# module : base/ctx # copyright : PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering # version : 2005 # author : Hans Hagen # # project : ConTeXt / eXaMpLe # concept : Hans Hagen # info : j.hagen@xs4all.nl # www : www.pragma-ade.com # todo: write systemcall for mpost to file so that it can be run # faster # report ? require 'base/system' require 'base/file' require 'base/switch' # has needsupdate, bad place require 'rexml/document' class CtxRunner attr_reader :environments, :modules, :filters, :flags, :modes @@suffix = 'prep' def initialize(jobname=nil,logger=nil) if @logger = logger then def report(str='') @logger.report(str) end else def report(str='') puts(str) end end @jobname = jobname @ctxname = nil @xmldata = nil @prepfiles = Hash.new @environments = Array.new @modules = Array.new @filters = Array.new @flags = Array.new @modes = Array.new @local = false @paths = Array.new end def register_path(str) @paths << str end def manipulate(ctxname=nil,defaultname=nil) if ctxname then @ctxname = ctxname @jobname = File.suffixed(@ctxname,'tex') unless @jobname else @ctxname = File.suffixed(@jobname,'ctx') if @jobname end if not @ctxname then report('no ctx file specified') return end if @ctxname !~ /\.[a-z]+$/ then @ctxname += ".ctx" end # name can be kpse:res-make.ctx if not FileTest.file?(@ctxname) then fullname, done = '', false if @ctxname =~ /^kpse:/ then begin if fullname = Kpse.found(@ctxname.sub(/^kpse:/,'')) then @ctxname, done = fullname, true end rescue # should not happen end else ['..','../..'].each do |path| begin fullname = File.join(path,@ctxname) if FileTest.file?(fullname) then @ctxname, done = fullname, true end rescue # probably strange join end break if done end if ! done then fullname = Kpse.found(@ctxname) if FileTest.file?(fullname) then @ctxname, done = fullname, true end end end if ! done && defaultname && FileTest.file?(defaultname) then report("using default ctxfile #{defaultname}") @ctxname, done = defaultname, true end if not done then report('no ctx file found') return false end end if FileTest.file?(@ctxname) then @xmldata = IO.read(@ctxname) else report('no ctx file found') return false end unless @xmldata =~ /^.*<\?xml.*?\?>/moi then report("ctx file #{@ctxname} is no xml file, skipping") return else report("loading ctx file #{@ctxname}") end begin @xmldata = REXML::Document.new(@xmldata) rescue report('provide valid ctx file (xml error)') return else include(@xmldata,'ctx:include','name') end begin variables = Hash.new if @jobname then variables['job'] = @jobname end root = @xmldata.root REXML::XPath.each(root,"/ctx:job//ctx:flags/ctx:flag") do |flg| @flags << justtext(flg) end REXML::XPath.each(root,"/ctx:job//ctx:resources/ctx:environment") do |sty| @environments << justtext(sty) end REXML::XPath.each(root,"/ctx:job//ctx:resources/ctx:module") do |mod| @modules << justtext(mod) end REXML::XPath.each(root,"/ctx:job//ctx:resources/ctx:filter") do |fil| @filters << justtext(fil) end REXML::XPath.each(root,"/ctx:job//ctx:resources/ctx:mode") do |fil| @modes << justtext(fil) end begin REXML::XPath.each(root,"//ctx:block") do |blk| if @jobname && blk.attributes['pattern'] then root.delete(blk) unless @jobname =~ /#{blk.attributes['pattern']}/ else root.delete(blk) end end rescue end REXML::XPath.each(root,"//ctx:value[@name='job']") do |val| substititute(val,variables['job']) end REXML::XPath.each(root,"/ctx:job//ctx:message") do |mes| report("preprocessing: #{justtext(mes)}") end REXML::XPath.each(root,"/ctx:job//ctx:process/ctx:resources/ctx:environment") do |sty| @environments << justtext(sty) end REXML::XPath.each(root,"/ctx:job//ctx:process/ctx:resources/ctx:module") do |mod| @modules << justtext(mod) end REXML::XPath.each(root,"/ctx:job//ctx:process/ctx:resources/ctx:filter") do |fil| @filters << justtext(fil) end REXML::XPath.each(root,"/ctx:job//ctx:process/ctx:resources/ctx:mode") do |fil| @modes << justtext(fil) end REXML::XPath.each(root,"/ctx:job//ctx:process/ctx:flags/ctx:flag") do |flg| @flags << justtext(flg) end commands = Hash.new REXML::XPath.each(root,"/ctx:job//ctx:preprocess/ctx:processors/ctx:processor") do |pre| begin commands[pre.attributes['name']] = pre rescue end end suffix = @@suffix begin suffix = REXML::XPath.match(root,"/ctx:job//ctx:preprocess/@suffix").to_s rescue suffix = @@suffix else if suffix && suffix.empty? then suffix = @@suffix end end if (REXML::XPath.first(root,"/ctx:job//ctx:preprocess/ctx:processors/@local").to_s =~ /(yes|true)/io rescue false) then @local = true else @local = false end REXML::XPath.each(root,"/ctx:job//ctx:preprocess/ctx:files") do |files| REXML::XPath.each(files,"ctx:file") do |pattern| suffix = @@suffix begin suffix = REXML::XPath.match(root,"/ctx:job//ctx:preprocess/@suffix").to_s rescue suffix = @@suffix else if suffix && suffix.empty? then suffix = @@suffix end end preprocessor = pattern.attributes['processor'] if preprocessor and not preprocessor.empty? then begin variables['old'] = @jobname variables['new'] = "" REXML::XPath.each(pattern,"ctx:value") do |value| if name = value.attributes['name'] then substititute(value,variables[name.to_s]) end end rescue report('unable to resolve file pattern') return end pattern = justtext(pattern) oldfiles = Dir.glob(pattern) pluspath = false if oldfiles.length == 0 then report("no files match #{pattern}") if @paths.length > 0 then @paths.each do |p| oldfiles = Dir.glob("#{p}/#{pattern}") if oldfiles.length > 0 then pluspath = true break end end if oldfiles.length == 0 then report("no files match #{pattern} on path") end end end oldfiles.each do |oldfile| newfile = "#{oldfile}.#{suffix}" newfile = File.basename(newfile) if @local # or pluspath if File.expand_path(oldfile) != File.expand_path(newfile) && File.needsupdate(oldfile,newfile) then report("#{oldfile} needs preprocessing") begin File.delete(newfile) rescue # hope for the best end # there can be a sequence of processors preprocessor.split(',').each do |pp| if command = commands[pp] then # a lie: no command = REXML::Document.new(command.to_s) # don't infect original # command = command.deep_clone() # don't infect original command = command.elements["ctx:processor"] if suf = command.attributes['suffix'] then newfile = "#{oldfile}.#{suf}" end begin newfile = File.basename(newfile) if @local rescue end REXML::XPath.each(command,"ctx:old") do |value| replace(value,oldfile) end REXML::XPath.each(command,"ctx:new") do |value| replace(value,newfile) end report("preprocessing #{oldfile} into #{newfile} using #{pp}") variables['old'] = oldfile variables['new'] = newfile REXML::XPath.each(command,"ctx:value") do |value| if name = value.attributes['name'] then substititute(value,variables[name.to_s]) end end command = justtext(command) report(command) unless ok = System.run(command) then report("error in preprocessing file #{oldfile}") end begin oldfile = File.basename(oldfile) if @local rescue end end end if FileTest.file?(newfile) then File.syncmtimes(oldfile,newfile) else report("check target location of #{newfile}") end else report("#{oldfile} needs no preprocessing (same file)") end @prepfiles[oldfile] = FileTest.file?(newfile) end end end end rescue report("fatal error in preprocessing #{@ctxname}: #{$!}") end end def savelog(ctlname=nil) unless ctlname then if @jobname then ctlname = File.suffixed(@jobname,'ctl') elsif @ctxname then ctlname = File.suffixed(@ctxname,'ctl') else return end end if @prepfiles.length > 0 then if log = File.open(ctlname,'w') then log << "\n\n" if @local then log << "\n" else log << "\n" end @prepfiles.keys.sort.each do |prep| # log << "\t#{File.basename(prep)}\n" log << "\t#{prep}\n" end log << "\n" log.close end else begin File.delete(ctlname) rescue end end end private def include(xmldata,element='ctx:include',attribute='name') loop do begin more = false REXML::XPath.each(xmldata.root,element) do |e| begin name = e.attributes.get_attribute(attribute).to_s name = e.text.to_s if name.empty? name.strip! if name done = false if name and not name.empty? then ['.',File.dirname(@ctxname),'..','../..'].each do |path| begin fullname = if path == '.' then name else File.join(path,name) end if FileTest.file?(fullname) then if f = File.open(fullname,'r') and i = REXML::Document.new(f) then report("including ctx file #{name}") REXML::XPath.each(i.root,"*") do |ii| xmldata.root.insert_before(e,ii) more = true end end done = true end rescue end break if done end end report("no valid ctx inclusion file #{name}") unless done rescue Exception # skip this file ensure xmldata.root.delete(e) end end break unless more rescue Exception break # forget about inclusion end end end private def yes_or_no(b) if b then 'yes' else 'no' end end private # copied from rlxtools.rb def justtext(str) str = str.to_s str.gsub!(/<[^>]*?>/o, '') str.gsub!(/\s+/o, ' ') str.gsub!(/</o, '<') str.gsub!(/>/o, '>') str.gsub!(/&/o, '&') str.gsub!(/"/o, '"') str.gsub!(/[\/\\]+/o, '/') return str.strip end def substititute(value,str) if str then begin if value.attributes.key?('method') then str = filtered(str.to_s,value.attributes['method'].to_s) end if str.empty? && value.attributes.key?('default') then str = value.attributes['default'].to_s end value.insert_after(value,REXML::Text.new(str.to_s)) rescue Exception end end end def replace(value,str) if str then begin value.insert_after(value,REXML::Text.new(str.to_s)) rescue Exception end end end def filtered(str,method) str = str.to_s # to be sure case method when 'name' then # no path, no suffix case str when /^.*[\\\/](.+?)\..*?$/o then $1 when /^.*[\\\/](.+?)$/o then $1 when /^(.*)\..*?$/o then $1 else str end when 'path' then if str =~ /^(.+)([\\\/])(.*?)$/o then $1 else '' end when 'suffix' then if str =~ /^.*\.(.*?)$/o then $1 else '' end when 'nosuffix' then if str =~ /^(.*)\..*?$/o then $1 else str end when 'nopath' then if str =~ /^.*[\\\/](.*?)$/o then $1 else str end when 'base' then if str =~ /^.*[\\\/](.*?)$/o then $1 else str end when 'full' then str when 'complete' then str when 'expand' then File.expand_path(str).gsub(/\\/,"/") else str end end end