This section incrementally introduces the most important aspects of
the system. After reading this chapter you should be able to specify
style files for
about 80% of the commonly used indexes. The examples are demonstrated
with a TeX markup so one can easily typeset the results inputenc
package to run the following examples. Also the
But this tutorial doesn't reflect real life any more. The concepts are
introduced below to explain them, but actual usage is probably
different. In particular, you should not expect to specify sort rules
by hand; usually one uses the language modules for that. Same way,
xindy standard modules provide lots of markup functionality that you
need for your documents, and can be used as a starting point.
Nevertheless, let's continue with the explanation of
Create a new directory somewhere and copy some files from the
distribution directory doc/style-tutorial/
by typing
eg$ mkdir tutorial
eg$ cd tutorial
eg$ cp <distrib-dir>/doc/style-tutorial/*.raw .
eg$ cp <distrib-dir>/doc/style-tutorial/*.tex .
with distrib-dir
replaced by the actual location. Now create a
file style1.xdy
with the following content:
;; This is a first example using `xindy'.
(define-location-class "page-numbers" ("arabic-numbers"))
(define-attributes (("definition" "usage")))
Now run
eg$ xindy -t ex1.xlg -M style1 -I xindy ex1.raw
You should see something like
Opening logfile "ex1.xlg" (done)
Reading indexstyle...
Loading module "style1.xdy"...
Finished loading module "style1.xdy".
Finished reading indexstyle.
Finalizing indexstyle... (done)
Reading raw-index "ex1.raw"...
Finished reading raw-index.
Processing index... [10%] [20%] [30%] [40%] [50%] [60%] [70%] [80%] [90%] [100%]
Finished processing index.
Writing markup... [10%] [20%] [30%] [40%] [50%] [60%] [70%] [80%] [90%] [100%]
Markup written into file "ex1.ind".
your index style style1.xdy
. The result is now stored in file
. You can view this file but currently it only contains an
unreadable mix of data.
But now let's come back to our index style. The syntax of the command
is in a Lisp-like form with lots of braces, looking a little bit
weird, but you'll soon get used to it. What is the meaning of the two
commands we specified? The first command informed page-numbers
. The page numbers consist
of arabic-numbers
as we might expect but this is not necessarily
true---imagine your page numbers consisted of roman numerals instead.
When reading the raw index contained in file ex1.raw
The second command tells default
. With this command you have
made these attributes known to the system, which makes it possible to
assign different markup to these attributes later on.
Until now you haven't seen something exciting, so its time to specify some markup. Add the following lines to our index style:
(markup-index :open "~n\begin{theindex}~n"
:close "~n\end{theindex}~n"
(markup-locref :class "page-numbers" :attr "definition"
:open "{\bf " :close "}")
(markup-locclass-list :open "\quad{}")
(markup-locref-list :sep ", ")
Now run
eg$ xindy -t ex1.xlg -M style1 -I xindy ex1.raw
eg$ latex ex1.tex
You can view ex1.dvi
with your prefered viewer (maybe xdvi
or something else) to get a first impression of your results. Maybe
your are not satisfied (for sure you aren't), because it still looks
very confusing. What did the above rules tell ex1.ind
which is the result
academia\quad{}{\bf 1}acafetado\quad{}{\bf 2}acalmar\quad{}{\bf 4}
açafrão\quad{}{\bf 3}indexflat\quad{}1hierarchical\quad{}2
veryhierarchical\quad{}3impressive\quad{}4saber\quad{}{\bf 7}
sabor\quad{}{\bf 8}sabão\quad{}{\bf 6}sábado\quad{}{\bf 5}
First of all you'll see that the file starts with the string
and ends with \end{theindex}
Additionally some locations are correctly enclosed into a TeX macro
that typesets them in shape boldface, whereas others aren't. The
boldface ones are all those locations from the raw index that have the
attribute definition
The :open
and :close
keyword arguments each take a string as
argument. The first one is written to the file when opening an
enviroment, whereas the latter one closes an environment. What we
have specified is the markup for the whole index (which is actually
printed only once) and the markup for all locations of class
which own the attribute definition
. Here we
have cleanly separated the structured markup from the visual one,
allowing an easy redefinition if we decide, for example, to markup the
-locations in italics instead of boldface.
Some words on keyword arguments and switches. Keyword
arguments such as :open
or :close
always take exactly one
argument which must be positioned right after the keyword separated by
a whitespace (a blank or a tab-stop). Switches don't take any
arguments. For example, :tree
in the command markup-index
a switch and thus it does not take an argument. We will use this
terminology throughout the rest of this document.
The third command caused \quad{}
simply inserts a specific horizontal space). The last
command caused
As you already may have observed, the tilde sign (~
) serves
as a quoting character.
We continue specifying markup to get a printable result by adding more markup:
(markup-indexentry :open "~n \item " :depth 0)
(markup-indexentry :open "~n \subitem " :depth 1)
(markup-indexentry :open "~n \subsubitem " :depth 2)
This assigns different markup for the different hierarchy layers of
the indexentries. Our index is hierarchically organized. It contains
items which themselves contain more sub-items which also might contain
sub-sub-items. Each layer is started by a different markup which is
correctly assigned with the :depth
keyword argument. The layers
are numbered by their depth starting from zero.
Now run ex1.ind
looks like the following:
\item academia\quad{}{\bf 1}
\item acafetado\quad{}{\bf 2}
\item acalmar\quad{}{\bf 4}
\item açafrão\quad{}{\bf 3}
\item index
\subitem flat\quad{}1
\subitem hierarchical\quad{}2
\subitem very
\subsubitem hierarchical\quad{}3
\subsubitem impressive\quad{}4
\item saber\quad{}{\bf 7}
\item sabor\quad{}{\bf 8}
\item sabão\quad{}{\bf 6}
\item sábado\quad{}{\bf 5}
Hmm, as you might have seen there are several problems that need further investigation. The index contains some Portuguese words that are printed correctly but should appear at other positions inside the index. For instance, the word sábado should appear before the word saber since á must be sorted as if it were simply an a. The reason why these words are not sorted correctly is simple---the accentuated letters have codes beyond position 128 in the ISO-Latin alphabet. Sorting based on these codes yields this incorrect order.
What to do? We can define for each of the words containing these
special characters an explicit print key. The print key describes
the printed representation of the keyword whereas the key or
main key is used for sorting and merging. A very tedious task
which is not a very clever solution since in a non-english language
many many words contain these special cases. We follow the way
What are keyword mappings for? A good question. I'll try to give some answers.
A detailed elaboration of these ideas can be found in the paper An
International Version of MakeIndex by Joachim Schrod [3].
It describes the ideas that led to modifications on one of the
ancestors of the makeindex
The keyword mappings are as follows. The merge key is generated
from the main key with the so called merge mapping. The
merge mapping can be specified with the command merge-rule
. The
sort key is derived from the merge key using the sort
mapping specified with the sort-rule
command. The following
scheme shows this mapping process:
We will use this command now to define a suitable sort mapping that fits our needs:
(sort-rule "à" "a")
(sort-rule "á" "a")
(sort-rule "ã" "a")
(sort-rule "è" "e")
(sort-rule "é" "e")
(sort-rule "ç" "c")
These rules define mappings from a keyword to a normalized
version. In the logfile ex1.xlg
these transformations are logged so
that one can see how these mappings are performed. In this example we
do not need any merge-rule
but we will see applications in
further examples.
In reality, such sort rules tend to be much more complex, due to
the idiosynchrasies of sorting natural languages. Sort rules for
many languages are available as part of the xindy distribution, as
so-called language modules. We specify the language with the option
, e.g., in our example we could have used
eg$ xindy -t ex1.xlg -M style1 -L portuguese -I xindy ex1.raw
If we use one of the available language modules, sort rules in user-written xindy styles are ignored.
The result is now quite satisfying if the index entries weren't clumped together that much. We usually want the different index entries beginning with the same letter be optically separated from the ofhers. This improves readability and there must be a way to accomplish this---the letter groups.
To group indexentries we must define what indexentries form a group. The clustering is done by matching the keywords' prefixes (taken from the sort key) with a user-defined table of prefixes and define appropriate markup that separates the groups from each other. Here it goes.
("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m"
"n" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z"))
(markup-letter-group-list :sep "~n\indexspace")
This defines the given list of letter groups. When forming the letter
groups, each letter group is checked if it matches a prefix of the
indexentries' sort key. The longest match assigns the index entry to
this letter group. If no match was possible the index entry is put into
group default
The result now looks much better than before. You have now learned the basic features that you need to specify everyday indexes. In the next chapter we'll continue to make you an expert in indexing.