% $Id: rboxes.mp,v 1.2 2004/09/19 21:47:11 karl Exp $ % Public domain. % This macro package is exactly like boxes.mp except that it defines % an additional macro rboxit() that produces % rectangular boxes with rounded corners. \input boxes % Rectangular boxes with rounded corners newinternal rbox_radius; rbox_radius := 8bp; vardef rboxit@#(text tt) = beginbox_("rboxpath_","sizebox_",@#,tt); generic_declare(pair) _n.sw, _n.s, _n.se, _n.e, _n.ne, _n.n, _n.nw, _n.w; 0 = xpart (@#nw-@#sw) = ypart(@#se-@#sw); 0 = xpart(@#ne-@#se) = ypart(@#ne-@#nw); @#w = .5[@#nw,@#sw]; @#s = .5[@#sw,@#se]; @#e = .5[@#ne,@#se]; @#n = .5[@#ne,@#nw]; @#ne-@#c = @#c-@#sw = (@#dx,@#dy) + .5*(urcorner pic_@# - llcorner pic_@#); endbox_(clearb_,@#); enddef; def rboxpath_(suffix $) = save _r; _r = min(rbox_radius, .5*ypart($.n-$.s), .5*xpart($.e-$.w)); $.sw+(_r,0) {right}..{right} $.se-(_r,0) ..$.se+(0,_r) {up}..{up} $.ne-(0,_r) ..$.ne-(_r,0) {left}..{left} $.nw+(_r,0) ..$.nw-(0,_r) {down}..{down} $.sw+(0,_r) .. cycle enddef; % sizebox_ and clearb_ are defined in boxes.mp