#!/usr/bin/env perl # File : makejmlrbook # Author : Nicola L C Talbot # Date : 22nd March 2010 # Last Modified : 24nd March 2010 # Version : 0.1 # Description : Given the name of a document using the # jmlrbook class file, this script runs # pdflatex (and possibly bibtex) on the # imported articles and the main document. # http://theoval.cmp.uea.ac.uk/~nlct/ # # This file is distributed as part of the jmlr LaTeX bundle. # # Copyright (c) 2006 Nicola L.C. Talbot # This work may be distributed and/or modified under the # conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 # of this license or any later version. # The latest version of this license is in # http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt # and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX # version 2005/12/01 or later. # # This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. # # The Current Maintainer of this work is Nicola Talbot. use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use Cwd; use strict; my $version = "0.1 (2010-03-24)"; my $eol = "\n"; my $dd = '/'; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { $eol = "\r\n"; $dd = "\\"; } my $showversion = 0; my $showhelp = 0; my $quiet = 0; my $batchtex = 0; my $online = 1; my $print = 1; my $html = 1; my $latexapp = 'pdflatex'; my $bibtexapp = 'bibtex'; my $latexopts = ''; my $bibtexopts = ''; my $format = 'pdf'; my $logourl = ''; unless(&GetOptions( "online!" => \$online, "print!" => \$print, "html!" => \$html, "logourl=s" => \$logourl, "format=s" => \$format, "latexapp=s" => \$latexapp, "bibtexapp=s" => \$bibtexapp, "latexopts=s" => \$latexopts, "bibtexopts=s" => \$bibtexopts, "quieter!" => \$quiet, "batchtex!" => \$batchtex, "version" => \$showversion, "help" => \$showhelp)) { die "$!\n", "Use --help for help\n"; } my $appname = basename($0); if ($showhelp) { die "$appname version $version Copyright (c) 2010 Nicola L C Talbot\n", "Distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License.\n\n", "Syntax: $appname [options] \n\n", " should be the name of the master document for a LaTeX \n", "file that uses the jmlrbook class. The .tex extension may be\n", "omitted.\n\n", "Basic options:\n", "--online\t\tGenerate the color on-line version (default)\n", "--noonline\t\tDon't generate the color on-line version\n", "--print\t\t\tGenerate the grayscale print version (default)\n", "--noprint\t\tDon't generate the grayscale print version\n", "--html\t\t\tGenerate the HTML version (default)\n", "--nohtml\t\tDon't generate the HTML version\n", "--logourl \tMake the logo on the HTML index page link to \n", "--batchtex\t\tRun TeX in batch mode\n", "--nobatchtex\t\tDon't run TeX in batch mode\n", "--quieter\t\tReduce messages to stdout and run TeX in batch mode\n", "--noquieter\t\tDon't reduce messages to stdout\n", "--version\t\tDisplay version number and exit\n", "--help\t\t\tDisplay help message and exit\n", "\nAdvanced options:\n", "--latexapp \tApplication used to call LaTeX\n", "\t\t\t(Defaults to 'pdflatex')\n", "--format \tOutput format (default: 'pdf')\n", "--bibtexapp \tApplication used to call BibTeX\n", "\t\t\t(Defaults to 'bibtex')\n", "--latexopt \tOptions to pass to LaTeX\n", "--bibtexopt \tOptions to pass to BibTeX\n"; } if ($showversion) { die "$appname version $version copyright (c) 2010 Nicola L C Talbot\n", "Distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License.\n"; } unless ($#ARGV == 0) { die "$appname: missing filename\n", "use --help for help\n"; } if ($quiet or $batchtex) { $latexopts = '-interaction batchmode '.$latexopts; } if ($quiet) { $bibtexopts = '-terse '.$bibtexopts; } my ($main_name, $main_path, $main_suffix) = fileparse($ARGV[0], '\.(tex|ltx)'); $main_suffix = '.tex' unless $main_suffix; my $org_dir = cwd(); chdir $main_path or die "Can't change directory to '$main_path': $!\n"; my $mainaux = "$main_name.aux"; # If the aux file doesn't exist or the aux file is older than # the main file, run latex if (not -e $mainaux or (-M $mainaux > -M "$main_name$main_suffix")) { &latex($main_name); } # Parse aux file open AUX, "$mainaux" or die "Can't open '$mainaux' $!\n"; &message("Reading '$mainaux'...\n"); my $main_bibdata = 0; my @imports = (); my %pagerefs = (); while () { if (/\\bibdata\b/) { $main_bibdata = 1; } elsif (/\\\@jmlr\@import{(.*)}{(.*)}{(.*)}/) { my $import = { label => $1, path => $2, name => $3 }; $import->{'name'} =~s/\.(tex|ltx)\Z//; push @imports, $import; } elsif (/\\contentsline\s*{chapterauthor}{(.*)}{}{}}\s*$/ and $#imports > -1) { $imports[$#imports]->{'author'} = $1; } elsif (/^\\newlabel\s*{([^}]*)jmlrstart}{{([^}]*)}{([^}]*)}/) { my $label = $1; $pagerefs{$label}->{'start'} = $3; } elsif (/^\\newlabel\s*{([^}]*)jmlrend}{{([^}]*)}{([^}]*)}/) { my $label = $1; $pagerefs{$label}->{'end'} = $3; } } close AUX; # Replace any instances of \articlepagesref foreach my $import (@imports) { my $label = $import->{'label'}; my $pages = $pagerefs{$label}->{'start'}.'--' . $pagerefs{$label}->{'end'}; $import->{'author'}=~s/\\articlepagesref\s*{$label}/$pages/; } if ($html) { # If the html files need to be created, make the directory # html-src, if it doesn't already exist unless (-d 'html-src') { mkdir 'html-src' or die "Can't create directory 'html-src': $!\n"; } unless (-d 'html') { mkdir 'html' or die "Can't create directory 'html': $!\n"; } } # Iterate through each imported article foreach my $import (@imports) { my $importbase = &fname($import->{'path'}, $import->{'name'}); # Check the aux file of this article my $aux = "$importbase.aux"; # The aux file should exist because running LaTeX on the # main file will create the aux file. open AUX, $aux or die "Can't open '$aux' $!\n"; &message("Reading '$aux'...\n"); my $bibdata = 0; while () { if (/\\bibdata\b/) { $bibdata = 1; } } close AUX; # Do we need a bibtex run? if ($bibdata) { my $log = "$importbase.log"; # If the log file doesn't exist, run LaTeX unless (-e $log) { chdir $import->{'path'} or die "Can't change directory to '$import->{path}': $!\n"; &latex($import->{'name'}); chdir "$org_dir/$main_path" or die "Can't change directory to '$org_dir/$main_path': $!\n"; } open LOGFD, $log or die "Can't open '$log' $!\n"; &message("Reading '$log'...\n"); my $runbibtex = 0; while () { if (/There were undefined citations\./) { # Run bibtex and latex $runbibtex = 1; last; } } close LOGFD; if ($runbibtex) { chdir $import->{'path'} or die "Can't change directory to '$import->{path}': $!\n"; &bibtex($import->{'name'}); &latex($import->{'name'}); chdir "$org_dir/$main_path" or die "Can't change directory to '$org_dir/$main_path': $!\n"; } } if ($html) { # If html is required, we also need pdf versions of the # individual articles. # Does the pdf file exist? unless (-e "$importbase.$format") { chdir $import->{'path'} or die "Can't change directory to '$import->{path}': $!\n"; &latex($import->{'name'}); chdir "$org_dir/$main_path" or die "Can't change directory to '$org_dir/$main_path': $!\n"; } # Do we need a rerun? if (&needs_rerun($importbase)) { chdir $import->{'path'} or die "Can't change directory to '$import->{path}': $!\n"; &latex($import->{'name'}); chdir "$org_dir/$main_path" or die "Can't change directory to '$org_dir/$main_path': $!\n"; } my $importdir = $import->{'path'}; if ($importdir = '.') { $importdir = $import->{'name'}; } # Check the appropriate subdirectory is in html-src my $name = &fname('html-src', $importdir); unless (-d $name) { mkdir $name or die "Can't create directory '$name': $!\n"; } my $text = ''; # Read the LaTeX file and store everything up to # the end of the abstract my $tex = "$importbase.tex"; open TEX, $tex or die "Can't open '$tex': $!\n"; while () { # This doesn't handle complicated cases, such as # the author using \abstract ... \endabstract # or commenting out the abstract with conditionals if (/^([^%]*)\\end{abstract}/) { $text .= $&; last; } $text .= $_; } close TEX; # Add the 'html' class option: unless ($text=~ s/^([^%]*)\\documentclass\s*\[(.*)\]/$1\\documentclass[$2,html]/m) { $text=~s/^([^%]*)\\documentclass\s*/$1\\documentclass[html]/m; } my $begindoc = ''; # Set the authors if (defined($import->{'author'})) { my $author = $import->{'author'}; $author=~s/^([^;]*);/\\textbf{\\emph{$1};}/; $begindoc .= "\\jmlrauthors{$author}"; } # Add content div $text=~s/^([^%]*)\\begin{document}/$&$begindoc\\HCode{
}/m; # Create file containing the abstract my $absfile = "html-src/$importdir/".$import->{'name'}.'.tex'; open ABSFD,">$absfile" or die "Can't create '$absfile': $!\n"; print ABSFD "\\batchmode", $eol if ($batchtex or $quiet); my $texpath = $import->{path}; $texpath=~s/\\/\//g if ($dd eq '\\'); print ABSFD "\\makeatletter",$eol, "\\def\\input\@path{{../../$texpath/}}$eol", "\\makeatother",$eol, $text, $eol, "\\HCode{
}", $eol, "\\end{document}",$eol; close ABSFD; # Create the cfg file my $cfg = "html-src/$importdir/jmlr.cfg"; open CFG, ">$cfg" or die "Can't create '$cfg': $!\n"; print CFG <{'name'}."\" \"jmlr\""); if ($code) { die "htlatex failed with exit code $code\n"; } # Go back to main directory chdir "$org_dir/$main_path" or die "Can't change directory to '$org_dir/$main_path': $!\n"; # Copy the html file to the html directory, but rename # the css file to jmlr.css my $infile = "html-src/$importdir/".$import->{'name'}.".html"; open INFD, $infile or die "Can't open '$infile': $!\n"; my $outfile = "html/".$import->{'name'}.".html"; open OUTFD, ">$outfile" or die "Can't open '$outfile': $!\n"; while () { s/href="$import->{name}\.css"/href="jmlr.css"/; print OUTFD; } close OUTFD; close INFD; # Copy css file copy("html-src/$importdir/$import->{name}.css", "html/jmlr.css") or die "Can't copy 'html-src/$importdir/$import->{name}.css'", " to 'html/jmlr.css': $!\n"; # Copy pdf file copy("$importbase.$format", "html/$import->{name}.$format") or die "Can't copy '$importdir/$import->{name}.$format'", " to 'html/$import->{name}.$format': $!\n"; } } # do we need to run bibtex on the main document? if ($main_bibdata) { &bibtex($main_name); } if ($online) { &latexonline($main_name); # do we need a rerun? if (&needs_rerun($main_name)) { &message("Rerun required\n"); &latexonline($main_name); # check again if (&needs_rerun($main_name)) { &message("Rerun required\n"); &latexonline($main_name); } } } if ($print) { &latexprint($main_name); # do we need a rerun? if (&needs_rerun($main_name)) { &message("Rerun required\n"); &latexprint($main_name); # check again if (&needs_rerun($main_name)) { &message("Rerun required\n"); &latexprint($main_name); } } } if ($html) { # Make the index file my $indexfile = &fname('html-src', "index"); my $preamble = ''; open OUTFD, ">$indexfile.tex" or die "Can't open '$indexfile.tex': $!\n"; open INFD, "$main_name.tex" or die "Can't open '$main_name.tex': $!\n"; print OUTFD "\\batchmode", $eol if ($batchtex or $quiet); print OUTFD "\\makeatletter",$eol, "\\def\\input\@path{{../}}$eol", "\\makeatother",$eol, "\\def\\jmlrgrayscale{0}",$eol; while () { unless (s/^([^%]*)\\documentclass\[([^\]]*)\]/$1\\documentclass[$2,html]/) { s/^([^%]*)\\documentclass/$&\[html\]/; } s/^([^%]*)\\begin{document}/$&\\HCode{
}/; if (/^([^%]*)\\maketitle/) { $preamble .= join('', $1, "\\maketitle", $eol); last; } $preamble .= $_; } close INFD; # Find the book logo if ($preamble=~/\\logo\s*{(%\s*\n)?\\includegraphics\s*(\[[^\]]*\])?{([^}]*)}}/m) { my $texpath = $3; my $orgtexpath = $texpath; $texpath=~s/\//\\/g if ($dd eq "\\"); my $ext = ''; if (-e $texpath) { copy($texpath, 'html') or die "Can't copy '$texpath' to 'html': $!\n"; copy($texpath, 'html-src') or die "Can't copy '$texpath' to 'html-src': $!\n"; } elsif (-e "$texpath.png") { copy("$texpath.png", 'html') or die "Can't copy '$texpath.png' to 'html': $!\n"; copy("$texpath.png", 'html-src') or die "Can't copy '$texpath.png' to 'html-src': $!\n"; $ext = '.png'; } elsif (-e "$texpath.jpg") { copy("$texpath.jpg", 'html') or die "Can't copy '$texpath.jpg' to 'html': $!\n"; copy("$texpath.jpg", 'html-src') or die "Can't copy '$texpath.jpg' to 'html-src': $!\n"; $ext = '.jpg'; } elsif (-e "$texpath.gif") { copy("$texpath.gif", 'html') or die "Can't copy '$texpath.gif' to 'html': $!\n"; copy("$texpath.gif", 'html-src') or die "Can't copy '$texpath.gif' to 'html-src': $!\n"; $ext = '.gif'; } my $img = basename($texpath); if ($logourl) { $preamble=~s/\\includegraphics(\[[^\]]*\])?{$orgtexpath}/\\href{$logourl}{\\includegraphics${1}{$img$ext}}/mg; } else { $preamble=~s/\\includegraphics(\[[^\]]*\])?{$orgtexpath}/\\includegraphics${1}{$img$ext}/mg; } } print OUTFD $preamble, $eol; # Parse TOC my $toc = "$main_name.toc"; open TOC, $toc or die "Can't open '$toc': $!\n"; my $idx = 0; while () { if (/^\\tocpart\s*{(.*)}\s*$/) { print OUTFD "\\begin{center}\\bfseries $1\\end{center}$eol"; } elsif (/\\contentsline\s*{papertitle}{(.*)}{[^{}]*}{[^{}]*}\s*$/) { print OUTFD "\\par\\noindent $1$eol"; } elsif (/\\contentsline\s*{chapterauthor}{(.*)}{[^{}]*}{[^{}]*}\s*$/) { my $details = $1; $details=~s/([^;]*);/\\textbf{\\emph{$1};}/; my $label = $imports[$idx]->{'label'}; my $pages = $pagerefs{$label}->{'start'}.'--' . $pagerefs{$label}->{'end'}; $details=~s/\\articlepagesref\s*{$label}/$pages/; print OUTFD "\\par $details$eol"; my $name = $imports[$idx]->{'name'}; print OUTFD "\\par [\\href{$name.html}{abs}] [\\href{$name.pdf}{pdf}]$eol$eol"; $idx++; } } close TOC; print OUTFD "\\HCode{
}\\end{document}$eol"; close OUTFD; # Go into html-src directory and run htlatex chdir('html-src') or die "Can't change directory to 'html': $!\n"; my $code = system('htlatex index'); if ($code) { die "htlatex failed with error code $code\n"; } chdir('..') or die "Can't change directory to '..': $!\n"; # Copy to html directory my $inname = &fname('html-src', 'index.html'); my $outname = &fname('html', 'index.html'); open INFD, $inname or die "Can't open '$inname': $!\n"; open OUTFD, ">$outname" or die "Can't open '$outname': $!\n"; while () { s/href="index.css"/href="jmlr.css"/; print OUTFD; } close OUTFD; close INFD; } # Return to original directory chdir $org_dir; # Subroutines sub message{ print @_ unless ($quiet) } sub latex{ my $file = shift; my $code; $code = system(join(' ', $latexapp, $latexopts, "\"$file\"")); if ($code) { die "**LaTeX run failed with exit code $code.**\n", "Check '$file.log' for details\n"; } } sub latexonline{ my $file = shift; my $code; $code = system(join(' ', $latexapp, $latexopts, "\"\\def\\jmlrgrayscale{0}\\input{$file}\"")); if ($code) { die "**LaTeX run failed with exit code $code.**\n", "Check '$file.log' for details\n"; } &message("copying '$file.$format' to '$file-online.$format'\n"); copy("$file.$format", "$file-online.$format") or die "Can't copy '$file.$format' to '$file-online.$format': $!\n"; } sub latexprint{ my $file = shift; my $code; $code = system(join(' ', $latexapp, $latexopts, "\"\\def\\jmlrgrayscale{1}\\input{$file}\"")); if ($code) { die "**LaTeX run failed with exit code $code.**\n", "Check '$file.log' for details\n"; } &message("copying '$file.$format' to '$file-print.$format'\n"); copy("$file.$format", "$file-print.$format") or die "Can't copy '$file.$format' to '$file-print.$format': $!\n"; } sub bibtex{ my $file = shift; my $code; $code = system(join(' ', $bibtexapp, $bibtexopts, "\"$file\"")); if ($code) { die "**BibTeX run failed with exit code $code.**\n", "Check '$file.blg' for details\n"; } } sub needs_rerun{ my $file = shift; my $rerun = 0; # Scan log file for rerun message my $log = "$file.log"; # If there's no log file a run is needed open LOGFD, $log or return 1; while () { if (/Rerun to get cross-references right\./) { $rerun = 1; last; } } close LOGFD; return $rerun; } sub fname{ join($dd, @_) } 1;