% extracts of baskerville.cls for use with the tex-live documentation % when we're producing a bv issue with it. % **************************************** % * PAGE LAYOUT * % **************************************** % % SIDE MARGINS: \oddsidemargin -2.5pc \evensidemargin -2.5pc \marginparwidth 4pc % don't use marginal notes... \marginparsep 0.5pc % ...in the UK TUG newsletter % VERTICAL SPACING: \topmargin -3pc \headheight 12\p@ \headsep 15\p@ \topskip 10\p@ \footskip 15\p@ % DIMENSION OF TEXT: \textheight 250mm % height of text on a page (A4 paper) \textwidth 180mm % total width of a page \columnseprule 0.5\p@ % width of line in the inter-column gutter \columnsep 10mm % space between columns \tolerance 9999 % make those columns justify % FOOTNOTES: \footnotesep 6\p@ \skip\footins 19.5\p@ plus 12\p@ \@minus 1\p@ % FLOATS: \floatsep 12\p@ plus 5.5\p@ \@minus 1\p@ \textfloatsep 15\p@ plus 4.5\p@ \@minus 3\p@ \intextsep 12\p@ plus 5.5\p@ \@minus 2\p@ \dblfloatsep 12\p@ plus 5.5\p@ \@minus 2\p@ \dbltextfloatsep 15\p@ plus 4.5\p@ \@minus 3\p@ \@fptop 0\p@ plus 0fil \@fpsep 12\p@ plus 0fil \@fpbot 0\p@ plus 3fil \@dblfptop 0\p@ plus 0fil \@dblfpsep 12\p@ plus 0fil \@dblfpbot 0\p@ plus 3fil \marginparpush 5\p@ % **************************************** % * TITLES AND ABSTRACT * % **************************************** % %% Volume Number (ie Year - 1990) \def\BASKvol#1{\gdef\BASK@vol{#1}} \BASKvol{?} %% Issue Number (ie Month/2, roughly) \def\BASKno#1{\gdef\BASK@no{#1}} \BASKno{?} % Editor, Star form for Guest editor \def\BASKed{\@ifstar{\BASK@ed{Guest }}{\BASK@ed{}}} \def\BASK@ed#1#2{\gdef\BASK@editor{#1Editor: #2}} \BASKed{????????} %% Year (4 digits) \def\BASKyear#1{\gdef\thisyear{#1}} \BASKyear{????} % Month (as a Word) \def\BASKmonth#1{\gdef\thismonth{#1}} \BASKmonth{?????} \def\makeBSKtitle{\par \begingroup \vspace*{-\headheight}% \@maketitle \bigskip\hrule\bigskip \thispagestyle{plain} \endgroup \let\maketitle\relax \let\@maketitle\relax } \newbox\BSKbox \def\@maketitle{% \centerline{\BASK@titleline}% \medskip \hbox to \textwidth{\bfseries The Annals of the UK \TeX\ Users Group\hfill \BASK@editor\hfill Vol.~\BASK@vol\ No.~\BASK@no}% \smallskip\hbox to \textwidth{\bfseries ISSN 1354--5930 \hfill \thismonth\ \thisyear}% \medskip \noindent\ignorespaces \BASK@headparone} % The Journal title command. % You probably only want to change this if you want to use a design-size % font rather than let \scaletowidth scale for some special issue. \def\BASKtitle#1{\gdef\BASK@titleline{#1}} \let\scaletowidth=\resizebox% added by Sean K. Harbour for Textures \BASKtitle{% \fontfamily{mbvx}\bfseries \scaletowidth{\textwidth}{!}{% modified by Sean K. Harbour B\,a\,s\,k\,e\,r\,v\,i\,l\,l\,e}} % The first paragraph. Needs to be reset if a special issue used a % different font set. \def\BASKheadparone#1{\gdef\BASK@headparone{#1}} \BASKheadparone{% This issue of \BV\ is set in \@BASKfonts, and printed on a Xerox Docutech. Production and distribution is undertaken in Cambridge by Robin Fairbairns. } \def\BASKfonts#1{\gdef\@BASKfonts{#1}} \BASKfonts{Monotype Baskerville, with Computer Modern Typewriter for literal text} % % for \Dings \RequirePackage{pifont} % % available for inter-article dinglines % \def\Dings{\nopagebreak{\footnotesize\dingline{167}}} % % hack representation of appendices \let\BV@@appendix\appendix \renewcommand{\appendix}{\BV@@appendix \renewcommand\@seccntformat[1]{\@ifundefined{@seccnt@##1}% {\csname the##1\endcsname\quad}% {\csname @seccnt@##1\endcsname}} \newcommand\@seccnt@section{Appendix~\thesection~} } % % page styles % % \ps@empty defined in LATEX.TEX % \def\ps@plain{\let\@mkboth\markboth \def\@oddhead{} \def\@evenhead{} \def\@oddfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil} \def\@evenfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil} } \def\ps@headings{\let\@mkboth\markboth \def\@oddhead{\hfill\emph{\@title}\hfill} \def\@oddfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil} \def\@evenhead{\it Baskerville \hfill Volume \BASK@vol, Number \BASK@no} \def\@evenfoot{\rm \hfil --\thepage--\hfil} } % % allow setting of pagehead title \def\title{\@ifnextchar [{\@titletwo}{\@titleone}} \def\@titletwo[#1]#2{\gdef\@title{#1}\gdef\@longtitle{#2}} \def\@titleone#1{\gdef\@title{#1}\gdef\@longtitle{#1}} % % more exciting page parameters \@twosidetrue \pagestyle{headings} \providecommand{\ukt}{UK \acro{TUG}} \newcommand{\standardtitles}{% \def\section{%\typeout{** section!}% \@startsection {section}{1}{\z@} {-12\p@ \@plus -6\p@ \@minus -.1\p@} {6\p@} {\raggedright\large\bfseries}} \def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@} {-4\p@ \@plus -2\p@ \@minus -.1\p@} {0.1\p@ \@plus 2\p@} {\raggedright\normalsize\itshape}} \def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\z@} {-6\p@ \@plus -3\p@ \@minus -1\p@} {0.1\p@ \@plus 2\p@} {\raggedright\normalsize\it}} \def\paragraph{\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{\z@} {12\p@ \@plus 2.25\p@ \@minus -1\p@} {-0.5em} {\normalsize\bfseries}} \def\subparagraph{\@startsection{subparagraph}{5}{\z@} {12\p@ \@plus 2.25\p@ \@minus 1\p@} {-0.5em} {\normalsize\it}} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1} } \endinput