#!/usr/bin/env ruby # a direct request is just passed on # # exaclient --direct --request=somerequest.exa --result=somefile.pdf # # in an extended request the filename in the template file is replaced by the filename # given on the command line; templates are located on the current path and at parent # directories (two levels); the filename is expanded to a full path # # exaclient --extend --template=tmicare-l-h.exa --file=somefile.xml --result=somefile.pdf # # a constructed request is build out of the provided filename and action; the filename is # expanded to a full path # # exaclient --construct --action=tmicare-s-h.exa --file=somefile.xml --result=somefile.pdf # # in all cases, the result is either determined by a switch or taken from a reply file banner = ['WWWClient', 'version 1.0.0', '2003-2006', 'PRAGMA ADE/POD'] $: << File.expand_path(File.dirname($0)) ; $: << File.join($:.last,'lib') ; $:.uniq! require 'base/switch' require 'base/logger' require 'timeout' require 'thread' require 'rexml/document' require 'net/http' class File def File.backtracked(filename,level=3) if level > 0 && filename && ! filename.empty? then if FileTest.file?(filename) then filename else File.backtracked('../'+filename,level-1) end else filename end end def File.expanded(filename) File.expand_path(filename) end end class Commands include CommandBase end class Commands @@namespace = "xmlns:exa='http://www.pragma-ade.com/schemas/example.rng'" @@randchars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" + "0123456789" + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" def traceback "(error: #{$!})" + "\n -- " + $@.join("\n >>") end def pdf(action,filename,enabled) if enabled && FileTest.file?(filename) then begin report("pdf action #{action} on #{filename}") case action when 'close' then system("pdfclose --all") when 'open' then system("pdfopen --file #{filename}") end rescue # forget about it end end end def status(replyfile,str) # when block, then ok begin # def status(*whatever) # end File.open(replyfile,'w') do |f| report("saving reply info in '#{replyfile}'") f.puts("\n\n") f.puts("\n") if block_given? then f.puts(" ok\n") f.puts(" #{yield}\n") else f.puts(" error\n") end f.puts(" " + str + "\n") f.puts("\n") f.close report("saving status: #{str}") end rescue report("saving reply info in '#{replyfile}' fails") ensure exit end exit # to be real sure end def boundary_string (length) # copied from webrick/utils rand_max = @@randchars.size ret = "" length.times do ret << @@randchars[rand(rand_max)] end ret.upcase end end class Commands @@connecttimeout = 10*60 # ten minutes @@processtimeout = 60*60 # an hour @@polldelay = 5 # 5 seconds def main datatemplate = @commandline.option('template') datafile = @commandline.option('file') dataaction = @commandline.option('action') if ! datatemplate.empty? then report("template '#{datatemplate}' specified without --construct") report("aborting") elsif ! dataaction.empty? then report("action data '#{dataaction}' specified without --construct or --extend") report("aborting") elsif ! datafile.empty? then report("action file '#{datafile}' specified without --construct or --extend") report("aborting") else report("assuming --direct") direct() end end def construct requestfile = @commandline.option('request') replyfile = @commandline.option('reply') datatemplate = @commandline.option('template') datafile = @commandline.option('file') dataaction = @commandline.option('action') domain = @commandline.option('domain') project = @commandline.option('project') username = @commandline.option('username') password = @commandline.option('password') threshold = @commandline.option('threshold') datablob = '' begin datablob = IO.read(datatemplate) rescue datablob = '' else begin request = REXML::Document.new(datablob) if e = REXML::XPath.match(request.root,"/exa:request/exa:data") then datablob = e.to_s.chomp end rescue datablob = '' end end begin File.open(requestfile,'w') do |f| f.puts "\n" f.puts "\n" f.puts " \n" f.puts " #{dataaction}\n" unless dataaction.empty? f.puts " #{datafile}\n" unless datafile.empty? f.puts " #{threshold}\n" unless threshold.empty? f.puts " \n" f.puts " \n" f.puts " #{domain}\n" f.puts " #{project}\n" f.puts " #{username}\n" f.puts " #{password}\n" f.puts " \n" if datablob.empty? then f.puts " \n" else f.puts " #{datablob.chomp}\n" end f.puts "" end rescue status(replyfile,"unable to create '#{requestfile}'") end direct() end def extend requestfile = @commandline.option('request') replyfile = @commandline.option('reply') datatemplate = @commandline.option('template') datafile = @commandline.option('file') dataaction = @commandline.option('action') threshold = @commandline.option('threshold') if datatemplate.empty? then status(replyfile,"invalid data template '#{datatemplate}'") else begin if FileTest.file?(datatemplate) && oldrequest = IO.read(datatemplate) then request, done = REXML::Document.new(oldrequest), false if ! threshold.empty? && e = REXML::XPath.match(request.root,"/exa:request/exa:application/exa:threshold") then e.text, done = threshold, true end if ! dataaction.empty? && e = REXML::XPath.match(request.root,"/exa:request/exa:application/exa:action") then e.text, done = dataaction, true end if ! datafile.empty? && e = REXML::XPath.match(request.root,"/exa:request/exa:application/exa:filename") then e.text, done = datafile, true end # if ! threshold.empty? && e = REXML::XPath.match(request.root,"/exa:request/exa:application") then e = e.add_element('exa:threshold') e.add_text(threshold.to_s) done = true end # report("nothing replaced in template file") unless done begin File.open(requestfile,'w') do |f| f.puts(newrequest.to_s) end rescue status(replyfile,"unable to create '#{requestfile}'") end else status(replyfile,"unable to read data template '#{datatemplate}'") end rescue status(replyfile,"unable to handle data template '#{datatemplate}'") end end direct() end def direct requestpath = @commandline.option('path') requestfile = @commandline.option('request') replyfile = @commandline.option('reply') resultfile = @commandline.option('result') datatemplate = @commandline.option('template') datafile = @commandline.option('file') threshold = @commandline.option('threshold') address = @commandline.option('address') port = @commandline.option('port') session_id = @commandline.option('session') exaurl = @commandline.option('exaurl') exaurl = "/#{exaurl}" unless exaurl =~ /^\// address.sub!(/^http\:\/\//io) do '' end address.sub!(/\:(\d+)$/io) do port = $1 '' end autopdf = @commandline.option('autopdf') dialogue = nil resultfile.sub!(/\.[a-z]+?$/, '') # don't overwrite the source unless requestpath.empty? then begin if FileTest.directory?(requestpath) then if Dir.chdir(requestpath) then report("gone to path '#{requestpath}'") else status(replyfile,"unable to go to path '#{requestpath}") end else status(replyfile,"unable to locate '#{requestpath}'") end rescue status(replyfile,"unable to handle '#{requestpath}'") end end datafile = File.expand_path(datafile) unless datafile.empty? datatemplate = File.backtracked(datatemplate,3) unless datatemplate.empty? # request must be valid status(replyfile,'no request file') if requestfile.empty? status(replyfile,"invalid request file '#{requestfile}'") unless FileTest.file?(requestfile) begin request = IO.readlines(requestfile).join('') request = REXML::Document.new(request) status(replyfile,'invalid request (no request)') unless request.root.fully_expanded_name=='exa:request' status(replyfile,'invalid request (no application block)') unless request.elements['exa:request'].elements['exa.application'] == nil # explicit nil test needed rescue REXML::ParseException status(replyfile,'invalid request (invalid xml file)') rescue status(replyfile,'invalid request (invalid file)') else report("using request file '#{requestfile}'") end # request can force session_id if session_id && session_id.empty? then begin id = request.elements['exa:request'].elements['exa:application'].elements['exa:session'].text rescue Exception id = '' ensure if id && ! id.empty? then session_id = id end end end # request can overload reply name begin rreplyfile = request.elements['exa:request'].elements['exa:application'].elements['exa:output'].text rescue Exception rreplyfile = nil ensure if rreplyfile && ! rreplyfile.empty? then replyfile = rreplyfile report("reply file '#{replyfile} set by request'") else report("using reply file '#{replyfile}'") end end # request can overload result name begin rresultfile = request.elements['exa:request'].elements['exa:application'].elements['exa:result'] rescue Exception rresultfile = nil ensure if rresultfile && ! rresultfile.empty? then resultfile = rresultfile report("result file '#{resultfile}' set by request") else report("using result file '#{resultfile}'") end end # try to connect to server start_time = Time.now processtimeout = begin @commandline.option('timeout').to_i rescue @@processtimeout end processtimeout = @@processtimeout if processtimeout == 0 # 'xx'.to_i => 0 dialogue = start_dialogue(address, port, processtimeout) if dialogue then # continue else status(replyfile,'no connection') end # post request timeout (@@processtimeout-10) do # -10 so that we run into this one first begin report("posting request of type '#{exaurl}'") report("using session id '#{session_id}'") if session_id && ! session_id.empty? firstline, chunks, total = nil, 0, 0 body, boundary, crlf = '', boundary_string(32), "\x0d\x0a" body << '--' + boundary + crlf body << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"exa:request\"" body << crlf body << "Content-Type: text/plain" body << crlf + crlf body << request.to_s body << crlf + '--' + boundary + crlf if session_id && ! session_id.empty? then body << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"exa:session\"" body << "Content-Type: text/plain" body << crlf + crlf body << session_id body << crlf + '--' + boundary + crlf end begin File.open(datafile,'rb') do |df| body << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"filename\"" body << "Content-Type: text/plain" body << crlf + crlf body << datafile body << crlf + '--' + boundary + crlf body << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"fakename\" ; filename=\"#{datafile}\"" body << "Content-Type: application/octetstream" body << "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary" body << crlf + crlf body << df.read body << crlf + '--' + boundary + '--' + crlf end rescue # skip end headers = Hash.new headers['content-type'] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=#{boundary}" headers['content-length'] = body.length.to_s begin File.open(resultfile,'wb') do |rf| begin # firstline is max 1024 but ok for reply dialogue.post(exaurl,body,headers) do |str| if ! firstline || firstline.empty? then report('receiving result') if total == 0 firstline = str end total += 1 rf.write(str) end rescue report("forced close #{traceback}") end end rescue status(replyfile,'cannot open file') end begin File.delete(resultfile) if File.zero?(resultfile) rescue end unless FileTest.file?(resultfile) then report("deleting empty resultfile") begin File.delete(resultfile) rescue # nice try, an error anyway end status(replyfile,'empty file') else n, id, status = 0, '', '' loop do again = false if ! dialogue then again = true elsif firstline =~ /(\ 1 unless dialogue then report('reestablishing connection') dialogue = start_dialogue(address, port, processtimeout) end if dialogue then begin File.open(resultfile,'wb') do |rf| begin body = "id=#{id}" headers = Hash.new headers['content-type'] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" headers['content-length'] = body.length.to_s total, firstline = 0, '' dialogue.post("/exastatus",body,headers) do |str| if ! firstline || firstline.empty? then firstline = str end total += 1 rf.write(str) end rescue report("forced close #{traceback}") dialogue = nil again = true end end begin File.delete(resultfile) if File.zero?(resultfile) rescue end rescue report("error in opening file #{traceback}") status(replyfile,'cannot open file') end else report("unable to make a connection") status(replyfile,'unable to make a connection') # exit end else break end end case firstline when /<\?xml\s*version=.*?\?>\s*#{resultfile}" end when /html/io then report("done, file #{resultfile}, type html, #{total} chunks, #{File.size? rescue 0} bytes") if resultfile =~ /\.(htm|html)$/i then report("file identified as 'html'") elsif resultfile =~ /\..*$/o report("result file suffix should be 'htm'") else newresultfile = resultfile + '.htm' begin File.delete(newresultfile) if FileTest.file?(newresultfile) resultfile = newresultfile if File.rename(resultfile,newresultfile) rescue report("adding 'htm' suffix to result name failed") else report("'htm' suffix added to result name") end end report("result saved in '#{resultfile}'") status(replyfile,'ok') do "#{resultfile}" end else report("no result file, first line #{firstline}") status(replyfile,'no result file') end end rescue TimeoutError report("aborted due to time out") status(replyfile,'time out') rescue report("aborted due to some problem #{traceback}") status(replyfile,"no answer #{traceback}") end end begin report("run time: #{Time.now-start_time} seconds") rescue end end def start_dialogue(address, port, processtimeout) timeout(@@connecttimeout) do report("trying to connect to #{address}:#{port}") begin begin if dialogue = Net::HTTP.new(address, port) then # dialogue.set_debug_output $stderr dialogue.read_timeout = processtimeout # set this before start if dialogue.start then report("connected to #{address}:#{port}, timeout: #{processtimeout}") else retry end else retry end rescue sleep(2) retry else return dialogue end rescue TimeoutError return nil rescue return nil end end end end logger = Logger.new(banner.shift) commandline = CommandLine.new commandline.registerflag('autopdf') commandline.registervalue('path' , '') commandline.registervalue('request' , 'request.exa') commandline.registervalue('reply' , 'reply.exa') commandline.registervalue('result' , 'result') commandline.registervalue('template' , '') commandline.registervalue('file' , '') commandline.registervalue('action' , '') commandline.registervalue('timeout' , '') commandline.registervalue('domain' , 'default') commandline.registervalue('project' , 'default') commandline.registervalue('username' , 'guest') commandline.registervalue('password' , 'anonymous') commandline.registervalue('exaurl' , 'exarequest') commandline.registervalue('threshold' , '0') commandline.registervalue('session' , '') commandline.registervalue('address' , 'localhost') commandline.registervalue('port' , '80') commandline.registeraction('direct' , '[--path --request --reply --result --autopdf]') commandline.registeraction('construct', '[--path --request --reply --result --autopdf] --file --action') commandline.registeraction('extend' , '[--path --request --reply --result --autopdf] --file --action --template') commandline.registeraction('direct') commandline.registeraction('construct') commandline.registeraction('extend') commandline.registerflag('verbose') commandline.registeraction('help') commandline.registeraction('version') commandline.expand Commands.new(commandline,logger,banner).send(commandline.action || 'main')