% mathematical symbols by Anthony Phan. % file: mathadrv.mf (driver file for matha serie, % U stands for Unsupported) % last modification: May 16, 2005. mode_setup; math_setup; % % This file calls calu.mf and then extends % the superb work of N. N. Billawala into % a whole OT1 font. % % % First thing to do is to copy Computer Modern's % control sequences and setup. % %slant := 0; newinternal l, r, shrink_fit; % adjustments to spacing boolean math_fitting; flare := dtsz; flare# := dtsz#; def cal_setup = let adjust_fit = normal_adjust_fit; pickup pencircle xscaled cap_curve yscaled cap_hair rotated 30; cal.nib := savepen; pair cal.extension; cal.extension := (.75cap_curve, 0) rotated 30; pickup pencircle xscaled cap_curve yscaled cap_hair rotated 70; tilted.nib := savepen; pickup pencircle xscaled curve yscaled cap_hair rotated 70; med_tilted.nib := savepen; pickup pencircle xscaled cap_stem yscaled cap_hair rotated 30; med_cal.nib := savepen; pickup pencircle xscaled stem yscaled cap_hair rotated 30; light_cal.nib := savepen; % % lowercase and punctuation % pickup pencircle xscaled curve yscaled hair rotated 30; lower_cal.nib := savepen; lower_cal_width# := curve#*cosd 30+hair#*sind 30; pickup pencircle xscaled 0.5[hair, curve] yscaled hair rotated 30; fine_cal.nib := savepen; % pickup pencircle xscaled(cap_curve+dw) yscaled cap_hair rotated 30; heavy_cal.nib := savepen; bot_flourish_line := -0.5u-o; pair bend; bend = (.5u, 0); pair flourish_change; flourish_change = (4u, .2asc_height); join_radius := u; shrink_fit := 1+hround(2letter_fit#*hppp)-2letter_fit; enddef; let cmchar = \; def .... = .. tension atleast .9 .. enddef; vardef w# = charwd enddef; vardef d# = chardp enddef; vardef h# = charht enddef; vardef ic# = charic enddef; def do_expansion(expr expansion_factor) = forsuffixes $ = u, jut, cap_jut, beak_jut, apex_corr: $ := $.#*expansion_factor*hppp; endfor enddef; def normal_adjust_fit(expr left_adjustment, right_adjustment) = numeric charwd_in; charwd_in = charwd; l := -hround(left_adjustment*hppp)-letter_fit; interim xoffset := -l; charwd := charwd+2letter_fit#+left_adjustment+right_adjustment; r := l+hround(charwd*hppp)-shrink_fit; w := r-hround(right_adjustment*hppp)-letter_fit; do_expansion(w/(charwd_in*hppp)); enddef; def mono_adjust_fit(expr left_adjustment, right_adjustment) = numeric charwd_in; charwd_in = charwd; numeric expansion_factor; mono_charwd# = 2letter_fit# +expansion_factor*(charwd+left_adjustment+right_adjustment); l := -hround(left_adjustment*expansion_factor*hppp)-letter_fit; interim xoffset := -l; r := l+mono_charwd-shrink_fit; w := r-hround(right_adjustment*expansion_factor*hppp)-letter_fit; charwd := mono_charwd#; charic := mono_charic#; do_expansion(w/(charwd_in*hppp)); enddef; extra_endchar := extra_endchar&"r := r+shrink_fit; w := r-l;"; def ignore_math_fit(expr left_adjustment, right_adjustment) = enddef; def do_math_fit(expr left_adjustment, right_adjustment) = l := l-hround(left_adjustment*hppp); interim xoffset := -l; charwd := charwd+left_adjustment+right_adjustment; r := l+hround(charwd*hppp)-shrink_fit; charic := charic-right_adjustment; if charic<0: charic := 0; fi enddef; currenttransform := identity slanted slant yscaled aspect_ratio scaled granularity; def t_ = transformed currenttransform enddef; cal_setup; autorounding := hair; % % UPPERCASE % let math_fit = do_math_fit; math_fitting := true; input calu.mf; % % OTHER CASES % let math_fit = ignore_math_fit; math_fitting := false; vardef hook_in(suffix $, $$, $$$) = x$ := good.x x$; x$$ = max(x$$$-1.25u, 0.5[x$, x$$$]); top y$$ = x_height+oo; y$ = good.y 7/8[0, y$$]; y$$$ = 3/4x_height; z$...z$$ right_to_down z$$$ enddef; vardef hook_out(suffix $, $$, $$$) = x$$$ := good.x x$$$; x$$ = min(x$+1.25u, 0.5[x$, x$$$]); bot y$$ = -oo; y$ = 1/4x_height; y$$$ = good.y 7/8[x_height, y$$]; z$ down_to_right z$$...z$$$ % super_arc enddef; vardef ital_arch(suffix $, $$, $$$) = x$$ = 0.6[x$, x$$$]; top y$$ = x_height+oo; y$$$ = 0.65x_height; z${up}...z$$ right_to_down z$$$ % super_arc enddef; vardef desc_curve(suffix $, $$, $$$) = x$$$ := good.x x$$$; x$$ = 0.6[x$, x$$$]; y$ = 0; bot y$$ = -d-oo; y$$$ = good.y 1/3[y$$, y$]; z${down}...z$$ left_to_up z$$$...z$$$+round(1.1u*dir 60) enddef; vardef cal_dot@#(expr $, $$, dotsize) = rt x@#a-lft x@#c = top y@#b-bot y@#d = dotsize+2eps; rt x@#a = hround($+0.5dotsize)+eps; top y@#b = vround($$+0.5dotsize)+eps; y@#a = y@#c = 0.5[y@#b, y@#d]; x@#b = x@#d = 0.5[x@#c, x@#a]; filldraw superellipse(z@#a, z@#b, z@#c, z@#d, superness); labels(@#a, @#b, @#c, @#d); enddef; comma_depth# := 0.75desc_depth#; comma_depth := vround 0.75desc_depth; vardef cal_comma@#(expr $, $$, deviation, prof) = pickup fine_cal.nib; cal_dot@#($, $$, dtsz); if $$>prof: bot else: top fi y@#f = prof; y@#e = 0.25[$$, y@#f]; if deviation>0: x@#f = x@#c; rt x@#e = hround($+dtsz)+eps; draw if $$>prof: z@#b else: z@#d fi right_to_down z@#e ...{x@#f-x@#e, (1-superness)*(y@#f-y@#e)}z@#f; else: x@#f = x@#a; lft x@#e = hround($-dtsz)-eps; draw if $$<prof: z@#d else: z@#b fi right_to_up z@#e ...{x@#f-x@#e, (1-superness)*(y@#f-y@#e)}z@#f; fi labels(@#e, @#f); enddef; % % LOWERCASE, DIGITS, PUNCTUATION % input mathcall; % % GREEK % input mathcallgreek; currenttransform := identity yscaled aspect_ratio scaled granularity; autorounding := 0; extra_endchar := ""; standard_proofing; extra_endchar := extra_endchar & "; charcode := charcode+code_offset;"; dagesh := false; code_offset := 128; % % HEBREW % input mathhbrw; dagesh := true; code_offset := 160; % % HEBREAW WITH DAGESH % input mathhbrw; code_offset := 0; % parameters for TFM files. font_slant = 0; font_x_height = x_height#; font_normal_stretch = 3u#; font_normal_shrink = 2u#; font_quad = 18u#+4letter_fit#; font_extra_space = 2u#; font_normal_space = 6u#+2letter_fit#; end.