% MetaUtil, an easier MetaPost life % Copyright (C) 2005 Ovidiu Gheorghies % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. if known _util_positioning_mp: expandafter endinput fi; _util_positioning_mp:=1; % Sadly, this copy of the macro is needed to prevent multiple file loads being shown by MetaPost. % The guard values (such as _metauml_mp) do ensure that the file isn't loaded multiple times, % but this macro makes sure that MetaPost won't try to load the file and display a message for that. def inputonce text libraryFile= if not known scantokens ("_" & str libraryFile & "_mp"): %includeonce% show "Loading " & str libraryFile; scantokens ("input " & str libraryFile); else: %includeonce% show str libraryFile & " already loaded."; fi; enddef; inputonce util_log; %% Gives a point which is below the given @point with the given @value. %% def below(expr point, value) = (point - (0, value)) enddef; %% Gives a point which is above the given @point with the given @value. %% def above(expr point, value) = (point + (0, value)) enddef; %% Gives a point which is at the right of the given @point with the given @value. %% def atright(expr point, value) = (point + (value, 0)) enddef; %% Gives a point which is at the left of the given @point with the given @value. %% def atleft(expr point, value) = (point - (value, 0)) enddef; %% Positions the given objects so that they: %% * have their tops aligned %% * the distance between the objects is @distance %% * the center of gravity of the objects (taken on the top line) is at @middlePoint %% %% @distance %% |---------------------------| %% | | %% | @middlePoint | %% __________|_____________._____________|____________ the same top %% [objectA] | [objectB] %% vardef centered_align_top(suffix objectA, objectB)(expr distance, middlePoint)= log middlePoint; objectA.top = objectB.top; objectB.left - objectA.right = distance; middlePoint = .5[objectB.nw, objectA.ne]; enddef; %% Deprecated, kept for backward compatibility (align is misspelled). %% vardef centered_allign_top(suffix objectA, objectB)(expr distance, middlePoint)= log middlePoint; objectA.top = objectB.top; objectB.left - objectA.right = distance; middlePoint = .5[objectB.nw, objectA.ne]; enddef; %% theString means here not a sequence of characters but %% the horizontal or vertical line on which objects are placed. %% For example, if theString is top, then the objects are %% "hanging" on a horizontal line, like freshly washed %% clothes on a string. vardef align(suffix theString, extremityNew, extremityOld) (text distanceBetweenObjects)(expr sign)(text objects)= string objectsAsString__; objectsAsString__ := enumToString(objects)(""); log "Alligning '" & objectsAsString__ & "' at " & str theString; log sign; if (objectsAsString__ = ""): log "Nothing to do, bailing out."; else: string previousObject__; previousObject__ := ""; objectIndex__ := 0; forsuffixes obj = objects: log "object: " & str obj; if objectIndex__ = 0: objectIndex__ := objectIndex__ + 1; previousObject__ := str obj; else: objectIndex__ := objectIndex__ + 1; log str theString; log str extremityOld; log str extremityNew; log distanceBetweenObjects; string eqA__, eqB__; eqA__ := previousObject__ & "." & str theString & " = " & str obj & "." & str theString; if (sign = "+"): eqB__ := previousObject__ & "." & str extremityOld & " + " & (str distanceBetweenObjects) & " = " & str obj & "." & str extremityNew; %eqB__ := previousObject__ & "." & str extremityOld & " + distanceBetweenObjects = " & str obj & "." & str extremityNew; else: eqB__ := previousObject__ & "." & str extremityOld & " - " & (str distanceBetweenObjects) & " = " & str obj & "." & str extremityNew; fi; log eqA__, eqB__; scantokens eqA__; scantokens eqB__; previousObject__ := str obj; fi; endfor; fi; enddef; vardef leftToRight@#(text distanceBetweenObjects)(text objects)= if str @# = "": log "String is empty, aligning to midy"; align(midy, left, right)(distanceBetweenObjects)("+")(objects); else: align(@#, left, right)(distanceBetweenObjects)("+")(objects); fi; enddef; vardef rightToLeft@#(text distanceBetweenObjects)(text objects)= if str @# = "": log "String is empty, aligning to midy"; align(midy, right, left)(distanceBetweenObjects)("-")(objects); else: align(@#, right, left)(distanceBetweenObjects)("-")(objects); fi; enddef; vardef topToBottom@#(text distanceBetweenObjects)(text objects)= if str @# = "": log "String is empty, aligning to midx"; align(midx, top, bottom)(distanceBetweenObjects)("-")(objects); else: align(@#, top, bottom)(distanceBetweenObjects)("-")(objects); fi; enddef; vardef bottomToTop@#(text distanceBetweenObjects)(text objects)= if str @# = "": log "String is empty, aligning to midx"; align(midx, bottom, top)(distanceBetweenObjects)("+")(objects); else: align(@#, bottom, top)(distanceBetweenObjects)("+")(objects); fi; enddef; %% %% Defines an equation which sets the given prefix to be equal for all the given objects. %% For example: %% %% same.top(a, b, c); %% %% is equivalent to %% a.top = b.top = c.top; %% vardef same@#(text objects)= log "begin macro: same@#(text objects)="; string equation__, property__; equation__ := ""; property__ := str @#; objectIndex__ := 0; forsuffixes obj = objects: log "object: " & str obj; if objectIndex__ = 0: objectIndex__ := objectIndex__ + 1; equation__ := equation__ & str obj & "." & property__; else: objectIndex__ := objectIndex__ + 1; equation__ := equation__ & "=" & str obj & "." & property__; fi; endfor; equation__ := equation__ & ";"; log "Equation is: '" & equation__ & "'"; if objectIndex__ <= 1: log "One or no objects, nothing to do!"; else: scantokens equation__; fi; enddef; %% this macro is NOT usable (yet) vardef leftToRightCentered@#(expr distanceBetweenObjects, middlePoint)(text objects)= string objectsAsString__; objectsAsString__ := enumToString(objects)(""); if (objectsAsString__ = ""): log "Nothing to do, bailing out."; else: log "ASDFGHJ"; leftToRight@#(distanceBetweenObjects)(objects); string firstObject__, lastObject__; objectIndex__ := 0; forsuffixes obj = objects: if objectIndex__ = 0: objectIndex__ := objectIndex__ + 1; firstObject__ := str obj; else: objectIndex__ := objectIndex__ + 1; lastObject__ := str obj; fi; endfor; log "___"; .5[authA.nw,authB.ne] = middlePoint; log "___"; string eqCenter__; eqCenter__ := ".5[" & firstObject__ & ".nw," & lastObject__ & ".ne] = middlePoint"; log eqCenter__; log middlePoint; log "XXX"; scantokens eqCenter__; log "XXX"; fi; enddef;