%D \module %D [ file=mp-text.mp, %D version=2000.07.10, %D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics, %D subtitle=text support, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See licen-en.pdf for %C details. %D Under construction. if unknown context_tool : input mp-tool ; fi ; if known context_text : endinput ; fi ; boolean context_text ; context_text := true ; if unknown noftexpictures : numeric noftexpictures ; noftexpictures := 0 ; fi ; if unknown texpictures[1] : picture texpictures[] ; fi ; numeric textextoffset ; textextoffset := 0 ; % vardef textext@#(expr txt) = % interim labeloffset := textextoffset ; % noftexpictures := noftexpictures + 1 ; % if string txt : % write "% figure " & decimal charcode & " : " & % "texpictures[" & decimal noftexpictures & "] := btex " & % txt & " etex ;" to jobname & ".mpt" ; % if unknown texpictures[noftexpictures] : % thelabel@#("unknown",origin) % else : % thelabel@#(texpictures[noftexpictures],origin) % fi % else : % thelabel@#(txt,origin) % fi % enddef ; boolean hobbiestextext ; hobbiestextext := false ; % string textextstring ; textextstring := "" ; % def resettextextdirective = % textextstring := "" ; % enddef ; % def textextdirective text t = % textextstring := textextstring & t ; % enddef ; vardef textext@#(expr txt) = save _s_ ; string _s_ ; interim labeloffset := textextoffset ; noftexpictures := noftexpictures + 1 ; if string txt : if hobbiestextext : % the tex.mp method as fallback (see tex.mp) write _s_ & "btex " & txt & " etex" to "mptextmp.mp" ; write EOF to "mptextmp.mp" ; scantokens "input mptextmp" else : write "% figure " & decimal charcode & " : " & "texpictures[" & decimal noftexpictures & "] := btex " & txt & " etex ;" to jobname & ".mpt" ; if unknown texpictures[noftexpictures] : thelabel@#("unknown",origin) else : thelabel@#(texpictures[noftexpictures],origin) fi fi else : thelabel@#(txt,origin) fi enddef ; string laboff_ ; laboff_ := "" ; string laboff_c ; laboff_c := "" ; string laboff_l ; laboff_l := ".lft" ; string laboff_r ; laboff_r := ".rt" ; string laboff_b ; laboff_b := ".bot" ; string laboff_t ; laboff_t := ".top" ; string laboff_lt ; laboff_lt := ".ulft" ; string laboff_rt ; laboff_rt := ".urt" ; string laboff_lb ; laboff_lb := ".llft" ; string laboff_rb ; laboff_rb := ".lrt" ; string laboff_tl ; laboff_tl := ".ulft" ; string laboff_tr ; laboff_tr := ".urt" ; string laboff_bl ; laboff_bl := ".llft" ; string laboff_br ; laboff_br := ".lrt" ; vardef textextstr(expr s, a) = save ss ; string ss ; ss := "laboff_" & a ; ss := scantokens ss ; ss := "textext" & ss & "(" & ditto & s & ditto & ")" ; scantokens ss enddef ; pair laboff.origin ; laboff.origin = (infinity,infinity) ; pair laboff.raw ; laboff.raw = (infinity,infinity) ; vardef thelabel@#(expr s, z) = save p ; picture p ; p = s if not picture s : infont defaultfont scaled defaultscale fi ; if laboff@#<>laboff.origin : (p shifted (z + labeloffset*laboff@# - (labxf@#*lrcorner p + labyf@#*ulcorner p + (1-labxf@#-labyf@#)*llcorner p))) else : (p shifted z) fi enddef; def build_parshape (expr p, offset_or_path, dx, dy, baselineskip, strutheight, strutdepth, topskip) = if unknown trace_parshape : boolean trace_parshape ; trace_parshape := false ; fi ; begingroup ; save q, l, r, line, tt, bb, n, hsize, vsize, vvsize, voffset, hoffset, width, indent, ll, lll, rr, rrr, cp, cq, t, b ; path q, l, r, line, tt, bb ; numeric n, hsize, vsize, vvsize, voffset, hoffset, width[], indent[] ; pair ll, lll, rr, rrr, cp, cq, t, b ; n := 0 ; cp := center p ; if path offset_or_path : q := offset_or_path ; cq := center q ; voffset := dy ; hoffset := dx ; else : q := p ; cq := center q ; hoffset := offset_or_path + dx ; voffset := offset_or_path + dy ; fi ; hsize := xpart lrcorner q - xpart llcorner q ; vsize := ypart urcorner q - ypart lrcorner q ; q := p shifted - cp ; startsavingdata ; savedata "\global\parvoffset " & decimal voffset&"bp " ; savedata "\global\parhoffset " & decimal hoffset&"bp " ; savedata "\global\parwidth " & decimal hsize&"bp " ; savedata "\global\parheight " & decimal vsize&"bp " ; if not path offset_or_path : q := q xscaled ((hsize-2hoffset)/hsize) yscaled ((vsize-2voffset)/vsize) ; fi ; hsize := xpart lrcorner q - xpart llcorner q ; vsize := ypart urcorner q - ypart lrcorner q ; t := (ulcorner q -- urcorner q) intersection_point q ; b := (llcorner q -- lrcorner q) intersection_point q ; if xpart directionpoint t of q < 0 : q := reverse q ; fi ; l := q cutbefore t ; l := l if xpart point 0 of q < 0 : & q fi cutafter b ; r := q cutbefore b ; r := r if xpart point 0 of q > 0 : & q fi cutafter t ; % tt := (ulcorner q -- urcorner q) shifted (0,-topskip) ; % bb := (llcorner q -- lrcorner q) shifted (0,strutdepth) ; % % l := l cutbefore (l intersection_point tt) ; % l := l cutafter (l intersection_point bb) ; % r := r cutbefore (r intersection_point bb) ; % r := r cutafter (r intersection_point tt) ; if trace_parshape : drawarrow p withpen pencircle scaled 2pt withcolor red ; drawarrow l shifted cp withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor green ; drawarrow r shifted cp withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor blue ; fi ; vardef found_point (expr lin, pat, sig) = pair a, b ; a := pat intersection_point (lin shifted (0,strutheight)) ; if intersection_found : a := a shifted (0,-strutheight) ; else : a := pat intersection_point lin ; fi ; b := pat intersection_point (lin shifted (0,-strutdepth)) ; if intersection_found : if sig : if xpart b > xpart a : a := b shifted (0,strutdepth) fi ; else : if xpart b < xpart a : a := b shifted (0,strutdepth) fi ; fi ; fi ; a enddef ; if (strutheight+strutdepth