% MetaUML, a MetaPost library for typesetting exquisite UML diagrams. % Copyright (C) 2005 Ovidiu Gheorghies % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. if known _metauml_paths_mp: expandafter endinput fi; _metauml_paths_mp:=1; def pathDirect(expr pA,pB) = pA--pB enddef; vardef pathManhattanX(text twoParams) = pair pointA__, pointB__; string paramA_str__, paramB_str__; boolean paramA_isObject__, paramB_isObject__; paramA_isObject__ := true; paramB_isObject__ := true; boolean isFirstParam__; isFirstParam__ := true; %string twoParams; %twoParams := ""; %twoParams := str paramA & ", " & str paramB; %%includeonce% show "the two params are: " & twoParams; forsuffixes param__ = twoParams: if isFirstParam__: isFirstParam__ := false; paramA_str__ := str param__; %includeonce% show "paramA_str__ <-- " & paramA_str__; if not known (scantokens (paramA_str__ & ".className")): %includeonce% show "paramA is not an object"; paramA_isObject__ := false; fi; else: paramB_str__ := str param__; %includeonce% show "paramB_str__ <-- " & paramB_str__; if not known (scantokens (paramB_str__ & ".className")): %includeonce% show "paramB is not an object"; paramB_isObject__ := false; fi; fi; endfor; %includeonce% show paramA_str__; %includeonce% show paramA_isObject__; %includeonce% show paramB_str__; %includeonce% show paramB_isObject__; string stringPath__; stringPath__ := "(0,0)--(50,50)"; if (not paramA_isObject__) and (not paramB_isObject__): %includeonce% show "Both are points!"; stringPath__ := paramA_str__ & "--(xpart " & paramB_str__ & ", ypart " & paramA_str__ & ") -- " & paramB_str__; %includeonce% show stringPath__; else: pair refPointA__, refPointB__; if paramA_isObject__: refPointA__ := scantokens (paramA_str__ & ".c"); else: refPointA__ := scantokens paramA_str__; fi; if paramB_isObject__: refPointB__ := scantokens (paramB_str__ & ".c"); else: refPointB__ := scantokens paramB_str__; fi; %includeonce% show "Reference point A: "; %includeonce% show refPointA__; %includeonce% show "Reference point B: "; %includeonce% show refPointB__; numeric dx__, dy__; dx__ := xpart refPointB__ - xpart refPointA__; dy__ := ypart refPointB__ - ypart refPointA__; string addornmentA__; addornmentA__ := ""; string addornmentB__; addornmentB__ := ""; if (paramA_isObject__): if (dx__ > 0): addornmentA__ := ".e"; else: addornmentA__ := ".w"; fi; fi; if (paramB_isObject__): if (dy__ > 0): addornmentB__ := ".s"; else: addornmentB__ := ".n"; fi; fi; stringPath__ := "pathManhattanX(" & paramA_str__ & addornmentA__ & ", " & paramB_str__ & addornmentB__ & ")"; %includeonce% show stringPath; %includeonce% show "-------------------> recursive call"; fi; scantokens stringPath__ enddef; vardef rpathManhattanX(text twoParams) = reverse pathManhattanX(twoParams) enddef; vardef pathManhattanY(expr pA,pB) = pA--(xpart(pA), ypart(pB))--pB enddef; vardef rpathManhattanY(expr pA,pB) = pB--(xpart(pA), ypart(pB))--pA enddef; vardef pathStepX(expr pA,pB, deltax) = pA--(pA+(deltax, 0))--(((xpart pA)+deltax), ypart(pB))--pB enddef; vardef rpathStepX(expr pA,pB, deltax) = pB--(((xpart pA)+deltax), ypart(pB))--(pA+(deltax, 0))--pA enddef; vardef pathStepY(expr pA,pB, deltay) = pA--(pA+(0, deltay))--(xpart(pB), ((ypart pA)+deltay))--pB enddef; vardef rpathStepY(expr pA,pB, deltay) = pB--(xpart(pB), ((ypart pA)+deltay))--(pA+(0, deltay))--pA enddef; vardef pathHorizontal(expr pA, untilX) = pA--(untilX,ypart(pA)) enddef; vardef rpathHorizontal(expr pA, untilX) = (untilX,ypart(pA))--pA enddef; vardef pathVertical(expr pA, untilY) = pA--(xpart(pA), untilY) enddef; vardef rpathVertical(expr pA, untilY) = (xpart(pA), untilY)--pA enddef; % Cuts path thePath so that it won't intersect the objects % objectA and objectB. The border of the objects is obtained % by invoking the method "_border". % vardef pathCut(suffix objectA, objectB)(expr thePath)= save timeA, timeB; timeA = xpart (thePath intersectiontimes objectBorder(objectA)); timeB = xpart (thePath intersectiontimes objectBorder(objectB)); subpath (timeA, timeB) of thePath enddef;