%D \module %D [ file=mp-asnc.mpiv, %D version=2012.02.19, % was mp-core: 1999.08.01, anchoring %D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics, %D subtitle=anchored background macros, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. if known context_asnc : endinput ; fi ; boolean context_av ; context_asnc := true ; % will be replaced numeric sync_n[], sync_p[][], sync_w[][], sync_h[][], sync_d[][], sync_t[][] ; pair sync_xy[][] ; color sync_c[][] ; def ResetSyncTasks = path SyncPaths[] ; numeric SyncTasks[], NOfSyncPaths, CurrentSyncClass ; NOfSyncPaths := CurrentSyncClass := 0 ; if unknown SyncLeftOffset : numeric SyncLeftOffset ; SyncLeftOffset := 0 ; fi ; if unknown SyncWidth : numeric SyncWidth ; SyncWidth := 0 ; fi ; if unknown SyncThreshold : numeric SyncThreshold ; SyncThreshold := LineHeight ; fi ; if unknown SyncColor : color SyncColor ; SyncColor := .5white ; fi ; if (SyncLeftOffset = 0) and (SyncWidth = 0) : SyncWidth := if known TextWidth : TextWidth else : -1cm fi ; fi ; enddef ; ResetSyncTasks ; vardef SyncBox(expr n, i, leftoffset, width, topoffset, bottomoffset) = save o ; pair o ; o := (xpart llcorner PlainTextArea,ypart sync_xy[n][i]) ; o shifted (leftoffset,sync_h[n][i]+topoffset) -- o shifted (width+leftoffset,sync_h[n][i]+topoffset) -- o shifted (width+leftoffset,bottomoffset) -- o shifted (leftoffset,bottomoffset) -- cycle enddef ; def SetSyncColor(expr n, i, c) = sync_c[n][i] := c ; enddef ; def SetSyncThreshold(expr n, i, th) = sync_th[n][i] := th ; enddef ; vardef TheSyncColor(expr n, i) = if known sync_c[n][i] : sync_c[n][i] else : SyncColor fi enddef ; vardef TheSyncThreshold(expr n, i) = if known sync_th[n][i] : sync_th[n][i] else : SyncThreshold fi enddef ; vardef PrepareSyncTasks(expr n, collapse, extendtop, prestartnext) = ResetSyncTasks ; if known sync_n[n] : CurrentSyncClass := n ; save ok, l, d ; boolean ok ; ok := false ; NOfSyncPaths := l := 0 ; for i=1 upto sync_n[n] : if RealPageNumber > sync_p[n][i] : l := i ; elseif RealPageNumber = sync_p[n][i] : NOfSyncPaths := NOfSyncPaths + 1 ; if not ok : if i>1 : if sync_t[n][i-1] = sync_t[n][i] : SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] := SyncBox(n, i, SyncLeftOffset, SyncWidth, PaperHeight, -PaperHeight) ; SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths] := i ; else : SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] := SyncBox(n, i-1, SyncLeftOffset, SyncWidth, PaperHeight, -PaperHeight) ; SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths] := i-1 ; NOfSyncPaths := NOfSyncPaths + 1 ; SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] := SyncBox(n, i, SyncLeftOffset, SyncWidth, 0, -PaperHeight) ; SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths] := i ; fi ; else : SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] := SyncBox(n, i, SyncLeftOffset, SyncWidth, 0, -PaperHeight) ; SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths] := i ; fi ; else : SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] := SyncBox(n, i, SyncLeftOffset, SyncWidth, 0, -PaperHeight) ; SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths] := i ; fi ; ok := true ; fi ; endfor ; if (NOfSyncPaths = 0) and (l > 0) : NOfSyncPaths := 1 ; SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] := SyncBox(n, l, SyncLeftOffset, SyncWidth, PaperHeight, -PaperHeight) ; SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths] := l ; fi ; if NOfSyncPaths > 0 : for i = 1 upto NOfSyncPaths-1 : SyncPaths[i] := topboundary SyncPaths[i] -- reverse topboundary SyncPaths[i+1] -- cycle ; endfor ; if unknown SyncThresholdMethod : numeric SyncThresholdMethod ; SyncThresholdMethod := 2 ; fi ; if extendtop : if SyncThresholdMethod = 1 : if NOfSyncPaths>1 : d := ypart (ulcorner PlainTextArea - sync_xy[n][SyncTasks[2]]) ; if (SyncTasks[2]>1) and (d > 0pt) and (d <= TheSyncThreshold(n,sync_t[n][SyncTasks[2]])) and (sync_p[n][SyncTasks[2]] = RealPageNumber) : SyncPaths[2] := SyncPaths[2] topenlarged PaperHeight ; fi ; fi ; else : for i = 1 upto NOfSyncPaths : d := ypart (ulcorner PlainTextArea - sync_xy[n][SyncTasks[i]]) ; if (d > 0) and (d <= TheSyncThreshold(n,sync_t[n][SyncTasks[i]])) and (sync_p[n][SyncTasks[i]] = RealPageNumber) : SyncPaths[i] := SyncPaths[i] topenlarged PaperHeight ; fi ; endfor ; fi ; fi ; if prestartnext : if NOfSyncPaths>1 : if SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths] < sync_n[n] : % there is a next one d := ypart (ulcorner PlainTextArea - sync_xy[n][SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths]+1]) ; if (d > 0) and (d <= TheSyncThreshold(n, sync_t[n][SyncTasks[i]])) and (sync_p[n][SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths]+1] = RealPageNumber+1) : SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths+1] := (xpart ulcorner SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths],ypart llcorner PlainTextArea) -- (xpart urcorner SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths],ypart llcorner PlainTextArea) -- lrcorner SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] -- llcorner SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] -- cycle ; SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths+1] := SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths]+1 ; NOfSyncPaths := NOfSyncPaths + 1 ; fi ; fi ; fi ; else : if NOfSyncPaths>1 : d := ypart (sync_xy[n][SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths]] - llcorner PlainTextArea) ; if (d < TheSyncThreshold(n, SyncTasks[NOfSyncPaths])) : NOfSyncPaths := NOfSyncPaths - 1 ; SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] := SyncPaths[NOfSyncPaths] bottomenlarged PaperHeight ; fi ; fi ; fi ; if (NOfSyncPaths>1) and collapse : save j ; numeric j ; j := 1 ; for i = 2 upto NOfSyncPaths : if sync_t[n][SyncTasks[i]] = sync_t[n][SyncTasks[j]] : SyncPaths[j] := boundingbox image (draw SyncPaths[i] ; draw SyncPaths[j] ; ) ; SyncTasks[j] := SyncTasks[i] ; else : j := j + 1 ; SyncPaths[j] := SyncPaths[i] ; SyncTasks[j] := SyncTasks[i] ; fi ; endfor ; NOfSyncPaths := j ; fi ; fi ; fi ; enddef ; def SyncTask(expr n) = if known SyncTasks[n] : SyncTasks[n] else : 0 fi enddef ; def FlushSyncTasks = for i = 1 upto NOfSyncPaths : ProcessSyncTask(SyncPaths[i], TheSyncColor(CurrentSyncClass,sync_t[CurrentSyncClass][SyncTasks[i]])) ; endfor ; enddef ; def ProcessSyncTask(expr p, c) = fill p withcolor c ; enddef ;