%% file: TXSapxF.doc - Font Table Appendix - TeXsis version 2.18 %% @(#) $Id: TXSapxF.doc,v 18.1 2000/05/17 00:19:46 myers Exp $ %======================================================================* % (C) Copyright 1989, 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige % This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications % are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL). % See the file COPYING or ftp://ftp.texsis.org/texsis/LPPL %======================================================================* \ifx\undefined\meta\texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\draft\fi \appendix{C}{Font Tables} The Computer Modern fonts that are used either by Plain \TeX\ or by \TeXsis\ and the required sizes for each are listed in \Tbl{Fonts}. The |cmmib10| and |cmbsy10| fonts may not exist in all installations, but they will not be loaded unless \cs{mib} is used, so they are not required. The command \CS{printfont}\arg{font} can be used to print a table of the characters in any \meta{font}, e.g., \TeXexample \printfont{cmr10} |endTeXexample A separate file called |Fonts.tex| is included with the standard distribution of \TeXsis. Running |Fonts.tex| through \TeXsis\ will produce tables of all of the fonts used by your installation of \TeXsis. Most versions of \TeX\ now use ``CM'' (Computer Modern) fonts, but some still use the older ``AM'' (Almost Modern) fonts. If you have problems with the fonts, try editing |TXSfonts.tex|, replacing all occurrences of |=cm| with |=am| and then recompiling \TeXsis. Mixing the two types of fonts will produce errors. \midtable{Fonts} \Caption Fonts used in \TeXsis, with the design size names and the required sizes in points. \endCaption \ruledtable Base Name | Description | Sizes (pt) \crthick cmr10 | Roman | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr cmti10 | Text italic | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr cmsl10 | Slanted | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr cmbx10 | Roman bold | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr cmmi10 | Math italic | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr cmsy10 | Math symbol | 5~~7~~9~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr cmex10 | Math extended | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr cmtt10 | Typewriter | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \cr cmss10 | Sans serif | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~~~~~~~~~~~ \crthick cmmib10 | Math italic bold | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \cr cmbsy10 | Bold symbol | ~~~~~~~~~10~~11~~12~~14~~16~~20~~24 \endruledtable \endtable % >>> EOF TSXapxF.doc <<<