################################################################## ## ## Release notes ## ################################################################## Author: Nicolas Markey Please send your comments to v1.00 (2015/08/23) - first release v1.10 (2015/09/08) - added option 'booklet' - corrected numerous computation/spacing bugs in LaTeX file - added succinct documentation v1.20 (2015/09/11) - added options -nobb, -bb, -p - solved bug with dots in PDF file names v1.30 (2015/10/06) - added options -g and -s for getting and then manually - setting bounding box. - created man page v1.50 (2019/12/31) - added the -c option (to clip pages) - corrected + improved option -p - added watermarking v1.51 (2020/01/06) - corrected bug in dimtopt() (conversion mm to pt) v1.60 (2020/06/27) - allow file names containing spaces - added --allow-file-read=... option to ghostscript >= 9.50 v1.61 (2020/10/21) - minor bug corrected (would not clean-up with option -g) (thanks to Oliver Redner for pointing out the bug) v2.00 (2020/12/17) - fixed a bug with inner margins - fixed problem with ranges exceeding number of pages - extracted LaTeX file from script - added --tight-frame option: tells whether the frame should be tight around the page (and leave horizontal white space outside the frame), or as large as possible. - added --config-file option: configuration files (default extension .xup) can be used to define default values for frequent situations. - cleaned-up man page, adding some missing options (thanks to Louis Gostiaux for pointing undocumented options)