if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-timing'] = { version = 1.002, comment = "companion to mtxrun.lua", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local format, gsub, concat = string.format, string.gsub, table.concat dofile(resolvers.find_file("trac-tim.lua","tex")) dofile(resolvers.find_file("trac-lmx.lua","tex")) local meta = [[ beginfig(%s) ; begingroup ; save p, q, b, h, w ; path p, q, b ; numeric h, w ; linecap := butt ; h := 100 ; w := 800pt ; p := %s ; q := %s ; p := p shifted -llcorner p ; q := q shifted -llcorner q ; q := q xstretched w ; p := p xstretched w ; b := boundingbox (llcorner p -- llcorner p shifted (w,h)) ; draw b withcolor white withpen pencircle scaled 4pt ; draw p withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 4pt ; draw q withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 2pt ; endgroup ; endfig ; ]] local html_graphic = [[

%s (red) %s (blue)

%s   min: %s
  max: %s
  pages: %s
  average: %s

]] local html_menu = [[ %s ]] local directrun = true local what = { "parameters", "nodes" } function plugins.progress.make_svg(filename,other) local metadata, menudata, c = { }, { }, 0 metadata[#metadata+1] = 'outputformat := "svg" ;' for i=1,#what do local kind, mdk = what[i], { } menudata[kind] = mdk for n, name in next, plugins.progress[kind](filename) do local first = plugins.progress.path(filename,name) local second = plugins.progress.path(filename,other) c = c + 1 metadata[#metadata+1] = format(meta,c,first,second) mdk[#mdk+1] = { name, c } end end metadata[#metadata+1] = "end ." metadata = concat(metadata,"\n\n") if directrun then dofile(resolvers.find_file("mlib-run.lua","tex")) commands = commands or { } commands.writestatus = logs.report local result = metapost.directrun("metafun","timing data","svg",true,metadata) return menudata, result else local mpname = file.replacesuffix(filename,"mp") io.savedata(mpname,metadata) os.execute(format("mpost --progname=context --mem=metafun.mem %s",mpname)) os.remove(mpname) os.remove(file.removesuffix(filename).."-mpgraph.mpo") -- brr os.remove(file.removesuffix(filename)..".log") -- brr return menudata end end function plugins.progress.makehtml(filename,other,menudata,metadata) local graphics = { } local result = { graphics = graphics } for i=1,#what do local kind, menu = what[i], { } local md = menudata[kind] result[kind] = menu for k=1,#md do local v = md[k] local name, number = v[1], v[2] local min = plugins.progress.bot(filename,name) local max = plugins.progress.top(filename,name) local pages = plugins.progress.pages(filename) local average = math.round(max/pages) if directrun then local data = metadata[number] menu[#menu+1] = format(html_menu,name,name) graphics[#graphics+1] = format(html_graphic,name,name,other,data,min,max,pages,average) else local mpname = file.replacesuffix(filename,number) local data = io.loaddata(mpname) or "" -- data = gsub(data,"[\n\r]*","") data = gsub(data,"<%?xml.->","") menu[#menu+1] = format(html_menu,name,name) graphics[#graphics+1] = format(html_graphic,name,name,other,data,min,max,pages,average) os.remove(mpname) end end end return result end function plugins.progress.valid_file(name) return name and name ~= "" and lfs.isfile(name .. "-luatex-progress.lut") end function plugins.progress.make_lmx_page(name,launch,remove) local filename = name .. "-luatex-progress" local other = "elapsed_time" local template = 'context-timing.lmx' plugins.progress.convert(filename) local menudata, metadata = plugins.progress.make_svg(filename,other) local htmldata = plugins.progress.makehtml(filename,other,menudata,metadata) lmx.htmfile = function(name) return name .. "-timing.xhtml" end lmx.lmxfile = function(name) return resolvers.find_file(name,'tex') end local variables = { ['title-default'] = 'ConTeXt Timing Information', ['title'] = format('ConTeXt Timing Information: %s',file.basename(name)), ['parametersmenu'] = concat(htmldata.parameters, "  "), ['nodesmenu'] = concat(htmldata.nodes, "  "), ['graphics'] = concat(htmldata.graphics, "\n\n"), ['color-background-one'] = lmx.get('color-background-green'), ['color-background-two'] = lmx.get('color-background-blue'), } if launch then local htmfile = lmx.show(template,variables) if remove then os.sleep(1) -- give time to launch os.remove(htmfile) end else lmx.make(template,variables) end end scripts = scripts or { } scripts.timings = scripts.timings or { } function scripts.timings.xhtml(filename) if filename == "" then logs.simple("provide filename") elseif not plugins.progress.valid_file(filename) then logs.simple("first run context again with the --timing option") else local basename = file.removesuffix(filename) local launch = environment.argument("launch") local remove = environment.argument("remove") plugins.progress.make_lmx_page(basename,launch,remove) end end logs.extendbanner("ConTeXt Timing Tools 0.10",true) messages.help = [[ --xhtml make xhtml file --launch launch after conversion --remove remove after launching ]] if environment.argument("xhtml") then scripts.timings.xhtml(environment.files[1] or "") else logs.help(messages.help) end