#!/usr/bin/env perl
# latexdiff-vc - wrapper script for applying latexdiff to rcs managed files
# and for automatised creation of postscript or pdf from difference file
# Copyright (C) 2005-13 F J Tilmann (tilmann@gfz-potsdam.de, ftilmann@users.berlios.de)
# Project webpages: http://latexdiff.berlios.de/
# CTAN page: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/support/latexdiff
# Contributors: S Utcke, H Bruyninckx
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
# Detailed usage information at the end of the file
# version 1.0.3: Bug fix: replace use of system('cp...') with File::Copy::copy (Patch contributed by D. Bremner)
# Quotes around system call file arguments to allow filenames with spaces (Patch contributed by ssteve)
# version 1.0.2: - option --so to use latexdiff-so
# version 1.0.1 (change version numbering to match that of latexdiff)
# - Option --fast to use latexdiff-fast,
# - git support (thanks to Bjorn Magnus Mathisen, Santi BĂ©jar, Pietro Battiston and Stefan Alfredson for patches) - UNTESTED
# version 0.25:
# - bbl is allowed as alternative extension (instead of .tex)
# version 0.26a
# - Bug fix: it copes now correctly with the possibility that there are no changes between current
# and archived version
use Getopt::Long ;
use Pod::Usage qw/pod2usage/ ;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/ ;
use File::Basename qw/dirname/;
use File::Copy;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
my $versionstring=< 1);
# Variables
my ($file1,$file2,$diff,$diffbase,$answer,$options,$infile,$append,$dirname,$cwd);
my (@files,@ldoptions,@tmpfiles,@ptmpfiles,@difffiles); # ,
GetOptions('revision|r:s' => \@revs,
'cvs' => \$cvs,
'rcs' => \$rcs,
'svn' => \$svn,
'git' => \$git,
'dir|d:s' => \$dir,
'fast' => \$fast,
'so' => \$so,
'postscript|ps' => \$postscript,
'pdf' => \$pdf,
'force' => \$force,
'version' => \$version,
'help|h' => \$help);
if ( $help ) {
pod2usage(1) ;
if ( $version ) {
die $versionstring ;
if ( $so ) {
if ( $fast ) {
die "Cannot specify more than one of --fast or --so " if ($so);
if ( $cvs ) {
if ( $rcs ) {
die "Cannot specify more than one of --cvs, --rcs --svn or --git." if ($vc);
if ( $svn ) {
die "Cannot specify more than one of --cvs, --rcs --svn or --git." if ($vc);
if ( $git ) {
die "Cannot specify more than one of --cvs, --rcs, --svn or --git." if ($vc);
# check whether the first file name or first passed-through option for latexdiff got misinterpreted as an option to an empty -r option
if ( @revs && ( -f $revs[$#revs] || $revs[$#revs] =~ /^-/ ) ) {
unshift @ARGV,$revs[$#revs];
# check whether the first file name or first passed-through option for latexdiff got misinterpreted as an option to an empty -d option
if ( defined($dir) && ( -f $dir || $dir =~ /^-/ ) ) {
unshift @ARGV,$dir;
#print "DEBUG: latexdiff-vc command line: ", join(" ",@ARGV), "\n";
$file2=pop @ARGV;
( defined($file2) && $file2 =~ /\.(tex|bbl)$/ ) or pod2usage("Must specify at least one tex or bbl file");
if (! $vc && scalar(@revs)>0 ) {
# have to guess $vc
# check whether we have a special name
if ( $0 =~ /-cvs$/ ) {
} elsif ( $0 =~ /-rcs$/ ) {
} elsif ( $0 =~ /-svn$/ ) {
} elsif ( $0 =~ /-git$/ ) {
} elsif ( -e "CVSROOT" || defined($ENV{"CVSROOT"}) ) {
print STDERR "Guess you are using CVS ...\n";
} elsif ( -e "$file2,v" ) {
print STDERR "Guess you are using RCS ...\n";
} elsif ( -d ".svn" ) {
print STDERR "Guess you are using SVN ...\n";
} elsif ( -d ".git" ) {
print STDERR "Guess you are using GIT ...\n";
} else {
print STDERR "Cannot figure out version control system, so I default to CVS\n";
if (defined($dir) && $dir=~/^\.\/?/ ) {
print STDERR "You wrote -dir=. but you do not really like to do that, do you ?\n";
exit 10
if ( scalar(@revs)>0 ) {
if ( $vc eq "CVS" ) {
$diffcmd = "cvs diff -u -r";
$patchcmd = "patch -R -p0";
} elsif ( $vc eq "RCS" ) {
$diffcmd = "rcsdiff -u -r";
$patchcmd = "patch -R -p0";
} elsif ( $vc eq "SVN" ) {
$diffcmd = "svn diff -r ";
$patchcmd = "patch -R -p0";
} elsif ( $vc eq "GIT" ) {
$diffcmd = "git diff -r --relative --no-prefix ";
$patchcmd = "patch -R -p0";
# alternatively:
# $diffcmd = "git diff ";
# $patchcmd = "patch -R -p1";
} else {
print STDERR "Unknown versioning system $vc \n";
exit 10;
# make file list (last arguments), initial arguments have to be passed to latexdiff
# We assume an argument is a valid file rather than a latexdiff argument
# if it has extension .tex or .bbl
while( $file1=pop @ARGV ) {
if ( $file1 =~ /\.(tex|bbl)$/ ) {
# $file1 looks like a valid file name and is prepended to file list
unshift @files, $file1 ;
} else {
# $file1 looks like an option for latexdiff, push it back to argument stack
unshift @ldoptions, $file1 ;
if ( scalar(@revs) == 0 ) {
pod2usage("When -r option is not used, two .tex files (old and new) must be given on the command line") unless @files==2;
# compare two files
$file1=shift @files ;
if ( scalar(@revs) == 2 ) {
$append = "-diff$revs[0]-$revs[1]";
} elsif ( scalar(@revs) == 1 || $revs[0] ) {
$append = "-diff$revs[0]";
} else {
$append = "-diff";
if ( defined ($dir) && ! $dir ) {
# bare -d option => choose directory name
($dir=$append) =~ s/^-//;
if ( ($vc eq "SVN" || $vc eq "CVS") && scalar(@revs)) {
length($revs[$#revs]) > 0 or $revs[$#revs]="HEAD";
length($revs[0]) > 0 or $revs[0]="HEAD";
#exit ;
# cycle through all files
while ( $infile=$file2=shift @files ) {
print STDERR "Working on $infile \n";
if ( scalar(@revs) == 1 ) {
($file1=$infile) =~ s/\.(tex|bbl)/-oldtmp-$$.$1/ ;
push @tmpfiles,$file1;
# compare file with previous version ($revs[0]="") or specified version
### system("$diffcmd$revs[0] $infile| $patchcmd -o$file1") ;
if (system("$diffcmd$revs[0] \"$infile\" | $patchcmd -o\"$file1\"")==0 and -z $file1 ) {
# no differences detected, i.e. file is equal to current version
copy($infile,$file1) || die "copy($infile,$file1) failed: $!";
} elsif ( scalar(@revs) == 2 ) {
($file1=$infile) =~ s/\.(tex|bbl)/-oldtmp-$$.$1/ ;
$file2 =~ s/\.(tex|bbl)/-newtmp-$$.$1/ ;
push @tmpfiles,$file2;
if (system("$diffcmd$revs[1] $infile | $patchcmd -o$file2")==0 and -z $file2 ) {
copy($infile,$file2) || die "copy($infile,$file2) failed: $!";
if (system("$diffcmd$revs[0] $infile | $patchcmd -o$file1")==0 and -z $file1 ) {
copy($infile,$file1) || die "copy($infile,$file1) failed: $!";
if ( -z $file1 || -z $file2) {
print STDERR "One or both of the files to compare are empty. Possibly something went wrong in the retrieval of older versions. Aborting ...\n" ;
# Get name of difference file
if ( defined($dir) ) {
$diff="$dir/$infile" ;
} else {
($diff=$infile) =~ s/\.(tex|bbl)$/$append.$1/ ;
# make directories if needed
$dirname=dirname($diff) ;
system("mkdir -p $dirname") unless ( -e $dirname );
# Remaining options are passed to latexdiff
$options = join(" ",@ldoptions);
if ( -e $diff && ! $force ) {
print STDERR "OK to overwrite existing file $diff (y/n)? ";
$answer = ;
unless ($answer =~ /^y/i ) {
unlink @tmpfiles;
die "Abort ... " ;
print "Running $latexdiff\n";
unless ( system("$latexdiff $options \"$file1\" \"$file2\" > \"$diff\"") == 0 ) {
print STDERR "Something went wrong in $latexdiff. Deleting $diff and abort\n" ; unlink $diff ; exit(5)
print "Generated difference file $diff\n";
if ( ( $postscript or $pdf ) and !( scalar(@revs) && greptex( qr/\\document(?:class|style)/ , $diff ) ) ) {
# save filename for later processing if postscript or pdf conversion is requested and either two-file mode was used (scalar(@revs)==0) or the diff file contains documentclass statement (ie. is a root document)
push @difffiles, $diff ;
unlink @tmpfiles;
foreach $diff ( @difffiles ) {
if (defined($dir)) {
( $diff =~ s/$dir\/?// ) ;
chdir $dir ;
( $diffbase=$diff) =~ s/\.(tex)$// ;
# adapt magically changebar styles to [pdftex] display driver if pdf output was selected
if ( $pdf ) {
system("sed \"s/Package\\[dvips\\]/Package[pdftex]/\" \"$diff\" > \"$diff.tmp$$\" ; \\mv \"$diff.tmp$$\" \"$diff\"");
print STDERR "PDF: $pdf Postscript: $postscript cwd $cwd\n";
if ( system("grep -q \'^[^%]*\\\\bibliography\' \"$diff\"") == 0 ) {
if ( $postscript) {
system("latex --interaction=batchmode \"$diff\"; bibtex \"$diffbase\"");
push @ptmpfiles, "$diffbase.bbl","$diffbase.bbl" ;
} elsif ( $pdf ) {
system("pdflatex --interaction=batchmode \"$diff\"; bibtex \"$diffbase\"");
push @ptmpfiles, "$diffbase.bbl","$diffbase.bbl" ;
if ( $postscript ) {
my $dvi="$diffbase.dvi";
my $ps="$diffbase.ps";
system("latex --interaction=batchmode \"$diff\"; latex \"$diff\"; dvips -o $ps $dvi");
push @ptmpfiles, "$diffbase.aux","$diffbase.log",$dvi ;
print "Generated postscript file $ps\n";
elsif ( $pdf ) {
system("pdflatex --interaction=batchmode \"$diff\"; pdflatex \"$diff\"");
push @ptmpfiles, "$diffbase.aux","$diffbase.log";
unlink @ptmpfiles;
chdir $cwd;
# greptex returns 1 if regex is not matched in filename
# 0 if there is a match
sub greptex {
my ($regex,$filename)=@_;
my ($i)=0;
open (FH, $filename) or die("Couldn't open $filename: $!");
while () {
next if /^\s*%/; # skip comment lines
if ( m/$regex/ ) {
# only scan 25 lines
last if $i>25 ;
=head1 NAME
latexdiff-vc - wrapper script that calls latexdiff for different versions of a file under version management (CVS, RCS or SVN)
B [ F ] [ F ] B<-r> [F] [B<-r> F] F [ F ...]
B [ F ] [ F ][ B<--postscript> | B<--pdf> ] F F
I is a wrapper script that applies I to a
file, or multiple files under version control (CVS, RCS or SVN), and optionally runs the
sequence of C and C or C commands necessary to
produce pdf or postscript output of the difference tex file(s). It can
also be applied to a pair of files to automatise the generation of difference
file in postscript or pdf format.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item B<--rcs>, B<--svn>, B<--cvs>, or B<--git>
Set the version system.
If no version system is specified, latexdiff-vc will venture a guess.
latexdiff-cvs and latexdiff-rcs are variants of latexdiff-vc which default to
the respective versioning system. However, this default can still be overridden using the options above.
=item B<-r>, B<-r> F or B<--revision>, B<--revision=>F
Choose revision (under RCS, CVS, SVN or GIT). One or two B<-r> options can be
specified, and they result in different behaviour:
=over 4
=item B -r F ...
compares F with the most recent version checked into RCS.
=item B -r F F ...
compares F with revision F.
=item B -r F -r F F ...
compares revisions F and F of F.
Multiple files can be specified for all of the above options. All files must have the
extension C<.tex>, though.
=item B F F
compares two files.
The name of the difference file is generated automatically and
reported to stdout.
=item B<-d> or B<--dir> B<-d> F or B<--dir=>F
Rather than appending the string C and optionally the version
numbers given to the output-file, this will prepend a directory name C
to the
original filename, creating the directory and subdirectories should they not exist already. This is particularly useful in order to clone a
complete directory hierarchy. Optionally, a pathname F can be specified, which is prepended instead of C.
=item B<--fast> or B<--so>
Use C or C, respectively (instead of C).
=item B<--ps> or B<--postscript>
Generate postscript output from difference file. This will run the
sequence C on the difference file (do not use
this option in the rare cases, where three C commands are
required if you care about correct referencing). If the difference
file contains a C<\bibliography> tag, run the sequence C.
=item B<--pdf>
Generate pdf output from difference file using C. This will
run the sequence C on the difference file, or
C for files requiring bibtex.
=item B<--force>
Overwrite existing diff files without asking for confirmation. Default
behaviour is to ask for confirmation before overwriting an existing difference
=item B<--help> or
Show help text
=item B<--version>
Show version number
All other options are passed on to C.
=head1 SEE ALSO
I uses external commands and is therefore
limited to Unix-like systems. It also requires the RCS version control
system and latex to be installed on the system. Modules from Perl 5.8
or higher are required.
Please submit bug reports through
the latexdiff project page I or send
to I. Include the serial number of I
(option C<--version>)
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright (C) 2005,2012 Frederik Tilmann
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
Contributors: S Utcke, H Bruyninckx