%D \module %D [ file=mp-apos.mp, %D version=2012.02.19, % was mp-core: 1999.08.01, anchoring %D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics, %D subtitle=anchored background macros, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. if known context_apos : endinput ; fi ; boolean context_apos ; context_apos := true ; path posboxes[], posregions[] ; numeric multipages[], nofposboxes ; nofposboxes := 0 ; def boxlineoptions = withcolor .8blue enddef ; def boxfilloptions = withcolor .8white enddef ; def connect_positions = if nofposboxes = 2 : pickup pencircle scaled boxlinewidth ; path pa ; pa := posboxes[1] enlarged boxlineoffset ; path pb ; pb := posboxes[2] enlarged boxlineoffset ; if pospages[1] = pospages[2] : draw posboxes[1] boxlineoptions ; path pc ; pc := center pa {up} .. {down} center pb ; pair cc ; cc := (pc intersection_point pa) ; if intersection_found : pc := pc cutbefore cc ; cc := (pc intersection_point pb) ; if intersection_found : pc := pc cutafter cc ; drawarrow pc boxlineoptions ; drawarrow reverse pc boxlineoptions ; fi ; fi ; elseif pospages[1] == RealPageNumber : draw posboxes[1] boxlineoptions ; path pc ; pc := center pa {up} ... {right} urcorner (posregions[1] enlarged (20pt,20pt)) ; pair cc ; cc := (pc intersection_point pa) ; if intersection_found : pc := pc cutbefore cc ; drawarrow pc boxlineoptions ; fi ; elseif pospages[2] == RealPageNumber : draw posboxes[2] boxlineoptions ; path pc ; pc := ulcorner (posregions[2] enlarged (20pt,20pt)) {right} ... {down} center pb ; pair cc ; cc := (pc intersection_point pb) ; if intersection_found : pc := pc cutafter cc ; drawarrow pc boxlineoptions ; fi ; fi ; fi ; enddef ; % anch-bar: def anch_sidebars_draw (expr p_b_self, p_e_self, y_b_self, y_e_self, h_b_self, d_e_self, x, y, w, h, alternative, distance, linewidth, linecolor, topoffset, bottomoffset) = % beware, we anchor at (x,y) begingroup ; if alternative = 1 : interim linecap := rounded ; else : interim linecap := butt ; fi ; save a, b ; pair a, b ; if p_b_self = p_e_self : a := (-distance,y_b_self+h_b_self-y) ; b := (-distance,y_e_self-d_e_self-y) ; elseif RealPageNumber = p_b_self : a := (-distance,y_b_self+h_b_self-y) ; b := (-distance,0) ; elseif RealPageNumber = p_e_self : a := (-distance,h) ; b := (-distance,y_e_self-d_e_self-y) ; else : a := (-distance,h) ; b := (-distance,0) ; fi ; a := (xpart a, min(ypart a + topoffset, h)) ; b := (xpart b, max(ypart b - bottomoffset,0)) ; draw a -- b if alternative = 1 : dashed (withdots scaled (linewidth/2)) fi withpen pencircle scaled linewidth withcolor linecolor ; endgroup ; enddef ;