%% %% This is file `sqrcpunct.mf', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% sqrcaps.dtx (with options: `punct') %% %% Copyright 1999 Peter R. Wilson %% %% This program is provided under the terms of the %% LaTeX Project Public License distributed from CTAN %% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt. %% %% Author: Peter Wilson (CUA) %% now at: peter.r.wilson@boeing.com %% cmchar "Exclamation mark"; beginchar("!", 2sb#+hstretch*(thick#), asc_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := sb; pickup quill; x1=w/2; top y1 = h; z3=(x1, 1/2dot_size); z2=(x1, y3+3/2dot_size); draw z1--z2; draw_pdot(3,dot_size); penlabels(1,2,3); endchar; % end of "!" cmchar "Question mark"; beginchar("?", 2sb#+hstretch*(13/13x_height#), 11/10x_height#, 0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx := sb; numeric n[]; path pth[]; pickup quill; n1 := w-2pcshiftx; % actual character width n2 := 1/3h; % height of top bowl n3 := n2; % height of bottom bowl z5=(1/2w,1/2dot_size); x4 = x5; y4=y5+3/2dot_size; lft x1 = pcshiftx; y1 = 3/4h; x2 = 1/2w; top y2 = h; rt x3 = w-pcshiftx; y3 = 2/3h; %%ductus:= true; if ductus: pickup stylus; fi draw z1..z2{right}..z3{down}..z4{down}; draw_pdot(5, dot_size); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5); endchar; % end of "?" cmchar "Comma"; beginchar(",",2sb#+hstretch*(comma_width#+dot_size#),x_height#,0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=sb; x1=w-pcshiftx-(0.5hstretch*dot_size); y1=1/2dot_size; draw_pcomma(1,dot_size,comma_width); penlabels(1); endchar; % end of "," cmchar "Period"; beginchar(".",2sb#+hstretch*(dot_size#),x_height#,0); pcshiftx:=sb; z1=(w/2, 1/2dot_size); draw_pdot(1,dot_size); penlabels(1); endchar; % end of "." cmchar "Colon"; beginchar(":",2sb#+hstretch*(dot_size#),x_height#,0); pcshiftx:=sb; x1=x2=w/2; y1=2/3h; y2=1/2dot_size; draw_pdot(1,dot_size); draw_pdot(2,dot_size); penlabels(1,2); endchar; % end ":" cmchar "Semicolon"; beginchar(";",2sb#+hstretch*(comma_width#+dot_size#),x_height#,0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=sb; x1=x2=w-pcshiftx-(0.5hstretch*dot_size); y1=2/3h; y2=1/2dot_size; draw_pdot(1,dot_size); draw_pcomma(2,dot_size,comma_width); penlabels(1,2); endchar; % end of ";" cmchar "Apostrophe"; beginchar("'",2sb#+hstretch*(comma_width#+dot_size#),7/8asc_height#,0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=sb; x1=w-pcshiftx-(0.5hstretch*dot_size); y1=h; draw_pcomma(1,dot_size,comma_width); penlabels(1); endchar; % end of "'" cmchar "Reverse apostrophe"; beginchar("`",2sb#+hstretch*(comma_width#+dot_size#),7/8asc_height#,0); adjust_fit(0,0); pcshiftx:=sb; x1=pcshiftx+(0.5hstretch*dot_size); y1=h; draw_plq(1,dot_size,comma_width); penlabels(1); endchar; % end of "`"