% File in8859a.otp % Conversion to Unicode from ISO-8859-10 (Latin-6) % Copyright (c) 1995 John Plaice and Yannis Haralambous % Copyright (c) 2002 Roozbeh Pournader % This file is part of the Omega project. % % This file was derived from data in the tcs program % (ftp://plan9.att.com/plan9/unixsrc/tcs.shar.Z, 16 November 1994) % % It was then modified based on information available from % Unicode's character mappings files % (http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/) % input: 1; output: 2; tables: tab8859_10[@"60] = { @"00A0, @"0104, @"0112, @"0122, @"012A, @"0128, @"0136, @"00A7, @"013B, @"0110, @"0160, @"0166, @"017D, @"00AD, @"016A, @"014A, @"00B0, @"0105, @"0113, @"0123, @"012B, @"0129, @"0137, @"00B7, @"013C, @"0111, @"0161, @"0167, @"017E, @"2015, @"016B, @"014B, @"0100, @"00C1, @"00C2, @"00C3, @"00C4, @"00C5, @"00C6, @"012E, @"010C, @"00C9, @"0118, @"00CB, @"0116, @"00CD, @"00CE, @"00CF, @"00D0, @"0145, @"014C, @"00D3, @"00D4, @"00D5, @"00D6, @"0168, @"00D8, @"0172, @"00DA, @"00DB, @"00DC, @"00DD, @"00DE, @"00DF, @"0101, @"00E1, @"00E2, @"00E3, @"00E4, @"00E5, @"00E6, @"012F, @"010D, @"00E9, @"0119, @"00EB, @"0117, @"00ED, @"00EE, @"00EF, @"00F0, @"0146, @"014D, @"00F3, @"00F4, @"00F5, @"00F6, @"0169, @"00F8, @"0173, @"00FA, @"00FB, @"00FC, @"00FD, @"00FE, @"0138 }; expressions: @"00-@"9F => \1; @"A0-@"FF => #(tab8859_10[\1-@"A0]); . => @"FFFD;