if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-patterns'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to mtxrun.lua", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local format, find, concat, gsub, match, gmatch = string.format, string.find, table.concat, string.gsub, string.match, string.gmatch local byte, char = utf.byte, utf.char local addsuffix = file.addsuffix local lpegmatch, validutf8 = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns.validutf8 local helpinfo = [[ mtx-patterns ConTeXt Pattern File Management 0.20 generate context language files (mnemonic driven, if not given then all) check pattern file (or those used by context when no file given) source path where hyph-foo.tex files are stored destination path additional patterns: e.g.: =cy,hyph-cy,welsh compress data update words in given file show hypephenated words Examples mtxrun --script pattern --check hyph-*.tex mtxrun --script pattern --check --path=c:/data/develop/svn-hyphen/trunk/hyph-utf8/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns mtxrun --script pattern --convert --path=c:/data/develop/svn-hyphen/trunk/hyph-utf8/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/tex --destination=e:/tmp/patterns mtxrun --script pattern --convert --path=c:/data/develop/svn-hyphen/trunk/hyph-utf8/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/txt --destination=e:/tmp/patterns mtxrun --script pattern --hyphenate --language=nl --left=3 nogalwiedes inderdaad ]] local application = logs.application { name = "mtx-patterns", banner = "ConTeXt Pattern File Management 0.20", helpinfo = helpinfo, } local report = application.report scripts = scripts or { } scripts.patterns = scripts.patterns or { } local permitted_characters = table.tohash { 0x0009, -- tab 0x0027, -- apostrofe 0x02BC, -- modifier apostrofe (used in greek) 0x002D, -- hyphen 0x200C, -- zwnj 0x2019, -- quote right 0x1FBD, -- greek, but no letter: symbol modifier 0x1FBF, -- greek, but no letter: symbol modifier } local ignored_ancient_greek = table.tohash { 0x1FD3, -- greekiotadialytikatonos (also 0x0390) 0x1FE3, -- greekupsilondialytikatonos (also 0x03B0) 0x1FBD, -- greek, but no letter: symbol modifier 0x1FBF, -- greek, but no letter: symbol modifier 0x03F2, -- greeksigmalunate 0x02BC, -- modifier apostrofe) } local ignored_french = table.tohash { 0x02BC, -- modifier apostrofe } local replaced_whatever = { [char(0x2019)] = char(0x0027) } scripts.patterns.list = { { "af", "hyph-af", "afrikaans" }, -- { "ar", "hyph-ar", "arabic" }, -- { "as", "hyph-as", "assamese" }, { "bg", "hyph-bg", "bulgarian" }, -- { "bn", "hyph-bn", "bengali" }, { "ca", "hyph-ca", "catalan" }, -- { "??", "hyph-cop", "coptic" }, { "cs", "hyph-cs", "czech" }, { "cy", "hyph-cy", "welsh" }, { "da", "hyph-da", "danish" }, { "deo", "hyph-de-1901", "german, old spelling" }, { "de", "hyph-de-1996", "german, new spelling" }, -- { "??", "hyph-de-ch-1901", "swiss german" }, -- { "??", "hyph-el-monoton", "greek" }, -- { "gr", "hyph-el-polyton", "greek" }, { "agr", "hyph-grc", "ancient greek", ignored_ancient_greek }, { "gb", "hyph-en-gb", "british english" }, { "us", "hyph-en-us", "american english" }, -- { "eo", "hyph-eo", "esperanto" }, { "es", "hyph-es", "spanish" }, { "et", "hyph-et", "estonian" }, { "eu", "hyph-eu", "basque" }, -- { "fa", "hyph-fa", "farsi" }, { "fi", "hyph-fi", "finnish" }, { "fr", "hyph-fr", "french", ignored_french }, -- { "??", "hyph-ga", "irish" }, -- { "??", "hyph-gl", "galician" }, -- { "gu", "hyph-gu", "gujarati" }, -- { "hi", "hyph-hi", "hindi" }, { "hr", "hyph-hr", "croatian" }, -- { "??", "hyph-hsb", "upper sorbian" }, { "hu", "hyph-hu", "hungarian" }, -- { "hy", "hyph-hy", "armenian" }, -- { "??", "hyph-ia", "interlingua" }, -- { "??", "hyph-id", "indonesian" }, { "is", "hyph-is", "icelandic" }, { "it", "hyph-it", "italian" }, -- { "??", "hyph-kmr", "kurmanji" }, -- { "kn", "hyph-kn", "kannada" }, { "la", "hyph-la", "latin" }, -- { "lo", "hyph-lo", "lao" }, { "lt", "hyph-lt", "lithuanian" }, { "lv", "hyph-lv", "latvian" }, { "ml", "hyph-ml", "malayalam" }, { "mn", "hyph-mn-cyrl", "mongolian, cyrillic script" }, -- { "mr", "hyph-mr", "..." }, { "nb", "hyph-nb", "norwegian bokmål" }, { "nl", "hyph-nl", "dutch" }, { "nn", "hyph-nn", "norwegian nynorsk" }, -- { "or", "hyph-or", "oriya" }, -- { "pa", "hyph-pa", "panjabi" }, -- { "", "hyph-", "" }, { "pl", "hyph-pl", "polish" }, { "pt", "hyph-pt", "portuguese" }, { "ro", "hyph-ro", "romanian" }, { "ru", "hyph-ru", "russian" }, -- { "sa", "hyph-sa", "sanskrit" }, { "sk", "hyph-sk", "slovak" }, { "sl", "hyph-sl", "slovenian" }, { "sr", "hyph-sr-cyrl", "serbian" }, -- { "sr", "hyph-sr-latn", "serbian" }, { "sv", "hyph-sv", "swedish" }, -- { "ta", "hyph-ta", "tamil" }, -- { "te", "hyph-te", "telugu" }, { "th", "hyph-th", "thai" }, { "tk", "hyph-tk", "turkmen" }, { "tr", "hyph-tr", "turkish" }, { "uk", "hyph-uk", "ukrainian" }, { "zh", "hyph-zh-latn-pinyin","zh-latn, chinese pinyin" }, } -- stripped down from lpeg example: local utf = unicode.utf8 function utf.check(str) return lpeg.match(lpeg.patterns.validutf8,str) end -- *.tex -- *.hyp.txt *.pat.txt *.lic.txt *.chr.txt function scripts.patterns.load(path,name,mnemonic,ignored) local basename = name local fullname = file.join(path,name) local texfile = addsuffix(fullname,"tex") local hypfile = addsuffix(fullname,"hyp.txt") local patfile = addsuffix(fullname,"pat.txt") local licfile = addsuffix(fullname,"lic.txt") -- local chrfile = addsuffix(fullname,"chr.txt") local okay = true local hyphenations, patterns, comment, stripset = "", "", "", "" local splitpatternsnew, splithyphenationsnew = { }, { } local splitpatternsold, splithyphenationsold = { }, { } local usedpatterncharactersnew, usedhyphenationcharactersnew = { }, { } if lfs.isfile(patfile) then report("using txt files %s.[hyp|pat|lic].txt",name) comment, patterns, hyphenations = io.loaddata(licfile) or "", io.loaddata(patfile) or "", io.loaddata(hypfile) or "" hypfile, patfile, licfile = hypfile, patfile, licfile elseif lfs.isfile(texfile) then report("using tex file %s.txt",name) local data = io.loaddata(texfile) or "" if data ~= "" then data = gsub(data,"([\n\r])\\input ([^ \n\r]+)", function(previous,subname) local subname = addsuffix(subname,"tex") local subfull = file.join(file.dirname(texfile),subname) local subdata = io.loaddata(subfull) or "" if subdata == "" then report("%s: no subfile %s",basename,subname) end return previous .. subdata end) data = gsub(data,"%%.-[\n\r]","") data = gsub(data," *[\n\r]+","\n") patterns = match(data,"\\patterns[%s]*{[%s]*(.-)[%s]*}") or "" hyphenations = match(data,"\\hyphenation[%s]*{[%s]*(.-)[%s]*}") or "" comment = match(data,"^(.-)[\n\r]\\patterns") or "" else okay = false end else okay = false end if okay then -- split into lines local how = lpeg.patterns.whitespace^1 splitpatternsnew = lpeg.split(how,patterns) splithyphenationsnew = lpeg.split(how,hyphenations) end if okay then -- remove comments local function check(data,splitdata,name) if find(data,"%%") then for i=1,#splitdata do local line = splitdata[i] if find(line,"%%") then splitdata[i] = gsub(line,"%%.*$","") report("%s: removing comment: %s",basename,line) end end end end check(patterns,splitpatternsnew,patfile) check(hyphenations,splithyphenationsnew,hypfile) end if okay then -- remove lines with commands local function check(data,splitdata,name) if find(data,"\\") then for i=1,#splitdata do local line = splitdata[i] if find(line,"\\") then splitdata[i] = "" report("%s: removing line with command: %s",basename,line) end end end end check(patterns,splitpatternsnew,patfile) check(hyphenations,splithyphenationsnew,hypfile) end if okay then -- check for valid utf local function check(data,splitdata,name) for i=1,#splitdata do local line = splitdata[i] local ok = lpegmatch(validutf8,line) if not ok then splitdata[i] = "" report("%s: removing line with invalid utf: %s",basename,line) end end -- check for commands being used in comments end check(patterns,splitpatternsnew,patfile) check(hyphenations,splithyphenationsnew,hypfile) end if okay then -- remove funny lines local cd = characters.data local stripped = { } local function check(splitdata,special,name) local used = { } for i=1,#splitdata do local line = splitdata[i] for b in line:utfvalues() do -- could be an lpeg if b == special then -- not registered elseif permitted_characters[b] then used[char(b)] = true else local cdb = cd[b] if not cdb then report("%s: no entry in chardata for character %C",basename,b) else local ct = cdb.category if ct == "lu" or ct == "ll" or ct == "lo" or ct == "mn" or ct == "mc" then -- hm, really mn and mc ? used[char(b)] = true elseif ct == "nd" then -- number elseif ct == "cf" then report("%s: %s line with suspected utf character %C, category %s: %s",basename,"keeping",b,ct,line) used[char(b)] = true else -- maybe accent cf (200D) report("%s: %s line with suspected utf character %C, category %s: %s",basename,"removing",b,ct,line) splitdata[i] = "" break end end end end end return used end usedpatterncharactersnew = check(splitpatternsnew,byte(".")) usedhyphenationcharactersnew = check(splithyphenationsnew,byte("-")) for k, v in next, stripped do report("%s: entries that contain character %C have been omitted",basename,k) end end if okay then local function stripped(what,ignored) -- ignored (per language) local p = nil if ignored then for k, v in next, ignored do if p then p = p + lpeg.P(char(k)) else p = lpeg.P(char(k)) end end p = lpeg.P{ p + 1 * lpeg.V(1) } -- anywhere end -- replaced (all languages) local r = nil for k, v in next, replaced_whatever do if r then r = r + lpeg.P(k)/v else r = lpeg.P(k)/v end end r = lpeg.Cs((r + 1)^0) local result = { } for i=1,#what do local line = what[i] if p and lpegmatch(p,line) then report("%s: discarding conflicting pattern: %s",basename,line) else -- we can speed this up by testing for replacements in the string local l = lpegmatch(r,line) if l ~= line then report("%s: sanitizing pattern: %s -> %s (for old patterns)",basename,line,l) end result[#result+1] = l end end return result end splitpatternsold = stripped(splitpatternsnew,ignored) splithyphenationsold = stripped(splithyphenationsnew,ignored) end if okay then -- discarding duplicates local function check(data,splitdata,name) local used, collected = { }, { } for i=1,#splitdata do local line = splitdata[i] if line == "" then -- discard elseif used[line] then -- discard report("%s: discarding duplicate pattern: %s",basename,line) else used[line] = true collected[#collected+1] = line end end return collected end splitpatternsnew = check(patterns,splitpatternsnew,patfile) splithyphenationsnew = check(hyphenations,splithyphenationsnew,hypfile) splitpatternsold = check(patterns,splitpatternsold,patfile) splithyphenationsold = check(hyphenations,splithyphenationsold,hypfile) end if not okay then report("no valid file %s.*",name) end local function getused(t) local u = { } for k, v in next, t do if ignored and ignored[k] then elseif replaced_whatever[k] then else u[k] = v end end return u end local usedpatterncharactersold = getused(usedpatterncharactersnew) local usedhyphenationcharactersold = getused(usedhyphenationcharactersnew) return okay, splitpatternsnew, splithyphenationsnew, splitpatternsold, splithyphenationsold, comment, stripset, usedpatterncharactersnew, usedhyphenationcharactersnew, usedpatterncharactersold, usedhyphenationcharactersold end function scripts.patterns.save(destination,mnemonic,name,patternsnew,hyphenationsnew,patternsold,hyphenationsold,comment,stripped, pusednew,husednew,pusedold,husedold,ignored) local nofpatternsnew, nofhyphenationsnew = #patternsnew, #hyphenationsnew local nofpatternsold, nofhyphenationsold = #patternsold, #hyphenationsold report("language %s has %s old and %s new patterns and %s old and %s new exceptions",mnemonic,nofpatternsold,nofpatternsnew,nofhyphenationsold,nofhyphenationsnew) if mnemonic ~= "??" then local punew = concat(table.sortedkeys(pusednew), " ") local hunew = concat(table.sortedkeys(husednew), " ") local puold = concat(table.sortedkeys(pusedold), " ") local huold = concat(table.sortedkeys(husedold), " ") local rmefile = file.join(destination,"lang-"..mnemonic..".rme") local patfile = file.join(destination,"lang-"..mnemonic..".pat") local hypfile = file.join(destination,"lang-"..mnemonic..".hyp") local luafile = file.join(destination,"lang-"..mnemonic..".lua") -- suffix might change to llg local topline = "% generated by mtxrun --script pattern --convert" local banner = "% for comment and copyright, see " .. file.basename(rmefile) report("saving language data for %s",mnemonic) if not comment or comment == "" then comment = "% no comment" end if not type(destination) == "string" then destination = "." end local compression = environment.arguments.compress and "zlib" or nil local lines = string.splitlines(comment) for i=1,#lines do if not find(lines[i],"^%%") then lines[i] = "% " .. lines[i] end end local metadata = { -- texcomment = comment, texcomment = concat(lines,"\n"), source = name, mnemonic = mnemonic, } local patterndata, hyphenationdata if nofpatternsnew > 0 then local data = concat(patternsnew," ") patterndata = { n = nofpatternsnew, compression = compression, length = #data, data = compression and zlib.compress(data,9) or data, characters = concat(table.sortedkeys(pusednew),""), minhyphenmin = 1, -- determined by pattern author minhyphenmax = 1, -- determined by pattern author } else patterndata = { n = 0, } end if nofhyphenationsnew > 0 then local data = concat(hyphenationsnew," ") hyphenationdata = { n = nofhyphenationsnew, compression = compression, length = #data, data = compression and zlib.compress(data,9) or data, characters = concat(table.sortedkeys(husednew),""), } else hyphenationdata = { n = 0, } end local data = { -- a prelude to language goodies, like we have font goodies and in -- mkiv we can use this file directly version = "1.001", comment = topline, metadata = metadata, patterns = patterndata, exceptions = hyphenationdata, } os.remove(rmefile) os.remove(patfile) os.remove(hypfile) os.remove(luafile) io.savedata(rmefile,format("%s\n\n%s",topline,comment)) io.savedata(patfile,format("%s\n\n%s\n\n%% used: %s\n\n\\patterns{\n%s}",topline,banner,puold,concat(patternsold,"\n"))) io.savedata(hypfile,format("%s\n\n%s\n\n%% used: %s\n\n\\hyphenation{\n%s}",topline,banner,huold,concat(hyphenationsold,"\n"))) io.savedata(luafile,table.serialize(data,true)) end end function scripts.patterns.prepare() -- dofile(resolvers.findfile("char-def.lua")) -- local specification = environment.argument("specification") if specification then local components = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array(specification) if #components == 3 then table.insert(scripts.patterns.list,1,components) report("specification added: %s %s %s",table.unpack(components)) else report('invalid specification: %q, "xx,lang-yy,zzzz" expected',specification) end end end function scripts.patterns.check() local path = environment.argument("path") or "." local files = environment.files local only = false if #files > 0 then only = table.tohash(files) end for k, v in next, scripts.patterns.list do local mnemonic, name, ignored = v[1], v[2], v[4] if not only or only[mnemonic] then report("checking language %s, file %s", mnemonic, name) local okay = scripts.patterns.load(path,name,mnemonic,ignored) if not okay then report("there are errors that need to be fixed") end report() end end end function scripts.patterns.convert() local path = environment.argument("path") or "." if path == "" then report("provide sourcepath using --path ") else local destination = environment.argument("destination") or "." if path == destination then report("source path and destination path should differ (use --path and/or --destination)") else local files = environment.files local only = false if #files > 0 then only = table.tohash(files) end for k, v in next, scripts.patterns.list do local mnemonic, name, ignored = v[1], v[2], v[4] if not only or only[mnemonic] then report("converting language %s, file %s", mnemonic, name) local okay, patternsnew, hyphenationsnew, patternsold, hyphenationsold, comment, stripped, pusednew, husednew, pusedold, husedold = scripts.patterns.load(path,name,mnemonic,ignored) if okay then scripts.patterns.save(destination,mnemonic,name,patternsnew,hyphenationsnew,patternsold,hyphenationsold,comment,stripped, pusednew,husednew,pusedold,husedold,ignored) else report("convertion aborted due to error(s)") end report() end end end end end local function valid(filename) local specification = table.load(filename) if not specification then return false end local lists = specification.lists if not lists then return false end return specification, lists end function scripts.patterns.words() if environment.arguments.update then local compress = environment.arguments.compress for i=1,#environment.files do local filename = environment.files[i] local fullname = resolvers.findfile(filename) if fullname and fullname ~= "" then report("checking file %a",fullname) local specification, lists = valid(fullname) if specification and #lists> 0 then report("updating %a of language %a",filename,specification.language) for i=1,#lists do local entry = lists[i] local filename = entry.filename if filename then local fullname = resolvers.findfile(filename) if fullname then report("adding words from %a",fullname) local data = io.loaddata(fullname) or "" data = string.strip(data) data = string.gsub(data,"%s+"," ") if compress then entry.data = zlib.compress(data,9) entry.compression = "zlib" entry.length = #data else entry.data = data entry.compression = nil entry.length = #data end else entry.data = "" entry.compression = nil entry.length = 0 end else entry.data = "" entry.compression = nil entry.length = 0 end end specification.version = "1.00" specification.timestamp = os.localtime() report("updated file %a is saved",filename) table.save(filename,specification) else report("no file %a",filename) end else report("nothing done") end end else report("provide --update") end end -- mtxrun --script patterns --hyphenate --language=nl nogalwiedes --left=3 -- -- hyphenator | -- hyphenator | . n o g a l w i e d e s . . n o g a l w i e d e s . -- hyphenator | .0n4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- hyphenator | 0o0g0a4l0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- hyphenator | 1g0a0 0 4 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- hyphenator | 0l1w0 0 4 1 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- hyphenator | 4i0e0 0 4 1 0 4 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 -- hyphenator | 0i0e3d0e0 0 4 1 0 4 1 4 0 3 0 0 0 -- hyphenator | 0e1d0 0 4 1 0 4 1 4 0 3 0 0 0 -- hyphenator | 1d0e0 0 4 1 0 4 1 4 0 3 0 0 0 -- hyphenator | 0d0e2s0 0 4 1 0 4 1 4 0 3 0 2 0 -- hyphenator | 4s0. 0 4 1 0 4 1 4 0 3 0 4 0 -- hyphenator | .0n4o1g0a4l1w4i0e3d0e4s0. . n o-g a l-w i e-d e s . -- hyphenator | -- mtx-patterns | nl 3 3 : nogalwiedes : nogal-wie-des function scripts.patterns.hyphenate() require("lang-hyp") local traditional = languages.hyphenators.traditional local left = tonumber(environment.arguments.left) or 3 local right = tonumber(environment.arguments.right) or 3 local language = environment.arguments.language or "us" local dictionary = traditional.loadpatterns(language) local words = environment.files local specification = { leftcharmin = left, rightcharmin = right, leftchar = false, rightchar = false, } trackers.enable("hyphenator.steps") for i=1,#words do local word = words[i] report("%s %s %s : %s : %s", language, left, right, word, traditional.injecthyphens(dictionary,word,specification) ) end end if environment.argument("check") then scripts.patterns.prepare() scripts.patterns.check() elseif environment.argument("convert") then scripts.patterns.prepare() scripts.patterns.convert() elseif environment.argument("words") then scripts.patterns.words() -- for the moment here elseif environment.argument("hyphenate") then scripts.patterns.hyphenate() -- for the moment here elseif environment.argument("exporthelp") then application.export(environment.argument("exporthelp"),environment.files[1]) else application.help() end -- mtxrun --script pattern --check hyph-*.tex -- mtxrun --script pattern --check --path=c:/data/develop/svn-hyphen/trunk/hyph-utf8/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns -- mtxrun --script pattern --convert --path=c:/data/develop/svn-hyphen/trunk/hyph-utf8/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/tex --destination=e:/tmp/patterns -- -- use this call: -- -- mtxrun --script pattern --convert --path=c:/data/develop/svn-hyphen/trunk/hyph-utf8/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/txt --destination=e:/tmp/patterns -- copy /Y *.hyp e:\tex-context\tex\texmf-context\tex\context\patterns -- copy /Y *.pat e:\tex-context\tex\texmf-context\tex\context\patterns -- copy /Y *.rme e:\tex-context\tex\texmf-context\tex\context\patterns -- copy /Y *.lua e:\tex-context\tex\texmf-context\tex\context\patterns -- move /Y *.hyp e:\tex-context\tex\texmf-mine\tex\context\patterns -- move /Y *.pat e:\tex-context\tex\texmf-mine\tex\context\patterns -- move /Y *.rme e:\tex-context\tex\texmf-mine\tex\context\patterns -- move /Y *.lua e:\tex-context\tex\texmf-mine\tex\context\patterns -- mtxrun --script pattern --words --update word-th.lua --compress