Git LaTeXdiff ============= `git-latexdiff` is a tool to graphically visualize differences between different versions of a LaTeX file. Technically, it is a wrapper around [git]( and [latexdiff]( If your LaTeX source is split accross several `*.tex` files, `git-latexdiff` can call [latexpand]( to expand it before running `latexdiff` (this usually works better than using `latexdiff --flatten`). To get the manpage (needed to get `git-latexdiff --help` to work), you need the `a2x` tool from the asciidoc package. Copying ------- git-latexdiff's main author is [Matthieu Moy]( The script is freely distributable and modifyable under the terms of the simplified BSD licence. Documentation ------------- The documentation is available through these commands: git-latexdiff -h git-latexdiff --help-examples If you installed the manpage properly, you can get the same documentation with: man git-latexdiff The output of git-latexdiff -h is given below: ``` Usage: git latexdiff [options] OLD [NEW] git latexdiff [options] OLD -- git latexdiff [options] -- OLD Call latexdiff on two Git revisions of a file. OLD and NEW are Git revision identifiers. NEW defaults to HEAD. If "--" is used for NEW, then diff against the working directory. Options: --help this help message --help-examples show examples of usage --main name of the main LaTeX, R Sweave, or Emacs Org mode file. The search for the only file containing 'documentclass' will be attempted, if not specified. For non-LaTeX files, a reasonable `prepare` command will be used unless explicitly provided --no-view don't display the resulting PDF file --latex run latex instead of pdflatex --xelatex run xelatex instead of pdflatex --lualatex run lualatex instead of pdflatex --tectonic run tectonic instead of pdflatex --bibtex, --bbl display changes in the bibliography (runs bibtex to generate *.bbl files and include them in the source file using latexpand --expand-bbl before computing the diff) --biber like --bibtex, but runs biber instead. --run-bibtex, -b run bibtex as well as latex to generate the PDF file (pdflatex,bibtex,pdflatex,pdflatex) NOTE: --bibtex usually works better --run-biber run BibLaTex-Biber as well as latex to generate the PDF file (pdflatex,biber,pdflatex,pdflatex) NOTE: --biber usually works better --view view the resulting PDF file (default if -o is not used) --pdf-viewer use to view the PDF file (default: $PDFVIEWER) --no-cleanup don't cleanup temp dir after running --no-flatten don't call latexpand to flatten the document --cleanup MODE Cleanup temporary files according to MODE: - keeppdf (default): keep only the generated PDF file - none: keep all temporary files (may eat your diskspace) - all: erase all generated files. Problematic with --view when the viewer is e.g. evince, and doesn't like when the file being viewed is deleted. --latexmk use latexmk --build-dir use pdfs from specific build directory --latexopt pass additional options to latex (e.g. -shell-escape) -o , --output copy resulting PDF into (usually ending with .pdf) Implies "--cleanup all" --tmpdirprefix where temporary directory will be created (default: /tmp). Relative path will use repository root as a base --verbose, -v give more verbose output --quiet redirect output from subprocesses to log files --prepare run before latexdiff (e.g. run make to generate included files) --filter run after latexdiff and before compilation (e.g. to fix up latexdiff output) --ln-untracked symlink uncommited files from the working directory --version show git-latexdiff version. --subtree checkout the tree at and below the main file (enabled by default, disable with --whole-tree) --whole-tree checkout the whole tree (contrast with --subtree) --ignore-latex-errors keep on going even if latex gives errors, so long as a PDF file is produced --ignore-makefile ignore the Makefile, build as though it doesn't exist -* other options are passed directly to latexdiff --latexpand OPT pass option OPT to latexpand. Use multiple times like --latexpand OPT1 --latexpand OPT2 to pass multiple options. --latexdiff-flatten use --flatten from latexdiff instead of latexpand Unrecognized options are passed unmodified to latexdiff. ``` Examples -------- Diff the previous revision with the latest commit: git latexdiff HEAD^ Diff the latest commit with the working tree: git latexdiff HEAD -- Diff latest commit with branch master: git latexdiff master HEAD Pass --type=CHANGEBAR to latexdiff to get changebars in the margins instead of red+trike/blue+underline diff: git latexdiff --type=CHANGEBAR HEAD^ Use a specific latexdiff configuration file: git latexdiff --config /path/to/file HEAD^