\section{Changes}\label{changes} \begin{itemize} \item 31/03/2016 Version 0.1d \begin{itemize} \itemsep1pt\parskip0pt\parsep0pt \item bug fix: Unicode wasn't used by default \item bug fix: Formats weren't preserved \end{itemize} \item 06/12/2015 Version 0.1c \begin{itemize} \itemsep1pt\parskip0pt\parsep0pt \item added \texttt{-{}-help} and \texttt{-{}-version} command line options \end{itemize} \item 25/11/2015 \begin{itemize} \itemsep1pt\parskip0pt\parsep0pt \item added missing language codes \item added \texttt{\textbackslash{}Configure\{DocumentLanguage\}} for the cases when document language inferencing doesn't work \end{itemize} \item 17/11/2015 \begin{itemize} \itemsep1pt\parskip0pt\parsep0pt \item use mkparams for cli arguments handling. \item fixed inconsistencies between recent changes in make4ht and tex4ebook \end{itemize} \item 24/09/2015 Version 0.1b \begin{itemize} \itemsep1pt\parskip0pt\parsep0pt \item info about new workaround for \texttt{fontspec} package \end{itemize} \item 25/08/2015 \begin{itemize} \itemsep1pt\parskip0pt\parsep0pt \item fatal error happened with epub3 when the document didn't contain the TOC \end{itemize} \item 23/08/2015 \begin{itemize} \itemsep1pt\parskip0pt\parsep0pt \item simple cleaning of the ncx file if tidy command isn't available \end{itemize} \item 05/07/2015 Version 0.1a \begin{itemize} \itemsep1pt\parskip0pt\parsep0pt \item \texttt{tex4ebook} script was missing in the distribution zip file \item all links moved to footnotes in the documentation \end{itemize} \item 29/06/2015 Version 0.1 \begin{itemize} \itemsep1pt\parskip0pt\parsep0pt \item fixes in documentation \end{itemize} \item 22/06/2015 \begin{itemize} \itemsep1pt\parskip0pt\parsep0pt \item changes moved from README.md to CHANGELOG.md \end{itemize} \item 18/06/2015 \begin{itemize} \itemsep1pt\parskip0pt\parsep0pt \item replaced \texttt{-{}-mathml} option with \texttt{-{}-mode}. For \texttt{mathml} support, use\texttt{mathml} option for \texttt{tex4ht.sty}. \item lot of stuff was fixed in \texttt{epub3} support. \item new command \texttt{\textbackslash{}OpfAddProperty} \end{itemize} \item 14/01/2015 \begin{itemize} \itemsep1pt\parskip0pt\parsep0pt \item thanks Volker Gottwald for guide on \href{https://d800fotos.wordpress.com/2015/01/19/create-e-books-from-latex-tex-files-ebook-aus-latex-tex-dateien-erstellen/}{installing and using tex4ebook} on Windows \end{itemize} \item 23/11/2014 \begin{itemize} \item added new command \texttt{\textbackslash{}OpfGuide}, for adding items to \texttt{\textless{}guide\textgreater{}} section in the \texttt{opf} file. This is useful for \texttt{epub} and \texttt{mobi} formats. Usage: \begin{verbatim} \OpfGuide[filename]{title}{reference type} \end{verbatim} \texttt{filename} is optional, current file name is used when empty. See \href{http://epubsecrets.com/where-do-you-start-an-epub-and-what-is-the-guide-section-of-the-opf-file.php}{epub secrets} article \end{itemize} \item 20/10/2014 \begin{itemize} \item fixed issues with starred sections \item files created with starred sectioning commands (\texttt{\textbackslash{}chapter*}, \texttt{\textbackslash{}section*}) should be included in correct reading order now \end{itemize} \item 16/09/2014 \begin{itemize} \itemsep1pt\parskip0pt\parsep0pt \item new features added \item new configuration file for \texttt{-{}-tidy} option, mathml and html5 elements are supported. This means that many validation errors in \texttt{mathml} output can be fixed with \texttt{-{}-tidy} option \item added configuration for all languages supported by \texttt{babel} \item \texttt{woff} and \texttt{ttf} fonts are supported \item added inline footlines in \texttt{epub3} format \item added \texttt{no-cut} command line option for breaking sections and chapters into standalone pages \item Please support \href{http://www.ulule.com/mathematics-ebooks/}{iniciative for improving mathml support} in Gecko and Webkit engines. This will hopefully improve also Epub3 readers. \end{itemize} \item 10/08/2013 \begin{itemize} \itemsep1pt\parskip0pt\parsep0pt \item \href{https://github.com/michal-h21/make4ht}{\texttt{make4ht}} is now standalone application which \texttt{tex4ebook} depends on. You must \href{https://github.com/michal-h21/make4ht\#instalation}{install it} in order to use current \texttt{tex4ebook} version. \end{itemize} \end{itemize}