%D \module %D [ file=mp-tool.mp, %D version=1998.02.15, %D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics, %D subtitle=auxiliary macros, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. % a cleanup is needed, like using image and alike % use a few more "newinternal"'s %D This module is rather preliminary and subjected to %D changes. if known context_tool : endinput ; fi ; boolean context_tool ; context_tool := true ; %D New, version number testing: %D %D \starttyping %D fill fullcircle scaled 2cm withcolor if mpversiongt("0.6") : red else : green fi ; %D fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withcolor if mpversionlt(0.6) : blue else : white fi ; %D \stoptyping if not known mpversion : string mpversion ; mpversion := "0.641" ; fi ; % vardef mpversiongt(expr s) = % scantokens (mpversion & " > " & if numeric s : decimal s else : s fi) % enddef ; % vardef mpversionlt(expr s) = % scantokens (mpversion & " < " & if numeric s : decimal s else : s fi) % enddef ; % vardef mpversioneq(expr s) = % scantokens (mpversion & " = " & if numeric s : decimal s else : s fi) % enddef ; %D More interesting: %D %D \starttyping %D fill fullcircle scaled 4cm withcolor if mpversiongt("0.6") : red else : green fi ; %D fill fullcircle scaled 2cm withcolor if mpversionlt(0.6) : blue else : white fi ; %D fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withcolor if mpversioncmp(0.6,">=") : yellow else : black fi ; %D \stoptyping vardef mpversioncmp(expr s, c) = scantokens (mpversion & c & if numeric s : decimal s else : s fi) enddef ; vardef mpversionlt (expr s) = mpversioncmp(s, "<") enddef ; vardef mpversioneq (expr s) = mpversioncmp(s, "=") enddef ; vardef mpversiongt (expr s) = mpversioncmp(s, ">") enddef ; %D We always want \EPS\ conforming output, so we say: prologues := 1 ; warningcheck := 0 ; mpprocset := 1 ; %D Namespace handling: % let exclamationmark = ! ; % let questionmark = ? ; % % def unprotect = % let ! = relax ; % let ? = relax ; % enddef ; % % def protect = % let ! = exclamationmark ; % let ? = questionmark ; % enddef ; % % unprotect ; % % mp!some!module = 10 ; show mp!some!module ; show somemodule ; % % protect ; %D A semicolor to be used in specials: ? ? ? string semicolor ; semicolor := char 59 ; %D By including this module, \METAPOST\ automatically writes a %D high resolution boundingbox to the \POSTSCRIPT\ file. This %D hack is due to John Hobby himself. % When somehow the first one gets no HiRes, then make sure % that the format matches the mem sizes in the config file. % eerste " " er uit string space ; space = char 32 ; vardef ddecimal primary p = decimal xpart p & " " & decimal ypart p enddef ; % is now built in % extra_endfig := extra_endfig % & "special " % & "(" % & ditto % & "%%HiResBoundingBox: " % & ditto % & "&ddecimal llcorner currentpicture" % & "&space" % & "&ddecimal urcorner currentpicture" % & ");"; %D Colors: nocolormodel := 1 ; greycolormodel := 3 ; rgbcolormodel := 5 ; cmykcolormodel := 7 ; let grayscale = numeric ; % def colorlike(expr c) text v = % colorlike(a) b, c, d ; % forsuffixes i=v : % save i ; % if cmykcolor c : % cmykcolor i ; % elseif rgbcolor c : % rgbcolor i ; % else : % grayscale i ; % fi ; % endfor ; % enddef ; vardef colorlike(text c) text v = % colorlike(a) b, c, d ; save _p_ ; picture _p_ ; forsuffixes i=v : _p_ := image(draw origin withcolor c ;) ; % intercept pre and postscripts if (colormodel _p_ = cmykcolormodel) : cmykcolor i ; elseif (colormodel _p_ = rgbcolormodel) : rgbcolor i ; else : grayscale i ; fi ; endfor ; enddef ; % if (unknown colormodel) : % def colormodel = % rgbcolormodel % enddef ; % fi ; %D Also handy (when we flush colors): vardef dddecimal primary c = decimal redpart c & " " & decimal greenpart c & " " & decimal bluepart c enddef ; vardef ddddecimal primary c = decimal cyanpart c & " " & decimal magentapart c & " " & decimal yellowpart c & " " & decimal blackpart c enddef ; vardef colordecimals primary c = if cmykcolor c : decimal cyanpart c & ":" & decimal magentapart c & ":" & decimal yellowpart c & ":" & decimal blackpart c elseif rgbcolor c : decimal redpart c & ":" & decimal greenpart c & ":" & decimal bluepart c else : decimal c fi enddef ; %D We have standardized data file names: def job_name = jobname enddef ; def data_mpd_file = job_name & "-mp.mpd" enddef ; %D Because \METAPOST\ has a hard coded limit of 4~datafiles, %D we need some trickery when we have multiple files. if unknown collapse_data : boolean collapse_data ; collapse_data := false ; fi ; boolean savingdata ; savingdata := false ; def savedata expr txt = if collapse_data : write txt to data_mpd_file ; else : write if savingdata : txt else : "\MPdata{" & decimal charcode & "}{" & txt & "}" fi & "%" to data_mpd_file ; fi ; enddef ; def startsavingdata = savingdata := true ; if collapse_data : write "\MPdata{" & decimal charcode & "}{%" to data_mpd_file ; fi ; enddef ; def stopsavingdata = if collapse_data : write "}%" to data_mpd_file ; fi ; savingdata := false ; enddef ; def finishsavingdata = write EOF to data_mpd_file ; enddef ; %D Instead of a keystroke eating save and allocation %D sequence, you can use the \citeer {new} alternatives to %D save and allocate in one command. def newcolor text v = forsuffixes i=v : save i ; color i ; endfor ; enddef ; def newnumeric text v = forsuffixes i=v : save i ; numeric i ; endfor ; enddef ; def newboolean text v = forsuffixes i=v : save i ; boolean i ; endfor ; enddef ; def newtransform text v = forsuffixes i=v : save i ; transform i ; endfor ; enddef ; def newpath text v = forsuffixes i=v : save i ; path i ; endfor ; enddef ; def newpicture text v = forsuffixes i=v : save i ; picture i ; endfor ; enddef ; def newstring text v = forsuffixes i=v : save i ; string i ; endfor ; enddef ; %D Sometimes we don't want parts of the graphics add to the %D bounding box. One way of doing this is to save the bounding %D box, draw the graphics that may not count, and restore the %D bounding box. %D %D \starttypen %D push_boundingbox currentpicture; %D pop_boundingbox currentpicture; %D \stoptypen %D %D The bounding box can be called with: %D %D \starttypen %D boundingbox currentpicture %D inner_boundingbox currentpicture %D outer_boundingbox currentpicture %D \stoptypen %D %D Especially the latter one can be of use when we include %D the graphic in a document that is clipped to the bounding %D box. In such occasions one can use: %D %D \starttypen %D set_outer_boundingbox currentpicture; %D \stoptypen %D %D Its counterpart is: %D %D \starttypen %D set_inner_boundingbox p %D \stoptypen path pushed_boundingbox; def push_boundingbox text p = pushed_boundingbox := boundingbox p; enddef; def pop_boundingbox text p = setbounds p to pushed_boundingbox; enddef; vardef boundingbox primary p = if (path p) or (picture p) : llcorner p -- lrcorner p -- urcorner p -- ulcorner p else : origin fi -- cycle enddef; vardef inner_boundingbox primary p = top rt llcorner p -- top lft lrcorner p -- bot lft urcorner p -- bot rt ulcorner p -- cycle enddef; vardef outer_boundingbox primary p = bot lft llcorner p -- bot rt lrcorner p -- top rt urcorner p -- top lft ulcorner p -- cycle enddef; def innerboundingbox = inner_boundingbox enddef ; def outerboundingbox = outer_boundingbox enddef ; vardef set_inner_boundingbox text q = setbounds q to inner_boundingbox q; enddef; vardef set_outer_boundingbox text q = setbounds q to outer_boundingbox q; enddef; %D Some missing functions can be implemented rather %D straightforward: numeric Pi ; Pi := 3.1415926 ; vardef sqr primary x = (x*x) enddef ; vardef log primary x = (if x=0: 0 else: mlog(x)/mlog(10) fi) enddef ; vardef ln primary x = (if x=0: 0 else: mlog(x)/256 fi) enddef ; vardef exp primary x = ((mexp 256)**x) enddef ; vardef inv primary x = (if x=0: 0 else: x**-1 fi) enddef ; vardef pow (expr x,p) = (x**p) enddef ; vardef asin primary x = (x+(x**3)/6+3(x**5)/40) enddef ; vardef acos primary x = (asin(-x)) enddef ; vardef atan primary x = (x-(x**3)/3+(x**5)/5-(x**7)/7) enddef ; vardef tand primary x = (sind(x)/cosd(x)) enddef ; %D Here are Taco Hoekwater's alternatives (but %D vardef'd and primaried). pi := 3.1415926 ; radian := 180/pi ; % 2pi*radian = 360 ; vardef tand primary x = (sind(x)/cosd(x)) enddef ; vardef cotd primary x = (cosd(x)/sind(x)) enddef ; vardef sin primary x = (sind(x*radian)) enddef ; vardef cos primary x = (cosd(x*radian)) enddef ; vardef tan primary x = (sin(x)/cos(x)) enddef ; vardef cot primary x = (cos(x)/sin(x)) enddef ; vardef asin primary x = angle((1+-+x,x)) enddef ; vardef acos primary x = angle((x,1+-+x)) enddef ; vardef invsin primary x = ((asin(x))/radian) enddef ; vardef invcos primary x = ((acos(x))/radian) enddef ; vardef acosh primary x = ln(x+(x+-+1)) enddef ; vardef asinh primary x = ln(x+(x++1)) enddef ; vardef sinh primary x = save xx ; xx = exp x ; (xx-1/xx)/2 enddef ; vardef cosh primary x = save xx ; xx = exp x ; (xx+1/xx)/2 enddef ; %D We provide two macros for drawing stripes across a shape. %D The first method (with the n suffix) uses another method, %D slower in calculation, but more efficient when drawn. The %D first macro divides the sides into n equal parts. The %D first argument specifies the way the lines are drawn, while %D the second argument identifier the way the shape is to be %D drawn. %D %D \starttypen %D stripe_path_n %D (dashed evenly withcolor blue) %D (filldraw) %D fullcircle xscaled 100 yscaled 40 shifted (50,50) withpen pencircle scaled 4; %D \stoptypen %D %D The a (or angle) alternative supports arbitrary angles and %D is therefore more versatile. %D %D \starttypen %D stripe_path_a %D (withpen pencircle scaled 2 withcolor red) %D (draw) %D fullcircle xscaled 100 yscaled 40 withcolor blue; %D \stoptypen %D %D The first alternative obeys: stripe_n := 10; stripe_slot := 3; %D When no pen dimensions are passed, the slot determines %D the spacing. %D %D The angle alternative is influenced by: stripe_gap := 5; stripe_angle := 45; def stripe_path_n (text s_spec) (text s_draw) expr s_path = do_stripe_path_n (s_spec) (s_draw) (s_path) enddef; def do_stripe_path_n (text s_spec) (text s_draw) (expr s_path) text s_text = begingroup save curpic, newpic, bb, pp, ww; picture curpic, newpic; path bb, pp; pp := s_path; curpic := currentpicture; currentpicture := nullpicture; s_draw pp s_text; bb := boundingbox currentpicture; newpic := currentpicture; currentpicture := nullpicture; ww := min(ypart urcorner newpic - ypart llcorner newpic, xpart urcorner newpic - xpart llcorner newpic); ww := ww/(stripe_slot*stripe_n); for i=1/stripe_n step 1/stripe_n until 1: draw point (1+i) of bb -- point (3-i) of bb withpen pencircle scaled ww s_spec ; endfor; for i=0 step 1/stripe_n until 1: draw point (3+i) of bb -- point (1-i) of bb withpen pencircle scaled ww s_spec; endfor; clip currentpicture to pp; addto newpic also currentpicture; currentpicture := curpic; addto currentpicture also newpic; endgroup enddef; def stripe_path_a (text s_spec) (text s_draw) expr s_path = do_stripe_path_a (s_spec) (s_draw) (s_path) enddef; def do_stripe_path_a (text s_spec) (text s_draw) (expr s_path) text s_text = begingroup save curpic, newpic, pp; picture curpic, newpic; path pp ; pp := s_path ; curpic := currentpicture; currentpicture := nullpicture; s_draw pp s_text ; def do_stripe_rotation (expr p) = (currentpicture rotatedaround(center p,stripe_angle)) enddef ; s_max := max (xpart llcorner do_stripe_rotation(currentpicture), xpart urcorner do_stripe_rotation(currentpicture), ypart llcorner do_stripe_rotation(currentpicture), ypart urcorner do_stripe_rotation(currentpicture)); newpic := currentpicture; currentpicture := nullpicture; for i=-s_max-.5stripe_gap step stripe_gap until s_max: draw (-s_max,i)--(s_max,i) s_spec; endfor; currentpicture := do_stripe_rotation(newpic); clip currentpicture to pp ; addto newpic also currentpicture; currentpicture := curpic; addto currentpicture also newpic; endgroup enddef; %D A few normalizing macros: %D %D \starttypen %D xscale_currentpicture ( width ) %D yscale_currentpicture ( height ) %D xyscale_currentpicture ( width, height ) %D scale_currentpicture ( width, height ) %D \stoptypen % def xscale_currentpicture(expr the_width) = % natural_width := xpart urcorner currentpicture - xpart llcorner currentpicture; % currentpicture := currentpicture scaled (the_width/natural_width) ; % enddef; % % def yscale_currentpicture(expr the_height ) = % natural_height := ypart urcorner currentpicture - ypart llcorner currentpicture; % currentpicture := currentpicture scaled (the_height/natural_height) ; % enddef; % % def xyscale_currentpicture(expr the_width, the_height) = % natural_width := xpart urcorner currentpicture - xpart llcorner currentpicture; % natural_height := ypart urcorner currentpicture - ypart llcorner currentpicture; % currentpicture := currentpicture % xscaled (the_width/natural_width) % yscaled (the_height/natural_height) ; % enddef; % % def scale_currentpicture(expr the_width, the_height) = % xscale_currentpicture(the_width) ; % yscale_currentpicture(the_height) ; % enddef; % nog eens uitbreiden zodat path en pic worden afgehandeld. % natural_width := xpart urcorner currentpicture - xpart llcorner currentpicture; % currentpicture := currentpicture scaled (the_width/natural_width) ; % TODO TODO TODO TODO, not yet ok primarydef p xsized w = (p if (bbwidth (p)>0) and (w>0) : scaled (w/bbwidth (p)) fi) enddef ; primarydef p ysized h = (p if (bbheight(p)>0) and (h>0) : scaled (h/bbheight(p)) fi) enddef ; primarydef p xysized s = begingroup ; save wh, w, h ; pair wh ; numeric w, h ; wh := paired (s) ; w := bbwidth(p) ; h := bbheight(p) ; (p if (w>0) and (h>0) : if xpart wh > 0 : xscaled (xpart wh/w) fi if ypart wh > 0 : yscaled (ypart wh/h) fi fi) endgroup enddef ; primarydef p sized wh = (p xysized wh) enddef ; def xscale_currentpicture(expr w) = currentpicture := currentpicture xsized w ; enddef; def yscale_currentpicture(expr h) = currentpicture := currentpicture ysized h ; enddef; def xyscale_currentpicture(expr w, h) = currentpicture := currentpicture xysized (w,h) ; enddef; def scale_currentpicture(expr w, h) = currentpicture := currentpicture xsized w ; currentpicture := currentpicture ysized h ; enddef; %D A full circle is centered at the origin, while a unitsquare %D is located in the first quadrant. Now guess what kind of %D path fullsquare and unitcircle do return. path fullsquare, unitcircle ; fullsquare := unitsquare shifted - center unitsquare ; unitcircle := fullcircle shifted urcorner fullcircle ; %D Some more paths: path urcircle, ulcircle, llcircle, lrcircle ; urcircle := origin--(+.5,0)&(+.5,0){up} ..(0,+.5)&(0,+.5)--cycle ; ulcircle := origin--(0,+.5)&(0,+.5){left} ..(-.5,0)&(-.5,0)--cycle ; llcircle := origin--(-.5,0)&(-.5,0){down} ..(0,-.5)&(0,-.5)--cycle ; lrcircle := origin--(0,-.5)&(0,-.5){right}..(+.5,0)&(+.5,0)--cycle ; path tcircle, bcircle, lcircle, rcircle ; tcircle = origin--(+.5,0)&(+.5,0){up} ..(0,+.5)..{down} (-.5,0)--cycle ; bcircle = origin--(-.5,0)&(-.5,0){down} ..(0,-.5)..{up} (+.5,0)--cycle ; lcircle = origin--(0,+.5)&(0,+.5){left} ..(-.5,0)..{right}(0,-.5)--cycle ; rcircle = origin--(0,-.5)&(0,-.5){right}..(+.5,0)..{left} (0,+.5)--cycle ; path urtriangle, ultriangle, lltriangle, lrtriangle ; urtriangle := origin--(+.5,0)--(0,+.5)--cycle ; ultriangle := origin--(0,+.5)--(-.5,0)--cycle ; lltriangle := origin--(-.5,0)--(0,-.5)--cycle ; lrtriangle := origin--(0,-.5)--(+.5,0)--cycle ; path unitdiamond, fulldiamond ; unitdiamond := (.5,0)--(1,.5)--(.5,1)--(0,.5)--cycle ; fulldiamond := unitdiamond shifted - center unitdiamond ; %D More robust: % let normalscaled = scaled ; % let normalxscaled = xscaled ; % let normalyscaled = yscaled ; % % def scaled expr s = normalscaled (s) enddef ; % def xscaled expr s = normalxscaled (s) enddef ; % def yscaled expr s = normalyscaled (s) enddef ; %D Shorter primarydef p xyscaled q = begingroup ; save qq ; pair qq ; qq = paired(q) ; ( p if xpart qq<>0 : xscaled (xpart qq) fi if ypart qq<>0 : yscaled (ypart qq) fi ) endgroup enddef ; %D Experimenteel, zie folder-3.tex. def set_grid(expr w, h, nx, ny) = boolean grid[][] ; boolean grid_full ; grid_w := w ; grid_h := h ; grid_nx := nx ; grid_ny := ny ; grid_x := round(w/grid_nx) ; % +.5) ; grid_y := round(h/grid_ny) ; % +.5) ; grid_left := (1+grid_x)*(1+grid_y) ; grid_full := false ; for i=0 upto grid_x: for j=0 upto grid_y: grid[i][j] := false ; endfor ; endfor ; enddef ; vardef new_on_grid(expr _dx_, _dy_) = dx := _dx_ ; dy := _dy_ ; ddx := min(round(dx/grid_nx),grid_x) ; % +.5),grid_x) ; ddy := min(round(dy/grid_ny),grid_y) ; % +.5),grid_y) ; if not grid_full and not grid[ddx][ddy]: grid[ddx][ddy] := true ; grid_left := grid_left-1 ; grid_full := (grid_left=0) ; true else: false fi enddef ; %D usage: \type{innerpath peepholed outerpath}. %D %D beginfig(1); %D def fullsquare = (unitsquare shifted -center unitsquare) enddef ; %D fill (fullsquare scaled 200) withcolor red ; %D path p ; p := (fullcircle scaled 100) ; bboxmargin := 0 ; %D fill p peepholed bbox p ; %D endfig; secondarydef p peepholed q = begingroup ; save start ; pair start ; start := point 0 of p ; if xpart start >= xpart center p : if ypart start >= ypart center p : urcorner q -- ulcorner q -- llcorner q -- lrcorner q -- reverse p -- lrcorner q -- cycle else : lrcorner q -- urcorner q -- ulcorner q -- llcorner q -- reverse p -- llcorner q -- cycle fi else : if ypart start > ypart center p : ulcorner q -- llcorner q -- lrcorner q -- urcorner q -- reverse p -- urcorner q -- cycle else : llcorner q -- lrcorner q -- urcorner q -- ulcorner q -- reverse p -- ulcorner q -- cycle fi fi endgroup enddef ; boolean intersection_found ; secondarydef p intersection_point q = begingroup save x_, y_ ; (x_,y_) = p intersectiontimes q ; if x_<0 : intersection_found := false ; center p % origin else : intersection_found := true ; .5[point x_ of p, point y_ of q] fi endgroup enddef ; %D New, undocumented, experimental: vardef tensecircle (expr width, height, offset) = ((-width/2,-height/2) ... (0,-height/2-offset) ... (+width/2,-height/2) ... (+width/2+offset,0) ... (+width/2,+height/2) ... (0,+height/2+offset) ... (-width/2,+height/2) ... (-width/2-offset,0) ... cycle) enddef ; %vardef tensecircle (expr width, height, offset) = % ((-width/2,-height/2)..(0,-height/2-offset)..(+width/2,-height/2) & % (+width/2,-height/2)..(+width/2+offset,0)..(+width/2,+height/2) & % (+width/2,+height/2)..(0,+height/2+offset)..(-width/2,+height/2) & % (-width/2,+height/2)..(-width/2-offset,0)..(-width/2,-height/2)..cycle) %enddef ; vardef roundedsquare (expr width, height, offset) = ((offset,0)--(width-offset,0){right} .. (width,offset)--(width,height-offset){up} .. (width-offset,height)--(offset,height){left} .. (0,height-offset)--(0,offset){down} .. cycle) enddef ; %D Some colors. color cyan ; cyan = (0,1,1) ; color magenta ; magenta = (1,0,1) ; color yellow ; yellow = (1,1,0) ; def colortype(expr c) = if cmykcolor c : cmykcolor elseif rgbcolor c : rgbcolor else : grayscale fi enddef ; vardef whitecolor(expr c) = if cmykcolor c : (0,0,0,0) elseif rgbcolor c : (1,1,1) else : 1 fi enddef ; vardef blackcolor(expr c) = if cmykcolor c : (0,0,0,1) elseif rgbcolor c : (0,0,0) else : 0 fi enddef ; %D Well, this is the dangerous and naive version: def drawfill text t = fill t ; draw t ; enddef; %D This two step approach saves the path first, since it can %D be a function. Attributes must not be randomized. def drawfill expr c = path _c_ ; _c_ := c ; do_drawfill enddef ; def do_drawfill text t = draw _c_ t ; fill _c_ t ; enddef; def undrawfill expr c = drawfill c withcolor background enddef ; %D Moved from mp-char.mp vardef paired (expr d) = if pair d : d else : (d,d) fi enddef ; vardef tripled (expr d) = if color d : d else : (d,d,d) fi enddef ; primarydef p enlarged d = (p llmoved d -- p lrmoved d -- p urmoved d -- p ulmoved d -- cycle) enddef; primarydef p llenlarged d = (p llmoved d -- lrcorner p -- urcorner p -- ulcorner p -- cycle) enddef ; primarydef p lrenlarged d = (llcorner p -- p lrmoved d -- urcorner p -- ulcorner p -- cycle) enddef ; primarydef p urenlarged d = (llcorner p -- lrcorner p -- p urmoved d -- ulcorner p -- cycle) enddef ; primarydef p ulenlarged d = (llcorner p -- lrcorner p -- urcorner p -- p ulmoved d -- cycle) enddef ; primarydef p llmoved d = ((llcorner p) shifted (-xpart paired(d),-ypart paired(d))) enddef ; primarydef p lrmoved d = ((lrcorner p) shifted (+xpart paired(d),-ypart paired(d))) enddef ; primarydef p urmoved d = ((urcorner p) shifted (+xpart paired(d),+ypart paired(d))) enddef ; primarydef p ulmoved d = ((ulcorner p) shifted (-xpart paired(d),+ypart paired(d))) enddef ; primarydef p leftenlarged d = ((llcorner p) shifted (-d,0) -- lrcorner p -- urcorner p -- (ulcorner p) shifted (-d,0) -- cycle) enddef ; primarydef p rightenlarged d = (llcorner p -- (lrcorner p) shifted (d,0) -- (urcorner p) shifted (d,0) -- ulcorner p -- cycle) enddef ; primarydef p topenlarged d = (llcorner p -- lrcorner p -- (urcorner p) shifted (0,d) -- (ulcorner p) shifted (0,d) -- cycle) enddef ; primarydef p bottomenlarged d = (llcorner p shifted (0,-d) -- lrcorner p shifted (0,-d) -- urcorner p -- ulcorner p -- cycle) enddef ; %D Handy for testing/debugging: primarydef p crossed d = (center p shifted (-d, 0) -- llcorner p -- center p shifted ( 0,-d) -- lrcorner p -- center p shifted (+d, 0) -- urcorner p -- center p shifted ( 0,+d) -- ulcorner p -- cycle) enddef ; %D Saves typing: % vardef bottomboundary primary p = (llcorner p -- lrcorner p) enddef ; % vardef rightboundary primary p = (lrcorner p -- urcorner p) enddef ; % vardef topboundary primary p = (urcorner p -- ulcorner p) enddef ; % vardef leftboundary primary p = (ulcorner p -- llcorner p) enddef ; vardef bottomboundary primary p = if pair p : p else : (llcorner p -- lrcorner p) fi enddef ; vardef rightboundary primary p = if pair p : p else : (lrcorner p -- urcorner p) fi enddef ; vardef topboundary primary p = if pair p : p else : (urcorner p -- ulcorner p) fi enddef ; vardef leftboundary primary p = if pair p : p else : (ulcorner p -- llcorner p) fi enddef ; %D Nice too: primarydef p superellipsed s = superellipse (.5[lrcorner p,urcorner p], .5[urcorner p,ulcorner p], .5[ulcorner p,llcorner p], .5[llcorner p,lrcorner p], s) enddef ; primarydef p squeezed s = ((llcorner p .. .5[llcorner p,lrcorner p] shifted ( 0, ypart paired(s)) .. lrcorner p) & (lrcorner p .. .5[lrcorner p,urcorner p] shifted (-xpart paired(s), 0) .. urcorner p) & (urcorner p .. .5[urcorner p,ulcorner p] shifted ( 0,-ypart paired(s)) .. ulcorner p) & (ulcorner p .. .5[ulcorner p,llcorner p] shifted ( xpart paired(s), 0) .. llcorner p) & cycle) enddef ; primarydef p randomshifted s = begingroup ; save ss ; pair ss ; ss := paired(s) ; p shifted (-.5xpart ss + uniformdeviate xpart ss, -.5ypart ss + uniformdeviate ypart ss) endgroup enddef ; %primarydef p randomized s = % for i=0 upto length(p)-1 : % ((point i of p) randomshifted s) .. controls % ((postcontrol i of p) randomshifted s) and % ((precontrol (i+1) of p) randomshifted s) .. % endfor cycle %enddef ; primarydef p randomized s = (if path p : for i=0 upto length(p)-1 : ((point i of p) randomshifted s) .. controls ((postcontrol i of p) randomshifted s) and ((precontrol (i+1) of p) randomshifted s) .. endfor if cycle p : cycle else : ((point length(p) of p) randomshifted s) fi elseif pair p : p randomshifted s elseif cmykcolor p : if color s : (uniformdeviate cyanpart s * cyanpart p, uniformdeviate magentapart s * magentapart p, uniformdeviate yellowpart s * yellowpart p, uniformdeviate blackpart s * blackpart p) elseif pair s : ((xpart s + uniformdeviate (ypart s - xpart s)) * p) else : (uniformdeviate s * p) fi elseif rgbcolor p : if color s : (uniformdeviate redpart s * redpart p, uniformdeviate greenpart s * greenpart p, uniformdeviate bluepart s * bluepart p) elseif pair s : ((xpart s + uniformdeviate (ypart s - xpart s)) * p) else : (uniformdeviate s * p) fi elseif color p : if color s : (uniformdeviate graypart s * graypart p) elseif pair s : ((xpart s + uniformdeviate (ypart s - xpart s)) * p) else : (uniformdeviate s * p) fi else : p + uniformdeviate s fi) enddef ; %D Not perfect (alternative for interpath) vardef interpolated(expr s, p, q) = save m ; m := max(length(p),length(q)) ; (if path p : for i=0 upto m-1 : s[point (i /m) along p, point (i /m) along q] .. controls s[postcontrol (i /m) along p, postcontrol (i /m) along q] and s[precontrol ((i+1)/m) along p, precontrol ((i+1)/m) along q] .. endfor if cycle p : cycle else : s[point infinity of p, point infinity of q] fi else : a[p,q] fi) enddef ; %D Interesting too: % primarydef p parallel s = % begingroup ; save q, b ; path q ; numeric b ; % b := xpart (lrcorner p - llcorner p) ; % q := p if b>0 : scaled ((b+2s)/b) fi ; % (q shifted (center p-center q)) % endgroup % enddef ; %primarydef p parallel s = % begingroup ; save q, w,h ; path q ; numeric w, h ; % w := bbwidth(p) ; h := bbheight(p) ; % q := p if (w>0) and (h>0) : % xyscaled ((w+2*xpart paired(s))/w,(h+2*ypart paired(s))/h) fi ; % (q shifted (center p-center q)) % endgroup %enddef ; vardef punked primary p = (point 0 of p for i=1 upto length(p)-1 : -- point i of p endfor if cycle p : -- cycle else : -- point length(p) of p fi) enddef ; vardef curved primary p = (point 0 of p for i=1 upto length(p)-1 : .. point i of p endfor if cycle p : .. cycle else : .. point length(p) of p fi) enddef ; primarydef p blownup s = begingroup save _p_ ; path _p_ ; _p_ := p xysized (bbwidth (p)+2(xpart paired(s)), bbheight(p)+2(ypart paired(s))) ; (_p_ shifted (center p - center _p_)) endgroup enddef ; %D Rather fundamental. % vardef rightpath expr p = % save q, t, b ; path q ; pair t, b ; % t := (ulcorner p -- urcorner p) intersection_point p ; % b := (llcorner p -- lrcorner p) intersection_point p ; % if xpart directionpoint t of p < 0 : p := reverse p ; fi ; % q := p cutbefore b ; % q := q if xpart point 0 of p > 0 : & p fi cutafter t ; % q % enddef ; % % vardef leftpath expr p = % save q, t, b ; path q ; pair t, b ; % t := (ulcorner p -- urcorner p) intersection_point p ; % b := (llcorner p -- lrcorner p) intersection_point p ; % if xpart directionpoint t of p < 0 : p := reverse p ; fi ; % q := p cutbefore t ; % q := q if xpart point 0 of p > 0 : & p fi cutafter b ; % q % enddef ; def leftrightpath(expr p, l) = save q, t, b ; path q ; pair t, b ; t := (ulcorner p -- urcorner p) intersection_point p ; b := (llcorner p -- lrcorner p) intersection_point p ; if xpart directionpoint t of p < 0 : p := reverse p ; fi ; q := p cutbefore if l: t else: b fi ; q := q if xpart point 0 of p > 0 : & p fi cutafter if l: b else: t fi ; q enddef ; vardef leftpath expr p = leftrightpath(p,true ) enddef ; vardef rightpath expr p = leftrightpath(p,false) enddef ; %D Drawoptions def saveoptions = save _op_ ; def _op_ = enddef ; enddef ; %D Tracing. let normaldraw = draw ; let normalfill = fill ; def drawlineoptions (text t) = def _lin_opt_ = t enddef ; enddef ; def drawpointoptions (text t) = def _pnt_opt_ = t enddef ; enddef ; def drawcontroloptions(text t) = def _ctr_opt_ = t enddef ; enddef ; def drawlabeloptions (text t) = def _lab_opt_ = t enddef ; enddef ; def draworiginoptions (text t) = def _ori_opt_ = t enddef ; enddef ; def drawboundoptions (text t) = def _bnd_opt_ = t enddef ; enddef ; def drawpathoptions (text t) = def _pth_opt_ = t enddef ; enddef ; def resetdrawoptions = drawlineoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor .5white) ; drawpointoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 4pt withcolor black) ; drawcontroloptions(withpen pencircle scaled 2.5pt withcolor black) ; drawlabeloptions () ; draworiginoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor .5white) ; drawboundoptions (dashed evenly _ori_opt_) ; drawpathoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 5pt withcolor .8white) ; enddef ; resetdrawoptions ; %D Path. def drawpath expr p = normaldraw p _pth_opt_ enddef ; %D Arrow. vardef drawarrowpath expr p = save autoarrows ; boolean autoarrows ; autoarrows := true ; drawarrow p _pth_opt_ enddef ; %def drawarrowpath expr p = % begingroup ; % save autoarrows ; boolean autoarrows ; autoarrows := true ; % save arrowpath ; path arrowpath ; arrowpath := p ; % _drawarrowpath_ %enddef ; % %def _drawarrowpath_ text t = % drawarrow arrowpath _pth_opt_ t ; % endgroup ; %enddef ; def midarrowhead expr p = arrowhead p cutafter (point length(p cutafter point .5 along p)+ahlength on p) enddef ; vardef arrowheadonpath (expr p, s) = save autoarrows ; boolean autoarrows ; autoarrows := true ; set_ahlength(scaled ahfactor) ; % added arrowhead p if s<1 : cutafter (point (s*arclength(p)+.5ahlength) on p) fi enddef ; %D Points. def drawpoint expr c = if string c : string _c_ ; _c_ := "(" & c & ")" ; dotlabel.urt(_c_, scantokens _c_) ; drawdot scantokens _c_ else : dotlabel.urt("(" & decimal xpart c & "," & decimal ypart c & ")", c) ; drawdot c fi _pnt_opt_ enddef ; %D PathPoints. def drawpoints expr c = path _c_ ; _c_ := c ; do_drawpoints enddef ; def drawcontrolpoints expr c = path _c_ ; _c_ := c ; do_drawcontrolpoints enddef ; def drawcontrollines expr c = path _c_ ; _c_ := c ; do_drawcontrollines enddef ; def drawpointlabels expr c = path _c_ ; _c_ := c ; do_drawpointlabels enddef ; def do_drawpoints text t = for _i_=0 upto length(_c_) : normaldraw point _i_ of _c_ _pnt_opt_ t ; endfor ; enddef; def do_drawcontrolpoints text t = for _i_=0 upto length(_c_) : normaldraw precontrol _i_ of _c_ _ctr_opt_ t ; normaldraw postcontrol _i_ of _c_ _ctr_opt_ t ; endfor ; enddef; def do_drawcontrollines text t = for _i_=0 upto length(_c_) : normaldraw point _i_ of _c_ -- precontrol _i_ of _c_ _lin_opt_ t ; normaldraw point _i_ of _c_ -- postcontrol _i_ of _c_ _lin_opt_ t ; endfor ; enddef; boolean swappointlabels ; swappointlabels := false ; def do_drawpointlabels text t = for _i_=0 upto length(_c_) : pair _u_ ; _u_ := unitvector(direction _i_ of _c_) rotated if swappointlabels : - fi 90 ; pair _p_ ; _p_ := (point _i_ of _c_) ; _u_ := 12 * defaultscale * _u_ ; normaldraw thelabel ( decimal _i_, _p_ shifted if cycle _c_ and (_i_=0) : - fi _u_ ) _lab_opt_ t ; endfor ; enddef; %D Bounding box. def drawboundingbox expr p = normaldraw boundingbox p _bnd_opt_ enddef ; %D Origin. numeric originlength ; originlength := .5cm ; def draworigin text t = normaldraw (origin shifted (0, originlength) -- origin shifted (0,-originlength)) _ori_opt_ t ; normaldraw (origin shifted ( originlength,0) -- origin shifted (-originlength,0)) _ori_opt_ t ; enddef; %D Axis. numeric tickstep ; tickstep := 5mm ; numeric ticklength ; ticklength := 2mm ; def drawxticks expr c = path _c_ ; _c_ := c ; do_drawxticks enddef ; def drawyticks expr c = path _c_ ; _c_ := c ; do_drawyticks enddef ; def drawticks expr c = path _c_ ; _c_ := c ; do_drawticks enddef ; % Adding eps prevents disappearance due to rounding errors. def do_drawxticks text t = for i=0 step -tickstep until xpart llcorner _c_ - eps : if (i<=xpart lrcorner _c_) : normaldraw (i,-ticklength)--(i,ticklength) _ori_opt_ t ; fi ; endfor ; for i=0 step tickstep until xpart lrcorner _c_ + eps : if (i>=xpart llcorner _c_) : normaldraw (i,-ticklength)--(i,ticklength) _ori_opt_ t ; fi ; endfor ; normaldraw (llcorner _c_ -- ulcorner _c_) shifted (-xpart llcorner _c_,0) _ori_opt_ t ; enddef ; def do_drawyticks text t = for i=0 step -tickstep until ypart llcorner _c_ - eps : if (i<=ypart ulcorner _c_) : normaldraw (-ticklength,i)--(ticklength,i) _ori_opt_ t ; fi ; endfor ; for i=0 step tickstep until ypart ulcorner _c_ + eps : if (i>=ypart llcorner _c_) : normaldraw (-ticklength,i)--(ticklength,i) _ori_opt_ t ; fi ; endfor ; normaldraw (llcorner _c_ -- lrcorner _c_) shifted (0,-ypart llcorner _c_) _ori_opt_ t ; enddef ; def do_drawticks text t = drawxticks _c_ t ; drawyticks _c_ t ; enddef ; %D All of it except axis. def drawwholepath expr p = draworigin ; drawpath p ; drawcontrollines p ; drawcontrolpoints p ; drawpoints p ; drawboundingbox p ; drawpointlabels p ; enddef ; %D Tracing. def visualizeddraw expr c = if picture c : normaldraw c else : path _c_ ; _c_ := c ; do_visualizeddraw fi enddef ; def visualizedfill expr c = if picture c : normalfill c else : path _c_ ; _c_ := c ; do_visualizedfill fi enddef ; def do_visualizeddraw text t = draworigin ; drawpath _c_ t ; drawcontrollines _c_ ; drawcontrolpoints _c_ ; drawpoints _c_ ; drawboundingbox _c_ ; drawpointlabels _c_ ; enddef ; def do_visualizedfill text t = if cycle _c_ : normalfill _c_ t fi ; draworigin ; drawcontrollines _c_ ; drawcontrolpoints _c_ ; drawpoints _c_ ; drawboundingbox _c_ ; drawpointlabels _c_ ; enddef ; def visualizepaths = let fill = visualizedfill ; let draw = visualizeddraw ; enddef ; def naturalizepaths = let fill = normalfill ; let draw = normaldraw ; enddef ; extra_endfig := extra_endfig & " naturalizepaths ; " ; %D Normally, arrowheads don't scale well. So we provide a %D hack. boolean autoarrows ; autoarrows := false ; numeric ahfactor ; ahfactor := 2.5 ; def set_ahlength (text t) = % ahlength := (ahfactor*pen_size(_op_ t)) ; % _op_ added % problem: _op_ can contain color so a no-go, we could apply the transform % but i need to figure out the best way (fakepicture and take components). ahlength := (ahfactor*pen_size(t)) ; enddef ; vardef pen_size (text t) = save p ; picture p ; p := nullpicture ; addto p doublepath (top origin -- bot origin) t ; (ypart urcorner p - ypart lrcorner p) enddef ; %D The next two macros are adapted versions of plain %D \METAPOST\ definitions. def _finarr text t = if autoarrows : set_ahlength (t) fi ; draw _apth t ; filldraw arrowhead _apth t ; enddef; def _findarr text t = if autoarrows : set_ahlength (t) fi ; draw _apth t ; fill arrowhead _apth withpen currentpen t ; fill arrowhead reverse _apth withpen currentpen t ; enddef ; %D Handy too ...... vardef pointarrow (expr pat, loc, len, off) = save l, r, s, t ; path l, r ; numeric s ; pair t ; t := if pair loc : loc else : point loc along pat fi ; s := len/2 - off ; if s<=0 : s := 0 elseif s>len : s := len fi ; r := pat cutbefore t ; r := (r cutafter point (arctime s of r) of r) ; s := len/2 + off ; if s<=0 : s := 0 elseif s>len : s := len fi ; l := reverse (pat cutafter t) ; l := (reverse (l cutafter point (arctime s of l) of l)) ; (l..r) enddef ; def rightarrow (expr pat,tim,len) = pointarrow(pat,tim,len,-len) enddef ; def leftarrow (expr pat,tim,len) = pointarrow(pat,tim,len,+len) enddef ; def centerarrow (expr pat,tim,len) = pointarrow(pat,tim,len, 0) enddef ; %D The \type {along} and \type {on} operators can be used %D as follows: %D %D \starttypen %D drawdot point .5 along somepath ; %D drawdot point 3cm on somepath ; %D \stoptypen %D %D The number denotes a percentage (fraction). primarydef pct along pat = % also negative (arctime (pct * (arclength pat)) of pat) of pat enddef ; % primarydef len on pat = % (arctime len of pat) of pat % enddef ; primarydef len on pat = (arctime if len>0 : len else : (arclength(pat)+len) fi of pat) of pat enddef ; % this cuts of a piece from both ends % tertiarydef pat cutends len = % begingroup ; save tap ; path tap ; % tap := pat cutbefore (point len on pat) ; % (tap cutafter (point -len on tap)) % endgroup % enddef ; tertiarydef pat cutends len = begingroup ; save tap ; path tap ; tap := pat cutbefore (point (xpart paired(len)) on pat) ; (tap cutafter (point -(ypart paired(len)) on tap)) endgroup enddef ; %D To be documented. path freesquare ; freesquare := ((-1,0)--(-1,-1)--(0,-1)--(+1,-1)-- (+1,0)--(+1,+1)--(0,+1)--(-1,+1)--cycle) scaled .5 ; numeric freelabeloffset ; freelabeloffset := 3pt ; numeric freedotlabelsize ; freedotlabelsize := 3pt ; vardef thefreelabel (expr str, loc, ori) = save s, p, q, l ; picture s ; path p, q ; pair l ; interim labeloffset := freelabeloffset ; s := if string str : thelabel(str,loc) else : str shifted -center str shifted loc fi ; setbounds s to boundingbox s enlarged freelabeloffset ; p := fullcircle scaled (2*length(loc-ori)) shifted ori ; q := freesquare xyscaled (urcorner s - llcorner s) ; % l := point (xpart (p intersectiontimes (ori--loc))) of q ; l := point xpart (p intersectiontimes (ori--((1+eps)*arclength(ori--loc)*unitvector(loc-ori)))) of q ; setbounds s to boundingbox s enlarged -freelabeloffset ; % new %draw boundingbox s shifted -l withpen pencircle scaled .5pt withcolor red ; (s shifted -l) enddef ; % better? vardef thefreelabel (expr str, loc, ori) = save s, p, q, l ; picture s ; path p, q ; pair l ; interim labeloffset := freelabeloffset ; s := if string str : thelabel(str,loc) else : str shifted -center str shifted loc fi ; setbounds s to boundingbox s enlarged freelabeloffset ; p := fullcircle scaled (2*length(loc-ori)) shifted ori ; q := freesquare xyscaled (urcorner s - llcorner s) ; l := point xpart (p intersectiontimes (ori--loc shifted (loc-ori))) of q ; setbounds s to boundingbox s enlarged -freelabeloffset ; % new %draw boundingbox s shifted -l withpen pencircle scaled .5pt withcolor red ; (s shifted -l) enddef ; vardef freelabel (expr str, loc, ori) = draw thefreelabel(str,loc,ori) ; enddef ; vardef freedotlabel (expr str, loc, ori) = interim linecap:=rounded ; draw loc withpen pencircle scaled freedotlabelsize ; draw thefreelabel(str,loc,ori) ; enddef ; %D \starttypen %D drawarrow anglebetween(line_a,line_b,somelabel) ; %D \stoptypen % angleoffset ; angleoffset := 0pt ; numeric anglelength ; anglelength := 20pt ; numeric anglemethod ; anglemethod := 1 ; % vardef anglebetween (expr a, b, str) = % path path string % save pointa, pointb, common, middle, offset ; % pair pointa, pointb, common, middle, offset ; % save curve ; path curve ; % save where ; numeric where ; % if round point 0 of a = round point 0 of b : % common := point 0 of a ; % else : % common := a intersectionpoint b ; % fi ; % pointa := point anglelength on a ; % pointb := point anglelength on b ; % where := turningnumber (common--pointa--pointb--cycle) ; % middle := ((common--pointa) rotatedaround (pointa,-where*90)) % intersectionpoint % ((common--pointb) rotatedaround (pointb, where*90)) ; % if anglemethod = 0 : % curve := pointa{unitvector(middle-pointa)}.. pointb; % middle := point .5 along curve ; % curve := common ; % elseif anglemethod = 1 : % curve := pointa{unitvector(middle-pointa)}.. pointb; % middle := point .5 along curve ; % elseif anglemethod = 2 : % middle := common rotatedaround(.5[pointa,pointb],180) ; % curve := pointa--middle--pointb ; % elseif anglemethod = 3 : % curve := pointa--middle--pointb ; % elseif anglemethod = 4 : % curve := pointa..controls middle..pointb ; % middle := point .5 along curve ; % fi ; % draw thefreelabel(str, middle, common) withcolor black ; % curve % enddef ; vardef anglebetween (expr a, b, str) = % path path string save pointa, pointb, common, middle, offset ; pair pointa, pointb, common, middle, offset ; save curve ; path curve ; save where ; numeric where ; if round point 0 of a = round point 0 of b : common := point 0 of a ; else : common := a intersectionpoint b ; fi ; pointa := point anglelength on a ; pointb := point anglelength on b ; where := turningnumber (common--pointa--pointb--cycle) ; middle := (reverse(common--pointa) rotatedaround (pointa,-where*90)) intersection_point (reverse(common--pointb) rotatedaround (pointb, where*90)) ; if not intersection_found : middle := point .5 along ((reverse(common--pointa) rotatedaround (pointa,-where*90)) -- ( (common--pointb) rotatedaround (pointb, where*90))) ; fi ; if anglemethod = 0 : curve := pointa{unitvector(middle-pointa)}.. pointb; middle := point .5 along curve ; curve := common ; elseif anglemethod = 1 : curve := pointa{unitvector(middle-pointa)}.. pointb; middle := point .5 along curve ; elseif anglemethod = 2 : middle := common rotatedaround(.5[pointa,pointb],180) ; curve := pointa--middle--pointb ; elseif anglemethod = 3 : curve := pointa--middle--pointb ; elseif anglemethod = 4 : curve := pointa..controls middle..pointb ; middle := point .5 along curve ; fi ; draw thefreelabel(str, middle, common) ; % withcolor black ; curve enddef ; % Stack picture currentpicturestack[] ; numeric currentpicturedepth ; currentpicturedepth := 0 ; def pushcurrentpicture = currentpicturedepth := currentpicturedepth + 1 ; currentpicturestack[currentpicturedepth] := currentpicture ; currentpicture := nullpicture ; enddef ; def popcurrentpicture text t = % optional text if currentpicturedepth > 0 : addto currentpicturestack[currentpicturedepth] also currentpicture t ; currentpicture := currentpicturestack[currentpicturedepth] ; currentpicturedepth := currentpicturedepth - 1 ; fi ; enddef ; %D colorcircle(size, red, green, blue) ; % vardef colorcircle (expr size, red, green, blue) = % save r, g, b, rr, gg, bb, cc, mm, yy ; save radius ; % path r, g, b, rr, bb, gg, cc, mm, yy ; numeric radius ; % % radius := 5cm ; pickup pencircle scaled (radius/25) ; % % r := g := b := fullcircle scaled radius shifted (0,radius/4) ; % % r := r rotatedaround (origin, 15) ; % g := g rotatedaround (origin,135) ; % b := b rotatedaround (origin,255) ; % % r := r rotatedaround(center r,-90) ; % g := g rotatedaround(center g, 90) ; % % gg := buildcycle(buildcycle(reverse r,b),g) ; % cc := buildcycle(buildcycle(b,reverse g),r) ; % % rr := gg rotatedaround(origin,120) ; % bb := gg rotatedaround(origin,240) ; % % yy := cc rotatedaround(origin,120) ; % mm := cc rotatedaround(origin,240) ; % % pushcurrentpicture ; % % fill fullcircle scaled radius withcolor white ; % % fill rr withcolor red ; fill cc withcolor white-red ; % fill gg withcolor green ; fill mm withcolor white-green ; % fill bb withcolor blue ; fill yy withcolor white-blue ; % % for i = rr,gg,bb,cc,mm,yy : draw i withcolor .5white ; endfor ; % % currentpicture := currentpicture xsized size ; % % popcurrentpicture ; % enddef ; % vardef colorcircle (expr size, red, green, blue) = % save r, g, b, rr, gg, bb, cc, mm, yy ; save radius ; % path r, g, b, rr, bb, gg, cc, mm, yy ; numeric radius ; % % radius := 5cm ; pickup pencircle scaled (radius/25) ; % % transform t ; t := identity rotatedaround(origin,120) ; % % r := fullcircle scaled radius % shifted (0,radius/4) rotatedaround(origin,15) ; % % g := r transformed t ; b := g transformed t ; % % r := r rotatedaround(center r,-90) ; % g := g rotatedaround(center g, 90) ; % % gg := buildcycle(buildcycle(reverse r,b),g) ; % cc := buildcycle(buildcycle(b,reverse g),r) ; % % rr := gg transformed t ; bb := rr transformed t ; % yy := cc transformed t ; mm := yy transformed t ; % % pushcurrentpicture ; % % fill fullcircle scaled radius withcolor white ; % % fill rr withcolor red ; fill cc withcolor white-red ; % fill gg withcolor green ; fill mm withcolor white-green ; % fill bb withcolor blue ; fill yy withcolor white-blue ; % % for i = rr,gg,bb,cc,mm,yy : draw i withcolor .5white ; endfor ; % % currentpicture := currentpicture xsized size ; % % popcurrentpicture ; % enddef ; vardef colorcircle (expr size, red, green, blue) = save r, g, b, c, m, y, w ; save radius ; path r, g, b, c, m, y, w ; numeric radius ; radius := 5cm ; pickup pencircle scaled (radius/25) ; transform t ; t := identity rotatedaround(origin,120) ; r := fullcircle rotated 90 scaled radius shifted (0,radius/4) rotatedaround(origin,135) ; b := r transformed t ; g := b transformed t ; c := buildcycle(subpath(1,7) of g,subpath(1,7) of b) ; y := c transformed t ; m := y transformed t ; w := buildcycle(subpath(3,5) of r, subpath(3,5) of g,subpath(3,5) of b) ; pushcurrentpicture ; fill r withcolor red ; fill g withcolor green ; fill b withcolor blue ; fill c withcolor white-red ; fill m withcolor white-green ; fill y withcolor white-blue ; fill w withcolor white ; for i = r,g,b,c,m,y : draw i withcolor .5white ; endfor ; currentpicture := currentpicture xsized size ; popcurrentpicture ; enddef ; % penpoint (i,2) of somepath -> inner / outer point vardef penpoint expr pnt of p = save n, d ; numeric n, d ; (n,d) = if pair pnt : pnt else : (pnt,1) fi ; (point n of p shifted ((penoffset direction n of p of currentpen) scaled d)) enddef ; % nice: currentpicture := inverted currentpicture ; primarydef p uncolored c = if color p : c - p else : image (for i within p : addto currentpicture if stroked i or filled i : if filled i : contour else : doublepath fi pathpart i dashed dashpart i withpen penpart i else : also i fi withcolor c-(redpart i, greenpart i, bluepart i) ; endfor ; ) fi enddef ; vardef inverted primary p = (p uncolored white) enddef ; % primarydef p softened c = % if color p : % tripled(c) * p % else : % image % (save cc ; color cc ; cc := tripled(c) ; % for i within p : % addto currentpicture % if stroked i or filled i : % if filled i : contour else : doublepath fi pathpart i % dashed dashpart i withpen penpart i % else : % also i % fi % withcolor (redpart cc * redpart i, % greenpart cc * greenpart i, % bluepart cc * bluepart i) ; % endfor ;) % fi % enddef ; primarydef p softened c = begingroup save cc ; color cc ; cc := tripled(c) ; if color p : (redpart cc * redpart p, greenpart cc * greenpart p, bluepart cc * bluepart p) else : image (for i within p : addto currentpicture if stroked i or filled i : if filled i : contour else : doublepath fi pathpart i dashed dashpart i withpen penpart i else : also i fi withcolor (redpart cc * redpart i, greenpart cc * greenpart i, bluepart cc * bluepart i) ; endfor ;) fi endgroup enddef ; vardef grayed primary p = if color p : tripled(.30redpart p+.59greenpart p+.11bluepart p) else : image (for i within p : addto currentpicture if stroked i or filled i : if filled i : contour else : doublepath fi pathpart i dashed dashpart i withpen penpart i else : also i fi withcolor tripled(.30redpart i+.59greenpart i+.11bluepart i) ; endfor ; ) fi enddef ; % yes or no: "text" infont "cmr12" at 24pt ; % let normalinfont = infont ; % % numeric lastfontsize ; lastfontsize = fontsize defaultfont ; % % def infont primary name = % no vardef, no expr % hide(lastfontsize := fontsize name) % no ; % normalinfont name % enddef ; % % def scaledat expr size = % scaled (size/lastfontsize) % enddef ; % % let at = scaledat ; % like decimal def condition primary b = if b : "true" else : "false" fi enddef ; % undocumented primarydef p stretched s = begingroup % save pp ; path pp ; pp := p scaled s ; save pp ; path pp ; pp := p xyscaled s ; (pp shifted ((point 0 of p) - (point 0 of pp))) endgroup enddef ; % yes or no, untested -) def xshifted expr dx = shifted(dx,0) enddef ; def yshifted expr dy = shifted(0,dy) enddef ; % also handy % right: str = readfrom ("abc" & ".def" ) ; % wrong: str = readfrom "abc" & ".def" ; % Every 62th read fails so we need to try again! % def readfile (expr name) = % if (readfrom (name) <> EOF) : % scantokens("input " & name & ";") ; % elseif (readfrom (name) <> EOF) : % scantokens("input " & name & ";") ; % fi ; % closefrom (name) ; % enddef ; % % this sometimes fails on the elseif, so : % def readfile (expr name) = begingroup ; save ok ; boolean ok ; if (readfrom (name) <> EOF) : ok := false ; elseif (readfrom (name) <> EOF) : ok := false ; else : ok := true ; fi ; if not ok : scantokens("input " & name & " ") ; fi ; closefrom (name) ; endgroup ; enddef ; % permits redefinition of end in macro inner end ; % real fun let normalwithcolor = withcolor ; def remapcolors = def withcolor primary c = normalwithcolor remappedcolor(c) enddef ; enddef ; def normalcolors = let withcolor = normalwithcolor ; enddef ; def resetcolormap = color color_map[][][] ; normalcolors ; enddef ; resetcolormap ; % color_map_resolution := 1000 ; % % def r_color primary c = round(color_map_resolution*redpart c) enddef ; % def g_color primary c = round(color_map_resolution*greenpart c) enddef ; % def b_color primary c = round(color_map_resolution*bluepart c) enddef ; def r_color primary c = redpart c enddef ; def g_color primary c = greenpart c enddef ; def b_color primary c = bluepart c enddef ; def remapcolor(expr old, new) = color_map[r_color old][g_color old][b_color old] := new ; enddef ; def remappedcolor(expr c) = if known color_map[r_color c][g_color c][b_color c] : color_map[r_color c][g_color c][b_color c] else : c fi enddef ; % def refill suffix c = do_repath (1) (c) enddef ; % def redraw suffix c = do_repath (2) (c) enddef ; % def recolor suffix c = do_repath (0) (c) enddef ; % % color refillbackground ; refillbackground := (1,1,1) ; % % def do_repath (expr mode) (suffix c) text t = % can it be stroked and filled at the same time ? % begingroup ; % if mode=0 : save withcolor ; remapcolors ; fi ; % save _c_, _cc_, _f_, _b_ ; picture _c_, _cc_ ; color _f_ ; path _b_ ; % _c_ := c ; _b_ := boundingbox c ; c := nullpicture ; % for i within _c_ : % _f_ := (redpart i, greenpart i, bluepart i) ; % if bounded i : % setbounds c to pathpart i ; % elseif clipped i : % clip c to pathpart i ; % elseif stroked i : % addto c doublepath pathpart i % dashed dashpart i withpen penpart i % withcolor _f_ % (redpart i, greenpart i, bluepart i) % if mode=2 : t fi ; % elseif filled i : % addto c contour pathpart i % withcolor _f_ % if (mode=1) and (_f_<>refillbackground) : t fi ; % else : % addto c also i ; % fi ; % endfor ; % setbounds c to _b_ ; % endgroup ; % enddef ; % Thanks to Jens-Uwe Morawski for pointing out that we need % to treat bounded and clipped components as local pictures. def recolor suffix p = p := repathed (0,p) enddef ; def refill suffix p = p := repathed (1,p) enddef ; def redraw suffix p = p := repathed (2,p) enddef ; def retext suffix p = p := repathed (3,p) enddef ; def untext suffix p = p := repathed (4,p) enddef ; % primarydef p recolored t = repathed(0,p) t enddef ; % primarydef p refilled t = repathed(1,p) t enddef ; % primarydef p redrawn t = repathed(2,p) t enddef ; % primarydef p retexted t = repathed(3,p) t enddef ; % primarydef p untexted t = repathed(4,p) t enddef ; color refillbackground ; refillbackground := (1,1,1) ; % vardef repathed (expr mode, p) text t = % begingroup ; % if mode=0 : save withcolor ; remapcolors ; fi ; % save _p_, _pp_, _f_, _b_, _t_ ; % picture _p_, _pp_ ; color _f_ ; path _b_ ; transform _t_ ; % _b_ := boundingbox p ; _p_ := nullpicture ; % for i within p : % _f_ := (redpart i, greenpart i, bluepart i) ; % if bounded i : % _pp_ := repathed(mode,i) t ; % setbounds _pp_ to pathpart i ; % addto _p_ also _pp_ ; % elseif clipped i : % _pp_ := repathed(mode,i) t ; % clip _pp_ to pathpart i ; % addto _p_ also _pp_ ; % elseif stroked i : % addto _p_ doublepath pathpart i % dashed dashpart i withpen penpart i % withcolor _f_ % (redpart i, greenpart i, bluepart i) % if mode=2 : t fi ; % elseif filled i : % addto _p_ contour pathpart i % withcolor _f_ % if (mode=1) and (_f_<>refillbackground) : t fi ; % elseif textual i : % textpart i <> "" : % if mode <> 4 : % % transform _t_ ; % % (xpart _t_, xxpart _t_, xypart _t_) = (xpart i, xxpart i, xypart i) ; % % (ypart _t_, yypart _t_, yxpart _t_) = (ypart i, yypart i, yxpart i) ; % % addto _p_ also % % textpart i infont fontpart i % todo : other font % % transformed _t_ % % withpen penpart i % % withcolor _f_ % % if mode=3 : t fi ; % addto _p_ also i if mode=3 : t fi ; % fi ; % else : % addto _p_ also i ; % fi ; % endfor ; % setbounds _p_ to _b_ ; % _p_ % endgroup % enddef ; def restroke suffix p = p := repathed (21,p) enddef ; % keep attributes def reprocess suffix p = p := repathed (22,p) enddef ; % no attributes % also 11 and 12 vardef repathed (expr mode, p) text t = begingroup ; if mode=0 : save withcolor ; remapcolors ; fi ; save _p_, _pp_, _ppp_, _f_, _b_, _t_ ; picture _p_, _pp_, _ppp_ ; color _f_ ; path _b_ ; transform _t_ ; _b_ := boundingbox p ; _p_ := nullpicture ; for i within p : _f_ := (redpart i, greenpart i, bluepart i) ; if bounded i : _pp_ := repathed(mode,i) t ; setbounds _pp_ to pathpart i ; addto _p_ also _pp_ ; elseif clipped i : _pp_ := repathed(mode,i) t ; clip _pp_ to pathpart i ; addto _p_ also _pp_ ; elseif stroked i : if mode=21 : _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t & " pathpart _ppp_") dashed dashpart i withpen penpart i withcolor _f_ ; ) ; elseif mode=22 : _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t & " pathpart _ppp_")) ; else : addto _p_ doublepath pathpart i dashed dashpart i withpen penpart i withcolor _f_ % (redpart i, greenpart i, bluepart i) if mode=2 : t fi ; fi ; elseif filled i : if mode=11 : _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t & " pathpart _ppp_") withcolor _f_ ; ) ; elseif mode=12 : _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t & " pathpart _ppp_")) ; else : addto _p_ contour pathpart i withcolor _f_ if (mode=1) and (_f_<>refillbackground) : t fi ; fi ; elseif textual i : % textpart i <> "" : if mode <> 4 : % transform _t_ ; % (xpart _t_, xxpart _t_, xypart _t_) = (xpart i, xxpart i, xypart i) ; % (ypart _t_, yypart _t_, yxpart _t_) = (ypart i, yypart i, yxpart i) ; % addto _p_ also % textpart i infont fontpart i % todo : other font % transformed _t_ % withpen penpart i % withcolor _f_ % if mode=3 : t fi ; addto _p_ also i if mode=3 : t fi ; fi ; else : addto _p_ also i ; fi ; endfor ; setbounds _p_ to _b_ ; _p_ endgroup enddef ; % After a question of Denis on how to erase a z variable, Jacko % suggested to assign whatever to x and y. So a clearz % variable can be defined as: % % vardef clearz@# = % x@# := whatever ; % y@# := whatever ; % enddef ; % % but Jacko suggested a redefinition of clearxy: % % def clearxy text s = % clearxy_index_:=0; % for $:=s: % clearxy_index_:=clearxy_index_+1; endfor; % if clearxy_index_=0: % save x,y; % else: % forsuffixes $:=s: x$:=whatever; y$:=whatever; endfor; % fi % enddef; % % which i decided to simplify to: def clearxy text s = if false for $ := s : or true endfor : forsuffixes $ := s : x$ := whatever ; y$ := whatever ; endfor ; else : save x, y ; fi enddef ; % so now we can say: clearxy ; as well as clearxy 1, 2, 3 ; % show x0 ; z0 = (10,10) ; % show x0 ; x0 := whatever ; y0 := whatever ; % show x0 ; z0 = (20,20) ; % show x0 ; clearxy 0 ; % show x0 ; z0 = (30,30) ; primarydef p smoothed d = (p llmoved (-xpart paired(d),0) -- p lrmoved (-xpart paired(d),0) {right} .. p lrmoved (0,-ypart paired(d)) -- p urmoved (0,-ypart paired(d)) {up} .. p urmoved (-xpart paired(d),0) -- p ulmoved (-xpart paired(d),0) {left} .. p ulmoved (0,-ypart paired(d)) -- p llmoved (0,-ypart paired(d)) {down} .. cycle) enddef ; primarydef p cornered c = ((point 0 of p) shifted (c*(unitvector(point 1 of p - point 0 of p))) -- for i=1 upto length(p) : (point i-1 of p) shifted (c*(unitvector(point i of p - point i-1 of p))) -- (point i of p) shifted (c*(unitvector(point i-1 of p - point i of p))) .. controls point i of p .. endfor cycle) enddef ; % cmyk color support vardef cmyk(expr c,m,y,k) = (1-c-k,1-m-k,1-y-k) enddef ; % handy vardef bbwidth (expr p) = (if known p : if path p or picture p : xpart (lrcorner p - llcorner p) else : 0 fi else : 0 fi ) enddef ; vardef bbheight (expr p) = (if known p : if path p or picture p : ypart (urcorner p - lrcorner p) else : 0 fi else : 0 fi) enddef ; color nocolor ; numeric noline ; % both unknown signals def dowithpath (expr p, lw, lc, bc) = if known p : if known bc : fill p withcolor bc ; fi ; if known lw and known lc : draw p withpen pencircle scaled lw withcolor lc ; elseif known lw : draw p withpen pencircle scaled lw ; elseif known lc : draw p withcolor lc ; fi ; fi ; enddef ; % result from metafont discussion list (denisr/boguslawj) def ]] = ] ] enddef ; def ]]] = ] ] ] enddef ; def [[ = [ [ enddef ; def [[[ = [ [ [ enddef ; % not perfect, but useful since it removes redundant points. % vardef dostraightened(expr sign, p) = % if length(p)>2 : % was 1, but straight lines are ok % save pp ; path pp ; % pp := point 0 of p ; % for i=1 upto length(p)-1 : % if round(point i of p) <> round(point length(pp) of pp) : % pp := pp -- point i of p ; % fi ; % endfor ; % save n, ok ; numeric n ; boolean ok ; % n := length(pp) ; ok := false ; % if n>2 : % for i=0 upto n : % evt hier ook round % if unitvector(round(point i of pp - % point if i=0 : n else : i-1 fi of pp)) <> % sign * unitvector(round(point if i=n : 0 else : i+1 fi of pp - % point i of pp)) : % if ok : -- else : ok := true ; fi point i of pp % fi % endfor % if ok and (cycle p) : -- cycle fi % else : % pp % fi % else : % p % fi % enddef ; % vardef simplified expr p = % (reverse dostraightened(+1,dostraightened(+1,reverse p))) % enddef ; % vardef unspiked expr p = % (reverse dostraightened(-1,dostraightened(-1,reverse p))) % enddef ; % simplified : remove same points as well as redundant points % unspiked : remove same points as well as areas with zero distance vardef dostraightened(expr sign, p) = save _p_, _q_ ; path _p_, _q_ ; _p_ := p ; forever : _q_ := dodostraightened(sign, _p_) ; exitif length(_p_) = length(_q_) ; _p_ := _q_ ; endfor ; _q_ enddef ; vardef dodostraightened(expr sign, p) = if length(p)>2 : % was 1, but straight lines are ok save pp ; path pp ; pp := point 0 of p ; for i=1 upto length(p)-1 : if round(point i of p) <> round(point length(pp) of pp) : pp := pp -- point i of p ; fi ; endfor ; save n, ok ; numeric n ; boolean ok ; n := length(pp) ; ok := false ; if n>2 : for i=0 upto n : % evt hier ook round if unitvector(round(point i of pp - point if i=0 : n else : i-1 fi of pp)) <> sign * unitvector(round(point if i=n : 0 else : i+1 fi of pp - point i of pp)) : if ok : -- else : ok := true ; fi point i of pp fi endfor if ok and (cycle p) : -- cycle fi else : pp fi else : p fi enddef ; % vardef simplified expr p = % dostraightened(+1,p) % enddef ; % vardef unspiked expr p = % dostraightened(-1,p) % enddef ; vardef simplified expr p = (reverse dostraightened(+1,dostraightened(+1,reverse p))) enddef ; vardef unspiked expr p = (reverse dostraightened(-1,dostraightened(-1,reverse p))) enddef ; % path p ; % p := (2cm,1cm) -- (2cm,1cm) -- (2cm,1cm) -- (3cm,1cm) -- % (4cm,1cm) -- (4cm,2cm) -- (4cm,2.5cm) -- (4cm,3cm) -- % (3cm,3cm) -- (2cm,3cm) -- (1cm,3cm) -- (-1cm,3cm) -- % .5[(-1cm,3cm),(1cm,1cm)] -- (1cm,1cm) -- cycle ; % % p := unitcircle scaled 4cm ; % % drawpath p ; drawpoints p ; drawpointlabels p ; % p := p shifted (4cm,0) ; p := straightened p ; % drawpath p ; drawpoints p ; drawpointlabels p ; % p := p shifted (4cm,0) ; p := straightened p ; % drawpath p ; drawpoints p ; drawpointlabels p ; % new path originpath ; originpath := origin -- cycle ; vardef unitvector primary z = if abs z = abs origin : z else : z/abs z fi enddef; % also new vardef anchored@#(expr p, z) = p shifted (z + (labxf@#*lrcorner p + labyf@#*ulcorner p + (1-labxf@#-labyf@#)*llcorner p)) enddef ; % epsed(1.2345) vardef epsed (expr e) = e if e>0 : + eps elseif e<0 : - eps fi enddef ; % handy def withgray primary g = withcolor (g,g,g) enddef ; % for metafun if unknown darkred : color darkred ; darkred := .625(1,0,0) fi ; if unknown darkyellow : color darkyellow ; darkyellow := .625(1,1,0) fi ; if unknown darkgray : color darkgray ; darkgray := .625(1,1,1) fi ; if unknown lightgray : color lightgray ; lightgray := .875(1,1,1) fi ; % an improved plain mp macro vardef center primary p = if pair p : p else : .5[llcorner p, urcorner p] fi enddef; % new, yet undocumented vardef rangepath (expr p, d, a) = (if length p>0 : (d*unitvector(direction 0 of p) rotated a) shifted point 0 of p -- p -- (d*unitvector(direction length(p) of p) rotated a) shifted point length(p) of p else : p fi) enddef ; % under construction vardef straightpath(expr a, b, method) = if (method<1) or (method>6) : (a--b) elseif method = 1 : (a -- if xpart a > xpart b : if ypart a > ypart b : (xpart b,ypart a) -- elseif ypart a < ypart b : (xpart a,ypart b) -- fi elseif xpart a < xpart b : if ypart a > ypart b : (xpart a,ypart b) -- elseif ypart a < ypart b : (xpart b,ypart a) -- fi fi b) elseif method = 3 : (a -- if xpart a > xpart b : (xpart b,ypart a) -- elseif xpart a < xpart b : (xpart a,ypart b) -- fi b) elseif method = 5 : (a -- if ypart a > ypart b : (xpart b,ypart a) -- elseif ypart a < ypart b : (xpart a,ypart b) -- fi b) else : (reverse straightpath(b,a,method-1)) fi enddef ; % handy for myself def addbackground text t = begingroup ; save p, b ; picture p ; path b ; b := boundingbox currentpicture ; p := currentpicture ; currentpicture := nullpicture ; fill b t ; setbounds currentpicture to b ; addto currentpicture also p ; endgroup ; enddef ; % makes a (line) into an infinite one (handy for calculating % intersection points vardef infinite expr p = (-infinity*unitvector(direction 0 of p) shifted point 0 of p -- p -- +infinity*unitvector(direction length(p) of p) shifted point length(p) of p) enddef ; % obscure macros: create var from string and replace - and : % (needed for process color id's) string _clean_ascii_[] ; def register_dirty_chars(expr str) = for i = 0 upto length(str)-1 : _clean_ascii_[ASCII substring(i,i+1) of str] := "_" ; endfor ; enddef ; register_dirty_chars("+-*/:;., ") ; vardef cleanstring (expr s) = save ss ; string ss, si ; ss = "" ; save i ; for i=0 upto length(s) : si := substring(i,i+1) of s ; ss := ss & if known _clean_ascii_[ASCII si] : _clean_ascii_[ASCII si] else : si fi ; endfor ; ss enddef ; vardef asciistring (expr s) = save ss ; string ss, si ; ss = "" ; save i ; for i=0 upto length(s) : si := substring(i,i+1) of s ; if (ASCII si >= ASCII "0") and (ASCII si <= ASCII "9") : ss := ss & char(scantokens(si) + ASCII "A") ; else : ss := ss & si ; fi ; endfor ; ss enddef ; vardef setunstringed (expr s, v) = scantokens(cleanstring(s)) := v ; enddef ; vardef setunstringed (expr s, v) = scantokens(cleanstring(s)) := v ; enddef ; vardef getunstringed (expr s) = scantokens(cleanstring(s)) enddef ; vardef unstringed (expr s) = expandafter known scantokens(cleanstring(s)) enddef ; % new vardef colorpart(expr i) = (redpart i, greenpart i,bluepart i) enddef ; % for david arnold: % showgrid(-5,10,1cm,-10,10,1cm); def showgrid (expr MinX, MaxX, DeltaX, MinY, MaxY, DeltaY)= begingroup save defaultfont, defaultscale, size ; string defaultfont ; defaultfont := "cmtt10"; % i.e. infofont numeric defaultscale ; defaultscale := 8pt / fontsize defaultfont; numeric size ; size := 2pt ; for x=MinX upto MaxX : for y=MinY upto MaxY : draw (x*DeltaX, y*DeltaY) withpen pencircle scaled if (x mod 5 = 0) and (y mod 5 = 0) : 1.5size withcolor .50white else : size withcolor .75white fi ; endfor ; endfor ; for x=MinX upto MaxX: label.bot(decimal x, (x*DeltaX,-size)); endfor ; for y=MinY upto MaxY: label.lft(decimal y, (-size,y*DeltaY)) ; endfor ; endgroup enddef; % new, handy for: % % \startuseMPgraphic{map}{n} % \includeMPgraphic{map:germany} ; % c_phantom (\MPvar{n}<1) ( % fill map_germany withcolor \MPcolor{lightgray} ; % draw map_germany withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor \MPcolor{darkgray} ; % ) ; % \includeMPgraphic{map:austria} ; % c_phantom (\MPvar{n}<2) ( % fill map_austria withcolor \MPcolor{lightgray} ; % draw map_austria withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor \MPcolor{darkgray} ; % ) ; % c_phantom (\MPvar{n}<3) ( % \includeMPgraphic{map:swiss} ; % fill map_swiss withcolor \MPcolor{lightgray} ; % draw map_swiss withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor \MPcolor{darkgray} ; % ) ; % c_phantom (\MPvar{n}<4) ( % \includeMPgraphic{map:luxembourg} ; % fill map_luxembourg withcolor \MPcolor{lightgray} ; % draw map_luxembourg withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor \MPcolor{darkgray} ; % ) ; % \stopuseMPgraphic % % \useMPgraphic{map}{n=3} vardef phantom (text t) = picture _p_ ; _p_ := image(t) ; addto _p_ also currentpicture ; setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox _p_ ; enddef ; vardef c_phantom (expr b) (text t) = if b : picture _p_ ; _p_ := image(t) ; addto _p_ also currentpicture ; setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox _p_ ; else : t ; fi ; enddef ; % mark paths (for external progs to split) % def somepath(expr p) % p % enddef ; %D Handy: def break = exitif true fi ; enddef ; %D New too: primarydef p xstretched w = (p if (bbwidth (p)>0) and (w>0) : xscaled (w/bbwidth (p)) fi) enddef ; primarydef p ystretched h = (p if (bbheight(p)>0) and (h>0) : yscaled (h/bbheight(p)) fi) enddef ; primarydef p snapped s = hide ( if path p : forever : exitif (bbheight(p) <= s) and (bbwidth(p) <= s) ; p := p scaled (1/2) ; endfor ; elseif numeric p : forever : exitif p <= s ; p := p scaled (1/2) ; endfor ; fi ; ) p enddef ; % done endinput ; end end