local text = {} local element = require("citeproc-element") local richtext = require("citeproc-richtext") local util = require("citeproc-util") local Text = element.Element:new() function Text:render (item, context) self:debug_info(context) context = self:process_context(context) local res = nil local variable = nil local variable_name = self:get_attribute("variable") if variable_name then local form = self:get_attribute("form") if form == "short" then variable = self:get_variable(item, variable_name .. "-" .. form, context) end if not variable then variable = self:get_variable(item, variable_name, context) end if variable then res = variable if type(res) == "number" then res = tostring(res) end if variable_name == "page" or variable_name == "locator" then res = util.lstrip(res) res = self:_format_page(res, context) end end table.insert(context.variable_attempt, res ~= nil) end local macro_name = self:get_attribute("macro") if macro_name then local macro = self:get_macro(macro_name) res = macro:render(item, context) end local term_name = self:get_attribute("term") if term_name then local form = self:get_attribute("form") local term = self:get_term(term_name, form) if term then res = term:render(context) end end local value = self:get_attribute("value") if value then res = value res = self:escape(res) end if type(res) == "string" and res ~= "" then res = richtext.new(res) end res = self:strip_periods(res, context) res = self:case(res, context) res = self:format(res, context) res = self:quote(res, context) res = self:wrap(res, context) res = self:display(res, context) if variable_name == "citation-number" then res = self:_process_citation_number(variable, res, context) end return res end function Text:_process_citation_number(citation_number, res, context) if context.mode == "citation" and not context.sorting and context.options["collapse"] == "citation-number" then context.build.item_citation_numbers[context.item.id] = citation_number if type(res) == "string" then res = richtext.new(res) end table.insert(context.build.item_citation_number_text, res) end return res end function Text:_format_page (page, context) local res = nil local page_range_delimiter = self:get_term("page-range-delimiter"):render(context) or util.unicode["en dash"] local page_range_format = context.options["page-range-format"] if page_range_format == "chicago" then if self:get_style():get_version() >= "1.1" then page_range_format = "chicago-16" else page_range_format = "chicago-15" end end local last_position = 1 local page_parts = {} local punct_list = {} for part, punct, pos in string.gmatch(page, "(.-)%s*([,&])%s*()") do table.insert(page_parts, part) table.insert(punct_list, punct) last_position = pos end table.insert(page_parts, string.sub(page, last_position)) res = "" for i, part in ipairs(page_parts) do res = res .. self:_format_range(part, page_range_format, page_range_delimiter) local punct = punct_list[i] if punct then if punct == "&" then res = res .. " " .. punct .. " " else res = res .. punct .. " " end end end res = self:escape(res) return res end function Text:_format_range (str, format, range_delimiter) local start, delimiter, stop = string.match(str, "(%w+)%s*(%-+)%s*(%S*)") if not stop or stop == "" then return string.gsub(str, "\\%-", "-") end local start_prefix, start_num = string.match(start, "(.-)(%d*)$") local stop_prefix, stop_num = string.match(stop, "(.-)(%d*)$") if start_prefix ~= stop_prefix then -- Not valid range: "n11564-1568" -> "n11564-1568" -- 110-N6 -- N110-P5 return start .. delimiter .. stop end if format == "chicago-16" then stop = self:_format_range_chicago_16(start_num, stop_num) elseif format == "chicago-15" then stop = self:_format_range_chicago_15(start_num, stop_num) elseif format == "expanded" then stop = stop_prefix .. self:_format_range_expanded(start_num, stop_num) elseif format == "minimal" then stop = self:_format_range_minimal(start_num, stop_num) elseif format == "minimal-two" then stop = self:_format_range_minimal(start_num, stop_num, 2) end return start .. range_delimiter .. stop end function Text:_format_range_chicago_16(start, stop) if #start < 3 or string.sub(start, -2) == "00" then return self:_format_range_expanded(start, stop) elseif string.sub(start, -2, -2) == "0" then return self:_format_range_minimal(start, stop) else return self:_format_range_minimal(start, stop, 2) end return stop end function Text:_format_range_chicago_15(start, stop) if #start < 3 or string.sub(start, -2) == "00" then return self:_format_range_expanded(start, stop) else local changed_digits = self:_format_range_minimal(start, stop) if string.sub(start, -2, -2) == "0" then return changed_digits elseif #start == 4 and #changed_digits == 3 then return self:_format_range_expanded(start, stop) else return self:_format_range_minimal(start, stop, 2) end end return stop end function Text:_format_range_expanded(start, stop) -- Expand "1234–56" -> "1234–1256" if #start <= #stop then return stop end return string.sub(start, 1, #start - #stop) .. stop end function Text:_format_range_minimal(start, stop, threshold) threshold = threshold or 1 if #start < #stop then return stop end local offset = #start - #stop for i = 1, #stop - threshold do local j = i + offset if string.sub(stop, i, i) ~= string.sub(start, j, j) then return string.sub(stop, i) end end return string.sub(stop, -threshold) end text.Text = Text return text