% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]} \subsubsection{The remaining code blocks} Referencing the different types of code blocks in \vref{tab:code-blocks}, we have a few code blocks yet to cover; these are very similar to the \texttt{commands} code block type covered comprehensively in \vref{subsubsec:commands-arguments}, but a small discussion defining these remaining code blocks is necessary. \paragraph{\texttt{keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets}} \texttt{latexindent.pl} defines this type of code block by the following criteria: \begin{itemize} \item it must immediately follow either \lstinline!{! OR \lstinline![! OR \lstinline!,! with comments and blank lines allowed; \item then it has a name made up of the characters detailed in \vref{tab:code-blocks}; \item then an $=$ symbol; \item then at least one set of curly braces or square brackets (comments and line breaks allowed throughout). \end{itemize} An example is shown in \cref{lst:pgfkeysbefore}, with the default output given in \cref{lst:pgfkeys1:default}. \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth} \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/pgfkeys1.tex}{\texttt{pgfkeys1.tex}}{lst:pgfkeysbefore} \end{minipage}% \hfill \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth} \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/pgfkeys1-default.tex}{\texttt{pgfkeys1.tex} default output}{lst:pgfkeys1:default} \end{minipage}% In \cref{lst:pgfkeys1:default}, note that the maximum indentation is three tabs, and these come from: \begin{itemize} \item the \lstinline!\pgfkeys! command's mandatory argument; \item the \lstinline!start coordinate/.initial! key's mandatory argument; \item the \lstinline!start coordinate/.initial! key's body, which is defined as any lines following the name of the key that include its arguments. This is the part controlled by the \emph{body} field for \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} and friends from \cpageref{sec:noadd-indent-rules}. \end{itemize} \paragraph{\texttt{namedGroupingBracesBrackets}} This type of code block is mostly motivated by tikz-based code; we define this code block as follows: \begin{itemize} \item it must immediately follow either \emph{horizontal space} OR \emph{one or more line breaks} OR \lstinline!{! OR \lstinline![! OR \lstinline!$! OR \lstinline!)! OR \lstinline!(!; \item the name may contain the characters detailed in \vref{tab:code-blocks}; \item then at least one set of curly braces or square brackets (comments and line breaks allowed throughout). \end{itemize} A simple example is given in \cref{lst:child1}, with default output in \cref{lst:child1:default}. \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth} \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/child1.tex}{\texttt{child1.tex}}{lst:child1} \end{minipage}% \hfill \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth} \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/child1-default.tex}{\texttt{child1.tex} default output}{lst:child1:default} \end{minipage}% In particular, \texttt{latexindent.pl} considers \texttt{child}, \texttt{parent} and \texttt{node} all to be \texttt{namedGroupingBracesBrackets}\footnote{ You may like to verify this by using the \texttt{-tt} option and checking \texttt{indent.log}! }. Referencing \cref{lst:child1:default}, note that the maximum indentation is two tabs, and these come from: \begin{itemize} \item the \lstinline!child!'s mandatory argument; \item the \lstinline!child!'s body, which is defined as any lines following the name of the \texttt{namedGroupingBracesBrackets} that include its arguments. This is the part controlled by the \emph{body} field for \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} and friends from \cpageref{sec:noadd-indent-rules}. \end{itemize} \paragraph{\texttt{UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets}} occur in a variety of situations; specifically, we define this type of code block as satisfying the following criteria: \begin{itemize} \item it must immediately follow either \lstinline!{! OR \lstinline![! OR \lstinline!,! OR \lstinline!&! OR \lstinline!)! OR \lstinline!(! OR \lstinline!$!; \item then at least one set of curly braces or square brackets (comments and line breaks allowed throughout). \end{itemize} An example is shown in \cref{lst:psforeach1} with default output give in \cref{lst:psforeach:default}. \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth} \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/psforeach1.tex}{\texttt{psforeach1.tex}}{lst:psforeach1} \end{minipage}% \hfill \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth} \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/psforeach1-default.tex}{\texttt{psforeach1.tex} default output}{lst:psforeach:default} \end{minipage}% Referencing \cref{lst:psforeach:default}, there are \emph{three} sets of unnamed braces. Note also that the maximum value of indentation is three tabs, and these come from: \begin{itemize} \item the \lstinline!\psforeach! command's mandatory argument; \item the \emph{first} un-named braces mandatory argument; \item the \emph{first} un-named braces \emph{body}, which we define as any lines following the first opening \lstinline!{! or \lstinline![! that defined the code block. This is the part controlled by the \emph{body} field for \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} and friends from \cpageref{sec:noadd-indent-rules}. \end{itemize} Users wishing to customise the mandatory and/or optional arguments on a \emph{per-name} basis for the \texttt{UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets} should use \texttt{always-un-named}. \paragraph{\texttt{filecontents}} code blocks behave just as \texttt{environments}, except that neither arguments nor items are sought. \subsubsection{Summary} Having considered all of the different types of code blocks, the functions of the fields given in \cref{lst:noAdditionalIndentGlobal,lst:indentRulesGlobal} should now make sense. \begin{widepage} \begin{minipage}{.47\linewidth} \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=noAdditionalIndentGlobal]{../defaultSettings.yaml}[before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{noAdditionalIndentGlobal}}{lst:noAdditionalIndentGlobal} \end{minipage}% \hfill \begin{minipage}{.47\linewidth} \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=indentRulesGlobal]{../defaultSettings.yaml}[before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{indentRulesGlobal}}{lst:indentRulesGlobal} \end{minipage}% \end{widepage}