Main author: [Fr. Jacques Peron]( This material is subject to the MIT license. # Lyluatex ## Usage In the preable of your document, include the package `lyluatex`: ```TeX \usepackage{lyluatex} ``` The `program` option permits the definition of an alternative path to `lilypond`, for example: ```TeX \usepackage[program=/opt/lilypond-dev/lilypond]{lyluatex} ``` Thereafter, you can include a lilypond file with the command: ```TeX \lilypondfile[staffsize=17]{PATH/TO/THE/FILE} ``` The argument `staffsize`, which is optional, changes the size of the score. You can change the size for all the subsequent scores in a document by placing the following command before your first include statement to be so affected: ```TeX \lysetoption{staffsize}{24} ``` Next, you simply need to compile the document normally with the command `lualatex -shell-escape` : ```bash lualatex -shell-escape DOCUMENT.TEX ``` Another "more secure" option is to add `lilypond` and `gs` to default allowed commands : ```bash shell_escape_commands=$(kpsewhich -expand-var '$shell_escape_commands'),lilypond,gs lualatex DOCUMENT.TEX ``` On systems with low RAM, when working on big documents, you could encounter *buffer overflows* in `lilypond` calls. In that case, first compile with option `-draftmode`, then compile again without this option. You can also input music directly into your docoment with the `lilypond` environment. This is only recommended for relatively short snippets. For example: ```TeX \begin{lilypond} \relative c' { c d e f g a b c } \end{lilypond} ``` Finally, for truly short snippets, there is also the `\lily` command. Example: ```TeX \lilypond[staffsize=12]{c' d' g'} ``` **Nota bene:** The `\lilypond` command *does not* support blocks of LilyPond code with explicit `\score` blocks. Such code must be included with the `lilypond` environment or as a separate file. ## Migration from `lilypond-book` In order to facilitate the migration from `lilypond-book`, `\lilypondfile`, the environment `lilypond` and the command `\lilypond` should work nearly as with `lilypond-book` ; for even more identical behaviour, call `lyluatex` like follows: ```TeX \usepackage[program=/opt/lilypond-dev/lilypond]{lyluatex} ``` That way, documents typeset with `lilypond-book` can be adapted to use `lyluatex` without much difficulty. # Credits Cf. [](