% MetaUtil, an easier MetaPost life % Copyright (C) 2005 Ovidiu Gheorghies % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. if known _util_commons_mp: expandafter endinput fi; _util_commons_mp:=1; % Sadly, this copy of the macro is needed to prevent multiple file loads being shown by MetaPost. % The guard values (such as _metauml_mp) do ensure that the file isn't loaded multiple times, % but this macro makes sure that MetaPost won't try to load the file and display a message for that. def inputonce text libraryFile= if not known scantokens ("_" & str libraryFile & "_mp"): %includeonce% show "Loading " & str libraryFile; scantokens ("input " & str libraryFile); else: %includeonce% show str libraryFile & " already loaded."; fi; enddef; inputonce util_log; vardef lmax(text items)= log "finding lmax of items " & str items; save current, nItems; numeric current, nItems; nItems := 0; current:= 0; for item = items: log nItems; log item; if nItems = 0: current := item; else: current := max(current)(item); fi; nItems := nItems + 1; endfor; current enddef; vardef lmin(text items)= save current, nItems; numeric current, nItems; nItems := 0; current:= 0; for item = items: if nItems = 0: current := item; else: current := min(current)(item); fi; nItems := nItems + 1; endfor; current enddef; def max(text a)(text b)= if (a > b): a% else:b% fi; enddef; def min(text a)(text b)= if (a < b): a% else:b% fi; enddef; vardef ensurePict(text pictOrText)(expr font, scale) = save p; picture p; if picture pictOrText: p=pictOrText else: p = pictOrText infont font scaled scale fi; p enddef; def pictHeight(text obj) = (ypart (urcorner obj) - ypart (llcorner obj)) enddef; def pictWidth(text obj) = (xpart (urcorner obj) - xpart (llcorner obj)) enddef; vardef listArray(text array)(text nElements)= save objEnum; string objEnum; objEnum := ""; for i = 0 upto nElements-1: if i>0: objEnum := objEnum & ", "; fi; objEnum := objEnum & (str array) & (decimal i); endfor; objEnum enddef; vardef enumToString(text enumeration)(expr prefix)= save ret, firstVar; string ret; ret := ""; numeric firstVar; firstVar := 1; forsuffixes v = enumeration: if firstVar = 0: ret := ret & ","; else: firstVar := 0; fi; ret := ret & prefix & (str v); endfor; ret enddef; def _dx(text pA)(text pB) = (xpart(pB)-xpart(pA)) enddef; def _dy(text pA, pB) = (ypart(pB)-ypart(pA)) enddef; def _length(text pA)(text pB) = sqrt (_dx(pA)(pB)*_dx(pA)(pB) + _dy(pA)(pB)*_dy(pA)(pB)) enddef;