% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This is POLKAP.MF (polskie kapitaliki, i.e., caps and small caps) in % text format. % The program is a modification of the CSC.MF file. % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PL VERSION 1.09a, 30th March 2020 (see README.ENG) % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % AUTHORS OF MODIFICATION: Bogusław Jackowski and Marek Ryćko % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This file belongs to the public domain under conditions similar to % those of D. E. Knuth specified for the Computer Modern family of fonts. % % For details see either the file MEXINFO.POL or MEXINFO.ENG. % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- font_coding_scheme:=if ligs=0: "TeX typewriter text" else: "TeX text without f-ligatures" fi; spanish_shriek=oct"016"; spanish_query=oct"017"; mode_setup; font_setup; input pl_dod; % Polish additional definitions input pl_dl; % Polish majuscules input pl_cud; % Polish and French quotation marks input romanu; % upper case (majuscules) input greeku; % upper case greek letters input romand; % numerals input romanp; % ampersand, question marks, currency sign input romspu; % uppercase specials (\AE, \OE, \O) input punct; % punctuation symbols common to all roman and italic input accent; % accents common to roman and italic text input romsub; % substitutes for ligatures if ligs>0: input comlig; fi % ligatures common with italic ligtable "!": "`" =: spanish_shriek; ligtable "?": "`" =: spanish_query; font_slant slant; font_x_height x_height#; if monospace: font_normal_space 9u#; % no stretching or shrinking font_quad 18u#; font_extra_space 9u#; else: font_normal_space 6u#+2letter_fit#; font_normal_stretch 3u#; font_normal_shrink 2u#; font_quad 18u#+4letter_fit#; font_extra_space 2u#; % IMPLICIT KERNS (the first portion): % three degrees of kerning (more precisely, |-u#| is fourth): k#:=-.5u#; kk#:=-1.5u#; kkk#:=-2u#; % The kern for a latin letter is repeated for the corresponding % diacritical one; the following kerns, however, should have been added % between |"F"|, |"P"|, |"T"|, |"V"|, |"W"|, |"Y"| and |"."|, |","|, % and between dots (because of `...') but for the sake of compatibility % with CM's they would have been inserted only if |improve_kerns=true| % (by default |improve_kerns=false|). if improve_kerns: ligtable ".": "." kern -kkk#; fi ligtable "P": "T": "Y": if improve_kerns: "." kern k#, "," kern k#, fi "a" kern kk#, ogonked_a kern kk#, "A" kern kk#, ogonked_A kern kk#; ligtable "F": "V": "W": if improve_kerns: "." kern -u#, "," kern -u#, fi if serifs: "a" kern kkk#, ogonked_a kern kkk#, "A" kern kkk#, ogonked_A kern kkk#, else: "a" kern kk#, ogonked_a kern kk#, "A" kern kk#, ogonked_A kern kk#, fi "K": "X": "o" kern k#, accented_o kern k#, "O" kern k#, accented_O kern k#, "c" kern k#, accented_c kern k#, "C" kern k#, accented_C kern k#, "g" kern k#, "G" kern k#, "q" kern k#, "Q" kern k#; ligtable "O": accented_O: "D": "x" kern k#, "X" kern k#, "w" kern k#, "W" kern k#, "a" kern k#, ogonked_a kern k#, "A" kern k#, ogonked_A kern k#, "v" kern k#, "V" kern k#, "y" kern k#, "Y" kern k#; ligtable "A": ogonked_A: if serifs: "R": fi "c" kern k#, accented_c kern k#, "C" kern k#, accented_C kern k#, "o" kern k#, accented_o kern k#, "O" kern k#, accented_O kern k#, "g" kern k#, "G" kern k#, "u" kern k#, "U" kern k#, "q" kern k#, "Q" kern k#, "L": crossed_L: "T" kern kk#, "t" kern kk#, "Y" kern kk#, "y" kern kk#, "V" kern kkk#, "v" kern kkk#, "W" kern kkk#, "w" kern kkk#; ligtable "I": "I" kern -k#; % Richard III fi boolean is_small_cap; is_small_cap:=true; %%% fine higher % the `higher' values are used while putting accents and attaching ogoneks forsuffixes $=u,o,letter_fit,cap_height,x_height,bar_height,body_height,stem: higher.$.#:=$.#; higher.$:=$; endfor %%% fine lower forsuffixes $ = u, width_adj, cap_serif_fit, letter_fit, body_height, cap_height, x_height, bar_height, comma_depth, flare, cap_hair, stem, cap_stem, cap_curve, cap_ess, cap_jut, beak_jut, beak, slab, cap_bar, cap_band, cap_notch_cut, o, apex_o: $.#:=lower.$.#; endfor fudge:=lower.fudge; % optional part: forsuffixes $ = depth_corr, left_corr, top_breadth_corr, tip_breadth_corr, tip_xcorr, tip_ycorr, pre_angle, post_angle, pre_limit, post_limit, pre_lightness, post_lightness, pre_deflexion, post_deflexion, cap_flat, ogonek_pen#: if known lower.$: $:=lower.$; fi endfor font_setup; % now try again with |lower| settings % repeat ``last minute font setup'' from PL_DOD.MF, as |font_setup| % clears pen memory %%% define_pixels prepare_pen if not serifs: fisp:=round(1/3[fine,crisp]); prepare_pen fisp; fi if known ogonek_pen#: define_whole_pixels(ogonek_pen); prepare_pen ogonek_pen; fi ogonked_A:=ogonked_a; accented_C:=accented_c; ogonked_E:=ogonked_e; crossed_L:=crossed_l; accented_N:=accented_n; accented_O:=accented_o; accented_S:=accented_s; accented_Z:=accented_z; dotted_Z:=dotted_z; saved_height:=whatever; input pl_dl; % Polish majuscules (in positions of respective minuscules) % restore the previous state (ordnung must sein): polish_uc_positions; is_small_cap:=false; extra_endchar:=extra_endchar&";charcode:=charcode+code_offset"; code_offset:=ASCII"a" - ASCII"A"; input romanu; % majuscules (in positions of respective minuscules) code_offset:=-3; input romspu; % \AE, \OE, \O\ (in positions of \ae, \oe, \o) code_offset:=0; input cscspu; % substitutes for the remaining characters of romspl if not monospace: % IMPLICIT KERNS (the second portion): % three degrees of kerning (more precisely, |-u#| is fourth): k#:=-.5u#; kk#:=-1.5u#; kkk#:=-2u#; % Usually a kern for a latin letter is repeated for the corresponding % diacritical one except that kerns % - between Polish opening quotes and some letters % have been added; the following kerns should have been added: % - between |"f"|, |"p"|, |"t"|, |"v"|, |"w"|, |"y"| and |"."|, |","| % - between |"a"| with ogonek, |"a"| and |"'"| % but for the sake of compatibility with CM's they would have been % inserted only if |improve_kerns=true| (see the comment in the first % of implicit kerns). ligtable "p": "t": "y": if improve_kerns: "." kern k#, "," kern k#, fi "a" kern kk#, ogonked_a kern kk#; ligtable "f": "v": "w": if improve_kerns: "." kern -u#, "," kern -u#, fi "a" kern if serifs: kkk# else: kk# fi, ogonked_a kern if serifs: kkk# else: kk# fi, "k": "x": "o" kern k#, accented_o kern k#, "c" kern k#, accented_c kern k#, "g" kern k#, "q" kern k#; ligtable "o": accented_o: "d": "x" kern k#, "w" kern k#, "a" kern k#, ogonked_a kern k#, "v" kern k#, "y" kern k#; ligtable "a": ogonked_a: if improve_kerns: "'" kern kk#, fi if serifs: "r": fi "c" kern k#, accented_c kern k#, "o" kern k#, accented_o kern k#, "g" kern k#, "u" kern k#, "q" kern k#, "l": crossed_l: "'" kern kk#, "t" kern kk#, "y" kern kk#, "v" kern kkk#, "w" kern kkk#; ligtable "i": "i" kern -k#; % skiing (in Polish, e.g., poliizopren) ligtable polish_opening_quotes: if serifs: "A" kern -k#, ogonked_A kern -k#, "C" kern -k#, accented_C kern -k#, "D" kern -k#, "E" kern -k#, ogonked_E kern -k#, "F" kern -k#, "H" kern -k#, "I" kern -k#, "J" kern -k#, "K" kern -k#, "L" kern -k#, crossed_L kern -k#, "M" kern -k#, "N" kern -k#, accented_N kern -k#, "P" kern -k#, "R" kern -k#, "S" kern -k#, accented_S kern -k#, "T" kern k#, "X" kern -k#, "Y" kern k#, "Z" kern -k#, accented_Z kern -k#, dotted_Z kern -k#, else: "T" kern kk#, "Y" kern kk#, fi "V" kern kk#, "W" kern k#, if serifs: "a" kern -k#, ogonked_a kern -k#, "c" kern -k#, accented_c kern -k#, "d" kern -k#, "e" kern -k#, ogonked_e kern -k#, "f" kern -k#, "h" kern -k#, "i" kern -k#, "j" kern -k#, "k" kern -k#, "l" kern -k#, crossed_l kern -k#, "m" kern -k#, "n" kern -k#, accented_n kern -k#, "p" kern -k#, "r" kern -k#, "s" kern -k#, accented_s kern -k#, "t" kern k#, "x" kern -k#, "y" kern k#, "z" kern -k#, accented_z kern -k#, dotted_z kern -k#, else: "t" kern kk#, "y" kern kk#, fi "v" kern kk#, "w" kern k#; fi % There are also ligature/kern |"-"|, |"`"|, and |"'"| in the COMLIG file % and for |"<"|, |">"|, |","| in the PL_CUD file. bye. %%\end