#!/usr/bin/env perl # ?? Still need to fix bcf error issue. # Don't keep looping after error # pvc: Only re-run on USER FILE CHANGE. # See # ??????? BCF #!!!!!!!!??? Check @pwd_log # !!!!!!!!!! Don't forget to document $silence_logfile_warnings.!!! # N.B. !!!!!!!!!!! See 17 July 2012 comments !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # On a UNIX-like system, the above enables latexmk to run independently # of the location of the perl executable. This line relies on the # existence of the program /usr/bin/env # If there is a problem for any reason, you can replace the first line of # this file by: #!/usr/bin/perl -w # with the path of the perl executable adjusted for your system. use warnings; # Delete #??!! when working # See ?? <=============================== ## ?? Issues with clean-up ## List of aux files deleted is those read, not those generated. ## Other files are generated by (pdf)latex; should they be deleted? ## (I have hooks for this). #======================================= #?? Force mode doesn't appear to do force (if error in latex file) #??? Get banner back in. #?? CORRECT DIAGNOSTICS ON CHANGED FILES IF THEY DIDN'T EXIST BEFORE #?? Further corrections to deal with disappeared source files for custom dependencies. # Message repeatedly appears about remake when source file of cusdep doesn't exist. #?? logfile w/o fdb file: don't set changed file, perhaps for generated exts. # Reconsider #?? Do proper run-stuff for bibtex, makeindex, cus-deps. OK I think # Parse and correctly find ist files # ATTEMPT TO ALLOW FILENAMES WITH SPACES: # (as of 1 Apr 2006, and then 14 Sep. 2007) # Problems: # A. Quoting filenames will not always work. # a. Under UNIX, quotes are legal in filenames, so when PERL # directly runs a binary, a quoted filename will be treated as # as a filename containing a quote character. But when it calls # a shell, the quotes are handled by the shell as quotes. # b. Under MSWin32, quotes are illegal filename characters, and tend # to be handled correctly. # c. But under cygwin, results are not so clear (there are many # combinations: native v. cygwin perl, native v cygwin programs # NT v. unix scripts, which shell is called. # B. TeX doesn't always handle filenames with spaces gracefully. # a. UNIX/LINUX: The version on gluon2 Mar 31, 2006 to Sep. 2007) # doesn't handle them at all. (TeX treats space as separator.) # b. At least some later versions actually do (Brad Miller e-mail, # Sep. 2007). # c. fptex [[e-TeXk, Version 3.141592-2.1 (Web2c 7.5.2)] does, on # my MSWin at home. In \input the filename must be in quotes. # d. Bibtex [BibTeX (Web2c 7.5.2) 0.99c on my MSWin system at home, # Sep. 2007] does not allow names of bibfiles to have spaces. # C. =====> Using the shell for command lines is not safe, since special # characters can cause lots of mayhem. # It will therefore be a good idea to sanitize filenames. # # I've sanitized all calls out: # a. system and exec use a single argument, which forces # use of shell, under all circumstances # Thus I can safely use quotes on filenames: They will be handled by # the shell under UNIX, and simply passed on to the program under MSWin32. # b. I reorganized Run, Run_Detached to use single command line # c. All calls to Run and Run_Detached have quoted filenames. # d. So if a space-free filename with wildcards is given on latexmk's # command line, and it globs to space-containing filename(s), that # works (fptex on home computer, native NT tex) # e. ====> But globbing fails: the glob function takes space as filename # separator. ==================== #================= TO DO ================ # # 1. See ?? ESPECIALLY $MSWin_fudge_break # 2. Check fudged conditions in looping and make_files # 3. Should not completely abort after a run that ends in failure from latex # Missing input files (including via custom dependency) should be checked for # a change in status # If sources for missing files from custom dependency # are available, then do a rerun # If sources of any kind become available rerun (esp. for pvc) # rerun # Must parse log_file after unsuccessful run of latex: it may give # information about missing files. # 4. Check file of bug reports and requests # 5. Rationalize bibtex warnings and errors. Two almost identical routines. # Should 1. Use single routine # 2. Convert errors to failure only in calling routine # 3. Save first warning/error. # ?? Use of generated_exts arrays and hashes needs rationalization # To do: # Rationalize again handling of include files. # Now I use kpsewhich to do searches, if file not found # (How do I avoid getting slowed down too much?) # Document the assumptions at each stage of processing algorithm. # Option to restart previewer automatically, if it dies under -pvc # Test for already running previewer gets wrong answer if another # process has the viewed file in its command line $my_name = 'latexmk'; $My_name = 'Latexmk'; $version_num = '4.55'; $version_details = "$My_name, John Collins, 17 Jan. 2018"; use Config; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; # If possible, use better glob, which does not use space as item separator. # It's either File::Glob::bsd_glob or File::Glob::glob # The first does not exist in old versions of Perl, while the second # is deprecated in more recent versions and will be removed $have_bsd_glob = 0; sub my_glob { if ($have_bsd_glob) { return bsd_glob( $_[0] ); } else { return glob( $_[0] ); } } use File::Glob; if ( eval{ File::Glob->import('bsd_glob'); 1; } ) { # Success in importing bsd_glob $have_bsd_glob = 1; } elsif ( eval{ File::Glob->import('glob'); 1; } ) { warn "$My_name: I could not import File::Glob:bsd_glob, probably because your\n", " Perl is too old. I have arranged to use the deprecated File::Glob:glob\n", " instead.\n", " WARNING: It may malfunction on clean up operation on filenames containing\n", " spaces.\n"; $have_bsd_glob = 0; } else { die "Could not import 'File::Glob:bsd_glob' or 'File::Glob:glob'\n"; } use File::Path 2.08 qw( make_path ); use FileHandle; use File::Find; use List::Util qw( max ); use Cwd; # To be able to change cwd use Cwd "chdir"; # Ensure $ENV{PWD} tracks cwd use Digest::MD5; #use strict; # The following variables are assigned once and then used in symbolic # references, so we need to avoid warnings 'name used only once': use vars qw( $dvi_update_command $ps_update_command $pdf_update_command ); # Translation of signal names to numbers and vv: %signo = (); @signame = (); if ( defined $Config{sig_name} ) { $i = 0; foreach $name (split('\s+', $Config{sig_name})) { $signo{$name} = $i; $signame[$i] = $name; $i++; } } else { warn "Something wrong with the perl configuration: No signals?\n"; } ## Copyright John Collins 1998-2018 ## (username jcc8 at node psu.edu) ## (and thanks to David Coppit (username david at node coppit.org) ## for suggestions) ## Copyright Evan McLean ## (modifications up to version 2) ## Copyright 1992 by David J. Musliner and The University of Michigan. ## (original version) ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 ## ## ## ## NEW FEATURES, since v. 2.0: ## 1. Correct algorithm for deciding how many times to run latex: ## based on whether source file(s) change between runs ## 2. Continuous preview works, and can be of ps file or dvi file ## 3. pdf creation by pdflatex possible ## 4. Defaults for commands are OS dependent. ## 5. Parsing of log file instead of source file is used to ## obtain dependencies, by default. ## ## Modification log from 9 Dec 2011 onwards in detail ## ## 12 Jan 2012 STILL NEED TO DOCUMENT some items below ## ## 17 Jan 2018 John Collins Version number to 4.55. Ready for release. ## 15, 16 Jan 2018 John Collins Correct bug in measuring filetime offset. ## 14 Jan 2018 John Collins Correct issue with possible filetime offset ## on remote file system. ## Define defaults for configuration variables ## that didn't have defaults. ## 12 Jan 2018 John Collins Implement pvc timeout ## 10 Jan 2018 John Collins Ensure $search_path_separator is defined. ## Set it to MS-Win value for msys. ## 12 Dec 2017 John Collins Further correct bsd_glob fudge (to be in subroutine my_glob) ## 8 Dec 2017 John Collins Correct bsd_glob fudge ## 2 Dec 2017 John Collins Fudge on bsd_glob if it doesn't exist ## 20 Nov 2017 John Collins Ver. 4.54 ## ## 1998-2017, John Collins. Many improvements and fixes. ## See CHANGE-log.txt for full list, and CHANGES for summary ## ## Modified by Evan McLean (no longer available for support) ## Original script (RCS version 2.3) called "go" written by David J. Musliner ## ##----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Explicit exit codes: ## 10 = bad command line arguments ## 11 = file specified on command line not found ## or other file not found ## 12 = failure in some part of making files ## 13 = error in initialization file ## 20 = probable bug ## or retcode from called program. # Line length in log file that indicates wrapping. # This number EXCLUDES line-end characters, and is one-based. # It is the parameter max_print_line in the TeX program. (tex.web) $log_wrap = 79; ######################################################################### ## Default parsing and file-handling settings ## Array of reg-exps for patterns in log-file for file-not-found ## Each item is the string in a regexp, without the enclosing slashes. ## First parenthesized part is the filename. ## Note the need to quote slashes and single right quotes to make them ## appear in the regexp. ## Add items by push, e.g., ## push @file_not_found, '^No data file found `([^\\\']*)\\\''; ## will give match to line starting "No data file found `filename'" @file_not_found = ( '^No file\\s*(.*)\\.$', '^\\! LaTeX Error: File `([^\\\']*)\\\' not found\\.', '.*?:\\d*: LaTeX Error: File `([^\\\']*)\\\' not found\\.', '^LaTeX Warning: File `([^\\\']*)\\\' not found', '^Package .* [fF]ile `([^\\\']*)\\\' not found', '^Package .* No file `([^\\\']*)\\\'', 'Error: pdflatex \(file ([^\)]*)\): cannot find image file', ': File (.*) not found:\s*$', '! Unable to load picture or PDF file \\\'([^\\\']+)\\\'.', ); ## Hash mapping file extension (w/o period, e.g., 'eps') to a single regexp, # whose matching by a line in a file with that extension indicates that the # line is to be ignored in the calculation of the hash number (md5 checksum) # for the file. Typically used for ignoring datestamps in testing whether # a file has changed. # Add items e.g., by # $hash_calc_ignore_pattern{'eps'} = '^%%CreationDate: '; # This makes the hash calculation for an eps file ignore lines starting with # '%%CreationDate: ' # ?? Note that a file will be considered changed if # (a) its size changes # or (b) its hash changes # So it is useful to ignore lines in the hash calculation only if they # are of a fixed size (as with a date/time stamp). %hash_calc_ignore_pattern =(); # Specification of templates for extra rules. # See subroutine rdb_make_rule_list for examples of rule templates. # See subroutine rdb_set_rules for how they get used to construct rules. # (Documentation obviously needs to be improved!) %extra_rule_spec = (); # Hooks for customized extra processing on aux files. The following # variable is an array of references to function. Each function is # invoked in turn when a line of an aux file is processed (if none # of the built-in actions have been done). On entry to the function, # the following variables are set: # $_ = current line of aux file # $rule = name of rule during the invocation of which, the aux file # was supposed to have been generated. @aux_hooks = (); ######################################################################### ## Default document processing programs, and related settings, ## These are mostly the same on all systems. ## Most of these variables represents the external command needed to ## perform a certain action. Some represent switches. ## Commands to invoke latex, pdflatex, etc $latex = 'latex %O %S'; $pdflatex = 'pdflatex %O %S'; $lualatex = 'lualatex %O %S'; # xelatex is used to give xdv file, not pdf file $xelatex = 'xelatex -no-pdf %O %S'; ## Default switches: $latex_default_switches = ''; $pdflatex_default_switches = ''; $lualatex_default_switches = ''; $xelatex_default_switches = ''; ## Switch(es) to make them silent: $latex_silent_switch = '-interaction=batchmode'; $pdflatex_silent_switch = '-interaction=batchmode'; $lualatex_silent_switch = '-interaction=batchmode'; $xelatex_silent_switch = '-interaction=batchmode'; # %input_extensions maps primary_rule_name to pointer to hash of file extensions # used for extensionless files specified in the source file by constructs # like \input{file} \includegraphics{file} # Could write #%input_extensions = ( 'latex' => { 'tex' => 1, 'eps' => 1 };, # 'pdflatex' => { 'tex' => 1, 'pdf' => 1, 'jpg' => 1, 'png' => 1 }; ); # Instead we'll exercise the user-friendly access routines: add_input_ext( 'latex', 'tex', 'eps' ); add_input_ext( 'pdflatex', 'tex', 'jpg', 'pdf', 'png' ); add_input_ext( 'lualatex', 'tex', 'jpg', 'pdf', 'png' ); add_input_ext( 'xelatex', 'tex', 'jpg', 'pdf', 'png' ); #show_input_ext( 'latex' ); show_input_ext( 'pdflatex' ); # Information about options to latex and pdflatex that latexmk will simply # pass through to (pdf)latex # Option without arg. maps to itself. # Option with arg. maps the option part to the full specification # e.g., -kpathsea-debug => -kpathsea-debug=NUMBER %allowed_latex_options = (); %allowed_latex_options_with_arg = (); foreach ( ##### # TeXLive options "-draftmode switch on draft mode (generates no output PDF)", "-enc enable encTeX extensions such as \\mubyte", "-etex enable e-TeX extensions", "-file-line-error enable file:line:error style messages", "-no-file-line-error disable file:line:error style messages", "-fmt=FMTNAME use FMTNAME instead of program name or a %& line", "-halt-on-error stop processing at the first error", "-interaction=STRING set interaction mode (STRING=batchmode/nonstopmode/\n". " scrollmode/errorstopmode)", "-ipc send DVI output to a socket as well as the usual\n". " output file", "-ipc-start as -ipc, and also start the server at the other end", "-kpathsea-debug=NUMBER set path searching debugging flags according to\n". " the bits of NUMBER", "-mktex=FMT enable mktexFMT generation (FMT=tex/tfm/pk)", "-no-mktex=FMT disable mktexFMT generation (FMT=tex/tfm/pk)", "-mltex enable MLTeX extensions such as \charsubdef", "-output-comment=STRING use STRING for DVI file comment instead of date\n". " (no effect for PDF)", "-output-format=FORMAT use FORMAT for job output; FORMAT is `dvi\" or `pdf\"", "-parse-first-line enable parsing of first line of input file", "-no-parse-first-line disable parsing of first line of input file", "-progname=STRING set program (and fmt) name to STRING", "-shell-escape enable \\write18{SHELL COMMAND}", "-no-shell-escape disable \\write18{SHELL COMMAND}", "-shell-restricted enable restricted \\write18", "-src-specials insert source specials into the DVI file", "-src-specials=WHERE insert source specials in certain places of\n". " the DVI file. WHERE is a comma-separated value\n". " list: cr display hbox math par parend vbox", "-synctex=NUMBER generate SyncTeX data for previewers if nonzero", "-translate-file=TCXNAME use the TCX file TCXNAME", "-8bit make all characters printable by default", ##### # MikTeX options not in TeXLive "-alias=app pretend to be app", "-buf-size=n maximum number of characters simultaneously present\n". " in current lines", "-c-style-errors C-style error messages", "-disable-installer disable automatic installation of missing packages", "-disable-pipes disable input (output) from (to) child processes", "-disable-write18 disable the \\write18{command} construct", "-dont-parse-first-line disable checking whether the first line of the main\n". " input file starts with %&", "-enable-enctex enable encTeX extensions such as \\mubyte", "-enable-installer enable automatic installation of missing packages", "-enable-mltex enable MLTeX extensions such as \charsubdef", "-enable-pipes enable input (output) from (to) child processes", "-enable-write18 fully enable the \\write18{command} construct", "-error-line=n set the width of context lines on terminal error\n". " messages", "-extra-mem-bot=n set the extra size (in memory words) for large data\n". " structures", "-extra-mem-top=n set the extra size (in memory words) for chars,\n". " tokens, et al", "-font-max=n set the maximum internal font number", "-font-mem-size=n set the size, in TeX memory words, of the font memory", "-half-error-line=n set the width of first lines of contexts in terminal\n". " error messages", "-hash-extra=n set the extra space for the hash table of control\n". " sequences", "-job-time=file set the time-stamp of all output files equal to\n". " file's time-stamp", "-main-memory=n change the total size (in memory words) of the main\n". " memory array", "-max-in-open=n set the maximum number of input files and error\n". " insertions that can be going on simultaneously", "-max-print-line=n set the width of longest text lines output", "-max-strings=n set the maximum number of strings", "-nest-size=n set the maximum number of semantic levels\n". " simultaneously active", "-no-c-style-errors standard error messages", "-param-size=n set the the maximum number of simultaneous macro\n". " parameters", "-pool-size=n set the maximum number of characters in strings", "-record-package-usages=file record all package usages and write them into\n". " file", "-restrict-write18 partially enable the \\write18{command} construct", "-save-size=n set the the amount of space for saving values\n". " outside of current group", "-stack-size=n set the maximum number of simultaneous input sources", "-string-vacancies=n set the minimum number of characters that should be\n". " available for the user's control sequences and font\n". " names", "-tcx=name process the TCX table name", "-time-statistics show processing time statistics", "-trace enable trace messages", "-trace=tracestreams enable trace messages. The tracestreams argument is\n". " a comma-separated list of trace stream names", "-trie-size=n set the amount of space for hyphenation patterns", "-undump=name use name as the name of the format to be used,\n". " instead of the name by which the program was\n". " called or a %& line.", ##### # Options passed to (pdf)latex that have special processing by latexmk, # so they are commented out here. #-jobname=STRING set the job name to STRING #-aux-directory=dir Set the directory dir to which auxiliary files are written #-output-directory=DIR use existing DIR as the directory to write files in #-quiet #-recorder enable filename recorder # # Options with different processing by latexmk than (pdf)latex #-help #-version # # Options NOT used by latexmk #-includedirectory=dir prefix dir to the search path #-initialize become the INI variant of the compiler #-ini be pdfinitex, for dumping formats; this is implicitly # true if the program name is `pdfinitex' ) { if ( /^([^\s=]+)=/ ) { $allowed_latex_options_with_arg{$1} = $_; } elsif ( /^([^\s=]+)\s/ ) { $allowed_latex_options{$1} = $_; } else { $allowed_latex_options{$_} = $_; } } # Arrays of options that will be added to latex and pdflatex. # These need to be stored until after the command line parsing is finished, # in case the values of $latex and/or $pdflatex change after an option # is added. @extra_latex_options = (); @extra_pdflatex_options = (); @extra_lualatex_options = (); @extra_xelatex_options = (); ## Command to invoke biber & bibtex $biber = 'biber %O %B'; $bibtex = 'bibtex %O %B'; # Switch(es) to make biber & bibtex silent: $biber_silent_switch = '--onlylog'; $bibtex_silent_switch = '-terse'; $bibtex_use = 1; # Whether to actually run bibtex to update bbl files. # This variable is also used in deciding whether to # delete bbl files in clean up operations. # 0: Never run bibtex. # Do NOT delete bbl files on clean up. # 1: Run bibtex only if the bibfiles exists # according to kpsewhich, and the bbl files # appear to be out-of-date. # Do NOT delete bbl files on clean up. # 1.5: Run bibtex only if the bibfiles exists # according to kpsewhich, and the bbl files # appear to be out-of-date. # Only delete bbl files on clean up if bibfiles exist. # 2: Run bibtex when the bbl files are out-of-date # Delete bbl files on clean up. # # In any event bibtex is only run if the log file # indicates that the document uses bbl files. ## Command to invoke makeindex $makeindex = 'makeindex %O -o %D %S'; # Switch(es) to make makeinex silent: $makeindex_silent_switch = '-q'; ## Command to convert dvi file to pdf file directly: $dvipdf = 'dvipdf %O %S %D'; # N.B. Standard dvipdf runs dvips and gs with their silent switch, so for # standard dvipdf $dvipdf_silent_switch is unneeded, but innocuous. # But dvipdfmx can be used instead, and it has a silent switch (-q). # So implementing $dvipdf_silent_switch is useful. $dvipdf_silent_switch = '-q'; ## Command to convert dvi file to ps file: $dvips = 'dvips %O -o %D %S'; ## Command to convert dvi file to ps file in landscape format: $dvips_landscape = 'dvips -tlandscape %O -o %D %S'; # Switch(es) to get dvips to make ps file suitable for conversion to good pdf: # (If this is not used, ps file and hence pdf file contains bitmap fonts # (type 3), which look horrible under acroread. An appropriate switch # ensures type 1 fonts are generated. You can put this switch in the # dvips command if you prefer.) $dvips_pdf_switch = '-P pdf'; # Switch(es) to make dvips silent: $dvips_silent_switch = '-q'; ## Command to convert ps file to pdf file: $ps2pdf = 'ps2pdf %O %S %D'; ## Command to convert xdv file to pdf file $xdvipdfmx = 'xdvipdfmx -o %D %O %S'; $xdvipdfmx_silent_switch = '-q'; ## Command to search for tex-related files $kpsewhich = 'kpsewhich %S'; ## Command to run make: $make = 'make'; ##Printing: $print_type = 'auto'; # When printing, print the postscript file. # Possible values: 'dvi', 'ps', 'pdf', 'auto', 'none' # 'auto' ==> set print type according to the printable # file(s) being made: priority 'ps', 'pdf', 'dvi' ## Which treatment of default extensions and filenames with ## multiple extensions is used, for given filename on ## tex/latex's command line? See sub find_basename for the ## possibilities. ## Current tex's treat extensions like UNIX teTeX: $extension_treatment = 'unix'; # Viewers. These are system dependent, so default to none: $pdf_previewer = $ps_previewer = $ps_previewer_landscape = $dvi_previewer = $dvi_previewer_landscape = "NONE"; $dvi_update_signal = undef; $ps_update_signal = undef; $pdf_update_signal = undef; $dvi_update_command = undef; $ps_update_command = undef; $pdf_update_command = undef; $allow_subdir_creation = 1; $new_viewer_always = 0; # If 1, always open a new viewer in pvc mode. # If 0, only open a new viewer if no previous # viewer for the same file is detected. # Commands for printing are highly system dependent, so default to NONE: $lpr = 'NONE $lpr variable is not configured to allow printing of ps files'; $lpr_dvi = 'NONE $lpr_dvi variable is not configured to allow printing of dvi files'; $lpr_pdf = 'NONE $lpr_pdf variable is not configured to allow printing of pdf files'; # The $pscmd below holds a **system-dependent** command to list running # processes. It is used to find the process ID of the viewer looking at # the current output file. The output of the command must include the # process number and the command line of the processes, since the # relevant process is identified by the name of file to be viewed. # Its use is not essential. $pscmd = 'NONE $pscmd variable is not configured to detect running processes'; $pid_position = -1; # offset of PID in output of pscmd. # Negative means I cannot use ps $quote_filenames = 1; # Quote filenames in external commands $del_dir = ''; # Directory into which cleaned up files are to be put. # If $del_dir is '', just delete the files @rc_system_files = (); ######################################################################### ################################################################ ## Special variables for system-dependent fudges, etc. $log_file_binary = 0; # Whether to treat log file as binary # Normally not, since the log file SHOULD be pure text. # But Miktex 2.7 sometimes puts binary characters # in it. (Typically in construct \OML ... after # overfull box with mathmode.) # Sometimes there is ctrl/Z, which is not only non-text, # but is end-of-file marker for MS-Win in text mode. $MSWin_fudge_break = 1; # Give special treatment to ctrl/C and ctrl/break # in -pvc mode under MSWin # Under MSWin32 (at least with perl 5.8 and WinXP) # when latexmk is running another program, and the # user gives ctrl/C or ctrl/break, to stop the # daughter program, not only does it reach # the daughter, but also latexmk/perl, so # latexmk is stopped also. In -pvc mode, # this is not normally desired. So when the # $MSWin_fudge_break variable is set, # latexmk arranges to ignore ctrl/C and # ctrl/break during processing of files; # only the daughter programs receive them. # This fudge is not applied in other # situations, since then having latexmk also # stopping because of the ctrl/C or # ctrl/break signal is desirable. # The fudge is not needed under UNIX (at least # with Perl 5.005 on Solaris 8). Only the # daughter programs receive the signal. In # fact the inverse would be useful: In # normal processing, as opposed to -pvc, if # force mode (-f) is set, a ctrl/C is # received by a daughter program does not # also stop latexmk. Under tcsh, we get # back to a command prompt, while latexmk # keeps running in the background! ## Substitute backslashes in file and directory names for ## MSWin command line $MSWin_back_slash = 1; ## Separator of elements in search_path. Default is unix value $search_path_separator = ':'; # Directory for temporary files. Default to current directory. $tmpdir = "."; # When the aux_dir is on a network share (or the like), its system # time may differ from the system time on which latexmk is running. # This complicates the tests of whether particular files have been # made in a current run of a program or are left over from a previous # run. One test, which is needed under some situations, is that a # file was made on a previous run when the files modification time is # less than the system time when the program is started. (See # subroutine test_gen_file; this is only needed in a couple of # situations.) The comparison between file and system times must be # corrected if there is an offset between system times on the computer # running latexmk and the computer hosting the file system containing # aux_dir. The offset is measured in subroutine get_filetime_offset # by writing a temporary file; the test only needs to be done once. # # The following variables are used. Since the system-independent # values of system and file time are only accurate to a second (or 2 # seconds for FAT file systems), the offset is also accurate only to a # second or two. So thresholds are needed below which differences # are insignificant. # # Note that the making or not making of a file is controlled by the # state of the document being compiled and by latexmk's configuration. # So a file that is left over from a previous run and not overwritten # on the current run will have a file time at least many seconds less # than the current time, corresponding to the time scale for a human # run-edit-run cycle. # $filetime_offset_measured = 0; # Measurement not yet done. $filetime_offset = 0; # Filetime relative to system time. $filetime_causality_threshold = 5; # Threshold for detection of left-over file. # Should be non-negative always, and should # be bigger than 2 secs if a remote # filesystem or network share is used. $filetime_offset_report_threshold = 30; # Threshold beyond which filetime offsets # are reported; large offsets indicate # incorrect system time on at least one system. ################################################################ # System-dependent overrides: # Currently, the cases I have tests for are: MSWin32, cygwin, linux and # darwin, msys, with the main complications being for MSWin32 and cygwin. # Further special treatment may also be useful for MSYS (for which $^O reports # "msys"). This is another *nix-emulation/system for MSWindows. At # present it is treated as unix-like, but the environment variables # are those of Windows. (The test for USERNAME as well as USER was # to make latexmk work under MSYS's perl.) # if ( $^O eq "MSWin32" ) { # Pure MSWindows configuration ## Configuration parameters: ## Use first existing case for $tmpdir: $tmpdir = $ENV{TMPDIR} || $ENV{TEMP} || '.'; $log_file_binary = 1; # Protect against ctrl/Z in log file from # Miktex 2.7. ## List of possibilities for the system-wide initialization file. ## The first one found (if any) is used. @rc_system_files = ( "C:/latexmk/LatexMk", "C:/latexmk/latexmkrc" ); $search_path_separator = ';'; # Separator of elements in search_path # For a pdf-file, "start x.pdf" starts the pdf viewer associated with # pdf files, so no program name is needed: $pdf_previewer = 'start %O %S'; $ps_previewer = 'start %O %S'; $ps_previewer_landscape = $ps_previewer; $dvi_previewer = 'start %O %S'; $dvi_previewer_landscape = "$dvi_previewer"; # Viewer update methods: # 0 => auto update: viewer watches file (e.g., gv) # 1 => manual update: user must do something: e.g., click on window. # (e.g., ghostview, MSWIN previewers, acroread under UNIX) # 2 => send signal. Number of signal in $dvi_update_signal, # $ps_update_signal, $pdf_update_signal # 3 => viewer can't update, because it locks the file and the file # cannot be updated. (acroread under MSWIN) # 4 => run a command to force the update. The commands are # specified by the variables $dvi_update_command, # $ps_update_command, $pdf_update_command $dvi_update_method = 1; $ps_update_method = 1; $pdf_update_method = 3; # acroread locks the pdf file } elsif ( $^O eq "cygwin" ) { # The problem is a mixed MSWin32 and UNIX environment. # Perl decides the OS is cygwin in two situations: # 1. When latexmk is run from a cygwin shell under a cygwin # environment. Perl behaves in a UNIX way. This is OK, since # the user is presumably expecting UNIXy behavior. # 2. When CYGWIN exectuables are in the path, but latexmk is run # from a native NT shell. Presumably the user is expecting NT # behavior. But perl behaves more UNIXy. This causes some # clashes. # The issues to handle are: # 1. Perl sees both MSWin32 and cygwin filenames. This is # normally only an advantage. # 2. Perl uses a UNIX shell in the system command # This is a nasty problem: under native NT, there is a # start command that knows about NT file associations, so that # we can do, e.g., (under native NT) system("start file.pdf"); # But this won't work when perl has decided the OS is cygwin, # even if it is invoked from a native NT command line. An # NT command processor must be used to deal with this. # 3. External executables can be native NT (which only know # NT-style file names) or cygwin executables (which normally # know both cygwin UNIX-style file names and NT file names, # but not always; some do not know about drive names, for # example). # Cygwin executables for tex and latex may only know cygwin # filenames. # 4. The BIBINPUTS environment variables may be # UNIX-style or MSWin-style depending on whether native NT or # cygwin executables are used. They are therefore parsed # differently. Here is the clash: # a. If a user is running under an NT shell, is using a # native NT installation of tex (e.g., fptex or miktex), # but has the cygwin executables in the path, then perl # detects the OS as cygwin, but the user needs NT # behavior from latexmk. # b. If a user is running under an UNIX shell in a cygwin # environment, and is using the cygwin installation of # tex, then perl detects the OS as cygwin, and the user # needs UNIX behavior from latexmk. # Latexmk has no way of detecting the difference. The two # situations may even arise for the same user on the same # computer simply by changing the order of directories in the # path environment variable ## Configuration parameters: We'll assume native NT executables. ## The user should override if they are not. # This may fail: perl converts MSWin temp directory name to cygwin # format. Names containing this string cannot be handled by native # NT executables. $tmpdir = $ENV{TMPDIR} || $ENV{TEMP} || '.'; ## List of possibilities for the system-wide initialization file. ## The first one found (if any) is used. ## We could stay with MSWin files here, since cygwin perl understands them ## @rc_system_files = ( 'C:/latexmk/LatexMk', 'C:/latexmk/latexmkrc' ); ## But they are deprecated in v. 1.7. So use the UNIX version, prefixed ## with a cygwin equivalent of the MSWin location ## In addition, we need to add the same set of possible locations as with ## unix, so that the user use a unix-style setup. @rc_system_files = (); foreach ( 'LatexMk', 'latexmkrc' ) { push @rc_system_files, ( "/cygdrive/c/latexmk/$_", "/opt/local/share/latexmk/$_", "/usr/local/share/latexmk/$_", "/usr/local/lib/latexmk/$_" ); } $search_path_separator = ';'; # Separator of elements in search_path # This is tricky. The search_path_separator depends on the kind # of executable: native NT v. cygwin. # So the user will have to override this. # We will assume that files can be viewed by native NT programs. # Then we must fix the start command/directive, so that the # NT-native start command of a cmd.exe is used. # For a pdf-file, "start x.pdf" starts the pdf viewer associated with # pdf files, so no program name is needed: $start_NT = "cmd /c start \"\""; $pdf_previewer = "$start_NT %O %S"; $ps_previewer = "$start_NT %O %S"; $ps_previewer_landscape = $ps_previewer; $dvi_previewer = "$start_NT %O %S"; $dvi_previewer_landscape = $dvi_previewer; # Viewer update methods: # 0 => auto update: viewer watches file (e.g., gv) # 1 => manual update: user must do something: e.g., click on window. # (e.g., ghostview, MSWIN previewers, acroread under UNIX) # 2 => send signal. Number of signal in $dvi_update_signal, # $ps_update_signal, $pdf_update_signal # 3 => viewer can't update, because it locks the file and the file # cannot be updated. (acroread under MSWIN) $dvi_update_method = 1; $ps_update_method = 1; $pdf_update_method = 3; # acroread locks the pdf file } elsif ( $^O eq "msys" ) { $search_path_separator = ';'; # Separator of elements in search_path # I think MS-Win value is OK, since # msys is running under MS-Win $pdf_previewer = q[sh -c 'start %S']; $ps_previewer = q[sh -c 'start %S']; $dvi_previewer = q[sh -c 'start %S']; $ps_previewer_landscape = $ps_previewer; $dvi_previewer_landscape = "$dvi_previewer"; } else { # Assume anything else is UNIX or clone # Do special cases (e.g., linux, darwin (i.e., OS-X)) inside this block. ## Use first existing case for $tmpdir: $tmpdir = $ENV{TMPDIR} || '/tmp'; ## List of possibilities for the system-wide initialization file. ## The first one found (if any) is used. ## Normally on a UNIX it will be in a subdirectory of /opt/local/share or ## /usr/local/share, depending on the local conventions. ## But /usr/local/lib/latexmk is put in the list for ## compatibility with older versions of latexmk. @rc_system_files = (); foreach ( 'LatexMk', 'latexmkrc' ) { push @rc_system_files, ( "/opt/local/share/latexmk/$_", "/usr/local/share/latexmk/$_", "/usr/local/lib/latexmk/$_" ); } $search_path_separator = ':'; # Separator of elements in search_path $dvi_update_signal = $signo{USR1} if ( defined $signo{USR1} ); # Suitable for xdvi $ps_update_signal = $signo{HUP} if ( defined $signo{HUP} ); # Suitable for gv $pdf_update_signal = $signo{HUP} if ( defined $signo{HUP} ); # Suitable for gv ## default document processing programs. # Viewer update methods: # 0 => auto update: viewer watches file (e.g., gv) # 1 => manual update: user must do something: e.g., click on window. # (e.g., ghostview, MSWIN previewers, acroread under UNIX) # 2 => send signal. Number of signal in $dvi_update_signal, # $ps_update_signal, $pdf_update_signal # 3 => viewer can't update, because it locks the file and the file # cannot be updated. (acroread under MSWIN) # 4 => Run command to update. Command in $dvi_update_command, # $ps_update_command, $pdf_update_command. $dvi_previewer = 'start xdvi %O %S'; $dvi_previewer_landscape = 'start xdvi -paper usr %O %S'; if ( defined $dvi_update_signal ) { $dvi_update_method = 2; # xdvi responds to signal to update } else { $dvi_update_method = 1; } # if ( defined $ps_update_signal ) { # $ps_update_method = 2; # gv responds to signal to update # $ps_previewer = 'start gv -nowatch'; # $ps_previewer_landscape = 'start gv -swap -nowatch'; # } else { # $ps_update_method = 0; # gv -watch watches the ps file # $ps_previewer = 'start gv -watch'; # $ps_previewer_landscape = 'start gv -swap -watch'; # } # Turn off the fancy options for gv. Regular gv likes -watch etc # GNU gv likes --watch etc. User must configure $ps_update_method = 0; # gv -watch watches the ps file $ps_previewer = 'start gv %O %S'; $ps_previewer_landscape = 'start gv -swap %O %S'; $pdf_previewer = 'start acroread %O %S'; $pdf_update_method = 1; # acroread under unix needs manual update $lpr = 'lpr %O %S'; # Assume lpr command prints postscript files correctly $lpr_dvi = 'NONE $lpr_dvi variable is not configured to allow printing of dvi files'; $lpr_pdf = 'NONE $lpr_pdf variable is not configured to allow printing of pdf files'; # The $pscmd below holds a command to list running processes. It # is used to find the process ID of the viewer looking at the # current output file. The output of the command must include the # process number and the command line of the processes, since the # relevant process is identified by the name of file to be viewed. # Uses: # 1. In preview_continuous mode, to save running a previewer # when one is already running on the relevant file. # 2. With xdvi in preview_continuous mode, xdvi must be # signalled to make it read a new dvi file. # # The following works on Solaris, LINUX, HP-UX, IRIX # Use -f to get full listing, including command line arguments. # Use -u $ENV{USER} to get all processes started by current user (not just # those associated with current terminal), but none of other users' # processes. # However, the USER environment variable may not exist. Windows uses # USERNAME instead. (And this propagates to a situation of # unix-emulation software running under Windows.) if ( exists $ENV{USER} ) { $pscmd = "ps -f -u $ENV{USER}"; } elsif ( exists $ENV{USERNAME} ) { $pscmd = "ps -f -u $ENV{USERNAME}"; } else { $pscmd = "ps -f"; } $pid_position = 1; # offset of PID in output of pscmd; first item is 0. if ( $^O eq "linux" ) { # Ps on Redhat (at least v. 7.2) appears to truncate its output # at 80 cols, so that a long command string is truncated. # Fix this with the --width option. This option works under # other versions of linux even if not necessary (at least # for SUSE 7.2). # However the option is not available under other UNIX-type # systems, e.g., Solaris 8. # But (19 Aug 2010), the truncation doesn't happen on RHEL4 and 5, # unless the output is written to a terminal. So the --width # option is now unnecessary # $pscmd = "ps --width 200 -f -u $ENV{USER}"; } elsif ( $^O eq "darwin" ) { # OS-X on Macintosh # open starts command associated with a file. # For pdf, this is set by default to OS-X's preview, which is suitable. # Manual update is simply by clicking on window etc, which is OK. # For ps, this is set also to preview. This works, but since it # converts the file to pdf and views the pdf file, it doesn't # see updates, and a refresh cannot be done. This is far from # optimal. # For a full installation of MacTeX, which is probably the most common # on OS-X, an association is created between dvi files and TeXShop. # This also converts the file to pdf, so again while it works, it # does not deal with changed dvi files, as far as I can see. $pdf_previewer = 'open %S'; $pdf_update_method = 1; # manual $dvi_previewer = $dvi_previewer_landscape = 'NONE'; $ps_previewer = $ps_previewer_landscape = 'NONE'; # Others $lpr_pdf = 'lpr %O %S'; $pscmd = "ps -ww -u $ENV{USER}"; } } ## default parameters $auto_rc_use = 1; # Whether to read rc files automatically $max_repeat = 5; # Maximum times I repeat latex. Normally # 3 would be sufficient: 1st run generates aux file, # 2nd run picks up aux file, and maybe toc, lof which # contain out-of-date information, e.g., wrong page # references in toc, lof and index, and unresolved # references in the middle of lines. But the # formatting is more-or-less correct. On the 3rd # run, the page refs etc in toc, lof, etc are about # correct, but some slight formatting changes may # occur, which mess up page numbers in the toc and lof, # Hence a 4th run is conceivably necessary. # At least one document class (JHEP.cls) works # in such a way that a 4th run is needed. # We allow an extra run for safety for a # maximum of 5. Needing further runs is # usually an indication of a problem; further # runs may not resolve the problem, and # instead could cause an infinite loop. $clean_ext = ""; # space separated extensions of files that are # to be deleted when doing cleanup, beyond # standard set $clean_full_ext = ""; # space separated extensions of files that are # to be deleted when doing cleanup_full, beyond # standard set and those in $clean_ext @cus_dep_list = (); # Custom dependency list @default_files = ( '*.tex' ); # Array of LaTeX files to process when # no files are specified on the command line. # Wildcards allowed # Best used for project specific files. @default_excluded_files = ( ); # Array of LaTeX files to exclude when using # @default_files, i.e., when no files are specified # on the command line. # Wildcards allowed # Best used for project specific files. $texfile_search = ""; # Specification for extra files to search for # when no files are specified on the command line # and the @default_files variable is empty. # Space separated, and wildcards allowed. # These files are IN ADDITION to *.tex in current # directory. # This variable is obsolete, and only in here for # backward compatibility. $fdb_ext = 'fdb_latexmk'; # Extension for the file for latexmk's # file-database # Make it long to avoid possible collisions. $fdb_ver = 3; # Version number for kind of fdb_file. $jobname = ''; # Jobname: as with current tex, etc indicates # basename of generated files. # Defined so that --jobname=STRING on latexmk's # command line has same effect as with current # tex, etc. (If $jobname is non-empty, then # the --jobname=... option is used on tex.) $out_dir = ''; # Directory for output files. # Cf. --output-directory of current (pdf)latex $aux_dir = ''; # Directory for aux files (log, aux, etc). # Cf. --aux-directory of current (pdf)latex in MiKTeX. ## default flag settings. $recorder = 1; # Whether to use recorder option on latex/pdflatex $silent = 0; # Silence latex's messages? $silence_logfile_warnings = 0; # Do list warnings in log file $kpsewhich_show = 0; # Show calls to and results from kpsewhich $landscape_mode = 0; # default to portrait mode $analyze_input_log_always = 1; # Always analyze .log for input files in the # <...> and (...) constructions. Otherwise, only # do the analysis when fls file doesn't exist or is # out of date. # Under normal circumstances, the data in the fls file # is reliable, and the test of the log file gets lots # of false positives; usually $analyze_input_log_always # is best set to zero. But the test of the log file # is needed at least in the following situation: # When a user needs to persuade latexmk that a certain # file is a source file, and latexmk doesn't otherwise # find it. User code causes line with (...) to be # written to log file. One important case is for # lualatex, which doesn't always generate lines in the # .fls file for input lua files. (The situation with # lualatex is HIGHLY version dependent, e.g., between # 2016 and 2017.) # To keep backward compatibility with older versions # of latexmk, the default is to set # $analyze_input_log_always to 1. # The following two arrays contain lists of extensions (without # period) for files that are read in during a (pdf)LaTeX run but that # are generated automatically from the previous run, as opposed to # being user generated files (directly or indirectly from a custom # dependency). These files get two kinds of special treatment: # 1. In clean up, where depending on the kind of clean up, some # or all of these generated files are deleted. # (Note that special treatment is given to aux files.) # 2. In analyzing the results of a run of (pdf)LaTeX, to # determine if another run is needed. With an error free run, # a rerun should be provoked by a change in any source file, # whether a user file or a generated file. But with a run # that ends in an error, only a change in a user file during # the run (which might correct the error) should provoke a # rerun, but a change in a generated file should not. # These arrays can be user-configured. @generated_exts = ( 'aux', 'bcf', 'fls', 'idx', 'ind', 'lof', 'lot', 'out', 'toc' ); # N.B. 'out' is generated by hyperref package # Which kinds of file do I have requests to make? # If no requests at all are made, then I will make dvi file # If particular requests are made then other files may also have to be # made. E.g., ps file requires a dvi file $dvi_mode = 0; # No dvi file requested $postscript_mode = 0; # No postscript file requested $pdf_mode = 0; # No pdf file requested to be made by pdflatex # Possible values: # 0 don't create pdf file # 1 to create pdf file by pdflatex # 2 to create pdf file by ps2pdf # 3 to create pdf file by dvipdf # 4 to create pdf file by lualatex # 5 to create pdf file by xelatex + xdvipdfmx $view = 'default'; # Default preview is of highest of dvi, ps, pdf $sleep_time = 2; # time to sleep b/w checks for file changes in -pvc mode $banner = 0; # Non-zero if we have a banner to insert $banner_scale = 220; # Original default scale $banner_intensity = 0.95; # Darkness of the banner message $banner_message = 'DRAFT'; # Original default message $do_cd = 0; # Do not do cd to directory of source file. # Thus behave like latex. $dependents_list = 0; # Whether to display list(s) of dependencies $dependents_phony = 0; # Whether list(s) of dependencies includes phony targets # (as with 'gcc -MP'). $deps_file = '-'; # File for dependency list output. Default stdout. $rules_list = 0; # Whether to display list(s) of dependencies @dir_stack = (); # Stack of pushed directories, each of form of # pointer to array [ cwd, good_cwd ], where # good_cwd differs from cwd by being converted # to native MSWin path when cygwin is used. $cleanup_mode = 0; # No cleanup of nonessential LaTex-related files. # $cleanup_mode = 0: no cleanup # $cleanup_mode = 1: full cleanup # $cleanup_mode = 2: cleanup except for dvi, # dviF, pdf, ps, psF & xdv $cleanup_fdb = 0; # No removal of file for latexmk's file-database $cleanup_only = 0; # When doing cleanup, do not go on to making files $cleanup_includes_generated = 0; # Determines whether cleanup deletes files generated by # custom dependencies $cleanup_includes_cusdep_generated = 0; # Determines whether cleanup deletes files generated by # (pdf)latex (found from \openout lines in log file). $diagnostics = 0; $dvi_filter = ''; # DVI filter command $ps_filter = ''; # Postscript filter command $force_mode = 0; # =1 to force processing past errors $go_mode = 0; # =1 to force processing regardless of time-stamps # =2 full clean-up first $preview_mode = 0; $preview_continuous_mode = 0; $printout_mode = 0; # Don't print the file ## Control pvc inactivity timeout: $pvc_timeout = 0; $pvc_timeout_mins = 30; $show_time = 0; @timings = (); $processing_time1 = processing_time(); $use_make_for_missing_files = 0; # Whether to use make to try to make missing files. # Do we make view file in temporary then move to final destination? # (To avoid premature updating by viewer). $always_view_file_via_temporary = 0; # Set to 1 if viewed file is always # made through a temporary. $pvc_view_file_via_temporary = 1; # Set to 1 if only in -pvc mode is viewed # file made through a temporary. # State variables initialized here: $updated = 0; # Flags when something has been remade # Used to allow convenient user message in -pvc mode $waiting = 0; # Flags whether we are in loop waiting for an event # Used to avoid unnecessary repeated o/p in wait loop # Used for some results of parsing log file: $reference_changed = 0; $mult_defined = 0; $bad_reference = 0; $bad_citation = 0; # Cache of expensive-to-compute state variables, e.g., cwd in form # fixed to deal with cygwin issues. %cache = (); &cache_good_cwd; # Set search paths for includes. # Set them early so that they can be overridden $BIBINPUTS = $ENV{'BIBINPUTS'}; if (!$BIBINPUTS) { $BIBINPUTS = '.'; } # Convert search paths to arrays: # If any of the paths end in '//' then recursively search the # directory. After these operations, @BIBINPUTS should # have all the directories that need to be searched @BIBINPUTS = find_dirs1( $BIBINPUTS ); ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # # ??? UPDATE THE FOLLOWING!! # # We will need to determine whether source files for runs of various # programs are out of date. In a normal situation, this is done by # asking whether the times of the source files are later than the # destination files. But this won't work for us, since a common # situation is that a file is written on one run of latex, for # example, and read back in on the next run (e.g., an .aux file). # Some situations of this kind are standard in latex generally; others # occur with particular macro packages or with particular # postprocessors. # # The correct criterion for whether a source is out-of-date is # therefore NOT that its modification time is later than the # destination file, but whether the contents of the source file have # changed since the last successful run. This also handles the case # that the user undoes some changes to a source file by replacing the # source file by reverting to an earlier version, which may well have # an older time stamp. Since a direct comparison of old and new files # would involve storage and access of a large number of backup files, # we instead use the md5 signature of the files. (Previous versions # of latexmk used the backup file method, but restricted to the case # of .aux and .idx files, sufficient for most, but not all, # situations.) # # We will have a database of (time, size, md5) for the relevant # files. If the time and size of a file haven't changed, then the file # is assumed not to have changed; this saves us from having to # determine its md5 signature, which would involve reading the whole # file, which is naturally time-consuming, especially if network file # access to a server is needed, and many files are involved, when most # of them don't change. It is of course possible to change a file # without changing its size, but then to adjust its timestamp # to what it was previously; this requires a certain amount of # perversity. We can safely assume that if the user edits a file or # changes its contents, then the file's timestamp changes. The # interesting case is that the timestamp does change, because the file # has actually been written to, but that the contents do not change; # it is for this that we use the md5 signature. However, since # computing the md5 signature involves reading the whole file, which # may be large, we should avoid computing it more than necessary. # # So we get the following structure: # # 1. For each relevant run (latex, pdflatex, each instance of a # custom dependency) we have a database of the state of the # source files that were last used by the run. # 2. On an initial startup, the database for a primary tex file # is read that was created by a previous run of latex or # pdflatex, if this exists. # 3. If the file doesn't exist, then the criterion for # out-of-dateness for an initial run is that it goes by file # timestamps, as in previous versions of latexmk, with due # (dis)regard to those files that are known to be generated by # latex and re-read on the next run. # 4. Immediately before a run, the database is updated to # represent the current conditions of the run's source files. # 5. After the run, it is determined whether any of the source # files have changed. This covers both files written by the # run, which are therefore in a dependency loop, and files that # the user may have updated during the run. (The last often # happens when latex takes a long time, for a big document, # and the user makes edits before latex has finished. This is # particularly prevalent when latexmk is used with # preview-continuous mode.) # 6. In the case of latex or pdflatex, the custom dependencies # must also be checked and redone if out-of-date. # 7. If any source files have changed, the run is redone, # starting at step 1. # 8. There is naturally a limit on the number of reruns, to avoid # infinite loops from bugs and from pathological or unforeseen # conditions. # 9. After the run is done, the run's file database is updated. # (By hypothesis, the sizes and md5s are correct, if the run # is successful.) # 10. To allow reuse of data from previous runs, the file database # is written to a file after every complete set of passes # through latex or pdflatex. (Note that there is separate # information for latex and pdflatex; the necessary # information won't coincide: Out-of-dateness for the files # for each program concerns the properties of the files when # the other program was run, and the set of source files could # be different, e.g., for graphics files.) # # We therefore maintain the following data structures.: # # a. For each run (latex, pdflatex, each custom dependency) a # database is maintained. This is a hash from filenames to a # reference to an array: [time, size, md5]. The semantics of # the database is that it represents the state of the source # files used in the run. During a run it represents the state # immediately before the run; after a run, with all reruns, it # represents the state of the files used, modified by having # the latest timestamps for generated files. # b. There is a global database for all files, which represents # the current state. This saves having to recompute the md5 # signatures of a changed file used in more than one run # (e.g., latex and pdflatex). # c. Each of latex and pdflatex has a list of the relevant custom # dependencies. # # In all the following a fdb-hash is a hash of the form: # filename -> [time, size, md5] # If a file is found to disappear, its entry is removed from the hash. # In returns from fdb access routines, a size entry of -1 indicates a # non-existent file. # List of known rules. Rule types: primary, # external (calls program), internal (calls routine), cusdep. %possible_primaries = ( 'latex' => 'primary', 'pdflatex' => 'primary', 'lualatex' => 'primary', 'xelatex' => 'primary' ); %primaries = (); # Hash of rules for primary part of make. Keys are # currently 'latex', 'pdflatex' or both; also 'lualatex' # and 'xelatex'. Value is currently irrelevant. # Use hash for ease of lookup # Make remove this later, if use rdb_makeB # Hashes, whose keys give names of particular kinds of rule. We use # hashes for ease of lookup. %possible_one_time = ( 'view' => 1, 'print' => 1, 'update_view' => 1, ); %requested_filerules = (); # Hash for rules corresponding to requested files. # The keys are the rulenames and the value is # currently irrelevant. %one_time = (); # Hash for requested one-time-only rules, currently # possible values 'print' and 'view'. %rule_db = (); # Database of all rules: # Hash: rulename -> [array of rule data] # Rule data: # 0: [ cmd_type, ext_cmd, int_cmd, test_kind, # source, dest, base, # out_of_date, out_of_date_user, # time_of_last_run, time_of_last_file_check, # changed # last_result, last_message, # default_extra_generated # ] # where # cmd_type is 'primary', 'external', or 'cusdep' # ext_cmd is string for associated external command # with substitutions (%D for destination, %S # for source, %B for base of current rule, # %R for base of primary tex file, %T for # texfile name, %O for options, # %Y for $aux_dir1, and %Z for $out_dir1 # int_cmd specifies any internal command to be # used to implement the application of the # rule. If this is present, it overrides # the external command, and it is the # responsibility of the perl subroutine # specified in intcmd to execute the # external command if this is appropriate. # This variable intcmd is a reference to an array, # $$intcmd[0] = internal routine # $$intcmd[1...] = its arguments (if any) # test_kind specifies method of determining # whether a file is out-of-date: # 0 for never # 1 for usual: whether there is a source # file change # 2 for dest earlier than source # 3 for method 2 at first run, 1 thereafter # (used when don't have file data from # previous run). # source = name of primary source file, if any # dest = name of primary destination file, # if any # base = base name, if any, of files for # this rule # out_of_date = 1 if it has been detected that # this rule needs to be run # (typically because a source # file has changed). # 0 otherwise # out_of_date_user is like out_of_date, except # that the detection of out-of-dateness # has been made from a change of a # putative user file, i.e., one that is # not a generated file (e.g., aux). This # kind of out-of-dateness should provoke a # rerun whether or not there was an error # during a run of (pdf)LaTeX. Normally, # if there is an error, one should wait # for the user to correct the error. But # it is possible the error condition is # already corrected during the run, e.g., # by the user changing a source file in # response to an error message. # time_of_last_run = time that this rule was # last applied. (In standard units # from perl, to be directly compared # with file modification times.) # time_of_last_file_check = last time that a check # was made for changes in source files. # changed flags whether special changes have been made # that require file-existence status to be ignored # last_result is # -1 if no run has been made, # 0 if the last run was successful # 1 if last run was successful, but # failed to create an output file # 2 if last run failed # 200 if last run gave a warning that is # important enough to be reported with # the error summary. The warning # message is stored in last_message. # last_message is error message for last run # default_extra_generated is a reference to an array # of specifications of extra generated files (beyond # the main dest file. Standard place holders are used. # Example ['%Y%R.log'] for (pdf)latex, and ['%R.blg'] # for bibtex. (There's no need for '%R.aux', here, # since such generated files are detected dynamically.) # 1: {Hash sourcefile -> [source-file data] } # Source-file data array: # 0: time # 1: size # 2: md5 # 3: name of rule to make this file # 4: whether the file is of the kind made by epstopdf.sty # during a primary run. It will have been read during # the run, so that even though the file changes during # a primary run, there is no need to trigger another # run because of this. # Size and md5 correspond to the values at the last run. # But time may be updated to correspond to the time # for the file, if the file is otherwise unchanged. # This saves excessive md5 calculations, which would # otherwise be done everytime the file is checked, # in the following situation: # When the file has been rewritten after a run # has started (commonly aux, bbl files etc), # but the actual file contents haven't # changed. Then because the filetime has # changed, on every file-change check latexmk # would normally redo the md5 calculation to # test for actual changes. Once one such # check is done, and the contents are # unchanged, later checks are superfluous, and # can be avoided by changing the file's time # in the source-file list. # 2: {Hash generated_file -> 1 } # This lists all generated files; the values # are currently unused, only the keys %fdb_current = (); # Fdb-hash for all files used. # User's home directory $HOME = ''; if (exists $ENV{'HOME'} ) { $HOME = $ENV{'HOME'}; } elsif (exists $ENV{'USERPROFILE'} ) { $HOME = $ENV{'USERPROFILE'}; } # XDG configuration home $XDG_CONFIG_HOME = ''; if (exists $ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_HOME'} ) { $XDG_CONFIG_HOME = $ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_HOME'}; } elsif ($HOME ne '') { if ( -d "$HOME/.config") { $XDG_CONFIG_HOME = "$HOME/.config"; } } #================================================== # Options that are to be obeyed before rc files are read: foreach $_ ( @ARGV ) { if (/^-{1,2}norc$/ ) { $auto_rc_use = 0; } } #================================================== ## Read rc files with this subroutine sub read_first_rc_file_in_list { foreach my $rc_file ( @_ ) { #print "===Testing for rc file \"$rc_file\" ...\n"; if ( -d $rc_file ) { warn "$My_name: I have found a DIRECTORY named \"$rc_file\".\n", " Have you perhaps misunderstood latexmk's documentation?\n", " This name is normally used for a latexmk configuration (rc) file,\n", " and in that case it should be a regular text file, not a directory.\n"; } elsif ( -e $rc_file ) { #print "===Reading rc file \"$rc_file\" ...\n"; process_rc_file( $rc_file ); return; } } } # Note that each rc file may unset $auto_rc_use to # prevent lower-level rc files from being read. # So test on $auto_rc_use in each case. if ( $auto_rc_use ) { # System rc file: read_first_rc_file_in_list( @rc_system_files ); } if ( $auto_rc_use && ($HOME ne "" ) ) { # User rc file: @user_rc = (); if ( $XDG_CONFIG_HOME ) { push @user_rc, "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/latexmk/latexmkrc"; } # N.B. $HOME equals "" if latexmk couldn't determine a home directory. # In that case, we shouldn't look for an rc file there. if ( $HOME ) { push @user_rc, "$HOME/.latexmkrc"; } read_first_rc_file_in_list( @user_rc ); } if ( $auto_rc_use ) { # Rc file in current directory: read_first_rc_file_in_list( "latexmkrc", ".latexmkrc" ); } ## Process command line args. @command_line_file_list = (); $bad_options = 0; while ($_ = $ARGV[0]) { # Make -- and - equivalent at beginning of option, # but save original for possible use in (pdf)latex command line $original = $_; s/^--/-/; shift; if ( /^-aux-directory=(.*)$/ || /^-auxdir=(.*)$/ ) { $aux_dir = $1; } elsif (/^-bibtex$/) { $bibtex_use = 2; } elsif (/^-bibtex-$/) { $bibtex_use = 0; } elsif (/^-nobibtex$/) { $bibtex_use = 0; } elsif (/^-bibtex-cond$/) { $bibtex_use = 1; } elsif (/^-bibtex-cond1$/) { $bibtex_use = 1.5; } elsif (/^-c$/) { $cleanup_mode = 2; $cleanup_fdb = 1; $cleanup_only = 1; } elsif (/^-C$/ || /^-CA$/ ) { $cleanup_mode = 1; $cleanup_fdb = 1; $cleanup_only = 1; } elsif (/^-CF$/) { $cleanup_fdb = 1; } elsif (/^-cd$/) { $do_cd = 1; } elsif (/^-cd-$/) { $do_cd = 0; } elsif (/^-commands$/) { &print_commands; exit; } elsif (/^-d$/) { $banner = 1; } elsif (/^-dependents$/ || /^-deps$/ || /^-M$/ ) { $dependents_list = 1; } elsif (/^-nodependents$/ || /^-dependents-$/ || /^-deps-$/) { $dependents_list = 0; } elsif (/^-deps-out=(.*)$/) { $deps_file = $1; $dependents_list = 1; } elsif (/^-diagnostics/) { $diagnostics = 1; } elsif (/^-dvi$/) { $dvi_mode = 1; } elsif (/^-dvi-$/) { $dvi_mode = 0; } elsif (/^-f$/) { $force_mode = 1; } elsif (/^-f-$/) { $force_mode = 0; } elsif (/^-g$/) { $go_mode = 1; } elsif (/^-g-$/) { $go_mode = 0; } elsif (/^-gg$/) { $go_mode = 2; $cleanup_mode = 1; $cleanup_fdb = 1; $cleanup_only = 0; } elsif ( /^-h$/ || /^-help$/ ) { &print_help; exit;} elsif (/^-jobname=(.*)$/) { $jobname = $1; } elsif (/^-l$/) { $landscape_mode = 1; } elsif (/^-l-$/) { $landscape_mode = 0; } elsif (/^-latex=(.*)$/) { $latex = $1; } elsif (/^-latexoption=(.*)$/) { push @extra_latex_options, $1; push @extra_pdflatex_options, $1; push @extra_lualatex_options, $1; push @extra_xelatex_options, $1; } elsif ( /^-logfilewarninglist$/ || /^-logfilewarnings$/ ) { $silence_logfile_warnings = 0; } elsif ( /^-logfilewarninglist-$/ || /^-logfilewarnings-$/ ) { $silence_logfile_warnings = 1; } # See above for -M elsif (/^-MF$/) { if ( $ARGV[0] eq '' ) { &exit_help( "No file name specified after -MF switch"); } $deps_file = $ARGV[0]; shift; } elsif ( /^-MP$/ ) { $dependents_phony = 1; } elsif (/^-new-viewer$/) { $new_viewer_always = 1; } elsif (/^-new-viewer-$/) { $new_viewer_always = 0; } elsif (/^-norc$/ ) { $auto_rc_use = 0; # N.B. This has already been obeyed. } elsif ( /^-output-directory=(.*)$/ ||/^-outdir=(.*)$/ ) { $out_dir = $1; } elsif (/^-p$/) { $printout_mode = 1; $preview_continuous_mode = 0; # to avoid conflicts $preview_mode = 0; } elsif (/^-p-$/) { $printout_mode = 0; } elsif (/^-pdf$/) { $pdf_mode = 1; } elsif (/^-pdf-$/) { $pdf_mode = 0; } elsif (/^-pdfdvi$/){ $pdf_mode = 3; } elsif (/^-pdflua$/){ $pdf_mode = 4; } elsif (/^-pdfxe$/) { $pdf_mode = 5; } # elsif (/^-pdflatex$/) { # $pdflatex = "pdflatex %O %S"; # $pdf_mode = 1; # $dvi_mode = $postscript_mode = 0; # } elsif (/^-pdflatex=(.*)$/) { $pdflatex = $1; } elsif (/^-pdfps$/) { $pdf_mode = 2; } elsif (/^-print=(.*)$/) { $value = $1; if ( $value =~ /^dvi$|^ps$|^pdf$|^auto$/ ) { $print_type = $value; $printout_mode = 1; } else { &exit_help("$My_name: unknown print type '$value' in option '$_'"); } } elsif (/^-ps$/) { $postscript_mode = 1; } elsif (/^-ps-$/) { $postscript_mode = 0; } elsif (/^-pv$/) { $preview_mode = 1; $preview_continuous_mode = 0; # to avoid conflicts $printout_mode = 0; } elsif (/^-pv-$/) { $preview_mode = 0; } elsif (/^-pvc$/) { $preview_continuous_mode = 1; $force_mode = 0; # So that errors do not cause loops $preview_mode = 0; # to avoid conflicts $printout_mode = 0; } elsif (/^-pvc-$/) { $preview_continuous_mode = 0; } elsif (/^-pvctimeout$/) { $pvc_timeout = 1; } elsif (/^-pvctimeout-$/) { $pvc_timeout = 0; } elsif (/^-pvctimeoutmins=(.*)$/) { $pvc_timeout_mins = $1; } elsif (/^-recorder$/ ){ $recorder = 1; } elsif (/^-recorder-$/ ){ $recorder = 0; } elsif (/^-rules$/ ) { $rules_list = 1; } elsif (/^-norules$/ || /^-rules-$/ ) { $rules_list = 0; } elsif (/^-showextraoptions$/) { print "List of extra latex and pdflatex options recognized by $my_name.\n", "These are passed as is to (pdf)latex. They may not be recognized by\n", "particular versions of (pdf)latex. This list is a combination of those\n", "for TeXLive and MikTeX.\n", "\n", "Note that in addition to the options in this list, there are several\n", "options known to the (pdf)latex programs that are also recognized by\n", "latexmk and trigger special behavior by latexmk. Since these options\n", "appear in the main list given by running 'latexmk --help', they do not\n", "appear in the following list\n", "NOTE ALSO: Not all of these options are supported by all versions of (pdf)latex.\n", "\n"; foreach $option ( sort( keys %allowed_latex_options, keys %allowed_latex_options_with_arg ) ) { if (exists $allowed_latex_options{$option} ) { print " $allowed_latex_options{$option}\n"; } if (exists $allowed_latex_options_with_arg{$option} ) { print " $allowed_latex_options_with_arg{$option}\n"; } } exit; } elsif (/^-silent$/ || /^-quiet$/ ){ $silent = 1; } elsif (/^-time$/) { $show_time = 1;} elsif (/^-time-$/) { $show_time = 0;} elsif (/^-use-make$/) { $use_make_for_missing_files = 1; } elsif (/^-use-make-$/) { $use_make_for_missing_files = 0; } elsif (/^-v$/ || /^-version$/) { print "\n$version_details. Version $version_num\n"; exit; } elsif (/^-verbose$/) { $silent = 0; } elsif (/^-view=default$/) { $view = "default";} elsif (/^-view=dvi$/) { $view = "dvi";} elsif (/^-view=none$/) { $view = "none";} elsif (/^-view=ps$/) { $view = "ps";} elsif (/^-view=pdf$/) { $view = "pdf"; } elsif (/^-lualatex$/) { $pdf_mode = 4; $dvi_mode = $postscript_mode = 0; } elsif (/^-xelatex$/) { $pdf_mode = 5; $dvi_mode = $postscript_mode = 0; } elsif (/^-e$/) { if ( $#ARGV < 0 ) { &exit_help( "No code to execute specified after -e switch"); } execute_code_string( $ARGV[0] ); shift; } elsif (/^-r$/) { if ( $ARGV[0] eq '' ) { &exit_help( "No RC file specified after -r switch"); } if ( -e $ARGV[0] ) { process_rc_file( $ARGV[0] ); } else { die "$My_name: RC file [$ARGV[0]] does not exist\n"; } shift; } elsif (/^-bm$/) { if ( $ARGV[0] eq '' ) { &exit_help( "No message specified after -bm switch"); } $banner = 1; $banner_message = $ARGV[0]; shift; } elsif (/^-bi$/) { if ( $ARGV[0] eq '' ) { &exit_help( "No intensity specified after -bi switch"); } $banner_intensity = $ARGV[0]; shift; } elsif (/^-bs$/) { if ( $ARGV[0] eq '' ) { &exit_help( "No scale specified after -bs switch"); } $banner_scale = $ARGV[0]; shift; } elsif (/^-dF$/) { if ( $ARGV[0] eq '' ) { &exit_help( "No dvi filter specified after -dF switch"); } $dvi_filter = $ARGV[0]; shift; } elsif (/^-pF$/) { if ( $ARGV[0] eq '' ) { &exit_help( "No ps filter specified after -pF switch"); } $ps_filter = $ARGV[0]; shift; } elsif ( ( exists( $allowed_latex_options{$_} ) ) || ( /^(-.+)=/ && exists( $allowed_latex_options_with_arg{$1} ) ) ) { push @extra_latex_options, $original; push @extra_pdflatex_options, $original; push @extra_lualatex_options, $original; push @extra_xelatex_options, $original; } elsif (/^-/) { warn "$My_name: $_ bad option\n"; $bad_options++; } else { push @command_line_file_list, $_ ; } } if ( $bad_options > 0 ) { &exit_help( "Bad options specified" ); } warn "$My_name: This is $version_details, version: $version_num.\n", unless $silent; if ( ($out_dir ne '') && ($aux_dir eq '') ){ $aux_dir = $out_dir; } # Normalize versions terminating in directory/path separator # and versions referring to current directory $out_dir1 = $out_dir; $aux_dir1 = $aux_dir; foreach ( $aux_dir1, $out_dir1 ) { if ( ($_ ne '') && ! m([\\/\:]$) ) { $_ .= '/'; } while ( s[^\.\/][] ) {} } # At least one widely package (revtex4-1) generates a bib file # (which is used in revtex4-1 for putting footnotes in the reference # list), and bibtex must be run to use it. But latexmk needs to # determine the existence of the bib file by use of kpsewhich, otherwise # there is an error. So cope with this situation (and any analogous # cases by adding the aux_dir to the relevant path search environment # variables. BIBINPUTS seems to be the only one currently affected. foreach ( 'BIBINPUTS' ) { if ( exists $ENV{$_} ) { $ENV{$_} = $aux_dir.$search_path_separator.$ENV{$_}; } else { $ENV{$_} = $aux_dir.$search_path_separator; } } if ($bibtex_use > 1) { push @generated_exts, 'bbl'; } # For backward compatibility, convert $texfile_search to @default_files # Since $texfile_search is initialized to "", a nonzero value indicates # that an initialization file has set it. if ( $texfile_search ne "" ) { @default_files = split /\s+/, "*.tex $texfile_search"; } #Glob the filenames command line if the script was not invoked under a # UNIX-like environment. # Cases: (1) MS/MSwin native Glob # (OS detected as MSWin32) # (2) MS/MSwin cygwin Glob [because we do not know whether # the cmd interpreter is UNIXy (and does glob) or is # native MS-Win (and does not glob).] # (OS detected as cygwin) # (3) UNIX Don't glob (cmd interpreter does it) # (Currently, I assume this is everything else) if ( ($^O eq "MSWin32") || ($^O eq "cygwin") ) { # Preserve ordering of files @file_list = glob_list1(@command_line_file_list); #print "A1:File list:\n"; #for ($i = 0; $i <= $#file_list; $i++ ) { print "$i: '$file_list[$i]'\n"; } } else { @file_list = @command_line_file_list; } @file_list = uniq1( @file_list ); # Check we haven't selected mutually exclusive modes. # Note that -c overrides all other options, but doesn't cause # an error if they are selected. if (($printout_mode && ( $preview_mode || $preview_continuous_mode )) || ( $preview_mode && $preview_continuous_mode )) { # Each of the options -p, -pv, -pvc turns the other off. # So the only reason to arrive here is an incorrect inititalization # file, or a bug. &exit_help( "Conflicting options (print, preview, preview_continuous) selected"); } if ( @command_line_file_list ) { # At least one file specified on command line (before possible globbing). if ( !@file_list ) { &exit_help( "Wildcards in file names didn't match any files"); } } else { # No files specified on command line, try and find some # Evaluate in order specified. The user may have some special # for wanting processing in a particular order, especially # if there are no wild cards. # Preserve ordering of files my @file_list1 = uniq1( glob_list1(@default_files) ); my @excluded_file_list = uniq1( glob_list1(@default_excluded_files) ); # Make hash of excluded files, for easy checking: my %excl = (); foreach my $file (@excluded_file_list) { $excl{$file} = ''; } foreach my $file (@file_list1) { push( @file_list, $file) unless ( exists $excl{$file} ); } if ( !@file_list ) { &exit_help( "No file name specified, and I couldn't find any"); } } $num_files = $#file_list + 1; $num_specified = $#command_line_file_list + 1; #print "Command line file list:\n"; #for ($i = 0; $i <= $#command_line_file_list; $i++ ) { print "$i: '$command_line_file_list[$i]'\n"; } #print "File list:\n"; #for ($i = 0; $i <= $#file_list; $i++ ) { print "$i: '$file_list[$i]'\n"; } # If selected a preview-continuous mode, make sure exactly one filename was specified if ($preview_continuous_mode && ($num_files != 1) ) { if ($num_specified > 1) { &exit_help( "Need to specify exactly one filename for ". "preview-continuous mode\n". " but $num_specified were specified" ); } elsif ($num_specified == 1) { &exit_help( "Need to specify exactly one filename for ". "preview-continuous mode\n". " but wildcarding produced $num_files files" ); } else { &exit_help( "Need to specify exactly one filename for ". "preview-continuous mode.\n". " Since none were specified on the command line, I looked for \n". " files in '@default_files'.\n". " But I found $num_files files, not 1." ); } } # If selected jobname, can only apply that to one file: if ( ($jobname ne '') && ($num_files > 1) ) { &exit_help( "Need to specify at most one filename if ". "jobname specified, \n". " but $num_files were found (after defaults and wildcarding)." ); } # Normalize the commands, to have place-holders for source, dest etc: &fix_cmds; # Add common options add_option( $latex_default_switches, \$latex ); add_option( $pdflatex_default_switches, \$pdflatex ); add_option( $lualatex_default_switches, \$lualatex ); add_option( $xelatex_default_switches, \$xelatex ); foreach (@extra_latex_options) { add_option( $_, \$latex ); } foreach (@extra_pdflatex_options) { add_option( $_, \$pdflatex ); } foreach (@extra_lualatex_options) { add_option( $_, \$lualatex ); } foreach (@extra_xelatex_options) { add_option( $_, \$xelatex ); } # If landscape mode, change dvips processor, and the previewers: if ( $landscape_mode ) { $dvips = $dvips_landscape; $dvi_previewer = $dvi_previewer_landscape; $ps_previewer = $ps_previewer_landscape; } if ( $silent ) { add_option( "$latex_silent_switch", \$latex ); add_option( "$pdflatex_silent_switch", \$pdflatex ); add_option( "$lualatex_silent_switch", \$lualatex ); add_option( "$xelatex_silent_switch", \$xelatex ); add_option( "$biber_silent_switch", \$biber ); add_option( "$bibtex_silent_switch", \$bibtex ); add_option( "$makeindex_silent_switch", \$makeindex ); add_option( "$dvipdf_silent_switch", \$dvipdf ); add_option( "$dvips_silent_switch", \$dvips ); add_option( "$xdvipdfmx_silent_switch", \$xdvipdfmx ); } if ( $recorder ) { add_option( "-recorder", \$latex, \$pdflatex, \$lualatex, \$xelatex ); } # If the output and/or aux directories are specified, fix the (pdf)latex # commands to use them. # N.B. We'll ensure that the directories actually exist only after a # possible cd to the document directory, since the directories can be # relative to the document. if ( $out_dir ) { add_option( "-output-directory=\"$out_dir\"", \$latex, \$pdflatex, \$lualatex, \$xelatex ); } if ( $aux_dir && ($aux_dir ne $out_dir) ) { # N.B. If $aux_dir and $out_dir are the same, then the -output-directory # option is sufficient, especially because the -aux-directory exists # only in MiKTeX, not in TeXLive. add_option( "-aux-directory=\"$aux_dir\"", \$latex, \$pdflatex, \$lualatex, \$xelatex ); } if ( $jobname ne '' ) { $jobstring = "--jobname=\"$jobname\""; add_option( "$jobstring", \$latex, \$lualatex, \$pdflatex, \$xelatex ); } # Which kind of file do we preview? if ( $view eq "default" ) { # If default viewer requested, use "highest" of dvi, ps and pdf # that was requested by user. # No explicit request means view dvi. $view = "dvi"; if ( $postscript_mode ) { $view = "ps"; } if ( $pdf_mode ) { $view = "pdf"; } } # Make sure we make the kind of file we want to view: if ($view eq 'dvi') { $dvi_mode = 1; } if ($view eq 'ps') { $postscript_mode = 1; } if ( ($view eq 'pdf') && ($pdf_mode == 0) ) { $pdf_mode = 1; } # Make sure that we make something if all requests are turned off if ( ! ( $dvi_mode || $pdf_mode || $postscript_mode || $printout_mode) ) { print "No specific requests made, so default to dvi by latex\n"; $dvi_mode = 1; } # Set new-style requested rules: if ( $dvi_mode ) { $requested_filerules{'latex'} = 1; } if ( $pdf_mode == 1 ) { $requested_filerules{'pdflatex'} = 1; } elsif ( $pdf_mode == 2 ) { $requested_filerules{'latex'} = 1; $requested_filerules{'dvips'} = 1; $requested_filerules{'ps2pdf'} = 1; } elsif ( $pdf_mode == 3 ) { $requested_filerules{'latex'} = 1; $requested_filerules{'dvipdf'} = 1; } elsif ( $pdf_mode == 4 ) { $requested_filerules{'lualatex'} = 1; } elsif ( $pdf_mode == 5 ) { $requested_filerules{'xelatex'} = 1; $requested_filerules{'xdvipdfmx'} = 1; } if ( $postscript_mode ) { $requested_filerules{'latex'} = 1; $requested_filerules{'dvips'} = 1; } if ($print_type eq 'auto') { if ( $postscript_mode ) { $print_type = 'ps'; } elsif ( $pdf_mode ) { $print_type = 'pdf'; } elsif ( $dvi_mode ) { $print_type = 'dvi'; } else { $print_type = 'none'; } } if ( $printout_mode ) { $one_time{'print'} = 1; if ($print_type eq 'none'){ warn "$My_name: You have requested printout, but \$print_type is set to 'none'\n"; } } if ( $preview_continuous_mode || $preview_mode ) { $one_time{'view'} = 1; } if ( length($dvi_filter) != 0 ) { $requested_filerules{'dvi_filter'} = 1; } if ( length($ps_filter) != 0 ) { $requested_filerules{'ps_filter'} = 1; } if ( $banner ) { $requested_filerules{'dvips'} = 1; } if ( $pdf_mode == 2 ) { # We generate pdf from ps. Make sure we have the correct kind of ps. add_option( "$dvips_pdf_switch", \$dvips ); } # Restrict variables to allowed values: if ($filetime_causality_threshold < 0) { warn "$My_name: Correcting negative value of \$filetime_causality_threshold to zero.\n"; $filetime_causality_threshold = 0; } # Note sleep has granularity of 1 second. # Sleep periods 0 < $sleep_time < 1 give zero delay, # which is probably not what the user intended. # Sleep periods less than zero give infinite delay if ( $sleep_time < 0 ) { warn "$My_name: Correcting negative sleep_time to 1 sec.\n"; $sleep_time = 1; } elsif ( ($sleep_time < 1) && ( $sleep_time != 0 ) ) { warn "$My_name: Correcting nonzero sleep_time of less than 1 sec to 1 sec.\n"; $sleep_time = 1; } elsif ( $sleep_time == 0 ) { warn "$My_name: sleep_time was configured to zero.\n", " Do you really want to do this? It will give 100% CPU usage.\n"; } # Make convenient forms for lookup. # Extensions always have period. # Convert @generated_exts to a hash for ease of look up and deletion # Keep extension without period! %generated_exts_all = (); foreach (@generated_exts ) { $generated_exts_all{$_} = 1; } if ($aux_dir) { # Ensure $aux_dir is in TEXINPUTS search path. # This is used by dvips for files generated by mpost. if ( ! exists $ENV{TEXINPUTS} ) { # Note the trailing ":" which ensures that the last item # in the list of paths is the empty path, which actually # means the default path, i.e., the following means that # the TEXINPUTS search path is $aux_dir and the standard # value. $ENV{TEXINPUTS} = $aux_dir.$search_path_separator; } elsif ( $ENV{TEXINPUTS} !~ /$aux_dir$search_path_separator/ ) { $ENV{TEXINPUTS} = $aux_dir.$search_path_separator.$ENV{TEXINPUTS}; } } $quell_uptodate_msgs = $silent; # Whether to quell informational messages when files are uptodate # Will turn off in -pvc mode $failure_count = 0; @failed_primaries = (); if ($deps_file eq '' ) { # Standardize name used for stdout $deps_file = '-'; } # In non-pvc mode, the dependency list is global to all processed TeX files, # so we open a single file here, and add items to it after processing each file # But in -pvc mode, the dependency list should be written after round of # processing the single TeX file (as if each round were a separate run of # latexmk). There's undoubtedly some non-optimal structuring here! if ( $dependents_list && ! $preview_continuous_mode ) { $deps_handle = new FileHandle "> $deps_file"; if (! defined $deps_handle ) { die "Cannot open '$deps_file' for output of dependency information\n"; } } # Remove leading and trailing space in the following space-separated lists, # and collapse multiple spaces to one, # to avoid getting incorrect blank items when they are split. foreach ($clean_ext, $clean_full_ext) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/\s+/ /g; } FILE: foreach $filename ( @file_list ) { # Global variables for making of current file: $updated = 0; $failure = 0; # Set nonzero to indicate failure at some point of # a make. Use value as exit code if I exit. $failure_msg = ''; # Indicate reason for failure if ( $do_cd ) { ($filename, $path) = fileparse( $filename ); warn "$My_name: Changing directory to '$path'\n"; pushd( $path ); } else { $path = ''; } # Ensure the output/auxiliary directories exist, if need be if ( $out_dir ) { if ( ! -e $out_dir ) { warn "$My_name: making output directory '$out_dir'\n" if ! $silent; make_path $out_dir; } elsif ( ! -d $out_dir ) { warn "$My_name: you requested output directory '$out_dir',\n", " but an ordinary file of the same name exists, which will\n", " probably give an error later\n"; } } if ( $aux_dir && ($aux_dir ne $out_dir) ) { # N.B. If $aux_dir and $out_dir are the same, then the -output-directory # option is sufficient, especially because the -aux-directory exists # only in MiKTeX, not in TeXLive. if ( ! -e $aux_dir ) { warn "$My_name: making auxiliary directory '$aux_dir'\n" if ! $silent; make_path $aux_dir; } elsif ( ! -d $aux_dir ) { warn "$My_name: you requested aux directory '$aux_dir',\n", " but an ordinary file of the same name exists, which will\n", " probably give an error later\n"; } } ## remove extension from filename if was given. if ( find_basename($filename, $root_filename, $texfile_name) ) { if ( $force_mode ) { warn "$My_name: Could not find file [$texfile_name]\n"; } else { &ifcd_popd; &exit_msg1( "Could not find file [$texfile_name]", 11); } } if ($jobname ne '' ) { $root_filename = $jobname; } $aux_main = "$aux_dir1$root_filename.aux"; $log_name = "$aux_dir1$root_filename.log"; $fdb_name = "$aux_dir1$root_filename.$fdb_ext"; # Initialize basic dependency information: # For use under error conditions: @default_includes = ($texfile_name, $aux_main); # Initialize rule database. # ?? Should I also initialize file database? %rule_list = (); &rdb_make_rule_list; &rdb_set_rules( \%rule_list, \%extra_rule_spec ); if ( $cleanup_mode > 0 ) { # ?? MAY NEED TO FIX THE FOLLOWING IF $aux_dir or $out_dir IS SET. my %other_generated = (); my @index_bibtex_generated = (); my @aux_files = (); my @missing_bib_files = (); my $bibs_all_exist = 0; $have_fdb = 0; if ( -e $fdb_name ) { print "$My_name: Examining fdb file '$fdb_name' for rules ...\n" if $diagnostics; $have_fdb = ( 0 == rdb_read( $fdb_name ) ); } if ( $have_fdb ) { rdb_for_all( sub { # Find generated files at rule level my ($base, $path, $ext) = fileparseA( $$Psource ); $base = $path.$base; if ( $rule =~ /^makeindex/ ) { push @index_bibtex_generated, $$Psource, $$Pdest, "$base.ilg"; } elsif ( $rule =~ /^(bibtex|biber)/ ) { push @index_bibtex_generated, $$Pdest, "$base.blg"; push @aux_files, $$Psource; if ( $bibtex_use == 1.5) { foreach ( keys %$PHsource ) { if ( ( /\.bib$/ ) && (! -e $_) ) { push @missing_bib_files, $_; } } } } elsif ( exists $other_generated{$$Psource} ) { # print "=========== CHECKING: source file of rule '$rule', '$$Psource'\n", # " is a generated file.\n"; ## OLD with apparent bug: #$other_generated{$$Pdest}; } foreach my $key (keys %$PHdest) { $other_generated{$key} = 1; } }, sub { # Find generated files at source file level if ( $file =~ /\.aux$/ ) { push @aux_files, $file; } } ); if ($#missing_bib_files == -1) { $bibs_all_exist = 1; } } elsif ( -e $log_name ) { # No fdb file, but log file exists, so do inferior job by parse_log print "$My_name: Examining log file '$log_name' for generated files...\n" if $diagnostics; # Variables set by parse_log. Can I remove them? local %generated_log = (); local %dependents = (); # Maps files to status. Not used here. local @bbl_files = (); # Not used here. local %idx_files = (); # Maps idx_file to (ind_file, base). Not used here. local %conversions = (); # (pdf)latex-performed conversions. Not used here. # Maps output file created and read by (pdf)latex # to source file of conversion. local $primary_out = ''; # Actual output file (dvi or pdf). Not used here. local $fls_file_analyzed = 0; &parse_log; %other_generated = %generated_log; } else { print "$My_name: No fdb or log file, so clean up default set of files ...\n" if $diagnostics; } if ( ($go_mode == 2) && !$silent ) { warn "$My_name: Removing all generated files\n" unless $silent; } my $keep_bbl = 1; if ( ($bibtex_use > 1.6) || ( ($bibtex_use == 1.5) && ($bibs_all_exist) ) ) { $keep_bbl = 0; } if ($keep_bbl) { delete $generated_exts_all{'bbl'}; } # Convert two arrays to hashes: my %index_bibtex_generated = (); my %aux_files = (); my %aux_files_to_save = (); foreach (@index_bibtex_generated) { $index_bibtex_generated{$_} = 1 unless ( /\.bbl$/ && ($keep_bbl) ); delete( $other_generated{$_} ); } foreach (@aux_files) { if (exists $other_generated{$_} ) { $aux_files{$_} = 1; } else { $aux_files_to_save{$_} = 1; } } if ($diagnostics) { show_array( "For deletion, the following were determined from fdb file or log file:\n" ." Generated (from makeindex and bibtex):", keys %index_bibtex_generated ); show_array( " Aux files:", keys %aux_files ); show_array( " Other generated files:\n" ." (only deleted if \$cleanup_includes_generated is set): ", keys %other_generated ); show_array( " Yet other generated files are specified by patterns:\n". " Explicit pattern with %R or root-filename.extension:", keys %generated_exts_all ); show_array( " Aux files to SAVE and not delete:", keys %aux_files_to_save ); } &cleanup1( $aux_dir1, $fdb_ext, 'blg', 'ilg', 'log', 'aux.bak', 'idx.bak', split('\s+',$clean_ext), keys %generated_exts_all ); unlink_or_move( 'texput.log', "texput.aux", "missfont.log", keys %index_bibtex_generated, keys %aux_files ); if ( $dependents_list && ( $deps_file ne '-' ) ) { unlink_or_move( $deps_file ); } if ($cleanup_includes_generated) { unlink_or_move( keys %other_generated ); } if ( $cleanup_includes_cusdep_generated) { &cleanup_cusdep_generated; } if ( $cleanup_mode == 1 ) { &cleanup1( $out_dir1, 'dvi', 'dviF', 'ps', 'psF', 'pdf', 'synctex.gz', 'xdv', split('\s+', $clean_full_ext) ); } } if ($cleanup_fdb) { unlink_or_move( $fdb_name ); # If the fdb file exists, it will have been read, and therefore changed # rule database. But deleting the fdb file implies we also want # a virgin rule database, so we must reset it: rdb_set_rules( \%rule_list ); } if ($cleanup_only) { next FILE; } #??? The following are not needed if use rdb_make. # ?? They may be set too early? # Arrays and hashes for picking out accessible rules. # Distinguish rules for making files and others @accessible_all = sort ( &rdb_accessible( keys %requested_filerules, keys %one_time )); %accessible_filerules = (); foreach (@accessible_all) { unless ( /view/ || /print/ ) { $accessible_filerules{$_} = 1; } } @accessible_filerules = sort keys %accessible_filerules; # show_array ( "=======All rules used", @accessible_all ); # show_array ( "=======Requested file rules", sort keys %requested_filerules ); # show_array ( "=======Rules for files", @accessible_filerules ); if ( $diagnostics ) { print "$My_name: Rules after start up for '$texfile_name'\n"; rdb_show(); } %primaries = (); foreach (@accessible_all) { if ( ($_ eq 'latex') || ($_ eq 'pdflatex') || ($_ eq 'lualatex') || ($_ eq 'xelatex') ) { $primaries{$_} = 1; } } $have_fdb = 0; if (! -e $aux_main ) { # No aux file => set up trivial aux file # and corresponding fdb_file. Arrange them to provoke one run # as minimum, but no more if actual aux file is trivial. # (Useful on big files without cross references.) # If aux file doesn't exist, then any fdb file is surely # wrong. # Previously, I had condition for this as being both aux and # fdb files failing to exist. But it's not obvious what to # do if aux exists and fdb doesn't. So I won't do anything. &set_trivial_aux_fdb; } if ( -e $fdb_name ) { $rdb_errors = rdb_read( $fdb_name ); $have_fdb = ($rdb_errors == 0); } if (!$have_fdb) { # We didn't get a valid set of data on files used in # previous run. So use filetime criterion for make # instead of change from previous run, until we have # done our own make. rdb_recurse( [keys %possible_primaries], sub{ if ( $$Ptest_kind == 1 ) { $$Ptest_kind = 3;} } ); if ( -e $log_name ) { rdb_for_some( [keys %possible_primaries], \&rdb_set_latex_deps ); } } foreach $rule ( rdb_accessible( uniq1( keys %requested_filerules ) ) ){ # For all source files of all accessible rules, # if the file data are not already set (e.g., from fdb_latexmk # file, set them from disk. rdb_one_rule ($rule, undef, sub{ if ( $$Ptime == 0) { &rdb_update1; } } ); } if ($go_mode) { # Force everything to be remade. rdb_recurse( [keys %requested_filerules], sub{$$Pout_of_date=1;} ); } if ( $diagnostics ) { print "$My_name: Rules after initialization\n"; rdb_show(); } #************************************************************ if ( $preview_continuous_mode ) { &make_preview_continuous; next FILE; } ## Handling of failures: ## Variable $failure is set to indicate a failure, with information ## put in $failure_msg. ## These variables should be set to 0 and '' at any point at which it ## should be assumed that no failures have occurred. ## When after a routine is called it is found that $failure is set, then ## processing should normally be aborted, e.g., by return. ## Then there is a cascade of returns back to the outermost level whose ## responsibility is to handle the error. ## Exception: An outer level routine may reset $failure and $failure_msg ## after initial processing, when the error condition may get ## ameliorated later. #Initialize failure flags now. $failure = 0; $failure_msg = ''; $failure = rdb_make( keys %requested_filerules ); if ( ( $failure <= 0 ) || $force_mode ) { rdb_for_some( [keys %one_time], \&rdb_run1 ); } if ($failure > 0) { next FILE; } } # end FILE continue { if ($deps_handle) { deps_list($deps_handle); } # If requested, print the list of rules. But don't do this in -pvc # mode, since the rules list has already been printed. if ($rules_list && ! $preview_continuous_mode) { rdb_list(); } # Handle any errors $error_message_count = rdb_show_rule_errors(); if ( ($error_message_count == 0) || ($failure > 0) ) { if ( $failure_msg ) { #Remove trailing space $failure_msg =~ s/\s*$//; warn "$My_name: Did not finish processing file '$filename':\n", " $failure_msg\n"; $failure = 1; } } if ( ($failure > 0) || ($error_message_count > 0) ) { $failure_count ++; push @failed_primaries, $filename; } &ifcd_popd; } close($deps_handle) if ( $deps_handle ); if ($show_time) { show_timing();} sub show_timing { my $processing_time = processing_time() - $processing_time1; print @timings, "Accumulated processing time = $processing_time\n"; @timings = (); $processing_time1 = processing_time(); } # If we get here without going through the continue section: if ( $do_cd && ($#dir_stack > -1) ) { # Just in case we did an abnormal exit from the loop warn "$My_name: Potential bug: dir_stack not yet unwound, undoing all directory changes now\n"; &finish_dir_stack; } if ($failure_count > 0) { if ( $#file_list > 0 ) { # Error occured, but multiple files were processed, so # user may not have seen all the error messages warn "\n------------\n"; show_array( "$My_name: Some operations failed, for the following tex file(s)", @failed_primaries); } if ( !$force_mode ) { warn "$My_name: Use the -f option to force complete processing,\n", " unless error was exceeding maximum runs of latex/pdflatex.\n"; } exit 12; } # end MAIN PROGRAM ############################################################# sub fix_cmds { # If commands do not have placeholders for %S etc, put them in foreach ($latex, $pdflatex, $lpr, $lpr_dvi, $lpr_pdf, $pdf_previewer, $ps_previewer, $ps_previewer_landscape, $dvi_previewer, $dvi_previewer_landscape, $kpsewhich ) { # Source only if ( $_ && ! /%/ ) { $_ .= " %O %S"; } } foreach ($pdf_previewer, $ps_previewer, $ps_previewer_landscape, $dvi_previewer, $dvi_previewer_landscape, ) { # Run previewers detached if ( $_ && ! /^(nostart|NONE|internal) / ) { $_ = "start $_"; } } foreach ($biber, $bibtex) { # Base only if ( $_ && ! /%/ ) { $_ .= " %O %B"; } } foreach ($dvipdf, $ps2pdf) { # Source and dest without flag for destination if ( $_ && ! /%/ ) { $_ .= " %O %S %D"; } } foreach ($dvips, $makeindex) { # Source and dest with -o dest before source if ( $_ && ! /%/ ) { $_ .= " %O -o %D %S"; } } foreach ($dvi_filter, $ps_filter) { # Source and dest, but as filters if ( $_ && ! /%/ ) { $_ .= " %O <%S >%D"; } } } #END fix_cmds ############################################################# sub add_option { # Call add_option( $opt, \$cmd ... ) # Add option to one or more commands my $option = shift; while (@_) { if ( ${$_[0]} !~ /%/ ) { &fix_cmds; } ${$_[0]} =~ s/%O/$option %O/; shift; } } #END add_option ############################################################# sub rdb_make_rule_list { # Set up specifications for standard rules, adjusted to current conditions # Substitutions: %S = source, %D = dest, %B = this rule's base # %T = texfile, %R = root = base for latex. # %Y for $aux_dir1, %Z for $out_dir1 # Defaults for dvi, ps, and pdf files # Use local, not my, so these variables can be referenced local $dvi_final = "%Z%R.dvi"; local $ps_final = "%Z%R.ps"; local $pdf_final = "%Z%R.pdf"; local $xdv_final = "%Z%R.xdv"; if ( length($dvi_filter) > 0) { $dvi_final = "%Z%R.dviF"; } if ( length($ps_filter) > 0) { $ps_final = "%Z%R.psF"; } my $print_file = ''; my $print_cmd = 'NONE'; if ( $print_type eq 'dvi' ) { $print_file = $dvi_final; $print_cmd = $lpr_dvi; } elsif ( $print_type eq 'pdf' ) { $print_file = $pdf_final; $print_cmd = $lpr_pdf; } elsif ( $print_type eq 'ps' ) { $print_file = $ps_final; $print_cmd = $lpr; } elsif ( $print_type eq 'none' ) { $print_cmd = 'NONE echo NO PRINTING CONFIGURED'; } my $view_file = ''; my $viewer = ''; my $viewer_update_method = 0; my $viewer_update_signal = undef; my $viewer_update_command = undef; if ( ($view eq 'dvi') || ($view eq 'pdf') || ($view eq 'ps') ) { $view_file = ${$view.'_final'}; $viewer = ${$view.'_previewer'}; $viewer_update_method = ${$view.'_update_method'}; $viewer_update_signal = ${$view.'_update_signal'}; if (defined ${$view.'_update_command'}) { $viewer_update_command = ${$view.'_update_command'}; } } # Specification of internal command for viewer update: my $PA_update = ['do_update_view', $viewer_update_method, $viewer_update_signal, 0, 1]; # For test_kind: Use file contents for latex and friends, but file time for the others. # This is because, especially for dvi file, the contents of the file may contain # a pointer to a file to be included, not the contents of the file! %rule_list = ( 'latex' => [ 'primary', "$latex", '', "%T", "%Z%B.dvi", "%R", 1, ["%Y%R.log"] ], 'pdflatex' => [ 'primary', "$pdflatex", '', "%T", "%Z%B.pdf", "%R", 1, ["%Y%R.log"] ], 'lualatex' => [ 'primary', "$lualatex", '', "%T", "%Z%B.pdf", "%R", 1, ["%Y%R.log"] ], 'xelatex' => [ 'primary', "$xelatex", '', "%T", "%Z%B.xdv", "%R", 1, ["%Y%R.log"] ], 'dvipdf' => [ 'external', "$dvipdf", 'do_viewfile', $dvi_final, "%B.pdf", "%Z%R", 2 ], 'xdvipdfmx' => [ 'external', "$xdvipdfmx", 'do_viewfile', $xdv_final, "%B.pdf", "%Z%R", 2 ], 'dvips' => [ 'external', "$dvips", 'do_viewfile', $dvi_final, "%B.ps", "%Z%R", 2 ], 'dvifilter'=> [ 'external', $dvi_filter, 'do_viewfile', "%B.dvi", "%B.dviF", "%Z%R", 2 ], 'ps2pdf' => [ 'external', "$ps2pdf", 'do_viewfile', $ps_final, "%B.pdf", "%Z%R", 2 ], 'psfilter' => [ 'external', $ps_filter, 'do_viewfile', "%B.ps", "%B.psF", "%Z%R", 2 ], 'print' => [ 'external', "$print_cmd", 'if_source', $print_file, "", "", 2 ], 'update_view' => [ 'external', $viewer_update_command, $PA_update, $view_file, "", "", 2 ], 'view' => [ 'external', "$viewer", 'if_source', $view_file, "", "", 2 ], ); # Ensure we only have one way to make pdf file, and that it is appropriate: if ($pdf_mode == 2) { delete $rule_list{'dvipdf'}; delete $rule_list{'pdflatex'}; delete $rule_list{'lualatex'}; delete $rule_list{'xelatex'}; } elsif ($pdf_mode == 3) { delete $rule_list{'pdflatex'}; delete $rule_list{'ps2pdf'}; delete $rule_list{'lualatex'}; delete $rule_list{'xelatex'}; } elsif ($pdf_mode == 4) { delete $rule_list{'pdflatex'}; delete $rule_list{'ps2pdf'}; delete $rule_list{'dvipdf'}; delete $rule_list{'xelatex'}; } elsif ($pdf_mode == 5) { delete $rule_list{'pdflatex'}; delete $rule_list{'ps2pdf'}; delete $rule_list{'dvipdf'}; delete $rule_list{'lualatex'}; } else { # Default is to leave pdflatex delete $rule_list{'dvipdf'}; delete $rule_list{'ps2pdf'}; delete $rule_list{'lualatex'}; delete $rule_list{'xelatex'}; } } # END rdb_make_rule_list #************************************************************ sub rdb_set_rules { # Call rdb_set_rules( \%rule_list, ...) # Set up rule database from definitions # Map of files to rules that MAKE them: %rule_db = (); foreach my $Prule_list (@_) { foreach my $rule ( keys %$Prule_list) { my ( $cmd_type, $ext_cmd, $int_cmd, $source, $dest, $base, $test_kind, $PA_extra_gen ) = @{$$Prule_list{$rule}}; if ( ! $PA_extra_gen ) { $PA_extra_gen = []; } my $needs_making = 0; # Substitute in the filename variables, since we will use # those for determining filenames. But delay expanding $cmd # until run time, in case of changes. foreach ($base, $source, $dest, @$PA_extra_gen ) { s/%R/$root_filename/; s/%Y/$aux_dir1/; s/%Z/$out_dir1/; } foreach ($source, $dest ) { s/%B/$base/; s/%T/$texfile_name/; } # print "$rule: $cmd_type, EC='$ext_cmd', IC='$int_cmd', $test_kind,\n", # " S='$source', D='$dest', B='$base' $needs_making\n"; rdb_create_rule( $rule, $cmd_type, $ext_cmd, $int_cmd, $test_kind, $source, $dest, $base, $needs_making, undef, undef, 1, $PA_extra_gen ); # !! ?? Last line was # $needs_making, undef, ($test_kind==1) ); } } # End arguments of subroutine &rdb_make_links; } # END rdb_set_rules #************************************************************ sub rdb_make_links { # ?? Problem if there are multiple rules for getting a file. Notably pdf. # Which one to choose? # Create $from_rule if there's a suitable rule. # Map files to rules: local %from_rules = (); rdb_for_all( sub{ if($$Pdest){$from_rules{$$Pdest} = $rule;} } ); #?? foreach (sort keys %from_rules) {print "D='$_' F='$from_rules{$_}\n";} rdb_for_all( 0, sub{ # Set from_rule, but only if it isn't set or is invalid. # Don't forget the biber v. bibtex issue if ( exists $from_rules{$file} && ( (!$$Pfrom_rule) || (! exists $rule_db{$$Pfrom_rule} ) ) ) { $$Pfrom_rule = $from_rules{$file}; } } ); rdb_for_all( 0, sub{ if ( exists $from_rules{$file} ) { $$Pfrom_rule = $from_rules{$file}; } if ( $$Pfrom_rule && (! rdb_rule_exists( $$Pfrom_rule ) ) ) { $$Pfrom_rule = ''; } #?? print "$rule: $file, $$Pfrom_rule\n"; } ); } # END rdb_make_links #************************************************************ sub set_trivial_aux_fdb { # 1. Write aux file EXACTLY as would be written if the tex file # had no cross references, etc. I.e., a minimal .aux file. # 2. Write a corresponding fdb file # 3. Provoke a run of (pdf)latex (actually of all primaries). local *aux_file; open( aux_file, '>', $aux_main ) or die "Cannot write file '$aux_main'\n"; print aux_file "\\relax \n"; close(aux_file); foreach my $rule (keys %primaries ) { rdb_ensure_file( $rule, $texfile_name ); rdb_ensure_file( $rule, $aux_main ); rdb_one_rule( $rule, sub{ $$Pout_of_date = 1; } ); } &rdb_write( $fdb_name ); } #END set_trivial_aux_fdb #************************************************************ #### Particular actions #************************************************************ #************************************************************ sub do_cusdep { # Unconditional application of custom-dependency # except that rule is not applied if the source file source # does not exist, and an error is returned if the dest is not made. # # Assumes rule context for the custom-dependency, and that my first # argument is the name of the subroutine to apply my $func_name = $_[0]; my $return = 0; if ( !-e $$Psource ) { # Source does not exist. Users of this rule will need to turn # it off when custom dependencies are reset if ( !$silent ) { ## ??? Was commented out. 1 Sep. 2008 restored, for cusdep no-file-exists issue warn "$My_name: In trying to apply custom-dependency rule\n", " to make '$$Pdest' from '$$Psource'\n", " the source file has disappeared since the last run\n"; } # Treat as successful } elsif ( !$func_name ) { warn "$My_name: Possible misconfiguration or bug:\n", " In trying to apply custom-dependency rule\n", " to make '$$Pdest' from '$$Psource'\n", " the function name is blank.\n"; } elsif ( ! defined &$func_name ) { warn "$My_name: Misconfiguration or bug,", " in trying to apply custom-dependency rule\n", " to make '$$Pdest' from '$$Psource'\n", " function name '$func_name' does not exists.\n"; } else { my $cusdep_ret = &$func_name( $$Pbase ); if ( defined $cusdep_ret && ($cusdep_ret != 0) ) { $return = $cusdep_ret; if ($return) { warn "Rule '$rule', function '$func_name'\n", " failed with return code = $return\n"; } } elsif ( !-e $$Pdest ) { # Destination non-existent, but routine failed to give an error warn "$My_name: In running custom-dependency rule\n", " to make '$$Pdest' from '$$Psource'\n", " function '$func_name' did not make the destination.\n"; $return = -1; } } return $return; } # END do_cusdep #************************************************************ sub do_viewfile { # Unconditionally make file for viewing, going through temporary file if # Assumes rule context my $return = 0; my ($base, $path, $ext) = fileparseA( $$Pdest ); if ( &view_file_via_temporary ) { if ( $$Pext_cmd =~ /%D/ ) { my $tmpfile = tempfile1( "${root_filename}_tmp", $ext ); warn "$My_name: Making '$$Pdest' via temporary '$tmpfile'...\n"; $return = &Run_subst( undef, undef, undef, undef, $tmpfile ); move( $tmpfile, $$Pdest ); } else { warn "$My_name is configured to make '$$Pdest' via a temporary file\n", " but the command template '$$Pext_cmd' does not have a slot\n", " to set the destination file, so I won't use a temporary file\n"; $return = &Run_subst(); } } else { $return = &Run_subst(); } return $return; } #END do_viewfile #************************************************************ sub do_update_view { # Update viewer # Assumes rule context # Arguments: (method, signal, viewer_process) my $return = 0; # Although the process is passed as an argument, we'll need to update it. # So (FUDGE??) bypass the standard interface for the process. # We might as well do this for all the arguments. my $viewer_update_method = ${$PAint_cmd}[1]; my $viewer_update_signal = ${$PAint_cmd}[2]; my $Pviewer_process = \${$PAint_cmd}[3]; my $Pneed_to_get_viewer_process = \${$PAint_cmd}[4]; if ($viewer_update_method == 2) { if ($$Pneed_to_get_viewer_process) { $$Pviewer_process = &find_process_id( $$Psource ); if ($$Pviewer_process != 0) { $$Pneed_to_get_viewer_process = 0; } } if ($$Pviewer_process == 0) { print "$My_name: need to signal viewer for file '$$Psource', but didn't get \n", " process ID for some reason, e.g., no viewer, bad configuration, bug\n" if $diagnostics ; } elsif ( defined $viewer_update_signal) { print "$My_name: signalling viewer, process ID $$Pviewer_process ", "with signal $viewer_update_signal\n" if $diagnostics ; kill $viewer_update_signal, $$Pviewer_process; } else { warn "$My_name: viewer is supposed to be sent a signal\n", " but no signal is defined. Misconfiguration or bug?\n"; $return = 1; } } elsif ($viewer_update_method == 4) { if (defined $$Pext_cmd) { $return = &Run_subst(); } else { warn "$My_name: viewer is supposed to be updated by running a command,\n", " but no command is defined. Misconfiguration or bug?\n"; } } return $return; } #END do_update_view #************************************************************ sub if_source { # Unconditionally apply rule if source file exists. # Assumes rule context if ( -e $$Psource ) { return &Run_subst(); } else { warn "Needed source file '$$Psource' does not exist.\n"; return -1; } } #END if_source #************************************************************ #### Subroutines #************************************************************ #************************************************************ sub find_basename { # Finds the basename of the root file # Arguments: # 1 - Filename to breakdown # 2 - Where to place base file # 3 - Where to place tex file # Returns non-zero if tex file does not exist # # The rules for determining this depend on the implementation of TeX. # The variable $extension_treatment determines which rules are used. # !!!!!!!! I still need to implement use of kpsewhich to match behavior # of (pdf)latex correctly. local($given_name, $base_name, $ext, $path, $tex_name); $given_name = $_[0]; if ( "$extension_treatment" eq "miktex_old" ) { # Miktex v. 1.20d: # 1. If the filename has an extension, then use it. # 2. Else append ".tex". # 3. The basename is obtained from the filename by # removing the path component, and the extension, if it # exists. If a filename has a multiple extension, then # all parts of the extension are removed. # 4. The names of generated files (log, aux) are obtained by # appending .log, .aux, etc to the basename. Note that # these are all in the CURRENT directory, and the drive/path # part of the originally given filename is ignored. # # Thus when the given filename is "\tmp\a.b.c", the tex # filename is the same, and the basename is "a". ($base_name, $path, $ext) = fileparse( $given_name, '\..*' ); if ( "$ext" eq "") { $tex_name = "$given_name.tex"; } else { $tex_name = $given_name; } $_[1] = $base_name; $_[2] = $tex_name; } elsif ( "$extension_treatment" eq "unix" ) { # unix (at least TeXLive 2016) => # A. Finding of tex file: # 1. If filename.tex exists, use it, # 2. else if kpsewhich finds filename.tex, use it # 3. else if filename exists, use it, # 4. else if kpsewhich finds filename, use it. # (Probably can unify the above by # 1'. If kpsewhich finds filename.tex, use result. # 2'. else if kpsewhich finds filename, use result. # 3'. else report file not found. # B. The base filename is obtained by deleting the path # component and, if an extension exists, the last # component of the extension, even if the extension is # null. (A name ending in "." has a null extension.) # C. The names of generated files (log, aux) are obtained by # appending .log, .aux, etc to the basename. Note that # these are all in the CURRENT directory, and the drive/path # part of the originally given filename is ignored. # # Thus when the given filename is "/tmp/a.b.c", there are two # cases: # a. /tmp/a.b.c.tex exists. Then this is the tex file, # and the basename is "a.b.c". # b. /tmp/a.b.c.tex does not exist. Then the tex file is # "/tmp/a.b.c", and the basename is "a.b". # But there are also modifications of this when a file can be # found by kpsewhich. if ( -f "$given_name.tex" ) { $tex_name = "$given_name.tex"; } else { $tex_name = "$given_name"; } ($base_name, $path, $ext) = fileparse( $tex_name, '\.[^\.]*' ); $_[1] = $base_name; $_[2] = $tex_name; } else { die "$My_name: Incorrect configuration gives \$extension_treatment=", "'$extension_treatment'\n"; } if ($diagnostics) { print "Given='$given_name', tex='$tex_name', base='$base_name'\n"; } return ! -e $tex_name; } #END find_basename #************************************************************ sub make_preview_continuous { local @changed = (); local @disappeared = (); local @no_dest = (); # Non-existent destination files local @rules_never_run = (); local @rules_to_apply = (); local $failure = 0; local %rules_applied = (); local $updated = 0; # What to make? my @targets = keys %requested_filerules; $quell_uptodate_msgs = 1; local $view_file = ''; rdb_one_rule( 'view', sub{ $view_file = $$Psource; } ); if ( ($view eq 'dvi') || ($view eq 'pdf') || ($view eq 'ps') ) { warn "Viewing $view\n"; } elsif ( $view eq 'none' ) { warn "Not using a previewer\n"; $view_file = ''; } else { warn "$My_name: BUG: Invalid preview method '$view'\n"; exit 20; } my $viewer_running = 0; # No viewer known to be running yet # Get information from update_view rule local $viewer_update_method = 0; # Pointers so we can update the following: local $Pviewer_process = undef; local $Pneed_to_get_viewer_process = undef; rdb_one_rule( 'update_view', sub{ $viewer_update_method = $$PAint_cmd[1]; $Pviewer_process = \$$PAint_cmd[3]; $Pneed_to_get_viewer_process = \$$PAint_cmd[4]; } ); # Note that we don't get the previewer process number from the program # that starts it; that might only be a script to get things set up and the # actual previewer could be (and sometimes IS) another process. if ( ($view_file ne '') && (-e $view_file) && !$new_viewer_always ) { # Is a viewer already running? # (We'll save starting up another viewer.) $$Pviewer_process = &find_process_id( $view_file ); if ( $$Pviewer_process ) { warn "$My_name: Previewer is already running\n" if !$silent; $viewer_running = 1; $$Pneed_to_get_viewer_process = 0; } } # Loop forever, rebuilding .dvi and .ps as necessary. # Set $first_time to flag first run (to save unnecessary diagnostics) my $last_action_time = time(); my $timed_out = 0; CHANGE: for (my $first_time = 1; 1; $first_time = 0 ) { my %rules_to_watch = %requested_filerules; $updated = 0; $failure = 0; $failure_msg = ''; if ( $MSWin_fudge_break && ($^O eq "MSWin32") ) { # Fudge under MSWin32 ONLY, to stop perl/latexmk from # catching ctrl/C and ctrl/break, and let it only reach # downstream programs. See comments at first definition of # $MSWin_fudge_break. $SIG{BREAK} = $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; } if ($compiling_cmd) { Run_subst( $compiling_cmd ); } $failure = rdb_make( @targets ); ## warn "=========Viewer PID = $$Pviewer_process; updated=$updated\n"; if ( $MSWin_fudge_break && ($^O eq "MSWin32") ) { $SIG{BREAK} = $SIG{INT} = 'DEFAULT'; } # Start viewer if needed. if ( ($failure > 0) && (! $force_mode) ) { # No viewer yet } elsif ( ($view_file ne '') && (-e $view_file) && $updated && $viewer_running ) { # A viewer is running. Explicitly get it to update screen if we have to do it: rdb_one_rule( 'update_view', \&rdb_run1 ); } elsif ( ($view_file ne '') && (-e $view_file) && !$viewer_running ) { # Start the viewer if ( !$silent ) { if ($new_viewer_always) { warn "$My_name: starting previewer for '$view_file'\n", "------------\n"; } else { warn "$My_name: I have not found a previewer that ", "is already running. \n", " So I will start it for '$view_file'\n", "------------\n"; } } local $retcode = 0; rdb_one_rule( 'view', sub { $retcode = &rdb_run1;} ); if ( $retcode != 0 ) { if ($force_mode) { warn "$My_name: I could not run previewer\n"; } else { &exit_msg1( "I could not run previewer", $retcode); } } else { $viewer_running = 1; $$Pneed_to_get_viewer_process = 1; } # end analyze result of trying to run viewer } # end start viewer if ( $failure > 0 ) { if ( !$failure_msg ) { $failure_msg = 'Failure to make the files correctly'; } @pre_primary = (); # Array of rules @post_primary = (); # Array of rules @unusual_one_time = (); # Array of rules &rdb_classify_rules( \%possible_primaries, keys %requested_filerules ); # There will be files changed during the run that are irrelevant. # We need to wait for the user to change the files. # So set the GENERATED files from (pdf)latex as up-to-date: rdb_for_some( [keys %current_primaries], \&rdb_update_gen_files ); # And don't watch for changes for post_primary rules (ps and pdf # from dvi, etc haven't been run after an error in (pdf)latex, so # are out-of-date by filetime criterion, but they should not be run # until after another (pdf)latex run: foreach (@post_primary) { delete $rules_to_watch{$_}; } $failure_msg =~ s/\s*$//; #Remove trailing space warn "$My_name: $failure_msg\n", " ==> You will need to change a source file before I do another run <==\n"; if ($failure_cmd) { Run_subst( $failure_cmd ); } } else { if ($success_cmd) { Run_subst( $success_cmd ); } } rdb_show_rule_errors(); if ($rules_list) { rdb_list(); } if ($show_time && ! $first_time) { show_timing(); } if ( $dependents_list && ($updated || $failure) ) { my $deps_handle = new FileHandle "> $deps_file"; if ( defined $deps_handle ) { deps_list($deps_handle); close($deps_handle); } else { warn "Cannot open '$deps_file' for output of dependency information\n"; } } if ( $first_time || $updated || $failure ) { print "\n=== Watching for updated files. Use ctrl/C to stop ...\n"; } $waiting = 1; if ($diagnostics) { warn "WAITING\n"; } # During waiting for file changes, handle ctrl/C and ctrl/break here, rather than letting # system handle them by terminating script (and any script that calls it). This allows, # for example, the clean up code in the following command line to work: # latexmk -pvc foo; cleanup; &catch_break; $have_break = 0; $last_action_time = time(); WAIT: while (1) { sleep( $sleep_time ); if ($have_break) { last WAIT; } if ( rdb_new_changes(keys %rules_to_watch) ) { if (!$silent) { warn "$My_name: Need to remake files.\n"; &rdb_diagnose_changes( ' ' ); } last WAIT; } # Don't count waiting time in processing: $processing_time1 = processing_time(); # Does this do this job???? local $new_files = 0; rdb_for_some( [keys %current_primaries], sub{ $new_files += &rdb_find_new_files } ); if ($new_files > 0) { warn "$My_name: New file(s) found.\n"; last WAIT; } if ($have_break) { last WAIT; } if ($pvc_timeout && ( time() > $last_action_time+60*$pvc_timeout_mins ) ) { $timed_out = 1; last WAIT; } } # end WAIT: &default_break; if ($have_break) { print "$My_name: User typed ctrl/C or ctrl/break. I'll finish.\n"; return; } if ($timed_out) { print "$My_name: More than $pvc_timeout_mins mins of inactivity. I'll finish.\n"; return; } $waiting = 0; if ($diagnostics) { warn "NOT WAITING\n"; } } #end infinite_loop CHANGE: } #END sub make_preview_continuous #************************************************************ sub process_rc_file { # Usage process_rc_file( filename ) # NEW VERSION # Run rc_file whose name is given in first argument # Exit with code 0 on success # Exit with code 1 if file cannot be read or does not exist. # Stop if there is a syntax error or other problem. # PREVIOUSLY: # Exit with code 2 if is a syntax error or other problem. my $rc_file = $_[0]; my $ret_code = 0; warn "$My_name: Executing Perl code in file '$rc_file'...\n" if $diagnostics; # I could use the do command of perl, but the preceeding -r test # to get good diagnostics gets the wrong result under cygwin # (e.g., on /cygdrive/c/latexmk/LatexMk) my $RCH = new FileHandle; if ( !-e $rc_file ) { warn "$My_name: The rc-file '$rc_file' does not exist\n"; return 1; } elsif ( -d $rc_file ) { warn "$My_name: The supposed rc-file '$rc_file' is a directory; but it\n", " should be a normal text file\n"; return 1; } elsif ( open $RCH, "<$rc_file" ) { { local $/; eval <$RCH>; } close $RCH; } else { warn "$My_name: I cannot read the rc-file '$rc_file'\n"; return 1; } # PREVIOUS VERSION # if ( ! -r $rc_file ) { # warn "$My_name: I cannot read the rc-file '$rc_file'\n", # " or at least that's what Perl (for $^O) reports\n"; # return 1; # } # do( $rc_file ); if ( $@ ) { # Indent each line of possibly multiline message: my $message = prefix( $@, " " ); warn "$My_name: Initialization file '$rc_file' gave an error:\n", "$message\n"; die "$My_name: Stopping because of problem with rc file\n"; # Use the following if want non-fatal error. return 2; } return 0; } #END process_rc_file #************************************************************ sub execute_code_string { # Usage execute_code_string( string_of_code ) # Run the perl code contained in first argument # Halt if there is a syntax error or other problem. # ???Should I leave the exiting to the caller (perhaps as an option)? # But I can always catch it with an eval if necessary. # That confuses ctrl/C and ctrl/break handling. my $code = $_[0]; warn "$My_name: Executing initialization code specified by -e:\n", " '$code'...\n" if $diagnostics; eval $code; # The return value from the eval is not useful, since it is the value of # the last expression evaluated, which could be anything. # The correct test of errors is on the value of $@. if ( $@ ) { # Indent each line of possibly multiline message: my $message = prefix( $@, " " ); die "$My_name: ", "Stopping because executing following code from command line\n", " $code\n", "gave an error:\n", "$message\n"; } } #END execute_code_string #************************************************************ sub cleanup1 { # Usage: cleanup1( directory, exts_without_period, ... ) # # The directory and the root file name are fixed names, so I must escape # any glob metacharacters in them: my $dir = fix_pattern( shift ); my $root_fixed = fix_pattern( $root_filename ); foreach (@_) { (my $name = /%R/ ? $_ : "%R.$_") =~ s/%R/${dir}${root_fixed}/; unlink_or_move( my_glob( "$name" ) ); } } #END cleanup1 #************************************************************ sub cleanup_cusdep_generated { # Remove files generated by custom dependencies rdb_for_all( \&cleanup_one_cusdep_generated ); } #END cleanup_cusdep_generated #************************************************************ sub cleanup_one_cusdep_generated { # Remove destination file generated by one custom dependency # Assume rule context, but not that the rule is a custom dependency. # Only delete destination file if source file exists (so destination # file can be recreated) if ( $$Pcmd_type ne 'cusdep' ) { # NOT cusdep return; } if ( (-e $$Pdest) && (-e $$Psource) ) { unlink_or_move( $$Pdest ); } elsif ( (-e $$Pdest) && (!-e $$Psource) ) { warn "$My_name: For custom dependency '$rule',\n", " I won't delete destination file '$$Pdest'\n", " because the source file '$$Psource' doesn't exist,\n", " so the destination file may not be able to be recreated\n"; } } #END cleanup_one_cusdep_generated #************************************************************ #************************************************************ #************************************************************ # Error handling routines, warning routines, help #************************************************************ sub die_trace { # Call: die_trace( message ); &traceback; # argument(s) passed unchanged die "\n"; } #END die_trace #************************************************************ sub traceback { # Call: &traceback # or traceback( message, ) my $msg = shift; if ($msg) { warn "$msg\n"; } warn "Traceback:\n"; my $i=0; # Start with immediate caller while ( my ($pack, $file, $line, $func) = caller($i++) ) { if ($func eq 'die_trace') { next; } warn " $func called from line $line\n"; } } #END traceback #************************************************************ sub exit_msg1 { # exit_msg1( error_message, retcode [, action]) # 1. display error message # 2. if action set, then restore aux file # 3. exit with retcode warn "\n------------\n"; warn "$My_name: $_[0].\n"; warn "-- Use the -f option to force complete processing.\n"; my $retcode = $_[1]; if ($retcode >= 256) { # Retcode is the kind returned by system from an external command # which is 256 * command's_retcode $retcode /= 256; } exit $retcode; } #END exit_msg1 #************************************************************ sub warn_running { # Message about running program: if ( $silent ) { warn "$My_name: @_\n"; } else { warn "------------\n@_\n------------\n"; } } #END warn_running #************************************************************ sub exit_help # Exit giving diagnostic from arguments and how to get help. { warn "\n$My_name: @_\n", "Use\n", " $my_name -help\nto get usage information\n"; exit 10; } #END exit_help #************************************************************ sub print_help { print "$My_name $version_num: Automatic LaTeX document generation routine\n\n", "Usage: $my_name [latexmk_options] [filename ...]\n\n", " Latexmk_options:\n", " -aux-directory=dir or -auxdir=dir \n", " - set name of directory for auxiliary files (aux, log)\n", " - Currently this only works with MiKTeX\n", " -bibtex - use bibtex when needed (default)\n", " -bibtex- - never use bibtex\n", " -bibtex-cond - use bibtex when needed, but only if the bib file exists\n", " -bibtex-cond1 - use bibtex when needed, but only if the bib file exists;\n", " on cleanup delete bbl file only if bib file exists\n", " -bm - Print message across the page when converting to postscript\n", " -bi - Set contrast or intensity of banner\n", " -bs - Set scale for banner\n", " -commands - list commands used by $my_name for processing files\n", " -c - clean up (remove) all nonessential files, except\n", " dvi, ps and pdf files.\n", " This and the other clean-ups are instead of a regular make.\n", " -C - clean up (remove) all nonessential files\n", " including aux, dep, dvi, postscript and pdf files\n", " and file of database of file information\n", " -CA - clean up (remove) all nonessential files.\n", " Equivalent to -C option.\n", " -CF - Remove file of database of file information before doing \n", " other actions\n", " -cd - Change to directory of source file when processing it\n", " -cd- - Do NOT change to directory of source file when processing it\n", " -dependents or -deps - Show list of dependent files after processing\n", " -dependents- or -deps- - Do not show list of dependent files\n", " -deps-out=file - Set name of output file for dependency list,\n", " and turn on showing of dependency list\n", " -dF - Filter to apply to dvi file\n", " -dvi - generate dvi\n", " -dvi- - turn off required dvi\n", " -e - Execute specified Perl code (as part of latexmk start-up\n", " code)\n", " -f - force continued processing past errors\n", " -f- - turn off forced continuing processing past errors\n", " -gg - Super go mode: clean out generated files (-CA), and then\n", " process files regardless of file timestamps\n", " -g - process regardless of file timestamps\n", " -g- - Turn off -g\n", " -h - print help\n", " -help - print help\n", " -jobname=STRING - set basename of output file(s) to STRING.\n", " (Like --jobname=STRING on command line for many current\n", " implementations of latex/pdflatex.)\n", " -l - force landscape mode\n", " -l- - turn off -l\n", " -latex= - set program used for latex.\n", " (replace '' by the program name)\n", " -latexoption=