_________________________ THE XLTXTRA PACKAGE v0.5c This package provides a number of small features that are useful for XeLaTeX. - Loads fontspec and Ross Moore's xunicode automatically. - Loads Andrew Moschou's metalogo package for \XeTeX and \XeLaTeX logos. - Loads the fixltx2e package and patches other LaTeX commands: \-: for discretionary hyphenation with variable hyphenation characters, and \textsuperscript & \textsubscript: now use fontspec to access real superior/inferior characters, \emph: uses NFSS information to determine when to enter \eminnershape, \showhyphens: now works, \verb*: now displays visible spaces correctly \begin{verbatim*}: ditto - The following packages are patched (where necessary) to correctly display visible space within various verbatims: verbatim, moreverb, fancyvrb, listings - Defines the dubiously useful commands \vfrac - for vulgar fractions with fontspec \namedglyph - to access font glyphs by name For more information see the documentation xltxtra.pdf. ____________ Change History v0.5c: Update internals for fontspec v2.0. (No user-level changes.) v0.5b: Bug fix for "\LaTeX" when [no-logos] is used. Thanks to Enrico Gregorio for finding this. ______________ Will Robertson 2006-2010 Released under the LaTeX Project Public License