% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]} % arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]} \subsection{\texttt{noAdditionalIndent} and \texttt{indentRules}}\label{sec:noadd-indent-rules} \texttt{latexindent.pl} operates on files by looking for code blocks, as detailed in \vref{subsubsec:code-blocks}; for each type of code block in \vref{tab:code-blocks} (which we will call a \emph{$\langle$thing$\rangle$} in what follows) it searches YAML fields for information in the following order: \begin{enumerate} \item \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} for the \emph{name} of the current \emph{$\langle$thing$\rangle$}; \item \texttt{indentRules} for the \emph{name} of the current \emph{$\langle$thing$\rangle$}; \item \texttt{noAdditionalIndentGlobal} for the \emph{type} of the current \emph{$\langle$thing$\rangle$}; \item \texttt{indentRulesGlobal} for the \emph{type} of the current \emph{$\langle$thing$\rangle$}. \end{enumerate} Using the above list, the first piece of information to be found will be used; failing that, the value of \texttt{defaultIndent} is used. If information is found in multiple fields, the first one according to the list above will be used; for example, if information is present in both \texttt{indentRules} and in \texttt{noAdditionalIndentGlobal}, then the information from \texttt{indentRules} takes priority. We now present details for the different type of code blocks known to \texttt{latexindent.pl}, as detailed in \vref{tab:code-blocks}; for reference, there follows a list of the code blocks covered. \startcontents[noAdditionalIndent] \printcontents[noAdditionalIndent]{}{0}{}