%% THIS IS A SAMPLE LATEX FILE DEMONSTRATING HOW TO TYPESET %% A CRITICAL EDITION WITH XeTeX, ednotes, and ArabXeTeX. %% THE TEMPLATE CAN ALSO BE APPLIED, WITH MINOR MODIFICATIONS, %% TO CRITICAL EDITIONS INVOLVING RIGHT-TO-LEFT SCRIPTS IN GENERAL %% (EITHER IN THE MAIN TEXT OR IN THE CRITICAL APPARATUS). %% THUS THE USE OF ArabXeTeX IS NONMANDATORY, BUT THE PACKAGE bidi %% IS REQUIRED FOR BIDIRECTIONALITY. %% %% François Charette, 13 December 2006 %% %% \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,oneside]{memoir} \usepackage{fontspec} \setromanfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Junicode} \usepackage[novoc,fdf2noalif]{arabxetex} \newfontinstance\arabicfont[Script=Arabic,Scale=1.2,WordSpace=2]{Lotus Linotype} %% OK, now we load ednotes with appropriate options. %% For each extra level of notes in the critical apparatus we need to %% initialize it with the appropriate option, in this case, "Bpara". %% Options "modulo", "perpage" and "right" are for line numbers: %% they will be printed at the right margin, at a certain interval %% to be set by the command \modulolinenumber below, %% and with the "perpage" option to start numeration anew on each page. %% The option "para*" is for having the notes in paragraph format without indentation. \usepackage[Bpara,modulo,right,perpage,para*]{ednotes}% relies on manyfoot and lineno %% This makes the footnoterule as wide as the \textwidth \makeatletter% \renewcommand{\footnoterule}{\kern-3\p@ \hrule width \textwidth \kern 2.6\p@} \makeatother %%EDNOTES SETUP %% %% Line numeration is printed every 5 lines: \modulolinenumbers[5] %% This is a little hack to set linenumbering in Arabic %% (the mapping is provided with ArabXeTeX): \renewcommand{\linenumberfont}{\arabicfont\addfontfeature{Mapping=arabicdigits}\tiny} %% %% The following macros redefine the default formatting %% of various aspects of the critical apparatus. %% Note that since the edition is contained in a Right-to-Left environment, %% the notes should be set RL by default, but to be certain we declare \PrecedeLevelWith{A}{\setRL} %% which puts the appropriate "hook" at the beginning of the block A of notes. %% Here are the customized macros for the default apparatus: %% The uncommented lines below are changed for typesetting the apparatus in Arabic. % \renewcommand*{\sameline}[1]{\linesfmt{##1}}% \renewcommand*{\differentlines}[2]{\linesfmt{\RL{#1\textendash#2}}}% \renewcommand*{\linesfmt}[1]{\raisebox{1ex}{\linenumberfont #1}~}% \renewcommand{\lemmafmt}[1]{#1~[ }% \renewcommand*{\pageandline}[2]{#2.\textlatin{#1}}% #1 page, #2 line. % \renewcommand*{\repeatref}[1]{\raisebox{-.5ex}{$\Vert$}}% << not advisable % \renewcommand{\lemmaellipsis}{\textsymmdots}% % \renewcommand{\notefmt}[1]{##1}% %% We do not want extra footnoterules between the different levels (see manyfoot doc): \renewcommand{\extrafootnoterule}{} \SelectFootnoteRule[0]{extra} %% We can also customize the critical apparatus for a *specific* level of notes. %% In the following case we customize a level B of Left-to-Right notes. %% To achieve this with ednotes, with need to feed-in the appropriate command %% as a "hook" to manyfoot by means of: \PrecedeLevelWith{B}{\unsetRL} % Now we change the formatting of level B to take into account that it is set left-to-right: \newcommand{\Bnotefmt}{% \renewcommand*{\differentlines}[2]{\linesfmt{##1\textendash##2}}% \renewcommand{\lemmafmt}[1]{##1~]\enskip}% } %% In our example we define another level of notes, but this time as regular footnotes %% here keyed by fnsymbols. This customization is independant of ednotes, %% and relates to manyfoot directly: \SetFootnoteHook{\unsetRL}%--> must appear immediately before \DeclareNewFootnote \DeclareNewFootnote[para]{C}[fnsymbol] %% Finally, we define macros that make typing the critical edition as abstract as possible. %% First the apparatus for VARIANTS in the Arabic text (level A): \newcommand{\VAR}[2]{\Anote{\textarab{#1}}{\textarab{#2}}} %% This is for lemmas of the form \VAR{LEMMA1\LEMMA3}{NOTE} %% where LEMMA2 is the portion omitted in the note: this macro is necessary %% because \< and \> cannot appear inside the argument of \textarab \newcommand{\VARX}[4]{\Anote{\textarab{#1}\ \<\textarab{#2}\>\ \textarab{#3}}{\textarab{#4}}} %% Second the comparisions to the Latin translation (level B): \newcommand{\VARB}[2]{\Bnote{\textarab{#1}}{#2}} %% Third, the level for plain footnotes (level C): \newcommand{\NOTE}[1]{\footnoteC{#1}} %% The typographical "object" that separates successive variants in one note: \newcommand{\SEP}{\enskip;\enskip} %% The typographical "object" that indicates additions in a MS: \newcommand{\ADD}{\textlatin{\textbf{+}}\,}% %% The typographical "object" that indicates omissions in a MS: \newcommand{\OM}{\textlatin{\textbf{–}}\,}% %% The typographical "object" that indicates a correction not reflected in any MS: \newcommand{\CORR}{\textarab{.s.h.h-}}% %% The typographical "object" that indicates illegible passages in a MS: \newcommand{\ILLEG}{\textarab{.gayr maqrU'}}% %% The typographical "object" that indicates a blank in a MS: \newcommand{\BLANK}{\textarab{bayA.d}}% %% The typographical "object" that indicates a marginal passage in a MS: \newcommand{\MARG}{\textarab{bi-al-hAmi^s}}% %% The typographical "object" that indicates a supralinear passage in a MS: \newcommand{\SUPERLIN}{\textarab{ta.ht al-sa.tr}}% %% The typographical "object" in the main text that indicates a lacuna in all MSS: \newcommand{\LACUNA}{\textlatin{\textlangle\,\dots\textrangle}} %% The typographical "object" in the main text that indicates a restoration: \newcommand{\RESTOR}[1]{\}~#1~\{} %% %% Convenient abbreviations for referring to individual manuscripts \newcommand{\msE}{\textbf{أ}} \newcommand{\msB}{\textbf{ب}} \newcommand{\msN}{\textbf{ن}} \newcommand{\msL}{\textbf{ل}} \newcommand{\msT}{\textbf{ط}} \newcommand{\msM}{\textbf{م}} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{center}\Large Extract from Abū Maʿšar, \textit{Kitāb al-Milal wa-l-Duwal}, Part 1, Chapter 1, §\,26\footnoteC{% Text, apparatus and references to the Latin translation taken from: \textit{Abū Maʿšar on Historical Astrology. The Book of Religions and Dynasties (On the Great Conjuntions)}. Edited and Translated by Keiji Yamamoto and Charles Burnett. 2 vols. Leiden: Brill, 2000 (ISBN 90 04 11733 4). Vol I pp.~22 and 24 (Arabic text) and Vol II pp.~15–16 (Latin translation). NB: This is for illustrative purposes only!} \end{center} \begin{arab} \resetlinenumber\pagewiselinenumbers wa-mi_tAl _dalika 'anna \VAR{al-qirAn}{ala_dI kAna \ADD \msN} al-dAll `alY al-.tUfAn \VAR{kAna}{\msE,\msN \SEP \OM \msB} qabl al-qirAn al-dAll `alY millaT al-`arab bi-_talA_taT 'AlAf sanaT wa-tis`ami'aT sanaT wa-_tamAn wa-_hamsIn \VAR{sanaT}{wa-ha_dihi .sUratuhA \ADD \msN} \VARB{\VAR{3950}{3958: \msE,\msN}}{3958}. wa-kAna \VARB{wAlI al-dawr}{prefuit scilicet illi orbi} \VARB{fI _dalika \VAR{al-waqt}{\msE,\msN \SEP \OM \msB}}{om.} zu.hal ma`a burj al-sara.tAn. wa-kAna al-.tUfAn ba`d _dalika \VAR{\VAR{bi-mi'atayn}{li-mi'atayn 287: \msE \SEP _tamAnIn sanaT: \msN} wa-sab`a \VAR{wa-_tamAnIn}{_tamAnIn: \msN}}{296: \msM}% \NOTE{T lacks a folio} sanaT \VAR{287}{\OM \msE}. fa-yakUn \VAR{bayna}{yawm al-jum`aT \ADD \msN} 'awwal yawm min sanaT al-.tUfAn wa-bayn 'awwal yawm min al-sanaT alatI kAna fIhA al-qirAn al-dAll `alY millaT al-`arab _talA_taT 'AlAf sanaT \VAR{wa-sittami'aT sanaT}{\OM \msE} wa-'i.hdY \VAR{wa-sab`In}{wa-sab`Un: \msE,\msN} \VAR{sanaT}{`alY ha_dihi al-.sUraT \ADD \msN} 3671. wa-qad _dakara \VARB{\VAR{Ab_tnUs}% {\msE,\msN \SEP mlbws: \msB \SEP \OM \msT \SEP Asws: \msM}}{Bentemiz} wa-.gayruhu 'anna \VAR{bayna}{\OM \msN} \VARB{ibtidA'}{om.} _half 'Adam \VAR{.salwAt al-ll_ah `alayhi}{\OM \msN} wa-bayna laylaT al-jum`aT alatI kAna fIhA al-.tUfAn \VAR{'alfayn}{\msE \SEP alfAn: \msB,\msN} \VAR{wa-mi'atayn}{wa-mi'atA sanaT: \msN} \VAR{wa-sitta}{wa-sittaT: \msE,\msN} \VAR{wa-`i^srIn}{\CORR \SEP wa-`i^srUn: \msB,\msE,\msN \SEP \OM \msT \SEP 2226: \msM} sanaT 3671 \VAR{wa-^sahr"aN wA.hid"aN}{\msE \SEP wa-^sahr wA.hid: \msB,\msN} wa-\aemph{kj-} yawm"aN \VAR{wa-'arba`a}{j-: \msN} sA`At \VAR{2226}{\OM \msE,\msN}. fa-yakUn `alY ha_dihi al-jihaT mA bayna _halaf 'Adam \VAR{`alayhi al-salAm}{\OM \msN} wa-bayna \VAR{'awwal}{\OM \msE,\msN} yawm min al-sanaT alatI kAna fIhA al-qirAn al-dAll `alY millaT al-`arab \VAR{_hamsaT}{\msL,\msN \SEP _hamsa: \msB,\msE} \VAR{'AlAf}{'alf sanaT: \msN} wa-_tamAnami'aT \VAR{\VAR{wa-sab`"aN}{\CORR \SEP wa-sab`a: \msB,\msE \SEP wa-sab`aT: \msN \SEP \OM \msT \SEP 5778: \msM} \VAR{wa-tis`In}{\msE \SEP wa-tis`Un: \msB} sanaT}{wa-tis`aT wa-sab`Un sanaT 5789: \msN} \VAR{wa-^sahr"aN wA.hid"aN}{\msE \SEP wa-^sahr wA.hid: \msB,\msN} wa-\aemph{kj-} yawm"aN \VAR{wa-'arba`a}{j-: \msN} sA`At \VAR{5897}{\OM \msE,\msN}. fa-'i_dA qasamnA al-sinIn alatI \VAR{bayna}{\msE,\msN \SEP Awl \ADD \msB} qirAn al-.tUfAn wa-al-qirAn \VAR{al-dAll}{ala_dI dal: \msN} `alY \VAR{millaT}{\msL,\msE,\msN \SEP al-mlh: \msB} al-`arab `alY \VAR{_tala_tami'aT wa-sittIn wa-'a_ha_dnA}{s.s: \msN} li-kull burjiN sanaT \VAR{wa-ibtada'nA}{wa-ibtadY: \msE,\msN} \VAR{bi-al-.tar.h}{al-.tar.h li-isti_hrAj burj al-muntahY: \msN} min al-.hamal intahat \VAR{al-sanaT}{\OM \msN} 'ilY \VAR{al-.hUt}{al-jawzA': \msN}.% \NOTE{Because 3950 = 360 × 10 + 350.} \VAR{fa-'in}{knA \ADD \msN} qasamnA tilka al-sinIn% \NOTE{That is, 3950.} `alY _tala_tami'aT wa-sittIn wa-'a_ha_dnA li-kulli dawriN burj"aN \VARB{\VAR{wa-ibtada'nA}{wa-ibtadY: \msE,\msN} \VAR{bi-al-'ilqA'}{bi-al-.tar.h: \msN}}{proiecerimus} min al-burj al-mudabbir \VAR{ala_dI}{\OM \msN} \VARB{kAna \VAR{li-l-dawr}{al-dawr: \msN}}{fuit orbis} fI _dalika \VAR{al-waqt}{al-burj: \msN} \VARB{\VAR{al-dAll `alY al-.tUfAn}{\OM \msE,\msN}}{om.} ala_dI huwa \VAR{al-sara.tAn \VAR{intahY}{wa-intihA': \msN}}{al-sara.tAnI intihA' intihA': \msE} al-dawr \VAR{fI al-qirAn}{min al-burj: \msN} al-dAll `alY \VAR{al-millaT}{millaT al-`arab: \msN} 'ilY al-jawzA'. wa-'in 'a`.taynA li-kull kawkab dawr"aN min al-'adwAr wa-ibtada'nA \VAR{bi-al-'ilqA'}{bi-al-.tar.h: \msN} min \VAR{al-kawkab}{al-kawAkib: \msN} \VARB{ala_dI li-l-dawr}{cuius est orbis} fI al-qirAn al-dAll `alY al-millaT intahY al-`adad 'ilY al-zuhraT. wa-'in 'alqaynA min .tAli` al-qirAn ala_dI kAna fI ra's al-.hamal li-kull darajaT sanaT intahY fI al-qirAn al-dAll `alY al-millaT 'ilY \aemph{k} darajaT min al-.hUt. \VAR{wa-kAna}{fa-kAna: \msE} al-mubtazz `alY al-dawr wa-`alY \VARX{.sA.hib al-.tAli` wa-.sA.hib}% {burj al-qirAn al-mirrI_h, wa-kAna al-tadbIr li-l-rub` al-'awwal \VAR{ala_dI huwa}{\msE \SEP \OM \msB,\msN} \aemph{.s} sanaT min ibtidA' al-qirAn al-dAll}% {`alY}{\OM \msN} dawlaT al-`arab. wa-al-rub` al-_tAnI \VAR{li-l-^sams wa-al-rub`}{w: \msN} al-_tAli_t li-`u.tArid \VAR{wa-al-rub`}{w: \msN} al-rAbi` li-zu.hal, wa-_dalika `alY qadr \VARB{ibtizAzAt}{dominium} al-kawAkib `alY .sA.hib al-dawr wa-`alY al-.tAli` wa-burj al-qirAn \VAR{wa-mu^sArikatihimA}{\msE \SEP wa-mu^sArikatihA: \msB,\msN} li-.sA.hib al-dawr al-'awwal ala_dI huwa al-zuhraT. \end{arab} \end{document}