Pre-commit hook for LaTeX package developpers === What it is ? A pre-commit hook to check basic LaTeX syntaxe for develloper of package. ==== How to install Copy pre-commit in the .git/.hooks file Add execution right (chmod +x) Enjoy ! ====Checked files - .sty - .dtx - .bbx - .cbx - .lbx ====What are checked Only for new line, these properties are checked: - All line must finish by a %, without space before. Empty line are allowed, but not line with blank space. - \begin{macro} and \end{macro} must be paired. - \begin{macrocode} and \end{macrocode} must be paired. - \begin{macro} must have a second argument. - 1 space must be printed between % and \begin{macro} of \end{macro}. % Must be the first line character. - 4 spaces must be printed between % and \begin{macrocode} or \end{macrocode}. - \cs argument must NOT start by an \ === Licence and copyright Maïeul Rouquette 2014-.... v 1.1.0 Licence GPl3 === Help and github repository Open an issue for any needs.