--[[ File l3build-upload.lua Copyright (C) 2018 The LaTeX3 Project It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in the file http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt This file is part of the "l3build bundle" (The Work in LPPL) and all files in that bundle must be distributed together. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The development version of the bundle can be found at https://github.com/latex3/l3build for those people who are interested. --]] local pairs = pairs local print = print local tostring = tostring local close = io.close local flush = io.flush local open = io.open local output = io.output local popen = io.popen local read = io.read local write = io.write local os_type = os.type local len = string.len local lower = string.lower local match = string.match -- UPLOAD() -- -- takes a package configuration table and an optional boolean -- -- if the upload parameter is not supplied or is not true, only package validation -- is used, if upload is true then package upload will be attempted if validation -- succeeds. -- fields are given as a string, or optionally for fields allowing multiple -- values, as a table of strings. -- Mandatory fields are checked in Lua -- Maximum string lengths are checked. -- Currently string values are not checked, eg licence names, or URL syntax. -- The input form could be used to construct a post body but -- luasec is not included in texlua. Instead an external program is used to post. -- As Windows (since April 2018) includes curl now use curl. -- A version using ctan-o-mat is available in the ctan-post github repo. -- the main interface is -- upload() -- with a configuration table `uploadconfig` local curl_debug = curl_debug or false -- to disable posting -- For now, this is undocumented. local ctanupload = ctanupload or "ask" if options["dry-run"] then ctanupload = false end -- if ctanupload is nil or false, only validation is attempted -- if ctanupload is true the ctan upload URL will be used after validation -- if upload is anything else, the user will be prompted whether to upload. -- For now, this is undocumented. I think I would prefer to keep it always set to ask for the time being. function upload(tagnames) local uploadfile = ctanzip..".zip" -- Keep data local local uploadconfig = uploadconfig -- try a sensible default for the package name: uploadconfig.pkg = uploadconfig.pkg or ctanpkg or nil -- Get data from command line if appropriate if options["file"] then local f = open(options["file"],"r") uploadconfig.announcement = assert(f:read('*a')) close(f) end uploadconfig.announcement = options["message"] or uploadconfig.announcement or file_contents(uploadconfig.announcement_file) uploadconfig.email = options["email"] or uploadconfig.email uploadconfig.note = uploadconfig.note or file_contents(uploadconfig.note_file) local tagnames = tagnames or { } uploadconfig.version = tagnames[1] or uploadconfig.version local override_update_check = false if uploadconfig.update == nil then uploadconfig.update = true override_update_check = true end -- avoid lower level error from post command if zip file missing local zip=open(trim_space(tostring(uploadfile)),"r") if zip~=nil then close(zip) else error("Missing zip file '" .. tostring(uploadfile) .. "'") end ctan_post = construct_ctan_post(uploadfile,options["debug"]) -- curl file version local curlopt=open(ctanzip .. ".curlopt","w") output(curlopt) write(ctan_post) close(curlopt) ctan_post=curlexe .. " --config " .. ctanzip .. ".curlopt" if options["debug"] then ctan_post = ctan_post .. ' https://httpbin.org/post' fp_return = shell(ctan_post) print('\n\nCURL COMMAND:') print(ctan_post) print("\n\nHTTP RESPONSE:") print(fp_return) return 1 else ctan_post = ctan_post .. ' https://ctan.org/submit/' end -- call post command to validate the upload at CTAN's validate URL local exit_status=0 local fp_return="" -- use popen not execute so get the return body local exit_status=os.execute(ctan_post .. "validate") if (curl_debug==false) then print("Contacting CTAN for validation:") fp_return = shell(ctan_post .. "validate") else fp_return="WARNING: curl_debug==true: posting disabled" print(ctan_post) return 1 end if override_update_check then if match(fp_return,"non%-existent%spackage") then print("Package not found on CTAN; re-validating as new package:") uploadconfig.update = false ctan_post = construct_ctan_post(uploadfile) fp_return = shell(ctan_post .. "validate") end end if match(fp_return,"WARNING") or match(fp_return,"ERROR") then exit_status=1 end -- if upload requested and validation succeeded repost to the upload URL if (exit_status==0 or exit_status==nil) then if (ctanupload ~=nil and ctanupload ~=false and ctanupload ~= true) then print("Validation successful, do you want to upload to CTAN? [y/n]" ) local answer="" io.stdout:write("> ") io.stdout:flush() answer=read() if(lower(answer,1,1)=="y") then ctanupload=true end end if (ctanupload==true) then fp_return = shell(ctan_post .. "upload") -- this is just html, could save to a file -- or echo a cleaned up version print('Response from CTAN:') print(fp_return) if match(fp_return,"WARNING") or match(fp_return,"ERROR") then exit_status=1 end else print("CTAN validation successful") end else error("Warnings from CTAN package validation:\n" .. fp_return) end return exit_status end function trim_space(s) return (s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")) end function shell(s) local h = assert(popen(s, 'r')) t = assert(h:read('*a')) h:close() return t end function construct_ctan_post(uploadfile,debug) -- start building the curl command: -- commandline ctan_post = curlexe .. " " ctan_post="" -- build up the curl command field-by-field: -- field max desc mandatory multi -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ctan_field("announcement", uploadconfig.announcement, 8192, "Announcement", true, false ) ctan_field("author", uploadconfig.author, 128, "Author name", true, false ) ctan_field("bugtracker", uploadconfig.bugtracker, 255, "URL(s) of bug tracker", false, true ) ctan_field("ctanPath", uploadconfig.ctanPath, 255, "CTAN path", true, false ) ctan_field("description", uploadconfig.description, 4096, "Short description of package", false, false ) ctan_field("development", uploadconfig.development, 255, "URL(s) of development channels", false, true ) ctan_field("email", uploadconfig.email, 255, "Email of uploader", true, false ) ctan_field("home", uploadconfig.home, 255, "URL(s) of home page", false, true ) ctan_field("license", uploadconfig.license, 2048, "Package license(s)", true, true ) ctan_field("note", uploadconfig.note, 4096, "Internal note to ctan", false, false ) ctan_field("pkg", uploadconfig.pkg, 32, "Package name", true, false ) ctan_field("repository", uploadconfig.repository, 255, "URL(s) of source repositories", false, true ) ctan_field("summary", uploadconfig.summary, 128, "One-line summary of package", true, false ) ctan_field("support", uploadconfig.support, 255, "URL(s) of support channels", false, true ) ctan_field("topic", uploadconfig.topic, 1024, "Topic(s)", false, true ) ctan_field("update", uploadconfig.update, 8, "Boolean: true=update, false=new pkg", false, false ) ctan_field("uploader", uploadconfig.uploader, 255, "Name of uploader", true, false ) ctan_field("version", uploadconfig.version, 32, "Package version", true, false ) -- finish constructing the curl command: local qq = '"' if os_type == "windows" then qq = '\"' end -- commandline ctan_post = ctan_post .. ' --form ' .. qq .. 'file=@' .. tostring(uploadfile) .. ';filename=' .. tostring(uploadfile) .. qq ctan_post = ctan_post .. '\nform="file=@' .. tostring(uploadfile) .. ';filename=' .. tostring(uploadfile) .. '"' return ctan_post end function ctan_field(fname,fvalue,max,desc,mandatory,multi) if (type(fvalue)=="table" and multi==true) then for i, v in pairs(fvalue) do ctan_single_field(fname,v,max,desc,mandatory and i==1) end else ctan_single_field(fname,fvalue,max,desc,mandatory) end end function ctan_single_field(fname,fvalue,max,desc,mandatory) local fvalueprint = fvalue if fvalue == nil then fvalueprint = '??' end print('ctan-upload | ' .. fname .. ': ' ..tostring(fvalueprint)) if ((fvalue==nil and mandatory) or (fvalue == 'ask')) then if (max < 256) then fvalue=input_single_line_field(fname) else fvalue=input_multi_line_field(fname) end end if (fvalue==nil or type(fvalue)~="table") then local vs=trim_space(tostring(fvalue)) if (mandatory==true and (fvalue == nil or vs=="")) then error("The field " .. fname .. " must contain " .. desc) end if (fvalue ~=nil and len(vs) > 0) then if (max > 0 and len(vs) > max) then error("The field " .. fname .. " is longer than " .. max) end vs = vs:gsub('"','\\"') vs = vs:gsub('`','\\`') vs = vs:gsub('\n','\\n') -- for strings on commandline version ctan_post=ctan_post .. ' --form "' .. fname .. "=" .. vs .. '"' ctan_post=ctan_post .. '\nform="' .. fname .. '=' .. vs .. '"' end else error("The value of the field '" .. fname .."' must be a scalar not a table") end end -- function for interactive multiline fields function input_multi_line_field (name) print("Enter " .. name .. " three or ctrl-D to stop") local field="" local answer_line local return_count=0 repeat write("> ") flush() answer_line=read() if answer_line=="" then return_count=return_count+1 else for i=1,return_count,1 do field = field .. "\n" end return_count=0 if answer_line~=nil then field = field .. "\n" .. answer_line end end until (return_count==3 or answer_line==nil or answer_line=='\004') return field end function input_single_line_field(name) print("Enter " .. name ) local field="" write("> ") flush() field=read() return field end -- if filename is non nil and file readable return contents otherwise nil function file_contents (filename) if filename ~= nil then local f= open(filename,"r") if f==nil then return nil else local s = f:read("*all") close(f) return s end else return nil end end