% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]} \appendix \section{Required \texttt{Perl} modules}\label{sec:requiredmodules} If you intend to use \texttt{latexindent.pl} and \emph{not} one of the supplied standalone executable files, then you will need a few standard Perl modules -- if you can run the minimum code in \cref{lst:helloworld} (\texttt{perl helloworld.pl}) then you will be able to run \texttt{latexindent.pl}, otherwise you may need to install the missing modules. \begin{cmhlistings}[language=Perl]{\texttt{helloworld.pl}}{lst:helloworld} #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use PerlIO::encoding; use Unicode::GCString; use open ':std', ':encoding(UTF-8)'; use Text::Wrap; use FindBin; use YAML::Tiny; use File::Copy; use File::Basename; use File::HomeDir; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; print "hello world"; exit; \end{cmhlistings} Installing the modules given in \cref{lst:helloworld} will vary depending on your operating system and \texttt{Perl} distribution. For example, Ubuntu users might visit the software center, or else run \begin{commandshell} sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install "File::HomeDir"' \end{commandshell} Linux users may be interested in exploring Perlbrew \cite{perlbrew}; possible installation and setup options follow for Ubuntu (other distributions will need slightly different commands). \begin{commandshell} sudo apt-get install perlbrew perlbrew install perl-5.20.1 perlbrew switch perl-5.20.1 sudo apt-get install curl curl -L http://cpanmin.us | perl - App::cpanminus cpanm YAML::Tiny cpanm File::HomeDir \end{commandshell} Strawberry Perl users on Windows might use \texttt{CPAN client}. All of the modules are readily available on CPAN \cite{cpan}. \texttt{indent.log} will contain details of the location of the Perl modules on your system. \texttt{latexindent.exe} is a standalone executable for Windows (and therefore does not require a Perl distribution) and caches copies of the Perl modules onto your system; if you wish to see where they are cached, use the \texttt{trace} option, e.g \begin{dosprompt} latexindent.exe -t myfile.tex \end{dosprompt} \section{Updating the \texttt{path} variable}\label{sec:updating-path} \texttt{latexindent.pl} has a few scripts (available at \cite{latexindent-home}) that can update the \texttt{path} variables\footnote{Thanks to \cite{jasjuang} for this feature!}. If you're on a Linux or Mac machine, then you'll want \texttt{CMakeLists.txt} from \cite{latexindent-home}. \subsection{Add to path for Linux} To add \texttt{latexindent.pl} to the path for Linux, follow these steps: \begin{enumerate} \item download \texttt{latexindent.pl} and its associated modules, \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml}, to your chosen directory from \cite{latexindent-home} ; \item within your directory, create a directory called \texttt{path-helper-files} and download \texttt{CMakeLists.txt} and \lstinline!cmake_uninstall.cmake.in! from \cite{latexindent-home}/path-helper-files to this directory; \item run \begin{commandshell} ls /usr/local/bin \end{commandshell} to see what is \emph{currently} in there; \item run the following commands \begin{commandshell} sudo apt-get install cmake sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install build-essential mkdir build && cd build cmake ../path-helper-files sudo make install \end{commandshell} \item run \begin{commandshell} ls /usr/local/bin \end{commandshell} again to check that \texttt{latexindent.pl}, its modules and \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml} have been added. \end{enumerate} To \emph{remove} the files, run \begin{commandshell} sudo make uninstall}. \end{commandshell} \subsection{Add to path for Windows} To add \texttt{latexindent.exe} to the path for Windows, follow these steps: \begin{enumerate} \item download \texttt{latexindent.exe}, \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml}, \texttt{add-to-path.bat} from \cite{latexindent-home} to your chosen directory; \item open a command prompt and run the following command to see what is \emph{currently} in your \lstinline!%path%! variable; \begin{dosprompt} echo %path% \end{dosprompt} \item right click on \texttt{add-to-path.bat} and \emph{Run as administrator}; \item log out, and log back in; \item open a command prompt and run \begin{dosprompt} echo %path% \end{dosprompt} to check that the appropriate directory has been added to your \lstinline!%path%!. \end{enumerate} To \emph{remove} the directory from your \lstinline!%path%!, run \texttt{remove-from-path.bat} as administrator. \section{Differences from Version 2.2 to 3.0}\label{app:differences} There are a few (small) changes to the interface when comparing Version 2.2 to Version 3.0. Explicitly, in previous versions you might have run, for example, \begin{commandshell} latexindent.pl -o myfile.tex outputfile.tex \end{commandshell} whereas in Version 3.0 you would run any of the following, for example, \begin{commandshell} latexindent.pl -o=outputfile.tex myfile.tex latexindent.pl -o outputfile.tex myfile.tex latexindent.pl myfile.tex -o outputfile.tex latexindent.pl myfile.tex -o=outputfile.tex latexindent.pl myfile.tex -outputfile=outputfile.tex latexindent.pl myfile.tex -outputfile outputfile.tex \end{commandshell} noting that the \emph{output} file is given \emph{next to} the \texttt{-o} switch. The fields given in \cref{lst:obsoleteYaml} are \emph{obsolete} from Version 3.0 onwards. \begin{yaml}[style=yaml-LST,numbers=none]{Obsolete YAML fields from Version 3.0}[colframe=white!25!red,colbacktitle=white!75!red,colback=white!90!red,]{lst:obsoleteYaml} alwaysLookforSplitBrackets alwaysLookforSplitBrackets checkunmatched checkunmatchedELSE checkunmatchedbracket constructIfElseFi \end{yaml} There is a slight difference when specifying indentation after headings; specifically, we now write \texttt{indentAfterThisHeading} instead of \texttt{indent}. See \cref{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingOld,lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew} \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth} \begin{yaml}[style=yaml-LST,numbers=none]{\texttt{indentAfterThisHeading} in Version 2.2}{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingOld} indentAfterHeadings: part: indent: 0 level: 1 \end{yaml} \end{minipage}% \hfill \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth} \begin{yaml}[style=yaml-LST,numbers=none]{\texttt{indentAfterThisHeading} in Version 3.0}{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew} indentAfterHeadings: part: indentAfterThisHeading: 0 level: 1 \end{yaml} \end{minipage}% To specify \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} for display-math environments in Version 2.2, you would write YAML as in \cref{lst:noAdditionalIndentOld}; as of Version 3.0, you would write YAML as in \cref{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew1} or, if you're using \texttt{-m} switch, \cref{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew2}. \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth} \begin{yaml}[style=yaml-LST,numbers=none]{\texttt{noAdditionalIndent} in Version 2.2}{lst:noAdditionalIndentOld} noAdditionalIndent: \[: 0 \]: 0 \end{yaml} \end{minipage}% \hfill \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth} \begin{yaml}[style=yaml-LST,numbers=none]{\texttt{noAdditionalIndent} for \texttt{displayMath} in Version 3.0}{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew1} specialBeginEnd: displayMath: begin: '\\\[' end: '\\\]' lookForThis: 0 \end{yaml} \begin{yaml}[style=yaml-LST,numbers=none]{\texttt{noAdditionalIndent} for \texttt{displayMath} in Version 3.0}{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew2} noAdditionalIndent: displayMath: 1 \end{yaml} \end{minipage}% \mbox{}\hfill \begin{minipage}{.25\textwidth} \hrule \hfill\itshape End \end{minipage}