#!/usr/bin/env ruby # program : pstopdf # copyright : PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering # version : 2002-2005 # author : Hans Hagen # # project : ConTeXt / eXaMpLe # concept : Hans Hagen # info : j.hagen@xs4all.nl # www : www.pragma-ade.com banner = ['PsToPdf', 'version 2.0.1', '2002-2006', 'PRAGMA ADE/POD'] $: << File.expand_path(File.dirname($0)) ; $: << File.join($:.last,'lib') ; $:.uniq! # todo: paden/prefix in magick and inkscape # todo: clean up method handling (pass strings, no numbers) # --method=crop|bounded|raw|... # --resolution=low|normal|medium|high|printer|print|screen|ebook|default # + downward compatible flag handling require 'base/switch' require 'base/tool' require 'base/logger' require 'graphics/gs' require 'graphics/magick' require 'graphics/inkscape' require 'rexml/document' exit if defined?(REQUIRE2LIB) class Commands include CommandBase # nowadays we would force a directive, but # for old times sake we handle default usage def main filename = @commandline.argument('first') pattern = @commandline.option('pattern') if filename.empty? && ! pattern.empty? then pattern = "**/#{pattern}" if @commandline.option('recurse') globfiles(pattern) end filename = @commandline.argument('first') if filename.empty? then help elsif filename =~ /\.exa$/ then request else convert end end # actions def convert ghostscript = GhostScript.new(logger) magick = ImageMagick.new(logger) inkscape = InkScape.new(logger) outpath = @commandline.option('outputpath') unless outpath.empty? then begin File.expand_path(outpath) outpath = File.makedirs(outpath) unless FileTest.directory?(outpath) rescue # sorry end end @commandline.arguments.each do |filename| filename = Tool.cleanfilename(filename,@commandline) inppath = @commandline.option('inputpath') if inppath.empty? then inppath = '.' fullname = filename # avoid duplicate './' else fullname = File.join(inppath,filename) end if FileTest.file?(fullname) then handle_whatever(ghostscript,inkscape,magick,filename) else report("file #{fullname} does not exist") end end end def request # # # pstopdf # E:/tmp/demo.ps # # # false # -1 # # ghostscript = GhostScript.new(logger) magick = ImageMagick.new(logger) inkscape = InkScape.new(logger) dataname = @commandline.argument('first') || '' filename = @commandline.argument('second') || '' if dataname.empty? || ! FileTest.file?(dataname) then report('provide valid exa file') return else begin request = REXML::Document.new(File.new(dataname)) rescue report('provide valid exa file (xml error)') return end end if filename.empty? then begin if filename = REXML::XPath.first(request.root,"exa:request/exa:application/exa:filename/text()") then filename = filename.to_s else report('no filename found in exa file') return end rescue filename = '' end end if filename.empty? then report('provide valid filename') return elsif ! FileTest.file?(filename) then report("invalid filename #{filename}") return end [ghostscript,inkscape,magick].each do |i| i.setvariable('inputfile',filename) end # set ghostscript variables REXML::XPath.each(request.root,"/exa:request/exa:data/exa:variable") do |v| begin if (key = v.attributes['label']) and (value = v.text.to_s) then case key when /gs[\:\.](var[\:\.])*(offset)/io then ghostscript.setoffset(value) when /gs[\:\.](var[\:\.])*(method)/io then ghostscript.setvariable('method',value) when /gs[\:\.](var[\:\.])*(.*)/io then ghostscript.setpsoption($2,value) end end rescue end end # no inkscape and magick variables (yet) handle_whatever(ghostscript,inkscape,magick,filename) end def watch ghostscript = GhostScript.new(logger) magick = ImageMagick.new(logger) inkscape = InkScape.new(logger) pathname = commandline.option('watch') unless pathname and not pathname.empty? then report('empty watchpath is not supported') exit end if pathname == '.' then report("watchpath #{pathname} is not supported") exit end if FileTest.directory?(pathname) then if Dir.chdir(pathname) then report("watching path #{pathname}") else report("unable to change to path #{pathname}") exit end else report("invalid path #{pathname}") exit end waiting = false loop do if waiting then report("waiting #{getvariable('delay')}") waiting = false sleep(getvariable('delay').to_i) end files = Dir.glob("**/*.*") if files and files.length > 0 then files.each do |fullname| next unless fullname if FileTest.directory?(fullname) then debug('skipping path', fullname) next end unless magick.supported(fullname) then debug('not supported', fullname) next end if (! FileTest.file?(fullname)) || (FileTest.size(fullname) < 100) then debug("skipping small crap file #{fullname}") next end debug("handling file #{fullname}") begin next unless File.rename(fullname,fullname) # access trick rescue next # being written end fullname = Tool.cleanfilename(fullname,@commandline) fullname.gsub!(/\\/io, '/') filename = File.basename(fullname) filepath = File.dirname(fullname) next if filename =~ /gstemp.*/io if filepath !~ /(result|done|raw|crop|bound|bitmap)/io then begin File.makedirs(filepath+'/raw') File.makedirs(filepath+'/bound') File.makedirs(filepath+'/crop') File.makedirs(filepath+'/bitmap') debug("creating prefered input paths on #{filepath}") rescue debug("creating input paths on #{filepath} failed") end end if filepath =~ /^(.*\/|)(done|result)$/io then debug("skipping file #{fullname}") else report("start processing file #{fullname}") if filepath =~ /^(.*\/*)(raw|crop|bound)$/io then donepath = $1 + 'done' resultpath = $1 + 'result' case $2 when 'raw' then method = 1 when 'bound' then method = 2 when 'crop' then method = 3 else method = 2 end report("forcing method #{method}") else method = 2 donepath = filepath + '/done' resultpath = filepath + '/result' report("default method #{method}") end begin File.makedirs(donepath) File.makedirs(resultpath) rescue report('result path creation fails') end if FileTest.directory?(donepath) && FileTest.directory?(resultpath) then resultname = resultpath + '/' + filename.sub(/\.[^\.]*$/,'') + '.pdf' @commandline.setoption('inputpath', filepath) @commandline.setoption('outputpath', resultpath) @commandline.setoption('method', method) if ghostscript.psfile?(fullname) then handle_ghostscript(ghostscript,filename) else handle_magick(magick,filename) end sleep(1) # calm down if FileTest.file?(fullname) then begin File.copy(fullname,donepath + '/' + filename) File.delete(fullname) rescue report('cleanup fails') end end end end end end waiting = true end end private def handle_whatever(ghostscript,inkscape,magick,filename) if ghostscript.psfile?(filename) then # report("processing ps file #{filename}") ghostscript.setvariable('pipe',false) if @commandline.option('nopipe') # ghostscript.setvariable('pipe',not @commandline.option('nopipe')) ghostscript.setvariable('colormodel',@commandline.option('colormodel')) ghostscript.setvariable('offset',@commandline.option('offset')) handle_ghostscript(ghostscript,filename) elsif ghostscript.pdffile?(filename) && ghostscript.pdfmethod?(@commandline.option('method')) then # report("processing pdf file #{filename}") handle_ghostscript(ghostscript,filename) elsif inkscape.supported?(filename) then # report("processing non ps/pdf file #{filename}") handle_inkscape(inkscape,filename) elsif magick.supported?(filename) then # report("processing non ps/pdf file #{filename}") handle_magick(magick,filename) else report("option not supported for #{filename}") end end def handle_magick(magick,filename) report("converting non-ps file #{filename} into pdf") inppath = @commandline.option('inputpath') outpath = @commandline.option('outputpath') inppath = inppath + '/' if not inppath.empty? outpath = outpath + '/' if not outpath.empty? prefix = @commandline.option('prefix') suffix = @commandline.option('suffix') inpfilename = "#{inppath}#{filename}" outfilename = "#{outpath}#{prefix}#{filename.sub(/\.([^\.]*?)$/, '')}#{suffix}.pdf" magick.setvariable('inputfile' , inpfilename) magick.setvariable('outputfile', outfilename) magick.autoconvert end def handle_inkscape(inkscape,filename) report("converting svg(z) file #{filename} into pdf") inppath = @commandline.option('inputpath') outpath = @commandline.option('outputpath') inppath = inppath + '/' if not inppath.empty? outpath = outpath + '/' if not outpath.empty? prefix = @commandline.option('prefix') suffix = @commandline.option('suffix') inpfilename = "#{inppath}#{filename}" outfilename = "#{outpath}#{prefix}#{filename.sub(/\.([^\.]*?)$/, '')}#{suffix}.pdf" inkscape.setvariable('inputfile' , inpfilename) inkscape.setvariable('outputfile', outfilename) if @commandline.option('verbose') || @commandline.option('debug') then logname = filename.gsub(/\.[^\.]*?$/, '.log') report("log info saved in #{logname}") inkscape.convert(logname) # logname ook doorgeven else inkscape.convert end end def handle_ghostscript(ghostscript,filename) ghostscript.reset method = ghostscript.method(@commandline.option('method')) force = ghostscript.method(@commandline.option('force')) ghostscript.setvariable('method', method) ghostscript.setvariable('force', force) # report("conversion method #{method}") inppath = @commandline.option('inputpath') outpath = @commandline.option('outputpath') inppath = inppath + '/' if not inppath.empty? outpath = outpath + '/' if not outpath.empty? prefix = @commandline.option('prefix') suffix = @commandline.option('suffix') ok = false if ghostscript.pdfmethod?(method) then report("converting pdf file #{filename} into pdf") if prefix.empty? && suffix.empty? && inppath.empty? && outpath.empty? then prefix = ghostscript.pdfprefix(method) end if ghostscript.pdffile?(filename) then filename = filename.sub(/\.pdf$/, '') inpfilename = "#{inppath}#{filename}.pdf" outfilename = "#{outpath}#{prefix}#{filename}#{suffix}.pdf" ghostscript.setvariable('inputfile' ,inpfilename) ghostscript.setvariable('outputfile',outfilename) if FileTest.file?(inpfilename) then ok = ghostscript.convert else report("no file found #{filename}") end else report("no pdf file #{filename}") end elsif ghostscript.psfile?(filename) then if filename =~ /(.*)\.([^\.]*?)$/io then filename, filesuffix = $1, $2 else filesuffix = 'eps' end report("converting #{filesuffix} (ps) into pdf") inpfilename = "#{inppath}#{filename}.#{filesuffix}" outfilename = "#{outpath}#{prefix}#{filename}#{suffix}.pdf" ghostscript.setvariable('inputfile' , inpfilename) ghostscript.setvariable('outputfile', outfilename) if FileTest.file?(inpfilename) then ok = ghostscript.convert if ! ok && FileTest.file?(outfilename) then begin File.delete(outfilename) rescue end end else report("no file with name #{filename} found") end else report('file must be of type eps/ps/ai/pdf') end return ok end end # ook pdf -> pdf onder optie 0, andere kleurruimte logger = Logger.new(banner.shift) commandline = CommandLine.new commandline.registerflag('debug') commandline.registerflag('verbose') commandline.registerflag('nopipe') commandline.registervalue('method',2) commandline.registervalue('offset',0) commandline.registervalue('prefix') commandline.registervalue('suffix') commandline.registervalue('inputpath') commandline.registervalue('outputpath') commandline.registerflag('watch') commandline.registerflag('force') commandline.registerflag('recurse') commandline.registervalue('delay',2) commandline.registervalue('colormodel','cmyk') commandline.registervalue('pattern','') commandline.registeraction('help') commandline.registeraction('version') commandline.registeraction('convert', 'convert ps into pdf') commandline.registeraction('request', 'handles exa request file') commandline.registeraction('watch', 'watch folders for conversions (untested)') commandline.expand logger.verbose if (commandline.option('verbose') || commandline.option('debug')) Commands.new(commandline,logger,banner).send(commandline.action || 'main')