#!/usr/bin/env perl =pod =head1 NAME bibzbladd.pl - add Zbl numbers to papers in a given bib file =head1 SYNOPSIS bibzbladd [-d] [B<-f>] [B<-e> 1|0] [B<-o> I] I =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-d> Debug mode =item B<-e> If 1 (default), add an empty zblnumber if a zbl cannot be found. This prevents repeated searches for the same entries if you add new entries to the file. Calling C<-e 0> suppresses this behavior. =item B<-f> Force searching for Zbl numbers even if the entry already has one. =item B<-o> I Output file. If this option is not used, the name for the output file is formed by adding C<_zbl> to the input file =back =head1 DESCRIPTION The script reads a BibTeX file. It checks whether the entries have Zbls. If not, tries to contact internet to get the numbers. The result is a BibTeX file with the fields C added. The name of the output file is either set by the B<-o> option or is derived by adding the suffix C<_zbl> to the output file. =head1 AUTHOR Boris Veytsman =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Boris Veytsman This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of the GNU General Public License L. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. =cut use strict; BEGIN { # find files relative to our installed location within TeX Live chomp(my $TLMaster = `kpsewhich -var-value=SELFAUTOPARENT`); # TL root if (length($TLMaster)) { unshift @INC, "$TLMaster/texmf-dist/scripts/bibtexperllibs"; } } use IO::File; use BibTeX::Parser; use Getopt::Std; use URI::Escape; use LWP::UserAgent; $ENV{PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME}=0; my $USAGE="USAGE: $0 [-d] [-e 1|0] [-f] [-o output] file\n"; my $VERSION = <new($inputfile) or die "Cannot find BibTeX file $inputfile\n$USAGE\n"; my $output = IO::File->new("> $outputfile") or die "Cannot write to $outputfile\n$USAGE\n"; my $parser=new BibTeX::Parser($input); # Creating the HTTP parameters my $mirror = "https://zbmath.org/citationmatching/bibtex/match"; my $userAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new; while (my $entry = $parser->next ) { if (!$entry->parse_ok()) { print STDERR "Cannot understand entry: "; $entry->print(*STDERR); print STDERR "Skipping this entry\n"; next; } if ($entry->has('zblnumber') && !$forceSearch) { print $output $entry->raw_bibtex(), "\n\n"; if ($debug) { print STDERR "DEBUG: entry ", $entry->key(), " has zblnumber ", $entry->field('zblnumber'), " and no forced search is requested\n"; } next; } # Now we have an entry with no Zbl. Let us get to work. if ($debug) { print STDERR "DEBUG: Searching for zbl number for entry ", $entry->key, "\n"; } my $zbl = GetZbl($entry, $userAgent, $mirror); if (length($zbl) || $forceEmpty) { $entry->field('zblnumber',$zbl); } print $output $entry->to_string(), "\n\n"; } $input->close(); $output->close(); exit 0; ############################################################### # Getting one Zbl ############################################################### sub GetZbl { my $entry=shift; my $userAgent=shift; my $mirror=shift; my @query; my $string=uri_escape_utf8($entry->to_string()); if ($debug) { print STDERR "DEBUG: query: $mirror?bibtex=$string\n" ; } my $response = $userAgent->get("$mirror?bibtex=$string"); if ($debug) { print STDERR "DEBUG: response: ", $response->decoded_content, "\n"; } if ($response->decoded_content =~ /^\s*"zbl_id":\s*"(.*)",\s*$/m) { if ($debug) { print STDERR "DEBUG: got zbl: $1\n", } return $1; } else { if ($debug) { print STDERR "DEBUG: Did not get zbl\n", } return (""); } }