=> length $b } @new_verb; $newverbenv = qr/\b(?:$newverbenv) $no_corchete $braces/msx; ### Capture new verbatim write environments defined in input file my @new_verb_write = qw ( renewtcbexternalizetcolorbox renewtcbexternalizeenvironment newtcbexternalizeenvironment newtcbexternalizetcolorbox ); ### Regex to capture names for new verbatim write environments from input file my $newverbwrt = join "|", map quotemeta, sort { length $a <=> length $b } @new_verb_write; $newverbwrt = qr/\b(?:$newverbwrt) $no_corchete $braces/msx; ### Regex to capture MINTED related environments my $mintdenv = qr/\\ newminted $braces (?:\{.+?\}) /x; my $mintcenv = qr/\\ newminted $braquet (?:\{.+?\}) /x; my $mintdshrt = qr/\\ newmint $braces (?:\{.+?\}) /x; my $mintcshrt = qr/\\ newmint $braquet (?:\{.+?\}) /x; my $mintdline = qr/\\ newmintinline $braces (?:\{.+?\}) /x; my $mintcline = qr/\\ newmintinline $braquet (?:\{.+?\}) /x; ### Pass input file to @array and remove % and comments my @verbinput = $archivo; s/%.*\n//mg foreach @verbinput; # del comments s/^\s*|\s*//mg foreach @verbinput; # del white space my $verbinput = join '', @verbinput; ### Capture \newverbatim write names in input file my @newv_write = $verbinput =~ m/$newverbwrt/xg; ### Add @newv_write defined in input file to @verw_env_tmp push(@verw_env_tmp,@newv_write); ### Capture \newminted{$mintdenv}{options} (for) my @mint_denv = $verbinput =~ m/$mintdenv/xg; ### Capture \newminted[$mintcenv]{lang} (for) my @mint_cenv = $verbinput =~ m/$mintcenv/xg; ### Capture \newmint{$mintdshrt}{options} (while) my @mint_dshrt = $verbinput =~ m/$mintdshrt/xg; ### Capture \newmint[$mintcshrt]{lang}{options} (while) my @mint_cshrt = $verbinput =~ m/$mintcshrt/xg; ### Capture \newmintinline{$mintdline}{options} (while) my @mint_dline = $verbinput =~ m/$mintdline/xg; ### Capture \newmintinline[$mintcline]{lang}{options} (while) my @mint_cline = $verbinput =~ m/$mintcline/xg; ### Capture \newverbatim environments in input file (for) my @verb_input = $verbinput =~ m/$newverbenv/xg; ### Add new verbatim environment defined in input file to @vrbenv push(@verb_env_tmp,@mint_denv,@mint_cenv,@verb_input); ### Append "code" (minted) if (!@mint_denv == 0){ $mintdenv = join "\n", map { qq/$_\Qcode\E/ } @mint_denv; @mint_denv = split /\n/, $mintdenv; } ### Append "inline" (minted) if (!@mint_dline == 0){ $mintdline = join "\n", map { qq/$_\Qinline\E/ } @mint_dline; @mint_dline = split /\n/, $mintdline; } ### Join all minted inline/short and lstinline in @array my @mintline; my @mint_tmp = qw ( mint mintinline lstinline); push(@mintline,@mint_dline,@mint_cline,@mint_dshrt,@mint_cshrt,@mint_tmp); @mintline = uniq(@mintline); ### Create a regex using @mintline my $mintline = join "|", map quotemeta, sort { length $a <=> length $b } @mintline; $mintline = qr/\b(?:$mintline)/x; ### Options from input file # % ltximg : extrenv : {extrenv1, extrenv2, ... , extrenvn} # % ltximg : skipenv : {skipenv1, skipenv2, ... , skipenvn} # % ltximg : verbenv : {verbwrt1, verbwrt2, ... , verbwrtn} # % ltximg : writenv : {verbwrt1, verbwrt2, ... , verbwrtn} # % ltximg : deltenv : {deltenv1, deltenv2, ... , deltenvn} # % ltximg : options : {opt1=arg, opt2=arg, ... , bolean} ### Regex to capture before preamble my $rx_myscrypt = qr/ ^ %+ \s* ltximg (?&SEPARADOR) (?(?&CLAVE)) (?&SEPARADOR) \{ (?(?&ARGUMENTOS)) \} (?(DEFINE) (? \w+ ) (? .+? ) (? \s* : \s* ) ) /mx; ### Split input file, $optin contain % ltximg : my($optin, $documento) = $archivo =~ m/\A (\s* .*? \s*) (\\documentclass.*)\z/msx; ### Process options from input file my %opts_file; while ($optin =~ /$rx_myscrypt/g) { my($clave, $argumentos) = @+{qw(clave argumentos)}; my @argumentos = split /\s*,\s*?/, $argumentos; for (@argumentos) { s/^ \s* | \s* $//gx; } if ($clave eq 'options') { for my $argumento (@argumentos) { if ($argumento =~ /(?\S+) \s* = \s* (?\S+)/x) { $opts_file{$clave}{$+{'key'}} = $+{'valor'}; } # close for else { $opts_file{$clave}{$argumento} = 1; } } # close for } # close if else { push @{ $opts_file{ $clave } }, @argumentos; } } # close while ### Validate clean my %clean = map { $_ => 1 } @clean; ### By default clean = doc $clean{doc} = 1 ; ### Set clean options from input file $clean{doc} = 1 if ($opts_file{options}{clean} eq 'doc'); $clean{off} = 1 if ($opts_file{options}{clean} eq 'off'); $clean{pst} = 1 if ($opts_file{options}{clean} eq 'pst'); $clean{tkz} = 1 if ($opts_file{options}{clean} eq 'tkz'); $clean{all} = 1 if ($opts_file{options}{clean} eq 'all'); ### Set clean options for script if ($clean{pst} or $clean{tikz}) { $clean{doc} = 1; } if ($clean{all}) { @clean{qw(pst doc tkz)} = (1) x 3; } if ($clean{off}) { undef %clean; } ### Add extract options from input file if (exists $opts_file{extract} ) { push @extr_env_tmp, @{ $opts_file{extract} }; } ### Add skipenv options from input file if (exists $opts_file{skipenv} ) { push @skip_env_tmp, @{ $opts_file{skipenv} }; } ### Add verbenv options from input file if (exists $opts_file{verbenv} ) { push @verb_env_tmp, @{ $opts_file{verbenv} }; } ### Add writenv options from input file if (exists $opts_file{writenv} ) { push @verw_env_tmp, @{ $opts_file{writenv} }; } ### Add deltenv options from input file if (exists $opts_file{deltenv} ) { push @delt_env_tmp, @{ $opts_file{deltenv} }; } ### Set \myverb|| options from input file if (exists $opts_file{options}{verbcmd}){ $verbcmd = $opts_file{options}{verbcmd}; } ### Create @env_all_tmp contain all environments my @env_all_tmp; push(@env_all_tmp,@extr_env_tmp,@skip_env_tmp,@verb_env_tmp,@verw_env_tmp,@delt_env_tmp); @env_all_tmp = uniq(@env_all_tmp); ### Create @no_env_all_tmp contain all No extracted environments my @no_env_all_tmp; push(@no_env_all_tmp,@skip_env_tmp,@verb_env_tmp,@verw_env_tmp,@delt_env_tmp); @no_env_all_tmp = uniq(@no_env_all_tmp); ### The operation return @extract environment my @extract = array_minus(@env_all_tmp,@no_env_all_tmp); @extract = uniq(@extract); ### The operation return @no_extract my @no_extract = array_minus(@env_all_tmp,@extract); my @no_skip; push(@no_skip,@verb_env_tmp,@verw_env_tmp,@delt_env_tmp); my @skipped = array_minus(@no_extract,@no_skip); @skipped = uniq(@skipped); ### The operation return @delte_env environment my @no_ext_skip = array_minus(@no_extract,@skipped); my @no_del; push(@no_del,@verb_env_tmp,@verw_env_tmp); my @delete_env = array_minus(@no_ext_skip,@no_del); @delete_env = uniq(@delete_env); ### The operation return @verbatim environment my @no_ext_skip_del = array_minus(@no_ext_skip,@delete_env); my @verbatim = array_minus(@no_ext_skip_del,@verw_env_tmp); ### The operation return @verbatim write environment my @verbatim_w = array_minus(@no_ext_skip_del,@verbatim); ### Create @env_all for hash and replace in while my @no_verb_env; push(@no_verb_env,@extract,@skipped,@delete_env,@verbatim_w); my @no_verw_env; push(@no_verw_env,@extract,@skipped,@delete_env,@verbatim); ### Reserved words in verbatim inline (while) my %changes_in = ( # ltximg tags '%<*ltximg>' => '%<*LTXIMG>', '%' => '%', '%<*noltximg>' => '%<*NOLTXIMG>', '%' => '%', '%<*remove>' => '%<*REMOVE>', '%' => '%', '%<*ltximgverw>' => '%<*LTXIMGVERW>', '%' => '%', # pst/tikz set '\psset' => '\PSSET', '\tikzset' => '\TIKZSET', # pspicture '\pspicture' => '\TRICKS', '\endpspicture' => '\ENDTRICKS', # pgfpicture '\pgfpicture' => '\PGFTRICKS', '\endpgfpicture' => '\ENDPGFTRICKS', # tikzpicture '\tikzpicture' => '\TKZTRICKS', '\endtikzpicture' => '\ENDTKZTRICKS', # psgraph '\psgraph' => '\PSGRAPHTRICKS', '\endpsgraph' => '\ENDPSGRAPHTRICKS', # some reserved '\usepackage' => '\USEPACKAGE', '{graphicx}' => '{GRAPHICX}', '\graphicspath{' => '\GRAPHICSPATH{', ); ### Changues for \begin... \end inline verbatim my %init_end = ( # begin{ and end{ '\begin{' => '\BEGIN{', '\end{' => '\END{', ); ### Changues for \begin{document} ... \end{document} my %document = ( # begin/end document for split '\begin{document}' => '\BEGIN{document}', '\end{document}' => '\END{document}', ); ### Reverse for extract and output file my %changes_out = ( # ltximg tags '\begin{nopreview}' => '%<*noltximg>', '\end{nopreview}' => '%', # pst/tikz set '\PSSET' => '\psset', '\TIKZSET' => '\tikzset', # pspicture '\TRICKS' => '\pspicture', '\ENDTRICKS' => '\endpspicture', # pgfpicture '\PGFTRICKS' => '\pgfpicture', '\ENDPGFTRICKS' => '\endpgfpicture', # tikzpicture '\TKZTRICKS' => '\tikzpicture', '\ENDTKZTRICKS' => '\endtikzpicture', # psgraph '\PSGRAPHTRICKS' => '\psgraph', '\ENDPSGRAPHTRICKS' => '\endpsgraph', # some reserved '\USEPACKAGE' => '\usepackage', '{GRAPHICX}' => '{graphicx}', '\GRAPHICSPATH{' => '\graphicspath{', # begin{ and end{ '\BEGIN{' => '\begin{', '\END{' => '\end{', ); ### Reverse tags, need back in all file to extract my %reverse_tag = ( # ltximg tags '%<*LTXIMG>' => '%<*ltximg>', '%' => '%', '%<*NOLTXIMG>' => '%<*noltximg>', '%' => '%', '%<*REMOVE>' => '%<*remove>', '%' => '%', '%<*LTXIMGVERW>' => '%<*ltximgverw>', '%' => '%', ); ### Creatate a hash for changues my %extract_env = crearhash(@extract); my %skiped_env = crearhash(@skipped); my %verb_env = crearhash(@verbatim); my %verbw_env = crearhash(@verbatim_w); my %delete_env = crearhash(@delete_env); my %change_verbw_env = crearhash(@no_verw_env); my %change_verb_env = crearhash(@no_verb_env); ### Join changues in new hash my %cambios = (%changes_in,%init_end); ### Variables y constantes my $no_del = "\0"; my $del = $no_del; ### Rules my $llaves = qr/\{ .+? \} /x; my $no_llaves = qr/(?: $llaves )? /x; my $corchetes = qr/\[ .+? \] /x; my $anidado = qr/(\{(?:[^\{\}]++|(?1))*\}) /x; my $delimitador = qr/\{ (?.+?) \} /x; my $verb = qr/(?:((spv|(?:q|f)?v|V)erb|$verbcmd)[*]?) /ix; my $lst = qr/(?:(lst|pyg)inline)(?!\*) $no_corchete /ix; my $mint = qr/(?: $mintline |SaveVerb) (?!\*) $no_corchete $no_llaves $llaves /ix; my $no_mint = qr/(?: $mintline) (?!\*) $no_corchete /ix; my $marca = qr/\\ (?:$verb | $lst | $mint |$no_mint) (?:\s*)? (\S) .+? \g{-1} /x; my $comentario = qr/^ \s* \%+ .+? $ /mx; my $definedel = qr/\\ (?: DefineShortVerb | lstMakeShortInline| MakeSpecialShortVerb ) [*]? $no_corchete $delimitador /ix; my $indefinedel = qr/\\ (?: (Undefine|Delete)ShortVerb | lstDeleteShortInline) $llaves /ix; ### Changues in input file in memory while ($documento =~ / $marca | $comentario | $definedel | $indefinedel | $del .+? $del /pgmx) { my($pos_inicial, $pos_final) = ($-[0], $+[0]); my $encontrado = ${^MATCH}; if ($encontrado =~ /$definedel/) { $del = $+{del}; $del = "\Q$+{del}" if substr($del,0,1) ne '\\'; } elsif ($encontrado =~ /$indefinedel/) { $del = $no_del; } else { while (my($busco, $cambio) = each %cambios) { $encontrado =~ s/\Q$busco\E/$cambio/g; } substr $documento, $pos_inicial, $pos_final-$pos_inicial, $encontrado; pos($documento) = $pos_inicial + length $encontrado; } } ### Regex for verbatim inline whit braces {...} my $mintd_ani = qr/\\ (?:$mintline|pygment) (?!\*) $no_corchete $no_llaves /x; my $tcbxverb = qr/\\ (?: tcboxverb [*]?|$verbcmd [*]?|lstinline) $no_corchete /x; my $tcbxmint = qr/(?:$tcbxverb|$mintd_ani) (?:\s*)? $anidado /x; ### Changue \verb*{code} inline while ($documento =~ /$tcbxmint/pgmx) { my($pos_inicial, $pos_final) = ($-[0], $+[0]); my $encontrado = ${^MATCH}; while (my($busco, $cambio) = each %cambios) { $encontrado =~ s/\Q$busco\E/$cambio/g; } # close while substr $documento, $pos_inicial, $pos_final-$pos_inicial, $encontrado; pos($documento)= $pos_inicial + length $encontrado; } # close while ### Changue <*TAGS> to <*tags> in file my $ltxtags = join "|", map {quotemeta} sort { length($a)<=>length($b) } keys %reverse_tag; $documento =~ s/^($ltxtags)/$reverse_tag{$1}/gmsx; ### Defined environments Verbatim standart my $verbatim = join "|", map quotemeta, sort { length $a <=> length $b } @verbatim; $verbatim = qr/$verbatim/x; ### Defined environments Verbatim write my $verbatim_w = join "|", map quotemeta, sort { length $a <=> length $b } @verbatim_w; $verbatim_w = qr/$verbatim_w/x; ### Define environments to skip my $skipenv = join "|", map quotemeta, sort { length $a <=> length $b } @skipped; $skipenv = qr/$skipenv/x; ### Define environments to extract my $environ = join "|", map quotemeta, sort { length $a <=> length $b } @extract; $environ = qr/$environ/x; ### Define environments to delete my $delenv = join "|", map quotemeta, sort { length $a <=> length $b } @delt_env_tmp; $delenv = qr/$delenv/x; ### Split file by lines my @lineas = split /\n/, $documento; ### Hash and Regex for changues my %replace = (%change_verb_env,%changes_in,%document); my $find = join "|", map {quotemeta} sort { length($a)<=>length($b) } keys %replace; ### Change in $verbatim and $verbatim_w my $DEL; for (@lineas) { if (/\\begin\{($verbatim\*?)(?{ $DEL = "\Q$^N" })\}/ .. /\\end\{$DEL\}/) { s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g; } if (/\\begin\{($verbatim_w\*?)(?{ $DEL = "\Q$^N" })\}/ .. /\\end\{$DEL\}/) { my %replace = (%change_verbw_env,%changes_in,%document); my $find = join "|", map {quotemeta} sort { length($a)<=>length($b) } keys %replace; s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g; } } # close for ### Join lines in $documento $documento = join("\n", @lineas); ### Split input file my($cabeza,$cuerpo,$final) = $documento =~ m/\A (.+?) (\\begin\{document\} .+?)(\\end\{document\}.*)\z/msx; ### Regex for delete environment my $delt_env = qr / ( (?: \\begin\{$delenv\*?\} (?: (?>[^\\]+)| \\ (?!begin\{$delenv\*?\}) (?!end\{$delenv\*?\})| (?-1) )* \\end\{$delenv\*?\} ) ) /x; ### Regex for verbatim write environment my $verb_wrt = qr / ( (?: \\begin\{$verbatim_w\*?\} (?: (?>[^\\]+)| \\ (?!begin\{$verbatim_w\*?\}) (?!end\{$verbatim_w\*?\})| (?-1) )* \\end\{$verbatim_w\*?\} ) ) /x; ### Pass $verb_wrt to %<*ltximgverw> ... % $cuerpo =~ s/($verb_wrt)/\%<\*ltximgverw>\n$1\n\%<\/ltximgverw>/gmsx; ### Regex for skip environment my $skip_env = qr / ( (?: \\begin\{$skipenv\*?\} (?: (?>[^\\]+)| \\ (?!begin\{$skipenv\*?\}) (?!end\{$skipenv\*?\})| (?-1) )* \\end\{$skipenv\*?\} ) ) /x; ### Pass %<*noltximg> ... % to \begin{nopreview} ... \end{nopreview} $cuerpo =~ s/^\%<\*$skiptag>(.+?)\%<\/$skiptag>/\\begin\{nopreview\}$1\\end\{nopreview\}/gmsx; ### Pass $skip_env to \begin{nopreview} .+? \end{nopreview} $cuerpo =~ s/ \%<\*ltximgverw> .+?\%<\/ltximgverw>(*SKIP)(*F)| \\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)| ($skip_env)/\\begin\{nopreview\}\n$1\n\\end\{nopreview\}\n/gmsx; ### Regex to extract environments my $extr_env = qr / ( (?: \\begin\{$environ\*?\} (?: (?>[^\\]+)| \\ (?!begin\{$environ\*?\}) (?!end\{$environ\*?\})| (?-1) )* \\end\{$environ\*?\} ) ) /x; ### Set bolean options from input file $force = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{force}; $run = 0 if exists $opts_file{options}{norun}; $pdf = 0 if exists $opts_file{options}{nopdf}; $crop = 0 if exists $opts_file{options}{nocrop}; $noprew = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{noprew}; $force = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{force}; $arara = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{arara}; $xetex = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{xetex}; $latex = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{latex}; $dvips = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{dvips}; $dvipdf = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{dvipdf}; $luatex = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{luatex}; $srcenv = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{srcenv}; $subenv = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{subenv}; ### Check plain TeX syntax my %special = map { $_ => 1 } @extract; # anon hash ### Convert \pspicture to LaTeX syntax if(exists($special{pspicture})){ $cuerpo =~ s/ \\pspicture(\*)?(.+?)\\endpspicture/\\begin{pspicture$1}$2\\end{pspicture$1}/gmsx; } ### Convert \psgraph to LaTeX syntax if(exists($special{psgraph})){ $cuerpo =~ s/ \\psgraph(\*)?(.+?)\\endpsgraph/\\begin{psgraph$1}$2\\end{psgraph$1}/gmsx; } ### Convert \tikzpicture to LaTeX syntax if(exists($special{tikzpicture})){ $cuerpo =~ s/ \\tikzpicture(.+?)\\endtikzpicture/\\begin{tikzpicture}$1\\end{tikzpicture}/gmsx; } ### Convert \pgfpicture to LaTeX syntax if(exists($special{pgfpicture})){ $cuerpo =~ s/ \\pgfpicture(.+?)\\endpgfpicture/\\begin{pgfpicture}$1\\end{pgfpicture}/gmsx; } ### Pass %<*ltximg> (.+?) % to \begin{preview} (.+?) \end{preview} $cuerpo =~ s/^\%<\*$extrtag>(.+?)\%<\/$extrtag>/\\begin\{preview\}$1\\end\{preview\}/gmsx; ### $force mode for pstricks/psgraph/tikzpiture if ($force) { # pspicture or psgraph found if(exists($special{pspicture}) or exists($special{psgraph})){ $cuerpo =~ s/\%<\*ltximgverw> .+?\%<\/ltximgverw>(*SKIP)(*F)| \\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)| \\begin\{preview\}.+?\\end\{preview\}(*SKIP)(*F)| \\begin\{postscript\}.+?\\end\{postscript\}(*SKIP)(*F)| (? (?:\\psset\{(?:\{.*?\}|[^\{])*\}.+?)? # if exist ...save \\begin\{(? pspicture\*?| psgraph)\} .+? \\end\{\k\} ) /\\begin\{preview\}\n$+{code}\n\\end\{preview\}/gmsx; } # close pspicture # tikzpicture found if(exists($special{tikzpicture})){ $cuerpo =~ s/\%<\*ltximgverw> .+?\%<\/ltximgverw>(*SKIP)(*F)| \\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)| \\begin\{preview\}.+?\\end\{preview\}(*SKIP)(*F)| \\begin\{postscript\}.+?\\end\{postscript\}(*SKIP)(*F)| (? (?:\\tikzset\{(?:\{.*?\}|[^\{])*\}.+?)? # if exist ...save \\begin\{(? tikzpicture)\} .+? \\end\{\k\} ) /\\begin\{preview\}\n$+{code}\n\\end\{preview\}/gmsx; } # close tikzpicture } # close force mode ### Pass $extr_env to \begin{preview} .+? \end{preview} $cuerpo =~ s/ \%<\*ltximgverw> .+?\%<\/ltximgverw>(*SKIP)(*F)| \\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)| \\begin\{preview\}.+?\\end\{preview\}(*SKIP)(*F)| ($extr_env)/\\begin\{preview\}\n$1\n\\end\{preview\}/gmsx; ### The extract environments need back word to original %replace = (%changes_out,%reverse_tag); $find = join "|", map {quotemeta} sort { length($a)<=>length($b) } keys %replace; ### Split $cabeza by lines @lineas = split /\n/, $cabeza; ### Changues in verbatim write for (@lineas) { if (/\\begin\{($verbatim_w\*?)(?{ $DEL = "\Q$^N" })\}/ .. /\\end\{$DEL\}/) { s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g; } } # close for ### Join lines in $cabeza $cabeza = join("\n", @lineas); ### Change back betwen \begin{preview} ... \end{preview} @lineas = split /\n/, $cuerpo; for (@lineas) { if (/\\begin\{(preview)(?{ $DEL = "\Q$^N" })\}/ .. /\\end\{$DEL\}/) { # range operator s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g; } if (/\\begin\{($verbatim_w\*?)(?{ $DEL = "\Q$^N" })\}/ .. /\\end\{$DEL\}/) { s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g; } } # close for ### Join lines in $cuerpo $cuerpo = join("\n", @lineas); ### If environment extract found, the run script my $BP = '\\\\begin\{preview\}'; my $EP = '\\\\end\{preview\}'; my @env_extract = $cuerpo =~ m/(?<=$BP)(.+?)(?=$EP)/gms; my $envNo = scalar @env_extract; ### PSTexample suport my $BE = '\\\\begin\{PSTexample\}'; my $EE = '\\\\end\{PSTexample\}'; my @exa_extract = $cuerpo =~ m/(?<=$BE)(.+?)(?=$EE)/gms; my $exaNo = scalar @exa_extract; ### Check if PSTexample environment found if($exaNo!= 0){ $PSTexa=1; } ### Check if standart environment found if($envNo!= 0){ $STDenv=1; } ### PSTexample environment suport ### Append graphic= to \begin{PSTexample}[...] if($PSTexa){ my $exaNo = 1; while ($cuerpo =~ /\\begin\{PSTexample\}(\[.+?\])?/gsm) { my $swpl_grap = "graphic=\{\[scale=1\]$imageDir/$name-$prefix-exa"; my $corchetes = $1; my($pos_inicial, $pos_final) = ($-[1], $+[1]); if (not $corchetes) { $pos_inicial = $pos_final = $+[0]; } if (not $corchetes or $corchetes =~ /\[\s*\]/) { $corchetes = "[$swpl_grap-$exaNo}]"; } else { $corchetes =~ s/\]/,$swpl_grap-$exaNo}]/; } substr($cuerpo, $pos_inicial, $pos_final - $pos_inicial) = $corchetes; pos($cuerpo) = $pos_inicial + length $corchetes; } # close while continue { $exaNo++; } ### Pass PSTexample to nopreview envirnment $cuerpo =~ s/\%<\*ltximgverw>\n (? \\begin\{PSTexample\} .+? \\end\{PSTexample\} ) \n\%<\/ltximgverw> /\\begin\{nopreview\}\n$+{code}\n\\end\{nopreview\}/gmsx; } # close PSTexa ### Command line script identification print "$program $nv $copyright" ; ### Check if enviroment found in input file if ($envNo == 0 and $exaNo == 0){ die errorUsage "ltximg can not find any environment to extract in file $name$ext"; } elsif ($envNo!= 0 and $exaNo!= 0){ say "The file $name$ext contain $envNo environment to extract and $exaNo PSTexample environment to extract"; } elsif ($envNo == 0 and $exaNo!= 0){ say "The file $name$ext contain $exaNo PSTexample environment to extract"; } else { say "The file $name$ext contain $envNo environment to extract"; } ### Set output file name from input file if (exists $opts_file{options}{output}){ $output = $opts_file{options}{output}; } ### Validate output file name if (defined $output) { # Not contain - at begin if ($output =~ /(^\-|^\.).*?/){ die errorUsage "$output it is not a valid name for output file"; } # The name of the output file must be different that $name if ($output eq "$name") { # $output = $input $output = "$name-out$ext"; } # The name of the output file must be different that $name.ext if ($output eq "$name$ext") { # $output = $input.tex $output = "$name-out$ext"; } # Remove .ltx or .tex extension if ($output =~ /.*?$ext/){ $output =~ s/(.+?)$ext/$1/gms; } } # close output string check ### If output name are ok, then $outfile = 1 if(defined($output)){ $outfile = 1; } ### If --srcenv or --subenv option are OK then execute script if($srcenv){ $outsrc = 1; $subenv = 0; } if ($subenv){ $outsrc = 1; $srcenv = 0; } ### Set imgdir name from input file if (exists $opts_file{options}{imgdir}){ $imageDir = $opts_file{options}{imgdir}; } ### Set prefix name from input file if (exists $opts_file{options}{prefix}){ $prefix = $opts_file{options}{prefix}; } ### Set pdfcrop margins from input file if (exists $opts_file{options}{margins}){ $margins = $opts_file{options}{margins}; } ### Set DPI resolution for images from input file if (exists $opts_file{options}{dpi}){ $DPI = $opts_file{options}{dpi}; } ### Create /images dir to save image and source code -e $imageDir or mkdir($imageDir,0744) or die "Can't create $imageDir: $!\n"; ### Options for \pagestyle{empty} ($crop) my $opt_page = $crop ? "\n\\pagestyle\{empty\}\n\\begin\{document\}" : "\n\\begin\{document\}" ; ### Preamble options for subfiles my $sub_prea = "$optin$cabeza$opt_page"; ### Delete <*remove> ... in $sub_prea $sub_prea =~s/^\%<\*remove>\s*(.+?)\s*\%<\/remove>(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx; my $opt_prew = $xetex ? 'xetex,' : $latex ? '' : 'pdftex,' ; ### Lines to add at begin input file my $preview = <<"EXTRA"; \\AtBeginDocument\{% \\RequirePackage\[${opt_prew}active,tightpage\]\{preview\}% \\renewcommand\\PreviewBbAdjust\{-60pt -60pt 60pt 60pt\}\}% EXTRA ### Extract source $outsrc if ($outsrc) { my $src_name = "$name-$prefix-"; my $srcNo = 1; ### Source file whitout preamble for standart environment if ($srcenv) { ### Extract standart environment in single files if($STDenv){ say "Creating $envNo files with source code for all environments"; while ($cuerpo =~ m/$BP\s*(?.+?)\s*$EP/gms) { open my $OUTsrc, '>', "$imageDir/$src_name$srcNo$ext"; print $OUTsrc $+{env_src}; close $OUTsrc; } # close while continue { $srcNo++; } } # close STDenv ### Extract PSTexample in single files if($PSTexa){ say "Creating $exaNo files with source code for all PSTexample environments"; while ($cuerpo =~ m/$BE\[.+?(?$imageDir\/.+?-\d+)\}\]\s*(?.+?)\s*$EE/gms) { open my $OUTexa, '>', "$+{'pst_exa_name'}$ext"; print $OUTexa $+{'exa_src'}; close $OUTexa; } } # close PSTexa } # close srcenv ### Subfile whit preamble if ($subenv) { ### Extract standart environments in subfiles if($STDenv){ say "Creating a $envNo files whit source code and preamble for all environments"; while ($cuerpo =~ m/(?<=$BP)(?.+?)(?=$EP)/gms) { # search $cuerpo open my $OUTsub, '>', "$imageDir/$src_name$srcNo$ext"; print $OUTsub <<"EOC"; $sub_prea$+{'env_src'}\\end\{document\} EOC close $OUTsub; } # close while continue { $srcNo++; } } # close STDenv ### Extract PSTexample environments in subfiles if($PSTexa){ say "Creating a $exaNo files whit source code and preamble for all PSTexample environments"; while ($cuerpo =~ m/$BE\[.+?(?$imageDir\/.+?-\d+)\}\]\s*(?.+?)\s*$EE/gms) { open my $OUTsub, '>', "$+{'pst_exa_name'}$ext"; print $OUTsub "$sub_prea\n$+{'exa_src'}\n\\end\{document\}"; close $OUTsub; } # close while } # close $PSTexa } # close subenv } # close $outsrc ### Create a one file whit all PSTexample environments if($PSTexa){ say "Creating the temporary file $name-$prefix-exa-$tmp$ext whit $exaNo PSTexample environments extracted"; @exa_extract = undef; while ( $cuerpo =~ m/$BE\[.+? $imageDir\/.+?-\d+\}\](?.+?)$EE/gmsx ) { # search $cuerpo push @exa_extract, $+{exa_src}."\n\\newpage\n"; open my $OUTfig, '>', "$name-$prefix-exa-$tmp$ext"; print $OUTfig "$optin"."$cabeza"."$opt_page"."@exa_extract\n"."\\end\{document\}"; close $OUTfig; }# close while ### Move and rename tmp-exa-rand file to /image dir if(!$run){ say "Moving the file $name-$prefix-exa-$tmp$ext to /$imageDir/$name-$prefix-exa-all$ext"; move("$workdir/$name-$prefix-exa-$tmp$ext", "$imageDir/$name-$prefix-exa-all$ext"); } }# close $PSTexa ### Creating one file whit all environments extracted (noprew option) if($STDenv){ open my $OUTfig, '>', "$name-$prefix-$tmp$ext"; if ($noprew) { say "Creating the temporary file $name-$prefix-$tmp$ext whit $envNo environments extracted"; my @env_extract; while ( $cuerpo =~ m/(?<=$BP)(?.+?)(?=$EP)/gms ) { # search $cuerpo push @env_extract, $+{env_src}."\n\\newpage\n"; } # close while print $OUTfig "$optin"."$cabeza"."$opt_page"."@env_extract\n"."\\end{document}"; } # close noprew else { say "Creating the temporary file $name-$prefix-$tmp$ext whit $envNo environment extracted using preview package"; print $OUTfig $optin.$preview.$cabeza."\n".$cuerpo."\n\\end{document}"; } close $OUTfig; ### Move tmp-rand file to /image dir if(!$run){ say "Moving the file $name-$prefix-$tmp$ext to /$imageDir/$name-$prefix-all$ext"; move("$workdir/$name-$prefix-$tmp$ext", "$imageDir/$name-$prefix-all$ext"); } } # close $STDenv ### Define --shell-escape for TeXLive and MikTeX my $write18 = '-shell-escape'; # TeXLive $write18 = '-enable-write18' if defined($ENV{"TEXSYSTEM"}) and $ENV{"TEXSYSTEM"} =~ /miktex/i; ### Define --interaction=mode for compilers my $opt_compiler = $verbose ? "$write18 -interaction=nonstopmode -recorder" : "$write18 -interaction=batchmode -recorder" ; ### Define $silence my $silence = $verbose ? '' : ">$null" ; ### Append -q to gs/poppler for system command line my $quiet = $verbose ? '' : '-q' ; ### Compilers my $compiler = $xetex ? "xelatex $opt_compiler" : $luatex ? "lualatex $opt_compiler" : $latex ? "latex $opt_compiler" : $dvips ? "latex $opt_compiler" : $dvipdf ? "latex $opt_compiler" : $arara ? 'arara' : "pdflatex $opt_compiler" ; ### Message in command line for compilers my $msg_compiler = $xetex ? 'xelatex' : $luatex ? 'lualatex' : $latex ? 'latex>dvips>ps2pdf' : $dvips ? 'latex>dvips>ps2pdf' : $dvipdf ? 'latex>dvipdfmx' : $arara ? 'arara' : 'pdflatex' ; ### Options for ghostscript in command line my %opt_gs_dev = ( pdf => "$gscmd $quiet -dNOSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress", gray => "$gscmd $quiet -dNOSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -sColorConversionStrategy=Gray -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceGray", png => "$gscmd $quiet -dNOSAFER -sDEVICE=pngalpha -r$DPI", bmp => "$gscmd $quiet -dNOSAFER -sDEVICE=bmp32b -r$DPI", jpg => "$gscmd $quiet -dNOSAFER -sDEVICE=jpeg -r$DPI -dJPEGQ=100 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4", tif => "$gscmd $quiet -dNOSAFER -sDEVICE=tiff32nc -r$DPI", ); ### Options for poppler-utils in command line my %opt_poppler = ( eps => "pdftops $quiet -eps", ppm => "pdftoppm $quiet -r $DPI", svg => "pdftocairo $quiet -svg", ); ### Option for pdfcrop in command line my $opt_crop = $xetex ? "--xetex --margins $margins" : $luatex ? "--luatex --margins $margins" : $latex ? "--margins $margins" : "--pdftex --margins $margins" ; ### Compiler generate file whit all environment extracted if($run){ opendir(my $DIR, $workdir); while (readdir $DIR) { ### Compiler generate file if (/(?$name-$prefix(-exa)?)(?-$tmp$ext)/) { system("$compiler $+{nombre}$+{type} $silence"); say "Compiling the file $+{nombre}$+{type} using $msg_compiler"; ### Compiling file using latex>dvips>ps2pdf if($dvips or $latex){ system("dvips -q -Ppdf -o $+{nombre}-$tmp.ps $+{nombre}-$tmp.dvi"); system("ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dAutoRotatePages=/None $+{nombre}-$tmp.ps $+{nombre}-$tmp.pdf"); } # close latex ### Compiling file using latex>dvipdfmx if($dvipdf){ system("dvipdfmx -q $+{nombre}-$tmp.dvi"); } # close dvipdfmx ### If option gray if($gray){ say "Moving the file $+{nombre}-$tmp.pdf to $tempDir/$+{nombre}-all.pdf (gray scale)"; system("$opt_gs_dev{gray} -o $tempDir/$+{nombre}-all.pdf $workdir/$+{nombre}-$tmp.pdf"); move("$workdir/$+{nombre}-$tmp.pdf","$tempDir/$+{nombre}-$tmp.pdf"); } else{ say "Moving the file $+{nombre}-$tmp.pdf to $tempDir/$+{nombre}-all.pdf"; move("$workdir/$+{nombre}-$tmp.pdf", "$tempDir/$+{nombre}-all.pdf"); } ### Crop generate file if($crop){ say "The file $+{nombre}-all.pdf need a crop, using pdfcrop $opt_crop"; system("pdfcrop $opt_crop $tempDir/$+{nombre}-all.pdf $tempDir/$+{nombre}-all.pdf $silence"); } ### Move tmp-rand.tex file whit all source code for environments to /images dir move("$workdir/$+{nombre}$+{type}", "$imageDir/$+{nombre}-all$ext"); } # close if m/.../ } # close while closedir $DIR; } # close run ### Append image format options $opts_cmd{pdf} = 'pdf' if $pdf; # ghostscript $opts_cmd{eps} = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{eps}; # pdftops $opts_cmd{ppm} = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{ppm}; # pdftoppm $opts_cmd{svg} = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{svg}; # pdftocairo $opts_cmd{png} = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{png}; # ghostscript $opts_cmd{jpg} = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{jpg}; # ghostscript $opts_cmd{bmp} = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{bmp}; # ghostscript $opts_cmd{tif} = 1 if exists $opts_file{options}{tif}; # ghostscript ### Suported format my %format = (%opts_cmd); my $format = join " ",grep { defined $format{$_} } keys %format; ### Create image formats in separate files if($run){ opendir(my $DIR, $tempDir); while (readdir $DIR) { ### PDF/PNG/JPG/BMP/TIFF format suported by ghostscript if (/(?$name-$prefix(-exa)?)(?-all\.pdf)/) { for my $var (qw(pdf png jpg bmp tif)) { if (defined $opts_cmd{$var}) { my $ghostcmd = "$opt_gs_dev{$var} -o $workdir/$imageDir/$+{nombre}-%1d.$var $tempDir/$+{nombre}$+{type}"; system("$ghostcmd"); print "Create a $var image format: runing command $opt_gs_dev{$var} in $+{nombre}$+{type}\r\n"; } # close defined for ghostscript }# close for } # close if m/.../ ### EPS/PPM/SVG format suported by poppler-utils if (/(?$name-$prefix)(?-all\.pdf)/) { for my $var (qw(eps ppm svg)) { if (defined $opts_cmd{$var}) { for (my $epsNo = 1; $epsNo <= $envNo; $epsNo++) { my $poppler = "$opt_poppler{$var} -f $epsNo -l $epsNo $tempDir/$+{nombre}$+{type} $workdir/$imageDir/$+{nombre}-$epsNo.$var"; system("$poppler"); } # close for C style print "Create a $var image format: runing command $opt_poppler{$var} in $+{nombre}$+{type}\r\n"; } # close defined } # close for my $var } # close if m/.../ ### EPS/PPM/SVG for pst-exa package if (/(?$name-$prefix-exa)(?-all\.pdf)/) { for my $var (qw(eps ppm svg)) { if (defined $opts_cmd{$var}) { for (my $epsNo = 1; $epsNo <= $exaNo; $epsNo++) { my $poppler = "$opt_poppler{$var} -f $epsNo -l $epsNo $tempDir/$+{nombre}$+{type} $workdir/$imageDir/$+{nombre}-$epsNo.$var"; system("$poppler"); } # close for C style print "Create a $var image format: runing command $opt_poppler{$var} in $+{nombre}$+{type}\r\n"; } # close defined } # close for my $var } # close if m/.../ } # close while closedir $DIR; #close dir ### Renaming PPM image files if(defined $opts_cmd{ppm}){ opendir(my $DIR, $imageDir); while (readdir $DIR) { if (/(?$name-fig(-exa)?-\d+\.ppm)(?-\d+)(?\.ppm)/) { move("$imageDir/$+{nombre}$+{sep}$+{ppm}", "$imageDir/$+{nombre}"); } # close if m/.../ } # close while closedir $DIR; } # close renaming PPM } # close run ### Create a output file if ($outfile) { say "Creating the file $output$ext, changue extracted environments to \\includegraphics"; ### Convert extracted environments to \includegraphics my $grap="\\includegraphics[scale=1]{$name-$prefix-"; my $close = '}'; my $imgNo = 1; $cuerpo =~ s/$BP.+?$EP/$grap@{[$imgNo++]}$close/msg; # changes ### Constant my $USEPACK = quotemeta('\usepackage'); my $GRAPHICPATH = quotemeta('\graphicspath{'); ### Precompiled regex my $CORCHETES = qr/\[ [^]]*? \]/x; my $PALABRAS = qr/\b (?: graphicx )/x; my $FAMILIA = qr/\{ \s* $PALABRAS (?: \s* [,] \s* $PALABRAS )* \s* \}(\%*)?/x; ### Regex to capture \graphicspath my $graphix = qr/(\\ usepackage \s*\[\s* .+? \s*\] \s*\{\s* graphicx \s*\} )/ix; ### Capture graphix package for future use my (@graphix) = $cabeza =~ m/$graphix/x; ### Remove graphix package $cabeza =~ s/ \%<\*ltximgverw> .+?\%<\/ltximgverw>(*SKIP)(*F)| ^ $USEPACK (?: $CORCHETES )? $FAMILIA \s*//msxg; ### Comment \graphicspath for order and future use $cabeza =~ s/ \%<\*ltximgverw> .+?\%<\/ltximgverw>(*SKIP)(*F)| ^ ($GRAPHICPATH) /%$1/msxg; ### Regex to capture [options] for pst-exa package my $pstexa = qr/(?:\\ usepackage) \[\s*(.+?)\s*\] (?:\{\s*(pst-exa)\s*\} ) /x; ### Capture [option] for pst-exa package my (@pst_exa) = $cabeza =~ m/$pstexa/xg; ### Search [option] in pst-exa package my %pst_exa = map { $_ => 1 } @pst_exa; ### Clean file (pst/tags) if($clean{pst}){ $PALABRAS = qr/\b (?: pst-\w+ | pstricks (?: -add )? | psfrag |psgo |vaucanson-g| auto-pst-pdf )/x; $FAMILIA = qr/\{ \s* $PALABRAS (?: \s* [,] \s* $PALABRAS )* \s* \}(\%*)?/x; ### Remove package lines $cabeza =~ s/ \%<\*ltximgverw> .+?\%<\/ltximgverw>(*SKIP)(*F)| ^ $USEPACK (?: $CORCHETES )? $FAMILIA \s*//msxg; ### Delete package words $cabeza =~ s/ \%<\*ltximgverw> .+?\%<\/ltximgverw>(*SKIP)(*F)| (?: ^ $USEPACK \{ | \G) [^}]*? \K (,?) \s* $PALABRAS (\s*) (,?) /$1 and $3 ? ',' : $1 ? $2 : ''/gemsx; ### Delete \psset $cabeza =~ s/ \%<\*ltximgverw> .+?\%<\/ltximgverw>(*SKIP)(*F)| \\psset\{(?:\{.*?\}|[^\{])*\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+//gmsx; ### Delete \SpecialCoor $cabeza =~ s/ \%<\*ltximgverw> .+?\%<\/ltximgverw>(*SKIP)(*F)| \\SpecialCoor(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+//gmsx; } # close clean{pst} ### Delete empty package line \usepackage{} $cabeza =~ s/^\\usepackage\{\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+//gmsx; ### Append graphix to end of preamble if(!@graphix == 0){ $cabeza .= <<"EXTRA"; @graphix EXTRA }else{ $cabeza .= <<"EXTRA"; \\usepackage{graphicx} EXTRA } ### Regex to capture \graphicspath my $graphicspath= qr/\\ graphicspath \{ ((?: $llaves )+) \}/ix; ### If preamble contain \graphicspath if($cabeza =~ m/($graphicspath)/m){ while ($cabeza =~ /$graphicspath /pgmx) { my($pos_inicial, $pos_final) = ($-[0], $+[0]); my $encontrado = ${^MATCH}; if ($encontrado =~ /$graphicspath/) { my $argumento = $1; if ($argumento !~ /\{$imageDir\\\}/) { $argumento .= "\{$imageDir/\}"; my $cambio = "\\graphicspath{$argumento}"; substr $cabeza, $pos_inicial, $pos_final-$pos_inicial, $cambio; pos($cabeza) = $pos_inicial + length $cambio; } } } #close while ### Regex to capture my ($GraphicsPath) = $cabeza =~ m/($graphicspath)/msx; ### Append graphicspath to end of preamble $cabeza .= <<"EXTRA"; $GraphicsPath \\usepackage{grfext} \\PrependGraphicsExtensions*{.pdf} EXTRA } # close if ($cabeza) else{ ### If preamble not contain graphicspath, append to premble my $GraphicsPath = "\\graphicspath\{\{$imageDir/\}\}"; ### Append graphicspath to end of preamble $cabeza .= <<"EXTRA"; $GraphicsPath \\usepackage{grfext} \\PrependGraphicsExtensions*{.pdf} EXTRA } # close graphicspath ### Suport for \usepackage[swpl]{pst-exa} if(exists($pst_exa{swpl})){ $cabeza .= <<'EXTRA'; \usepackage[swpl,pdf]{pst-exa} EXTRA } ### Suport for \usepackage[tcb]{pst-exa} if(exists($pst_exa{tcb})){ $cabeza .= <<'EXTRA'; \usepackage[tcb,pdf]{pst-exa} EXTRA ### Regex $cuerpo =~ s/(graphic=\{)\[(scale=\d*)\]($imageDir\/$name-$prefix-exa-\d*)\}/$1$2\}\{$3\}/gsmx; } # close if ### Options for out_file (add $end to outfile) my $out_file = $clean{doc} ? "$optin$cabeza$cuerpo\n\\end\{document\}" : "$optin$cabeza$cuerpo\n$final" ; ### Clean \psset content in output file if($clean{pst}){ $out_file =~s/\\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)| \%<\*ltximgverw> .+? \%<\/ltximgverw>(*SKIP)(*F)| \\psset\{(?:\{.*?\}|[^\{])*\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx; } # close clean ### Clean \tikzset content in output file if($clean{tkz}){ $out_file =~s/\\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)| \%<\*ltximgverw> .+? \%<\/ltximgverw>(*SKIP)(*F)| \\tikzset\{(?:\{.*?\}|[^\{])*\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx; } # close clean ### Back changues in all words in outfile $out_file =~s/\\begin\{nopreview\}\s*(.+?)\s*\\end\{nopreview\}/$1/gmsx; $out_file =~s/\%<\*ltximgverw>\s*(.+?)\s*\%<\/ltximgverw>/$1/gmsx; $out_file =~s/\%<\*noltximg>\n(.+?)\n\%<\/noltximg>/$1/gmsx; $out_file =~s/^\%<\*remove>\s*(.+?)\s*\%<\/remove>(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+//gmsx; $out_file =~ s/($delt_env)(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx; $out_file =~s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g; ### Write output file open my $OUTfile, '>', "$output$ext"; print $OUTfile "$out_file"; close $OUTfile; ### Process the output file if($run){ ### Set correct $compiler, if input use latex then output use pdflatex $compiler = "pdflatex $opt_compiler" if $latex; $msg_compiler = "pdflatex" if $latex; ### Compiling output file using pdflatex or arara say "Compiling file $output$ext using $msg_compiler"; system("$compiler $output$ext $silence"); ### Compiling output file using latex>dvips>ps2pdf if($dvips){ system("dvips -q -Ppdf $output.dvi"); system("ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dAutoRotatePages=/None $output.ps $output.pdf"); } # close dvips ### Compiling output file using latex>dvipdfmx if($dvipdf){ system("dvipdfmx -q $output.dvi"); } # close dvipdf } # close run } # close outfile file ### Deleting temporary files if($run){ say "Deleting (most) temporary files created during the process"; my @protected = qw(); push (@protected,"$output$ext","$output.pdf") if defined $output; my $flsline = "OUTPUT"; my @flsfile; if ($PSTexa) { push @flsfile,"$name-$prefix-exa-$tmp.fls"; } if ($STDenv) { push @flsfile,"$name-$prefix-$tmp.fls"; } push(@flsfile,"$output.fls") if defined $output; my @tmpfiles; for my $filename(@flsfile){ open my $RECtmp, '<', "$filename"; push @tmpfiles, grep /^$flsline/,<$RECtmp>; close $RECtmp; } foreach (@tmpfiles) { s/^$flsline\s+|\s+$//g; } if($latex or $dvips){ push @tmpfiles,"$name-$prefix-$tmp.ps"; } if(-e "$name-$prefix-$tmp.ps"){ push @tmpfiles,"$name-$prefix-$tmp.ps"; } if ($PSTexa) { push @tmpfiles,"$name-$prefix-exa-$tmp.ps"; } if(-e "$output.ps"){ push @tmpfiles,"$output.ps"; } push @tmpfiles,@flsfile,"$name-$prefix-$tmp$ext","$name-$prefix-$tmp.pdf"; my @delfiles = array_minus(@tmpfiles, @protected); foreach my $tmpfile (@delfiles){ move("$tmpfile", "$tempDir"); } } # close clean tmp files ### End of script process if($run){ say "Finish, image formats: $format are in $workdir/$imageDir/"; } else{ say "Done"; } # end run __END__