package LatexIndent::AlignmentAtAmpersand; # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # See # # Chris Hughes, 2017 # # For all communication, please visit: use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Unicode::GCString; use Data::Dumper; use Exporter qw/import/; use List::Util qw(max); use LatexIndent::TrailingComments qw/$trailingCommentRegExp/; use LatexIndent::Switches qw/$is_t_switch_active $is_tt_switch_active/; use LatexIndent::GetYamlSettings qw/%masterSettings/; use LatexIndent::Tokens qw/%tokens/; use LatexIndent::LogFile qw/$logger/; our @ISA = "LatexIndent::Document"; # class inheritance, Programming Perl, pg 321 our @EXPORT_OK = qw/align_at_ampersand find_aligned_block/; our $alignmentBlockCounter; sub find_aligned_block{ my $self = shift; return unless (${$self}{body} =~ m/(?!<\\)%\*\h*\\begin\{/s); # aligned block # %* \begin{tabular} # 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ # 5 & & 6 & \\ # %* \end{tabular} $logger->trace('*Searching for ALIGNED blocks marked by comments')if($is_t_switch_active); $logger->trace(Dumper(\%{$masterSettings{lookForAlignDelims}})) if($is_tt_switch_active); while( my ($alignmentBlock,$yesno)= each %{$masterSettings{lookForAlignDelims}}){ if(ref $yesno eq "HASH"){ $yesno = (defined ${$yesno}{delims} ) ? ${$yesno}{delims} : 1; } if($yesno){ $logger->trace("looking for %*\\begin\{$alignmentBlock\} environments"); my $alignmentRegExp = qr/ ( (?!<\\) % \* \h* # possible horizontal spaces \\begin\{ $alignmentBlock # environment name captured into $2 \} # %* \begin{alignmentBlock} statement ) ( .*? ) \R \h* ( (?!<\\) %\* # % \h* # possible horizontal spaces \\end\{$alignmentBlock\} # \end{alignmentBlock} ) # %* \end{} statement #\R /sx; while( ${$self}{body} =~ m/$alignmentRegExp/sx){ ${$self}{body} =~ s/ $alignmentRegExp / # create a new Environment object my $alignmentBlockObj = LatexIndent::AlignmentAtAmpersand->new( begin=>$1, body=>$2, end=>$3, name=>$alignmentBlock, modifyLineBreaksYamlName=>"environments", linebreaksAtEnd=>{ begin=>1, body=>1, end=>0, }, ); # log file output $logger->trace("*Alignment block found: %*\\begin\{$alignmentBlock\}") if $is_t_switch_active; # the settings and storage of most objects has a lot in common $self->get_settings_and_store_new_object($alignmentBlockObj); ${@{${$self}{children}}[-1]}{replacementText}; /xseg; } } else { $logger->trace("*not* looking for $alignmentBlock as $alignmentBlock:$yesno"); } } return; } sub modify_line_breaks_settings{ return; } sub tasks_particular_to_each_object{ return; } sub create_unique_id{ my $self = shift; $alignmentBlockCounter++; ${$self}{id} = "$tokens{alignmentBlock}$alignmentBlockCounter"; return; } sub align_at_ampersand{ my $self = shift; return if(${$self}{bodyLineBreaks}==0); # calculate the maximum number of ampersands in a row in the body my $maximumNumberOfAmpersands = 0; foreach(split("\n",${$self}{body})){ my $numberOfAmpersands = () = $_ =~ /(?$maximumNumberOfAmpersands); } # create an array of zeros my @maximumColumnWidth = (0) x ($maximumNumberOfAmpersands+1); my @maximumColumnWidthMC = (0) x ($maximumNumberOfAmpersands+1); # array for the new body my @formattedBody; # now loop back through the body, and store the maximum column size foreach(split("\n",${$self}{body})){ # remove \\ and anything following it my $endPiece; if($_ =~ m/(\\\\.*)/){ $_ =~ s/(\\\\.*)//; $endPiece = $1; } # remove any trailing comments my $trailingComments; if($_ =~ m/$trailingCommentRegExp/ ){ $_ =~ s/($trailingCommentRegExp)//; $trailingComments = $1; } # count the number of ampersands in the current row my $numberOfAmpersands = () = $_ =~ /(?new($column); my $columnWidth = $gcs->columns(); # multicolumn cells need a bit of special care if($multiColumnGrouping and $column =~ m/\\multicolumn\{(\d+)\}/ and $1>1){ $maximumColumnWidthMC[$columnCount] = $columnWidth if( defined $maximumColumnWidthMC[$columnCount] and ($columnWidth > $maximumColumnWidthMC[$columnCount]) ); $columnWidth = 1 if($multiColumnGrouping and ($column =~ m/\\multicolumn\{(\d+)\}/)); } # store the maximum column width $maximumColumnWidth[$columnCount] = $columnWidth if( defined $maximumColumnWidth[$columnCount] and ($columnWidth > $maximumColumnWidth[$columnCount]) ); # put the row back together, using " " if the column is empty $strippedRow .= ($columnCount>0 ? "&" : q() ).($columnWidth > 0 ? $column: " "); # store the column width $columnSizes[$columnCount] = $columnWidth; # move on to the next column if($multiColumnGrouping and ($column =~ m/\\multicolumn\{(\d+)\}/)){ # columns that are within the multiCol statement receive a width of -1 for my $i (($columnCount+1)..($columnCount+$1)){ $columnSizes[$i] = -1; } # update the columnCount to account for the multiColSpan $columnCount += $1; } else { $columnCount++; } } # toggle the formatting switch $formatRow = 1; } elsif($endPiece and ${$self}{alignDoubleBackSlash}){ # otherwise a row could contain no ampersands, but would still desire # the \\ to be aligned, see test-cases/alignment/multicol-no-ampersands.tex @columns = $_; $formatRow = 1; } # store the information push(@formattedBody,{ row=>$strippedRow, format=>$formatRow, multiColumnGrouping=>$multiColumnGrouping, columnSizes=>\@columnSizes, columns=>\@columns, endPiece=>($endPiece ? $endPiece :q() ), trailingComment=>($trailingComments ? $trailingComments :q() )}); } # output some of the info so far to the log file $logger->trace("*Alignment at ampersand routine") if $is_t_switch_active; $logger->trace("Maximum column sizes of horizontally stripped formatted block (${$self}{name}): @maximumColumnWidth") if $is_t_switch_active; $logger->trace("align at ampersand: ${$self}{lookForAlignDelims}") if $is_t_switch_active; $logger->trace("align at \\\\: ${$self}{alignDoubleBackSlash}") if $is_t_switch_active; $logger->trace("spaces before \\\\: ${$self}{spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash}") if $is_t_switch_active; $logger->trace("multi column grouping: ${$self}{multiColumnGrouping}") if $is_t_switch_active; $logger->trace("align rows without maximum delimeters: ${$self}{alignRowsWithoutMaxDelims}") if $is_t_switch_active; $logger->trace("spaces before ampersand: ${$self}{spacesBeforeAmpersand}") if $is_t_switch_active; $logger->trace("spaces after ampersand: ${$self}{spacesAfterAmpersand}") if $is_t_switch_active; $logger->trace("justification: ${$self}{justification}") if $is_t_switch_active; # acount for multicolumn grouping, if the appropriate switch is set if(${$self}{multiColumnGrouping}){ foreach(@formattedBody){ if(${$_}{format} and ${$_}{row} !~ m/^\h*$/){ # set a columnCount, which will vary depending on multiColumnGrouping settings or not my $columnCount=0; # loop through the columns foreach my $column (@{${$_}{columns}}){ # calculate the width of the current column my $gcs = Unicode::GCString->new($column); my $columnWidth = $gcs->columns(); # check for multiColumnGrouping if(${$_}{multiColumnGrouping} and $column =~ m/\\multicolumn\{(\d+)\}/ and $1>1){ my $multiColSpan = $1; # for example, \multicolumn{3}{c}{} spans 3 columns, so # the maximum column needs to account for this (subtract 1 because of 0 index in perl arrays) my $columnMax = $columnCount+$multiColSpan-1; # groupingWidth contains the total width of column sizes grouped # underneath the \multicolumn{} statement my $groupingWidth = 0; my $maxGroupingWidth = 0; foreach (@formattedBody){ $groupingWidth = 0; # loop through the columns covered by the multicolumn statement foreach my $j ($columnCount..$columnMax){ if( defined @{${$_}{columnSizes}}[$j] and @{${$_}{columnSizes}}[$j] >= 0 and ${$_}{format} ){ $groupingWidth += (defined $maximumColumnWidth[$j] ? $maximumColumnWidth[$j] : 0); } else { $groupingWidth = 0; } } # update the maximum grouping width $maxGroupingWidth = $groupingWidth if($groupingWidth > $maxGroupingWidth); # the cells that receive multicolumn grouping need extra padding; in particular # if the justification is *left*: # the *last* cell of the multicol group receives the padding # if the justification is *right*: # the *first* cell of the multicol group receives the padding # # this motivates the introduction of $columnOffset, which is # 0 if justification is left # $multiColSpan if justification is right my $columnOffset = (${$self}{justification} eq "left") ? $columnMax : $columnCount; if(defined @{${$_}{columnSizes}}[$columnMax] and ($columnWidth > ($groupingWidth+(${$self}{spacesBeforeAmpersand}+1+${$self}{spacesAfterAmpersand})*($multiColSpan-1)) ) and @{${$_}{columnSizes}}[$columnMax] >= 0){ my $multiColPadding = $columnWidth-$groupingWidth-(${$self}{spacesBeforeAmpersand}+1+${$self}{spacesAfterAmpersand})*($multiColSpan-1); # it's possible that multiColPadding might already be assigned; in which case, # we need to check that the current value of $multiColPadding is greater than the existing one if(defined @{${$_}{multiColPadding}}[$columnOffset]){ @{${$_}{multiColPadding}}[$columnOffset] = max($multiColPadding,@{${$_}{multiColPadding}}[$columnOffset]); } else { @{${$_}{multiColPadding}}[$columnOffset] = $multiColPadding; } # also need to account for maximum column width *including* other multicolumn statements if($maximumColumnWidthMC[$columnCount]>$columnWidth and $column !~ m/\\multicolumn\{(\d+)\}/){ @{${$_}{multiColPadding}}[$columnOffset] += ($maximumColumnWidthMC[$columnCount]-$columnWidth); } } } # update it to account for the ampersands and the spacing either side of ampersands $maxGroupingWidth += ($multiColSpan-1)*(${$self}{spacesBeforeAmpersand}+1+${$self}{spacesAfterAmpersand}); # store the maxGroupingWidth for use in the next loop @{${$_}{maxGroupingWidth}}[$columnCount] = $maxGroupingWidth; # update the columnCount to account for the multiColSpan $columnCount += $multiColSpan - 1; } # increase the column count $columnCount++; } } } } # the maximum row width will be used in aligning (or not) the \\ my $maximumRowWidth = 0; # now that the multicolumn widths have been accounted for, loop through the body foreach(@formattedBody){ if(${$_}{format} and ${$_}{row} !~ m/^\h*$/){ # set a columnCount, which will vary depending on multiColumnGrouping settings or not my $columnCount=0; my $tmpRow = q(); # loop through the columns foreach my $column (@{${$_}{columns}}){ # calculate the width of the current column my $gcs = Unicode::GCString->new($column); my $columnWidth = $gcs->columns(); # reset the column padding my $padding = q(); # check for multiColumnGrouping if(${$_}{multiColumnGrouping} and $column =~ m/\\multicolumn\{(\d+)\}/ and $1>1){ my $multiColSpan = $1; # groupingWidth contains the total width of column sizes grouped # underneath the \multicolumn{} statement my $maxGroupingWidth = ${${$_}{maxGroupingWidth}}[$columnCount]; # it's possible to have situations such as # # \multicolumn{3}{l}{one} & \multicolumn{3}{l}{two} & \\ # \multicolumn{6}{l}{one} & \\ # # in which case we need to loop through the @maximumColumnWidthMC my $groupingWidthMC = 0; my $multicolsEncountered =0; for ($columnCount..($columnCount + ($multiColSpan-1))){ if(defined $maximumColumnWidthMC[$_]){ $groupingWidthMC += $maximumColumnWidthMC[$_]; $multicolsEncountered++ if $maximumColumnWidthMC[$_]>0; } } # need to account for (spacesBeforeAmpersands) + length of ampersands (which is 1) + (spacesAfterAmpersands) $groupingWidthMC += ($multicolsEncountered-1)*(${$self}{spacesBeforeAmpersand}+1+${$self}{spacesAfterAmpersand}); # set the padding; we need # maximum( $maxGroupingWidth, $maximumColumnWidthMC[$columnCount] ) my $maxValueToUse = 0; if(defined $maximumColumnWidthMC[$columnCount]){ $maxValueToUse = max($maxGroupingWidth,$maximumColumnWidthMC[$columnCount],$groupingWidthMC); } else { $maxValueToUse = $maxGroupingWidth; } # calculate the padding $padding = " " x ( $maxValueToUse >= $columnWidth ? $maxValueToUse - $columnWidth : 0 ); # to the log file if($is_tt_switch_active){ $logger->trace("*---------column-------------"); $logger->trace($column); $logger->trace("multiColSpan: $multiColSpan"); $logger->trace("groupingWidthMC: $groupingWidthMC"); $logger->trace("padding length: ",$maxValueToUse - $columnWidth); $logger->trace("multicolsEncountered: $multicolsEncountered"); $logger->trace("maxValueToUse: $maxValueToUse"); $logger->trace("maximumColumnWidth: ",join(",",@maximumColumnWidth)); $logger->trace("maximumColumnWidthMC: ",join(",",@maximumColumnWidthMC)); } # update the columnCount to account for the multiColSpan $columnCount += $multiColSpan - 1; } else { # compare the *current* column width with the *maximum* column width $padding = " " x (defined $maximumColumnWidth[$columnCount] and $maximumColumnWidth[$columnCount] >= $columnWidth ? $maximumColumnWidth[$columnCount] - $columnWidth : 0); } # either way, the row is formed of "COLUMN + PADDING" if(${$self}{justification} eq "left"){ $tmpRow .= $column.$padding.(defined @{${$_}{multiColPadding}}[$columnCount] ? " " x @{${$_}{multiColPadding}}[$columnCount]: q()).(" " x ${$self}{spacesBeforeAmpersand})."&".(" " x ${$self}{spacesAfterAmpersand}); } else { $tmpRow .= $padding.(defined @{${$_}{multiColPadding}}[$columnCount] ? " " x @{${$_}{multiColPadding}}[$columnCount]: q()).$column.(" " x ${$self}{spacesBeforeAmpersand})."&".(" " x ${$self}{spacesAfterAmpersand}); } $columnCount++; } # remove the final & $tmpRow =~ s/\h*&\h*$/ /; my $finalSpacing = q(); $finalSpacing = " " x (${$self}{spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash}) if ${$self}{spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash}>=1; $tmpRow =~ s/\h*$/$finalSpacing/; # replace the row with the formatted row ${$_}{row} = $tmpRow; # update the maximum row width my $gcs = Unicode::GCString->new($tmpRow); ${$_}{rowWidth} = $gcs->columns(); $maximumRowWidth = ${$_}{rowWidth} if(${$_}{rowWidth} > $maximumRowWidth); } } # final loop through to get \\ aligned foreach (@formattedBody){ # reset the padding my $padding = q(); # possibly adjust the padding if(${$_}{format} and ${$_}{row} !~ m/^\h*$/){ # remove trailing horizontal space if ${$self}{alignDoubleBackSlash} is set to 0 ${$_}{row} =~ s/\h*$// if (!${$self}{alignDoubleBackSlash}); # format spacing infront of \\ if(defined ${$self}{spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash} and ${$self}{spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash}<0 and !${$self}{alignDoubleBackSlash}){ # zero spaces (possibly resulting in un-aligned \\) $padding = q(); } elsif(defined ${$self}{spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash} and ${$self}{spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash}>=0 and !${$self}{alignDoubleBackSlash}){ # specified number of spaces (possibly resulting in un-aligned \\) $padding = " " x (${$self}{spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash}); } else { # aligned \\ $padding = " " x ($maximumRowWidth - ${$_}{rowWidth}); } } # format the row, and put the trailing \\ and trailing comments back into the row ${$_}{row} .= $padding.(${$_}{endPiece} ? ${$_}{endPiece} :q() ).(${$_}{trailingComment}? ${$_}{trailingComment} : q() ); } # to the log file if($is_tt_switch_active){ $logger->trace(${$_}{row}) for @formattedBody; } # delete the original body ${$self}{body} = q(); # update the body ${$self}{body} .= ${$_}{row}."\n" for @formattedBody; # if the \end{} statement didn't originally have a line break before it, we need to remove the final # line break added by the above ${$self}{body} =~ s/\h*\R$//s if !${$self}{linebreaksAtEnd}{body}; } 1;