¦----------------------------------------------¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ THE POLYGLOSSIA PACKAGE v1.2.0 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Modern multilingual typesetting with XeLaTeX ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦----------------------------------------------¦ This package for provides a complete Babel replacement for users of XeLaTeX. This version includes support for 68 different languages. Polyglossia makes it possible to automate the following tasks: * Loading the appropriate hyphenation patterns. * Setting the script and language tags of the current font (if possible and available), using the package fontspec. * Switching to a font assigned by the user to a particular script or language. * Adjusting some typographical conventions in function of the current language (such as afterindent, frenchindent, spaces before or after punctuation marks, etc.). * Redefining the document strings (like “chapter”, “figure”, “bibliography”). * Adapting the formatting of dates (for non-gregorian calendars via external packages bundled with polyglossia: currently the Hebrew, Islamic and Farsi calendars are supported). * For languages that have their own numeration system, modifying the formatting of numbers appropriately. * Ensuring the proper directionality if the document contains languages written from right to left (via the package bidi, available separately). Several features of Babel that do not make sense in the XeTeX world (like font encodings, shorthands, etc) are not supported. For German however, several shorthands do make sense and can be activated with the language option babelshorthands=true. Polyglossia is distributed in the traditional way with *.dtx and *.ins files, and also comes with a TDS-conformant ready-to-unpack zip file. To install from source (i.e. using polyglossia.dtx), run xelatex polyglossia.dtx which will generate all files and produce the pdf documentation all at once. Alternatively if you have the file polyglossia.ins run xetex polyglossia.ins and follow the instructions displayed. BUGS Users are encouraged to report bugs on the github tracker: http://github.com/fc7/polyglossia/issues CHANGES 1.2.0a (27-07-2010) * Initialize \fontfamily acc to value of \familydefault (Fixes a bug when using polyglossia with beamer) * Remove spurious space in def of \dateenglish * Add missing English variant "american" * Serbian: fix date format and captions (Latin+Cyrillic) * Fix \atticnumeral in gloss-greek * Small improvements and fixes in documentation 1.2.0 (15-07-2010) * Adapted for fontspec 2.0 (will not work with earlier versions!) * New implementation of a \PolyglossiaSetup interface that simplifies writing gloss-*.ldf files * Many internal enhancements and refactoring (including a patch by Dirk Ulrich) * Improved automatic font setup when \font is not defined * New environment otherlanguage* (env. equivalent of \foreignlanguage (Enrico Gregorio) * Bugfix to prevent bogus expansion of \{rm,sf,tt}family even in aux files (Enrico Gregorio) * New gloss files for Armenian, Bengali, Occitan, Bengali, Lao, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, and Turkmen. * New auxiliary packages 'devanagaridigits' and 'bengalidigits' * hijrical no longer loads bidi and checks for incompatible l3calc * Add Babel shorthands for Russian (based on a patch by Vladimir Lomov) * Fix \fnum@{table,figure} for Lithuanian * Various improvements in gloss-russian (provided by Vladimir Lomov and others) * Corrected captions for Bahasai, Lithuanian, Russian, Croatian * Add option indentfirst=true for Spanish, Croation and other languages (NB: indentfirst was previously named frenchindent) * New option 'script' for German: Setting script=fraktur modifies the captions for typesetting in Fraktur. * New command \aemph for Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, etc. to mark emphasis through overlining. * Package option 'nolocalmarks' is now true by default: to activate it the option 'localmarks' must be passed instead. * Loading languages à la Babel as package options is no longer possible (this feature was deprecated since v1.1.0). 1.1.1 (23-03-2010) * Bugfix for French: explicit spaces before/after double punctuation signs ("Par exemple : les grands « espaces » du Canada ! ") are now replaced by the appropriate non-breaking spaces, as in Babel. * Bugfix for font switching mechanism within Latin script (pending a complete re-implementation in v1.2): the font shape and series are no longer reset when switching language. * New macros for non-Western decimal digits (instead of fontmappings) * New gloss files for Asturian, Lithuanian and Urdu * hijrical.sty is now locale-aware: \hijritoday is formatted differently in Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Turkish and Bahasa Indonesia. ---NB: the above five items were not part of v1.1.1-rc1 which was made available on github--- * Enable babelshorthands for Dutch * Add missing macro \allowhyphens * Add global option babelshorthands * Support Catalan geminated l * Bugfix when declaring more than one pkg option * Protect \reset@font * Add missing requirement makecmds * Bugfix for smallcaps in captions * Typo for ccname in Hebrew * Add option numerals to gloss-russian * Provide newXeTeXintercharclass when undefined * Bugfix for Russian alph * Remove superfluous level of {} in def of markright * Bugfix for \datecatalan * Change hyphenmins for Sanskrit 1.1.0b * Modify hyphenmins for Sanskrit (Yves Codet) * Bugfixes for Serbian and Bulgarian (Enrico Gregorio) 1.1.0a * Bugfix for interchar tokens 1.1.0 * Use \newXeTeXintercharclass (thanks to Enrico Gregorio) * Fixed implementation of shorthands for German (Babel code in file babelsh.def) * Arabic (Khaled Hosny): - Fix abjad form for 3 and 5 and add option abjadjimnotail - bugfix for \arabicnumber - make Gregorian calender the default - fixed typos in the sample text * Turkish (S. Ö. Yıldız): - fix white-space before : and ! - also check if the font specified TRK for language - added missing Turkish translation of "Glossary" * Suppress nopattern warning for non-hyphenated scripts * Changed U+0163 to U+021B for Romanian (Elie Roux) * Stylistic fixes and use macro \xpg@option for package options (E. Gregorio) * Fix monthnames in Dutch (A. Ledda) * Add Brazilian translation for "glossary" * Remove spurious space generated by gloss-spanish * Fix ldf file for brazilian * Various improvements in the code communicated by E. Gregorio: - remove superfluous \protect\language - change default language from 0 to \l@nohyphenation=255 - localize lccode handling of apostrophe in French; add it to Italian * Fix frenchspacing for vietnamese * Other minor bugfixes 1.0.2 This is mostly a bug fixes release. * Captions corrected in Hebrew, Russian and Spanish * Removed all \text wrappers within caption definitions * Improved compatibility with Babel * New option "babelshorthands" for German * New option "Script" for Sanskrit 1.0.1 * Improved documentation (added sections on font setup and numeration mappings) * Improvements and bugfixes for English and German * Bugfix in gloss-syriac.ldf (spurious space after \textsyriac{...}) * Extended the scope of \syriacabjad * Added gloss-amharic.ldf (ported from ethiop.ldf in the package ethiop) 1.0 * Initial release on CTAN ------------------------------ François Charette, July 2010 ------------------------------