%% This file is part of the ANTOMEGA project version 0.7 %% ----------------------------------------------------- %% %% It may be distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public %% License, as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX distribution. %% Either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version. %% Copyright (c) 1995 John Plaice and Yannis Haralambous %% The information was provided by Martin Duerst. %% Modifications 2003 by Alexej Kryukov %% Please report errors to: A.M. Kryukov %% This file was taken from the original omega package and renamed %% from in88592.otp to isoce2uni.otp to avoid name clashes %% in case of independent developement. %% Conversion to Unicode from UTF-8. %% The only difference between this file and the original %% in88592.otp is different definition for conversion symbols not %% defined in ISO-8859-2. The new definition allows to mix 8-bit text %% with Omega-styled Unicode representation (like ^^^^****). input: 1; output: 2; tables: tab8859_2[@"60] = { @"00A0, @"0104, @"02D8, @"0141, @"00A4, @"013D, @"015A, @"00A7, @"00A8, @"0160, @"015E, @"0164, @"0179, @"00AD, @"017D, @"017B, @"00B0, @"0105, @"02DB, @"0142, @"00B4, @"013E, @"015B, @"02C7, @"00B8, @"0161, @"015F, @"0165, @"017A, @"02DD, @"017E, @"017C, @"0154, @"00C1, @"00C2, @"0102, @"00C4, @"0139, @"0106, @"00C7, @"010C, @"00C9, @"0118, @"00CB, @"011A, @"00CD, @"00CE, @"010E, @"0110, @"0143, @"0147, @"00D3, @"00D4, @"0150, @"00D6, @"00D7, @"0158, @"016E, @"00DA, @"0170, @"00DC, @"00DD, @"0162, @"00DF, @"0155, @"00E1, @"00E2, @"0103, @"00E4, @"013A, @"0107, @"00E7, @"010D, @"00E9, @"0119, @"00EB, @"011B, @"00ED, @"00EE, @"010F, @"0111, @"0144, @"0148, @"00F3, @"00F4, @"0151, @"00F6, @"00F7, @"0159, @"016F, @"00FA, @"0171, @"00FC, @"00FD, @"0163, @"02D9 }; expressions: @"00-@"9F => \1; @"A0-@"FF => #(tab8859_2[\1-@"A0]); . => \1;