package BibTeX::Parser::Entry; { $BibTeX::Parser::Entry::VERSION = '1.02'; } use warnings; use strict; use BibTeX::Parser; use BibTeX::Parser::Author; sub new { my ($class, $type, $key, $parse_ok, $fieldsref) = @_; my %fields = defined $fieldsref ? %$fieldsref : (); my $i=0; foreach my $field (keys %fields) { if ($field !~ /^_/) { $fields{_fieldnums}->{$field}=$i; $i++; } } if (defined $type) { $fields{_type} = uc($type); } $fields{_key} = $key; $fields{_parse_ok} = $parse_ok; $fields{_raw} = ''; return bless \%fields, $class; } sub parse_ok { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{_parse_ok} = shift; } $self->{_parse_ok}; } sub error { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{_error} = shift; $self->parse_ok(0); } return $self->parse_ok ? undef : $self->{_error}; } sub type { if (scalar @_ == 1) { # get my $self = shift; return $self->{_type}; } else { # set my ($self, $newval) = @_; $self->{_type} = uc($newval); } } sub key { if (scalar @_ == 1) { # get my $self = shift; return $self->{_key}; } else { # set my ($self, $newval) = @_; $self->{_key} = $newval; } } sub field { if (scalar @_ == 2) { # get my ($self, $field) = @_; return $self->{ lc( $field ) }; } else { my ($self, $key, $value) = @_; my $field = lc ($key); $self->{$field} = $value; #_sanitize_field($value); if (!exists($self->{_fieldnums}->{$field})) { my $num = scalar keys %{$self->{_fieldnums}}; $self->{_fieldnums}->{$field} = $num; } } } use LaTeX::ToUnicode qw( convert ); sub cleaned_field { my ( $self, $field, @options ) = @_; if ( $field =~ /author|editor/i ) { return $self->field( $field ); } else { return convert( $self->field( lc $field ), @options ); } } sub cleaned_author { my $self = shift; $self->_handle_cleaned_author_editor( [ $self->author ], @_ ); } sub cleaned_editor { my $self = shift; $self->_handle_cleaned_author_editor( [ $self->editor ], @_ ); } sub _handle_cleaned_author_editor { my ( $self, $authors, @options ) = @_; map { my $author = $_; my $new_author = BibTeX::Parser::Author->new; map { $new_author->$_( convert( $author->$_, @options ) ) } grep { defined $author->$_ } qw( first von last jr ); $new_author; } @$authors; } no LaTeX::ToUnicode; sub _handle_author_editor { my $type = shift; my $self = shift; if (@_) { if (@_ == 1) { #single string # my @names = split /\s+and\s+/i, $_[0]; $_[0] =~ s/^\s*//; $_[0] =~ s/\s*$//; my @names = BibTeX::Parser::_split_braced_string($_[0], '\s+and\s+'); if (!scalar @names) { $self->error('Bad names in author/editor field'); return; } $self->{"_$type"} = [map {new BibTeX::Parser::Author $_} @names]; $self->field($type, join " and ", @{$self->{"_$type"}}); } else { $self->{"_$type"} = []; foreach my $param (@_) { if (ref $param eq "BibTeX::Author") { push @{$self->{"_$type"}}, $param; } else { push @{$self->{"_$type"}}, new BibTeX::Parser::Author $param; } $self->field($type, join " and ", @{$self->{"_$type"}}); } } } else { unless ( defined $self->{"_$type"}) { my @names = BibTeX::Parser::_split_braced_string($self->{$type} || "", '\s+and\s+' ); $self->{"_$type"} = [map {new BibTeX::Parser::Author $_} @names]; } return @{$self->{"_$type"}}; } } sub author { _handle_author_editor('author', @_); } sub editor { _handle_author_editor('editor', @_); } sub fieldlist { my $self = shift; return grep {!/^_/} keys %$self; } sub has { my ($self, $field) = @_; return defined $self->{$field}; } sub _sanitize_field { my $value = shift; for ($value) { tr/\{\}//d; s/\\(?!=[ \\])//g; s/\\\\/\\/g; } return $value; } sub raw_bibtex { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{_raw} = shift; } return $self->{_raw}; } sub pre { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{_pre} = shift; } return $self->{_pre}; } sub to_string { my $self = shift; my %options=@_; if (!exists($options{canonize_names})) { $options{canonize_names}=1; } my @fields = grep {!/^_/} keys %$self; @fields = sort { $self->{_fieldnums}->{$a} <=> $self->{_fieldnums}->{$b}} @fields; my $result = ''; if ($options{print_pre}) { $result .= $self->pre()."\n"; } my $type = $self->type; if (exists($options{type_capitalization})) { if ($options{type_capitalization} eq 'Lowercase') { $type = lc $type; } if ($options{type_capitalization} eq 'Titlecase') { $type = ucfirst lc $type; } } $result .= '@'.$type."{".$self->key.",\n"; foreach my $field (@fields) { my $value = $self->field($field); if ($field eq 'author' && $options{canonize_names}) { my @names = ($self->author); $value = join(' and ', @names); } if ($field eq 'editor' && $options{canonize_names}) { my @names = ($self->editor); $value = join(' and ', @names); } if (exists($options{field_capitalization})) { if ($options{field_capitalization} eq 'Uppercase') { $field = uc $field; } if ($options{field_capitalization} eq 'Titlecase') { $field = ucfirst $field; } } $result .= " $field = {"."$value"."},\n"; } $result .= "}"; return $result; } 1; # End of BibTeX::Entry __END__ =pod =head1 NAME BibTeX::Parser::Entry - Contains a single entry of a BibTeX document. =head1 SYNOPSIS This class ist a wrapper for a single BibTeX entry. It is usually created by a BibTeX::Parser. use BibTeX::Parser::Entry; my $entry = BibTeX::Parser::Entry->new($type, $key, $parse_ok, \%fields); if ($entry->parse_ok) { my $type = $entry->type; my $key = $enty->key; print $entry->field("title"); my @authors = $entry->author; my @editors = $entry->editor; ... print $entry->to_string; } =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 new Create new entry. =head2 parse_ok If the entry was correctly parsed, this method returns a true value, false otherwise. =head2 error Return the error message, if the entry could not be parsed or undef otherwise. =head2 type Get or set the type of the entry, eg. 'ARTICLE' or 'BOOK'. Return value is always uppercase. =head2 key Get or set the reference key of the entry. =head2 field($name [, $value]) Get or set the contents of a field. The first parameter is the name of the field, the second (optional) value is the new value. =head2 cleaned_field($name) Retrieve the contents of a field in a format that is cleaned of TeX markup. =head2 cleaned_author Get an array of L objects for the authors of this entry. Each name has been cleaned of accents and braces. =head2 cleaned_editor Get an array of L objects for the editors of this entry. Each name has been cleaned of accents and braces. =head2 author([@authors]) Get or set the authors. Returns an array of L objects. The parameters can either be L objects or strings. Note: You can also change the authors with $entry->field('author', $authors_string) =head2 editor([@editors]) Get or set the editors. Returns an array of L objects. The parameters can either be L objects or strings. Note: You can also change the authors with $entry->field('editor', $editors_string) =head2 fieldlist () Returns a list of all the fields used in this entry. =head2 has($fieldname) Returns a true value if this entry has a value for $fieldname. =head2 pre () Return the text in BibTeX file before the entry =head2 raw_bibtex () Return raw BibTeX entry (if available). =head2 to_string ([options]) Returns a text of the BibTeX entry in BibTeX format. Options are a hash. =over 4 =item C If true (the default), authors' and editors' names are translated into canonical bibtex form. The command C<$entry-Eto_string(canonize_names=E0)> overrides this behavior. =item C Capitalization of the field names. Can take values 'Uppercase', 'Lowercase' (the default) or 'Titlecase' =item C False by default. If true, the text in the Bib file before the entry is printed. Note that at present we assume the text before the entry NEVER has the @ symbol inside =item C Capitalization of the type names. Can take values 'Uppercase' (the default), 'Lowercase' or 'Titlecase' =back =head1 VERSION version 1.02 =head1 AUTHOR Gerhard Gossen and Boris Veytsman =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013-2016 by Gerhard Gossen and Boris Veytsman This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut