#!/usr/bin/env perl # # latexdiff-vc - wrapper script for applying latexdiff to rcs managed files # and for automatised creation of postscript or pdf from difference file # # Copyright (C) 2005-13 F J Tilmann (tilmann@gfz-potsdam.de, ftilmann@users.berlios.de) # # Project webpages: http://latexdiff.berlios.de/ # CTAN page: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/support/latexdiff # # # Contributors: S Utcke, H Bruyninckx # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Detailed usage information at the end of the file # # version 1.0.3: Bug fix: replace use of system('cp...') with File::Copy::copy (Patch contributed by D. Bremner) # Quotes around system call file arguments to allow filenames with spaces (Patch contributed by ssteve) # version 1.0.2: - option --so to use latexdiff-so # version 1.0.1 (change version numbering to match that of latexdiff) # - Option --fast to use latexdiff-fast, # - git support (thanks to Bjorn Magnus Mathisen, Santi BĂ©jar, Pietro Battiston and Stefan Alfredson for patches) - UNTESTED # version 0.25: # - bbl is allowed as alternative extension (instead of .tex) # version 0.26a # - Bug fix: it copes now correctly with the possibility that there are no changes between current # and archived version use Getopt::Long ; use Pod::Usage qw/pod2usage/ ; use File::Temp qw/tempdir/ ; use File::Basename qw/dirname/; use File::Copy; use strict ; use warnings ; my $versionstring=< 1); # Variables my ($file1,$file2,$diff,$diffbase,$answer,$options,$infile,$append,$dirname,$cwd); my (@files,@ldoptions,@tmpfiles,@ptmpfiles,@difffiles); # , Getopt::Long::Configure('pass_through','bundling'); GetOptions('revision|r:s' => \@revs, 'cvs' => \$cvs, 'rcs' => \$rcs, 'svn' => \$svn, 'git' => \$git, 'dir|d:s' => \$dir, 'fast' => \$fast, 'so' => \$so, 'postscript|ps' => \$postscript, 'pdf' => \$pdf, 'force' => \$force, 'version' => \$version, 'help|h' => \$help); if ( $help ) { pod2usage(1) ; } if ( $version ) { die $versionstring ; } if ( $so ) { $latexdiff='latexdiff-so'; } if ( $fast ) { die "Cannot specify more than one of --fast or --so " if ($so); $latexdiff='latexdiff-fast'; } if ( $cvs ) { $vc="CVS"; } if ( $rcs ) { die "Cannot specify more than one of --cvs, --rcs --svn or --git." if ($vc); $vc="RCS"; } if ( $svn ) { die "Cannot specify more than one of --cvs, --rcs --svn or --git." if ($vc); $vc="SVN"; } if ( $git ) { die "Cannot specify more than one of --cvs, --rcs, --svn or --git." if ($vc); $vc="GIT"; } # check whether the first file name or first passed-through option for latexdiff got misinterpreted as an option to an empty -r option if ( @revs && ( -f $revs[$#revs] || $revs[$#revs] =~ /^-/ ) ) { unshift @ARGV,$revs[$#revs]; $revs[$#revs]=""; } # check whether the first file name or first passed-through option for latexdiff got misinterpreted as an option to an empty -d option if ( defined($dir) && ( -f $dir || $dir =~ /^-/ ) ) { unshift @ARGV,$dir; $dir=""; } #print "DEBUG: latexdiff-vc command line: ", join(" ",@ARGV), "\n"; $file2=pop @ARGV; ( defined($file2) && $file2 =~ /\.(tex|bbl)$/ ) or pod2usage("Must specify at least one tex or bbl file"); if (! $vc && scalar(@revs)>0 ) { # have to guess $vc # check whether we have a special name if ( $0 =~ /-cvs$/ ) { $vc="CVS"; } elsif ( $0 =~ /-rcs$/ ) { $vc="RCS"; } elsif ( $0 =~ /-svn$/ ) { $vc="SVN"; } elsif ( $0 =~ /-git$/ ) { $vc="GIT"; } elsif ( -e "CVSROOT" || defined($ENV{"CVSROOT"}) ) { print STDERR "Guess you are using CVS ...\n"; $vc="CVS"; } elsif ( -e "$file2,v" ) { print STDERR "Guess you are using RCS ...\n"; $vc="RCS"; } elsif ( -d ".svn" ) { print STDERR "Guess you are using SVN ...\n"; $vc="SVN"; } elsif ( -d ".git" ) { print STDERR "Guess you are using GIT ...\n"; $vc="GIT"; } else { print STDERR "Cannot figure out version control system, so I default to CVS\n"; $vc="CVS"; } } if (defined($dir) && $dir=~/^\.\/?/ ) { print STDERR "You wrote -dir=. but you do not really like to do that, do you ?\n"; exit 10 } if ( scalar(@revs)>0 ) { if ( $vc eq "CVS" ) { $diffcmd = "cvs diff -u -r"; $patchcmd = "patch -R -p0"; } elsif ( $vc eq "RCS" ) { $diffcmd = "rcsdiff -u -r"; $patchcmd = "patch -R -p0"; } elsif ( $vc eq "SVN" ) { $diffcmd = "svn diff -r "; $patchcmd = "patch -R -p0"; } elsif ( $vc eq "GIT" ) { $diffcmd = "git diff -r --relative --no-prefix "; $patchcmd = "patch -R -p0"; # alternatively: # $diffcmd = "git diff "; # $patchcmd = "patch -R -p1"; } else { print STDERR "Unknown versioning system $vc \n"; exit 10; } } # make file list (last arguments), initial arguments have to be passed to latexdiff # We assume an argument is a valid file rather than a latexdiff argument # if it has extension .tex or .bbl @files=($file2); while( $file1=pop @ARGV ) { if ( $file1 =~ /\.(tex|bbl)$/ ) { # $file1 looks like a valid file name and is prepended to file list unshift @files, $file1 ; } else { # $file1 looks like an option for latexdiff, push it back to argument stack unshift @ldoptions, $file1 ; } } if ( scalar(@revs) == 0 ) { pod2usage("When -r option is not used, two .tex files (old and new) must be given on the command line") unless @files==2; # compare two files $file1=shift @files ; } if ( scalar(@revs) == 2 ) { $append = "-diff$revs[0]-$revs[1]"; } elsif ( scalar(@revs) == 1 || $revs[0] ) { $append = "-diff$revs[0]"; } else { $append = "-diff"; } if ( defined ($dir) && ! $dir ) { # bare -d option => choose directory name ($dir=$append) =~ s/^-//; } if ( ($vc eq "SVN" || $vc eq "CVS") && scalar(@revs)) { length($revs[$#revs]) > 0 or $revs[$#revs]="HEAD"; length($revs[0]) > 0 or $revs[0]="HEAD"; } #exit ; # cycle through all files @difffiles=(); while ( $infile=$file2=shift @files ) { print STDERR "Working on $infile \n"; if ( scalar(@revs) == 1 ) { ($file1=$infile) =~ s/\.(tex|bbl)/-oldtmp-$$.$1/ ; push @tmpfiles,$file1; # compare file with previous version ($revs[0]="") or specified version ### system("$diffcmd$revs[0] $infile| $patchcmd -o$file1") ; if (system("$diffcmd$revs[0] \"$infile\" | $patchcmd -o\"$file1\"")==0 and -z $file1 ) { # no differences detected, i.e. file is equal to current version copy($infile,$file1) || die "copy($infile,$file1) failed: $!"; } } elsif ( scalar(@revs) == 2 ) { ($file1=$infile) =~ s/\.(tex|bbl)/-oldtmp-$$.$1/ ; $file2 =~ s/\.(tex|bbl)/-newtmp-$$.$1/ ; push @tmpfiles,$file2; if (system("$diffcmd$revs[1] $infile | $patchcmd -o$file2")==0 and -z $file2 ) { copy($infile,$file2) || die "copy($infile,$file2) failed: $!"; } if (system("$diffcmd$revs[0] $infile | $patchcmd -o$file1")==0 and -z $file1 ) { copy($infile,$file1) || die "copy($infile,$file1) failed: $!"; }; } if ( -z $file1 || -z $file2) { print STDERR "One or both of the files to compare are empty. Possibly something went wrong in the retrieval of older versions. Aborting ...\n" ; exit(10); } # Get name of difference file if ( defined($dir) ) { $diff="$dir/$infile" ; } else { ($diff=$infile) =~ s/\.(tex|bbl)$/$append.$1/ ; } # make directories if needed $dirname=dirname($diff) ; system("mkdir -p $dirname") unless ( -e $dirname ); # Remaining options are passed to latexdiff $options = join(" ",@ldoptions); if ( -e $diff && ! $force ) { print STDERR "OK to overwrite existing file $diff (y/n)? "; $answer = ; unless ($answer =~ /^y/i ) { unlink @tmpfiles; die "Abort ... " ; } } print "Running $latexdiff\n"; unless ( system("$latexdiff $options \"$file1\" \"$file2\" > \"$diff\"") == 0 ) { print STDERR "Something went wrong in $latexdiff. Deleting $diff and abort\n" ; unlink $diff ; exit(5) }; print "Generated difference file $diff\n"; if ( ( $postscript or $pdf ) and !( scalar(@revs) && greptex( qr/\\document(?:class|style)/ , $diff ) ) ) { # save filename for later processing if postscript or pdf conversion is requested and either two-file mode was used (scalar(@revs)==0) or the diff file contains documentclass statement (ie. is a root document) push @difffiles, $diff ; } unlink @tmpfiles; } foreach $diff ( @difffiles ) { chomp($cwd=(`pwd`)); if (defined($dir)) { ( $diff =~ s/$dir\/?// ) ; chdir $dir ; } @ptmpfiles=(); ( $diffbase=$diff) =~ s/\.(tex)$// ; # adapt magically changebar styles to [pdftex] display driver if pdf output was selected if ( $pdf ) { system("sed \"s/Package\\[dvips\\]/Package[pdftex]/\" \"$diff\" > \"$diff.tmp$$\" ; \\mv \"$diff.tmp$$\" \"$diff\""); } print STDERR "PDF: $pdf Postscript: $postscript cwd $cwd\n"; if ( system("grep -q \'^[^%]*\\\\bibliography\' \"$diff\"") == 0 ) { if ( $postscript) { system("latex --interaction=batchmode \"$diff\"; bibtex \"$diffbase\""); push @ptmpfiles, "$diffbase.bbl","$diffbase.bbl" ; } elsif ( $pdf ) { system("pdflatex --interaction=batchmode \"$diff\"; bibtex \"$diffbase\""); push @ptmpfiles, "$diffbase.bbl","$diffbase.bbl" ; } } if ( $postscript ) { my $dvi="$diffbase.dvi"; my $ps="$diffbase.ps"; system("latex --interaction=batchmode \"$diff\"; latex \"$diff\"; dvips -o $ps $dvi"); push @ptmpfiles, "$diffbase.aux","$diffbase.log",$dvi ; print "Generated postscript file $ps\n"; } elsif ( $pdf ) { system("pdflatex --interaction=batchmode \"$diff\"; pdflatex \"$diff\""); push @ptmpfiles, "$diffbase.aux","$diffbase.log"; } unlink @ptmpfiles; chdir $cwd; } # greptex returns 1 if regex is not matched in filename # 0 if there is a match sub greptex { my ($regex,$filename)=@_; my ($i)=0; open (FH, $filename) or die("Couldn't open $filename: $!"); while () { next if /^\s*%/; # skip comment lines if ( m/$regex/ ) { close(FH); return(0); } # only scan 25 lines $i++; last if $i>25 ; } close(FH); return(1); } =head1 NAME latexdiff-vc - wrapper script that calls latexdiff for different versions of a file under version management (CVS, RCS or SVN) =head1 SYNOPSIS B [ F ] [ F ] B<-r> [F] [B<-r> F] F [ F ...] or B [ F ] [ F ][ B<--postscript> | B<--pdf> ] F F =head1 DESCRIPTION I is a wrapper script that applies I to a file, or multiple files under version control (CVS, RCS or SVN), and optionally runs the sequence of C and C or C commands necessary to produce pdf or postscript output of the difference tex file(s). It can also be applied to a pair of files to automatise the generation of difference file in postscript or pdf format. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<--rcs>, B<--svn>, B<--cvs>, or B<--git> Set the version system. If no version system is specified, latexdiff-vc will venture a guess. latexdiff-cvs and latexdiff-rcs are variants of latexdiff-vc which default to the respective versioning system. However, this default can still be overridden using the options above. =item B<-r>, B<-r> F or B<--revision>, B<--revision=>F Choose revision (under RCS, CVS, SVN or GIT). One or two B<-r> options can be specified, and they result in different behaviour: =over 4 =item B -r F ... compares F with the most recent version checked into RCS. =item B -r F F ... compares F with revision F. =item B -r F -r F F ... compares revisions F and F of F. Multiple files can be specified for all of the above options. All files must have the extension C<.tex>, though. =item B F F compares two files. =back The name of the difference file is generated automatically and reported to stdout. =item B<-d> or B<--dir> B<-d> F or B<--dir=>F Rather than appending the string C and optionally the version numbers given to the output-file, this will prepend a directory name C to the original filename, creating the directory and subdirectories should they not exist already. This is particularly useful in order to clone a complete directory hierarchy. Optionally, a pathname F can be specified, which is prepended instead of C. =item B<--fast> or B<--so> Use C or C, respectively (instead of C). =item B<--ps> or B<--postscript> Generate postscript output from difference file. This will run the sequence C on the difference file (do not use this option in the rare cases, where three C commands are required if you care about correct referencing). If the difference file contains a C<\bibliography> tag, run the sequence C. =item B<--pdf> Generate pdf output from difference file using C. This will run the sequence C on the difference file, or C for files requiring bibtex. =item B<--force> Overwrite existing diff files without asking for confirmation. Default behaviour is to ask for confirmation before overwriting an existing difference file. =item B<--help> or B<-h> Show help text =item B<--version> Show version number =back All other options are passed on to C. =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 PORTABILITY I uses external commands and is therefore limited to Unix-like systems. It also requires the RCS version control system and latex to be installed on the system. Modules from Perl 5.8 or higher are required. =head1 BUG REPORTING Please submit bug reports through the latexdiff project page I or send to I. Include the serial number of I (option C<--version>) . =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2005,2012 Frederik Tilmann This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 Contributors: S Utcke, H Bruyninckx =cut