package LatexIndent::TrailingComments; # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # See # # Chris Hughes, 2017 # # For all communication, please visit: use strict; use warnings; use LatexIndent::Tokens qw/%tokens/; use LatexIndent::Switches qw/$is_t_switch_active $is_tt_switch_active $is_m_switch_active/; use LatexIndent::GetYamlSettings qw/%masterSettings/; use LatexIndent::LogFile qw/$logger/; use Data::Dumper; use Exporter qw/import/; our @EXPORT_OK = qw/remove_trailing_comments put_trailing_comments_back_in $trailingCommentRegExp add_comment_symbol construct_trailing_comment_regexp/; our @trailingComments; our $commentCounter = 0; our $trailingCommentRegExp; sub construct_trailing_comment_regexp{ $trailingCommentRegExp = qr/(?$tokens{trailingComment}.$commentCounter.$tokens{endOfToken},value=>q()}); # log file info $logger->trace("*Updating trailing comment array")if $is_t_switch_active; $logger->trace(Dumper(\@trailingComments),'ttrace') if($is_tt_switch_active); # the returned value return $tokens{trailingComment}.$commentCounter.$tokens{endOfToken}; } sub remove_trailing_comments{ my $self = shift; $logger->trace("*Storing trailing comments")if $is_t_switch_active; # perform the substitution ${$self}{body} =~ s/ (?$tokens{trailingComment}.$commentCounter.$tokens{endOfToken},value=>$1}); # replace comment with dummy text "%".$tokens{trailingComment}.$commentCounter.$tokens{endOfToken}; /xsmeg; if(@trailingComments){ $logger->trace("Trailing comments stored in:") if($is_tt_switch_active); $logger->trace(Dumper(\@trailingComments)) if($is_tt_switch_active); } else { $logger->trace("No trailing comments found") if($is_t_switch_active); } return; } sub put_trailing_comments_back_in{ my $self = shift; return unless( @trailingComments > 0 ); $logger->trace("*Returning trailing comments to body")if $is_t_switch_active; # loop through trailing comments in reverse so that, for example, # latexindenttrailingcomment1 doesn't match the first # part of latexindenttrailingcomment18, which would result in an 8 left over (bad) while( my $comment = pop @trailingComments){ my $trailingcommentID = ${$comment}{id}; my $trailingcommentValue = ${$comment}{value}; # the -m switch can modify max characters per line, and trailing comment IDs can # be split across lines if($is_m_switch_active and ${$self}{body} !~ m/%$trailingcommentID/m){ $logger->trace("$trailingcommentID not found in body using /m matching, assuming it has been split across line (see modifyLineBreaks: textWrapOptions)") if($is_t_switch_active); my $trailingcommentIDwithLineBreaks; # construct a reg exp that contains possible line breaks in between each character if(${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions}}{separator} ne ''){ $trailingcommentIDwithLineBreaks = join("\\".${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions}}{separator}."?",split(//,$trailingcommentID)); } else { $trailingcommentIDwithLineBreaks = join("\\R?",split(//,$trailingcommentID)); } my $trailingcommentIDwithLineBreaksRegExp = qr/$trailingcommentIDwithLineBreaks/s; # replace the line-broken trailing comment ID with a non-broken trailing comment ID ${$self}{body} =~ s/%\R?$trailingcommentIDwithLineBreaksRegExp/%$trailingcommentID/s; } if(${$self}{body} =~ m/%$trailingcommentID ( (?! # not immediately preceeded by (?trace("Comment not at end of line $trailingcommentID, moving it to end of line")if $is_t_switch_active; ${$self}{body} =~ s/%$trailingcommentID(.*)$/$1%$trailingcommentValue/m; } else { ${$self}{body} =~ s/%$trailingcommentID/%$trailingcommentValue/; } $logger->trace("replace %$trailingcommentID with %$trailingcommentValue") if($is_tt_switch_active); } return; } 1;