#!/usr/bin/env ruby # program : pdftools # copyright : PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering # version : 2003-2005 # author : Hans Hagen # # project : ConTeXt / eXaMpLe # concept : Hans Hagen # info : j.hagen@xs4all.nl # www : www.pragma-ade.com # This script will harbor some handy manipulations on tex # related files. banner = ['PDFTools', 'version 1.2.1', '2003/2005', 'PRAGMA ADE/POD'] $: << File.expand_path(File.dirname($0)) ; $: << File.join($:.last,'lib') ; $:.uniq! require 'base/switch' require 'base/logger' require 'ftools' class File def File.deletefiles(*filenames) filenames.flatten.each do |filename| begin delete(filename) if FileTest.file?(filename) rescue end end end def File.needsupdate(oldname,newname) begin return File.stat(oldname).mtime != File.stat(newname).mtime rescue return true end end def File.syncmtimes(oldname,newname) begin t = Time.now # i'm not sure if the time is frozen, so we do it here File.utime(0,t,oldname,newname) rescue end end def File.replacesuffix(oldname,subpath='') newname = File.expand_path(oldname.sub(/\.\w+?$/,'.pdf')) File.join(File.dirname(newname),subpath,File.basename(newname)) end end class ImageMagick def initialize begin version = `convert -version` rescue @binary = nil ensure if (version) && (! version.empty?) && (version =~ /ImageMagick/mo) && (version =~ /version/mio) then @binary = 'convert' else @binary = 'imagemagick' end end end def process(arguments) begin @binary && system("#{@binary} #{arguments}") rescue false end end end class TexExec def initialize @binary = 'texmfstart texexec.pl --pdf --batch --silent --purge' end def process(arguments,once=true) begin if once then @binary && system("#{@binary} --once #{arguments}") else @binary && system("#{@binary} #{arguments}") end rescue false end end end class PdfImages def initialize @binary = "pdfimages" end def process(arguments) begin @binary && system("#{@binary} #{arguments}") rescue false end end end class ConvertImage def initialize(command=nil) @command = command end def convertimage(filename) return if filename =~ /\.(pdf)$/io retain = @command.option('retain') subpath = @command.option('subpath') if filename =~ /\s/ then @command.report("skipping strange filename '#{filename}'") else newname = File.replacesuffix(filename,subpath) # newname.gsub!(s/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_-\.]/o, '-') begin File.makedirs(File.dirname(newname)) rescue end if ! retain || File.needsupdate(filename,newname) then imagemagick = ImageMagick.new if imagemagick then ok = imagemagick.process("-compress zip -quality 99 #{filename} #{newname}") File.syncmtimes(oldname,newname) if retain end end end end end class DownsampleImage def initialize(command=nil) @command = command end def convertimage(filename) return if filename =~ /\.(pdf)$/io retain = @command.option('retain') subpath = @command.option('subpath') if @command.option('lowres') then method = '4' elsif @command.option('medres') || @command.option('normal') then method = '5' else method = '4' end if filename =~ /\s/ then @command.report("skipping strange filename '#{filename}'") else newname = File.replacesuffix(filename,subpath) begin File.makedirs(File.dirname(newname)) rescue end if ! retain || File.needsupdate(filename,newname) then ok = system("texmfstart pstopdf.rb --method=#{method} #{filename} #{newname}") File.syncmtimes(oldname,newname) if retain end end end end class ColorImage def initialize(command=nil,tmpname='pdftools') @command = command @tmpname = tmpname @colorname = nil @colorspec = nil @colorspace = nil end def registercolor(spec='.5',name='c') name = name || 'c' spec = spec.split(',') case spec.length when 4 @colorname, @colorspec, @colorspace = name, spec.join('/'), 'cmyk' when 3 @colorname, @colorspec, @colorspace = name, spec.join('/'), 'rgb' when 1 @colorname, @colorspec, @colorspace = name, spec.join('/'), 'gray' else @colorname, @colorspec, @colorspace = nil, nil, nil end end def convertimage(filename) invert = @command.option('invert') retain = @command.option('retain') subpath = @command.option('subpath') subpath += '/' unless subpath.empty? if @colorname && ! @colorname.empty? && @colorspec && ! @colorspec.empty? then basename = filename.sub(/\.\w+?$/,'') oldname = filename ppmname = @tmpname + '-000.ppm' jpgname = @tmpname + '-000.jpg' newname = File.expand_path(oldname) newname = File.dirname(newname) + '/' + subpath + @colorname + '-' + File.basename(newname) newname.sub!(/\.\w+?$/, '.pdf') begin File.makedirs(File.dirname(newname)) rescue end if ! retain || File.needsupdate(filename,newname) then pdfimages = PdfImages.new imagemagick = ImageMagick.new if pdfimages && imagemagick then File.deletefiles(ppmname,jpgname,newname) if filename =~ /\.(pdf)$/io then ok = pdfimages.process("-j -f 1 -l 1 #{filename} #{@tmpname}") if ok then if FileTest.file?(ppmname) then inpname = ppmname elsif FileTest.file?(jpgname) then inpname = jpgname else ok = false end if ok then switch = if ! invert then '-negate' else '' end # make sure that we keep the format tmpname = File.basename(inpname) tmpname = tmpname.sub(/(.*)\..*?$/,@tmpname) # somehow sub! fails here ok = imagemagick.process("-colorspace gray #{switch} #{inpname} #{tmpname}") if ! ok || ! FileTest.file?(tmpname) then # problems else ok = imagemagick.process("-colorspace #{switch} #{@colorspace} -colorize #{@colorspec} -compress zip #{tmpname} #{newname}") if ! ok || ! FileTest.file?(newname) then # unable to colorize image else # conversion done end end end end else # make sure that we keep the format tmpname = File.basename(basename) tmpname = tmpname.sub(/(.*)\..*?$/,@tmpname) # somehow sub! fails here ok = imagemagick.process("-colorspace gray #{oldname} #{tmpname}") if ! ok || ! FileTest.file?(tmpname) then # unable to convert color to gray else ok = imagemagick.process("-colorspace #{@colorspace} -colorize #{@colorspec} -compress zip #{tmpname} #{newname}") if ! ok || ! FileTest.file?(newname) then # unable to colorize image else # conversion done end end end File.deletefiles(ppmname,jpgname,tmpname) File.syncmtimes(filename,newname) if retain end end end end end class SpotColorImage def initialize(command=nil, tmpname='pdftools') @command = command @tmpname = tmpname @colorname = nil @colorspec = nil @colorspace = nil @colorfile = nil end def registercolor(spec='.5',name='unknown') name = name || 'unknown' if spec =~ /^[\d\.\,]+$/ then spec = spec.split(',') case spec.length when 4 @colorname, @colorspec, @colorspace = name, ["c=#{spec[0]}","m=#{spec[1]}","y=#{spec[2]}","k=#{spec[3]}"].join(','), 'cmyk' when 3 @colorname, @colorspec, @colorspace = name, ["r=#{spec[0]}","g=#{spec[1]}","b=#{spec[2]}"].join(','), 'rgb' when 1 @colorname, @colorspec, @colorspace = name, ["s=#{spec[0]}"].join(','), 'gray' else @colorname, @colorspec, @colorspace = nil, nil, nil end else @colorname, @colorfile = name, spec end end def convertgrayimage(filename) invert = @command.option('invert') retain = @command.option('retain') subpath = @command.option('subpath') subpath += '/' unless subpath.empty? if @colorname && ! @colorname.empty? && ((@colorspec && ! @colorspec.empty?) || (@colorfile && ! @colorfile.empty?)) then basename = filename.sub(/\.\w+?$/,'') oldname = filename # png jpg pdf newname = File.expand_path(oldname) ppmname = @tmpname + '-000.ppm' jpgname = @tmpname + '-000.jpg' outname = @tmpname + '-000.pdf' texname = @tmpname + '-temp.tex' pdfname = @tmpname + '-temp.pdf' newname = File.dirname(newname) + '/' + subpath + @colorname + '-' + File.basename(newname) newname.sub!(/\.\w+?$/, '.pdf') begin File.makedirs(File.dirname(newname)) rescue end if ! retain || File.needsupdate(filename,newname) then pdfimages = PdfImages.new imagemagick = ImageMagick.new texexec = TexExec.new if pdfimages && imagemagick && texexec then if filename =~ /\.(jpg|png|pdf)$/io then @command.report("processing #{basename}") File.deletefiles(ppmname,jpgname,newname) switch = if ! invert then '-negate' else '' end if filename =~ /\.(pdf)$/io then ok = pdfimages.process("-j -f 1 -l 1 #{oldname} #{@tmpname}") if ok then if FileTest.file?(ppmname) then inpname = ppmname elsif FileTest.file?(jpgname) then inpname = jpgname else ok = false end if ok then ok = imagemagick.process("-colorspace gray #{switch} -compress zip #{inpname} #{outname}") end end else ok = imagemagick.process("-colorspace gray #{switch} -compress zip #{oldname} #{outname}") end if ok then ok = false unless FileTest.file?(outname) end if ok then if f = File.open(texname, 'w') then f.puts(conversionfile(filename,outname,newname)) f.close ok = texexec.process(texname) else ok = false end @command.report("error in processing #{newname}") unless ok if FileTest.file?(pdfname) then if f = File.open(pdfname,'r') then f.binmode begin if g = File.open(newname,'w') then g.binmode data = f.read # pdftex (direct) & imagemagick (indirect) if data =~ /(\d+)\s+0\s+obj\s+\[\/Separation\s+\/#{@colorname}/mos then @command.report("replacing separation color") object = $1 data.gsub!(/(\/Type\s+\/XObject.*?)(\/ColorSpace\s*(\/DeviceGray|\/DeviceCMYK|\/DeviceRGB|\d+\s+\d+\s+R))/mois) do $1 + "/ColorSpace #{object} 0 R".ljust($2.length) end elsif data =~ /(\d+)\s+0\s+obj\s+\[\/Indexed\s*\[/mos then @command.report("replacing indexed color") # todo: more precise check on color object = $1 data.gsub!(/(\/Type\s+\/XObject.*?)(\/ColorSpace\s*(\/DeviceGray|\/DeviceCMYK|\/DeviceRGB|\d+\s+\d+\s+R))/mois) do $1 + "/ColorSpace #{object} 0 R".ljust($2.length) end elsif data =~ /(\d+)\s+0\s+obj\s+\[\/Separation/mos then @command.report("replacing separation color") object = $1 data.gsub!(/(\/Type\s+\/XObject.*?)(\/ColorSpace\s*(\/DeviceGray|\/DeviceCMYK|\/DeviceRGB|\d+\s+\d+\s+R))/mois) do $1 + "/ColorSpace #{object} 0 R".ljust($2.length) end end g.write(data) g.close end rescue @command.report("error in converting #{newname}") else @command.report("#{newname} is converted") end f.close end else @command.report("error in writing #{newname}") end else @command.report("error in producing #{newname}") end File.deletefiles(ppmname,jpgname,outname) # File.deletefiles(texname,pdfname) File.syncmtimes(filename,newname) if retain end else @command.report("error in locating binaries") end else @command.report("#{newname} is not changed") end end end private # % example colorfile: # # \definecolor [darkblue] [c=1,m=.38,y=0,k=.64] % pantone pms 2965 uncoated m # \definecolor [darkyellow] [c=0,m=.28,y=1,k=.06] % pantone pms 124 uncoated m # # % \definecolor [darkblue-100] [darkblue] [p=1] # % \definecolor [darkyellow-100] [darkyellow] [p=1] # # \definecolorcombination [pdftoolscolor] [darkblue=.12,darkyellow=.28] [c=.1,m=.1,y=.3,k=.1] def conversionfile(originalname,filename,finalname) tex = "\\setupcolors[state=start]\n" if @colorfile then tex += "\\readfile{#{@colorfile}}{}{}\n" tex += "\\starttext\n" # tex += "\\predefineindexcolor[pdftoolscolor]\n" tex += "\\startTEXpage\n" tex += "\\pdfimage{#{filename}}\n" tex += "\\stopTEXpage\n" tex += "\\stoptext\n" else tex += "\\definecolor[#{@colorname}][#{@colorspec}]\n" tex += "\\definecolor[pdftoolscolor][#{@colorname}][p=1]\n" tex += "\\starttext\n" tex += "\\startTEXpage\n" tex += "\\hbox{\\color[pdftoolscolor]{\\pdfimage{#{filename}}}}\n" tex += "\\stopTEXpage\n" tex += "\\stoptext\n" end tex += "\n" tex += "% old: #{originalname}\n" tex += "% new: #{finalname}\n" return tex end end module XML def XML::version "" end def XML::start(element, attributes='') if attributes.empty? then "<#{element}>" else "<#{element} #{attributes}>" end end def XML::end(element) "" end def XML::empty(element, attributes='') if attributes && attributes.empty? then "<#{element}/>" else "<#{element} #{attributes}/>" end end def XML::element(element, attributes='', content='') if content && ! content.empty? then XML::start(element,attributes) + content + XML::end(element) else XML::empty(element,attributes) end end def XML::box(tag, rect, type=1) case type when 1 if rect && ! rect.empty? then rect = rect.split(' ') XML::element("#{tag}box", '', XML::element("llx", '', rect[0]) + XML::element("lly", '', rect[1]) + XML::element("ulx", '', rect[2]) + XML::element("uly", '', rect[3]) ) else XML::empty("#{tag}box") end when 2 if rect && ! rect.empty? then rect = rect.split(' ') XML::element("box", "type='#{tag}'", XML::element("llx", '', rect[0]) + XML::element("lly", '', rect[1]) + XML::element("ulx", '', rect[2]) + XML::element("uly", '', rect[3]) ) else XML::empty("box", "type='#{tag}'") end when 3 if rect && ! rect.empty? then rect = rect.split(' ') XML::element("box", "type='#{tag}' llx='#{rect[0]}' lly='#{rect[1]}' ulx='#{rect[2]}' uly='#{rect[3]}'") else XML::empty("box", "type='#{tag}'") end else '' end end def XML::crlf "\n" end def XML::skip(n=1) ' '*n end end class Commands include CommandBase # alias savedhelp :help # def help # savedhelp # report("under construction (still separate tools)") # end # filename.pdf --spotimage --colorname=darkblue --colorspec=1,0.38,0,0.64 def spotimage if ! @commandline.argument('first').empty? && files = findfiles() then colorname = @commandline.option('colorname') colorspec = @commandline.option('colorspec') if colorname && ! colorname.empty? && colorspec && ! colorspec.empty? then files.each do |filename| s = SpotColorImage.new(self) s.registercolor(colorspec,colorname) s.convertgrayimage(filename) end else report("provide --colorname=somename --colorspec=c,m,y,k") end else report("provide filename (png, jpg, pdf)") end end def colorimage if ! @commandline.argument('first').empty? && files = findfiles() then colorname = @commandline.option('colorname') colorspec = @commandline.option('colorspec') if colorspec && ! colorspec.empty? then files.each do |filename| s = ColorImage.new(self) s.registercolor(colorspec,colorname) # name optional s.convertimage(filename) end else report("provide --colorspec=c,m,y,k") end else report("provide filename") end end def convertimage if ! @commandline.argument('first').empty? && files = findfiles() then files.each do |filename| s = ConvertImage.new(self) s.convertimage(filename) end else report("provide filename") end end def downsampleimage if ! @commandline.argument('first').empty? && files = findfiles() then files.each do |filename| s = DownsampleImage.new(self) s.convertimage(filename) end else report("provide filename") end end def info if files = findfiles() then print(XML.version + XML.crlf) print(XML.start('pdfinfo', "xmlns='http://www.pragma-ade.com/schemas/pdfinfo.rng'") + XML.crlf) files.each do |filename| if filename =~ /\.pdf$/io then begin data = `pdfinfo -box #{filename}`.chomp.split("\n") rescue data = nil end if data then pairs = Hash.new data.each do |d| if (d =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*\:\s*(.*?)\s*$/mois) then key, val = $1, $2 pairs[key.downcase.sub(/ /,'')] = val end end print(XML.skip(1) + XML.start('pdffile', "filename='#{filename}'") + XML.crlf) print(XML.skip(2) + XML.element('path', '', File.expand_path(filename)) + XML.crlf) if pairs.key?('error') then print(XML.skip(2) + XML.element('comment', '', pairs['error']) + XML.crlf) else print(XML.skip(2) + XML.element('version', '', pairs['pdfversion']) + XML.crlf) print(XML.skip(2) + XML.element('pages', '', pairs['pages' ]) + XML.crlf) print(XML.skip(2) + XML.element('title', '', pairs['title' ]) + XML.crlf) print(XML.skip(2) + XML.element('subject', '', pairs['subject' ]) + XML.crlf) print(XML.skip(2) + XML.element('author', '', pairs['author' ]) + XML.crlf) print(XML.skip(2) + XML.element('producer', '', pairs['producer' ]) + XML.crlf) if pairs.key?('creationdate') then pairs['creationdate'].sub!(/(\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d\d)/) do '20' + $3 + '-' + $1 + '-' +$2 end pairs['creationdate'].sub!(/(\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d\d\d\d)/) do $3 + '-' + $1 + '-' + $2 end print(XML.skip(2) + XML.element('creationdate', '', pairs['creationdate']) + XML.crlf) end if pairs.key?('moddate') then if pairs['moddate'] =~ /(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/ then pairs['moddate'] = "#{$1}-#{$2}-#{$3}" end print(XML.skip(2) + XML.element('modificationdate', '', pairs['moddate']) + XML.crlf) end print(XML.skip(2) + XML.element('tagged', '', pairs['tagged' ]) + XML.crlf) print(XML.skip(2) + XML.element('encrypted', '', pairs['encrypted']) + XML.crlf) print(XML.skip(2) + XML.element('optimized', '', pairs['optimized']) + XML.crlf) if pairs.key?('PageSize') then print(XML.skip(2) + XML.element('width', '', pairs['pagesize'].sub(/\s*(.*?)\s+(.*?)\s+.*/, $1)) + XML.crlf) print(XML.skip(2) + XML.element('height', '', pairs['pagesize'].sub(/\s*(.*?)\s+(.*?)\s+.*/, $2)) + XML.crlf) end if pairs.key?('FileSize') then print(XML.skip(2) + XML.element('size', '', pairs['filesize'].sub(/\s*(.*?)\s+.*/, $1)) + XML.crlf) end print(XML.skip(2) + XML.box('media', pairs['mediabox']) + XML.crlf) print(XML.skip(2) + XML.box('crop' , pairs['cropbox' ]) + XML.crlf) print(XML.skip(2) + XML.box('bleed', pairs['bleedbox']) + XML.crlf) print(XML.skip(2) + XML.box('trim' , pairs['trimBox' ]) + XML.crlf) print(XML.skip(2) + XML.box('art' , pairs['artbox' ]) + XML.crlf) end print(XML.skip(1) + XML.end('pdffile') + XML.crlf) end end end print(XML.end('pdfinfo') + XML.crlf) end end # name type emb sub uni object ID # ------------------------------------ ------------ --- --- --- --------- # EOPLBP+TimesNewRomanPSMT TrueType yes yes no 167 0 # Times-Roman TrueType no no no 95 0 # EPBAAB+Helvetica Type 1C yes yes yes 108 0 # EPBMLE+Helvetica-Oblique Type 1C yes yes yes 111 0 # Helvetica TrueType no no no 112 0 def checkembedded $stderr = $stdout $stdout.flush if @commandline.option('pattern') then # **/*.pdf filenames, n = globfiles(@commandline.option('pattern'),'pdf'), 0 else filenames, n = findfiles('pdf'), 0 end filenames.sort.each do |file| report("= checking #{File.expand_path(file)}") result = `pdffonts #{file}`.chomp lines = result.split(/\n/) if result =~ /emb\s+sub\s+uni/io then lines.each do |line| report("! #{line}") if line =~ /no\s+(no|yes)\s+(no|yes)/io end else lines.each do |line| report("? #{line}") end end report("") end end def countpages if @commandline.option('pattern') then filenames, n = globfiles(@commandline.option('pattern'),'pdf'), 0 else filenames, n = findfiles('pdf'), 0 end threshold = @commandline.option('threshold').to_i rescue 0 filenames.each do |filename| if `pdfinfo #{filename}`.chomp =~ /^pages\s*\:\s*(\d+)/mois then p = $1 m = p.to_i rescue 0 if threshold == 0 or m > threshold then report("#{p.rjust(4)} pages found in #{filename}") n += m end end end report("") report("#{n.to_s.rjust(4)} pages in total") end def analyzefile # needs an update filenames = @commandline.arguments filenames.each do |filename| if filename && FileTest.file?(filename) && filename =~ /\.pdf/io then filesize = FileTest.size(filename) report("analyzing file : #{filename}") report("file size : #{filesize}") if pdf = File.open(filename) then pdf.binmode nofobject, nofxform, nofannot, noflink, nofwidget, nofnamed, nofscript, nofcross = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 while data = pdf.gets do data.scan(/\d+\s+\d+\s+obj/o) do nofobject += 1 end data.scan(/\/Type\s*\/XObject/o) do nofxform += 1 end data.scan(/\/Type\s*\/Annot/o) do nofannot += 1 end data.scan(/\/GoToR\s*\/F/o) do nofcross += 1 end data.scan(/\/Subtype\s*\/Link/o) do noflink += 1 end data.scan(/\/Subtype\s*\/Widget/o) do nofwidget += 1 end data.scan(/\/S\s*\/Named/o) do nofnamed += 1 end data.scan(/\/S\s*\/JavaScript/o) do nofscript += 1 end end pdf.close report("objects : #{nofobject}") report("xforms : #{nofxform}") report("annotations : #{nofannot}") report("links : #{noflink} (#{nofnamed} named / #{nofscript} scripts / #{nofcross} files)") report("widgets : #{nofwidget}") end end end end end logger = Logger.new(banner.shift) commandline = CommandLine.new commandline.registeraction('spotimage' , 'filename --colorspec= --colorname= [--retain --invert --subpath=]') commandline.registeraction('colorimage', 'filename --colorspec= [--retain --invert --colorname= ]') commandline.registeraction('convertimage', 'filename [--retain --subpath]') commandline.registeraction('downsampleimage', 'filename [--retain --subpath --lowres --normal]') commandline.registeraction('info', 'filename') commandline.registeraction('countpages', '[--pattern --threshold]') commandline.registeraction('checkembedded', '[--pattern]') commandline.registeraction('analyzefile' , 'filename') commandline.registeraction('help') commandline.registeraction('version') commandline.registervalue('colorname') commandline.registervalue('colorspec') commandline.registervalue('subpath') commandline.registervalue('pattern') commandline.registervalue('threshold',0) commandline.registerflag('lowres') commandline.registerflag('medres') commandline.registerflag('normal') commandline.registerflag('invert') commandline.registerflag('retain') commandline.expand Commands.new(commandline,logger,banner).send(commandline.action || 'help')