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4. Using TeXdraw with LaTeX

The LaTeX typesetting system uses a structured approach to declaring typesetting environments. For LaTeX2e, the texdraw package defines the texdraw environment. The TeXdraw environment is started with a \begin{texdraw} command and terminated with an \end{texdraw} command. All of the basic TeXdraw commands can be used within the texdraw environment.

As an example, a LaTeX2e variant of an earlier example can be constructed as follows.

     \lvec (0 +0.25)    \lvec (0.75 +0.25)
     \lvec (0.75 -0.25) \lvec (0 -0.25) \lvec (0 0)
     \textref h:C v:C \htext (0.375 0){#1}
     \savepos (0.75 0)(*ex *ey)
   \move (*ex *ey)}
  \ravec (1 0) \tbox{$H(z)$} \ravec (1 0)

This example illustrates the use of the LaTeX command \newcommand as an alternative to the plain TeX command \def. Instead of the basic TeXdraw command \centertexdraw, a nested combination of the LaTeX centering environment and the TeXdraw environment is used.

4.1 PostScript printer drivers

The texdraw package uses the printer driver interface provided by the standard LaTeX2e graphics package. Any options to the texdraw package are passed to the graphics package. Specifically, the name of the PostScript driver to be used can be specified as an option to the texdraw package. With no explicit printer driver option, the default printer driver associated with the graphics package is used.

The texdraw package can be used with any of the printer drivers supported by the graphics package that allow for the importation of PostScript graphics files, viz., dvips, xdvi, dvi2ps, dvialw, dvilaser, dvipsone, dviwindo, dvitops, oztex, psprint, textures, pctexps, and pctexwin. Not all of these drivers support the text rotation needed for the TeXdraw commands \vtext and \rtext. Of the drivers listed above, only the following support support text rotation: dvips, xdvi, dvi2ps, dvitops, textures, and pctexps.

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