Commands to use before and after packages Allow infinitely-variable font scaling. Adobe Avant Garde as the default sans-serif typeface. Use the alternate MathDesign fonts for mathematics. Bitstream Charter as the default typeface Adobe Courier as the default monospace (typewriter) typeface. Collection of handwriting typefaces. Sets the DejaVu typeface as the default. Sets the DejaVu typeface as the default sans-serif typeface. Sets the DejaVu typeface as the default serif typeface. Add the AMS Euler calligraphic math letters. Sans-serif typeface by Dalton Maag available free from Provide for the American Mathematical Society's symbols (see their documentation for details). UTF-8 is the default character set, to allow for use of any character in any writing system. Some characters are not specified for all fonts, so may have to be specified manually. \let\SavedShow\show Extended font encoding to handle UTF-8. Selection of symbols by Martin Vogel, including the Euro sign. Adobe Helvetica as the default sans-serif typeface. The updated Computer Modern typeface as the default. Knuth's manual font (as in The &TeX;book), used for symbols. Adobe Times New Roman as the default serif typeface, with extended (non-Adobe) Times math. Serif typeface by Robert Slimbach available under licence from Adobe. Provides Times, Helvetica, and Courier, but chiefly used for its specially-narrowed Courier. Provides the &METAFONT; and &METAPOST; logos. Bibliographic commands and formatting for the American Psychological Association journals. \AtBeginDocument{\edef\ApaciteRestoreAtCode{\catcode`@=\the\catcode`@\relax}} Provision for per-chapter bibliographies. Additional column formatting for tables. condition colwidth char m char b Column formatting for decimal-aligned values align char Add H&ers;J support and cultural changes for many languages. Required for the calculation of extra widths for margin adjustment. Allows modifications to the layout of table and figure captions. An e-&TeX; toolbox for class and package authors Allow the creation of a background watermark saying DRAFT. List variants: inline and compact. THIS REPLACES PARALIST AND MDWLIST. spacing compact spacing compact This provides round-cornered and drop-shadow boxes. Do running headers and footers. Add more robust verbatim facilities. Provides a more sophisticated casing function than the default. Allows redesigning of floats and creation of new float types. Allows for the automated formatting of ordinal representations of numbers and counters as strings (eg first, second, third, etc). linkend varlistentry linkend listitem Needed to allow resettable left margin to take account of whatever the widest macro name is; and to adjust margins on default base article package so that the document fits acceptably on both A4 and Letter paper. Assuming a 25mm (1in) margin, this means a text area of \[\min\big\{8½″-2″\,\big\|\,210\mbox{mm}-2″\big\}× \min\big\{9″-2″\,\big\|\,297\mbox{mm}-2″\big\}\]which I calculate as 6.27″×9″ or 159mm\,×\,229mm. Package for establishing margins and text area. Provide for graphics (PNG, JPG, or PDF format (only) for pdflatex; EPS format (only) for standard &LaTeX;). fileref Provides complex settings for making hypertext (clickable) links in PDF and PS output for URIs, cross-references, and bibliographic citations. Allow detection of PDF or DVI mode. Geometric symbols from the if fonts. Package to enable if--then--else conditional processing. Package to generate Greeked text (actually cod-Latin) as a placeholder. Provides syntactic fontification or formatting (pretty-printing) of verbatim text according to the computer language used. Package for creating indexes. DEPRECATED: USE ENUMITEM. Mark Wooding's package for compact lists. Provides a mini (per-chapter or per-section) Table of Contents. Provides multi-column typesetting. role twocol role twocol role twocol Provides multi-column typesetting. morerows Slanted fractions, even in math mode. DEPRECATED: USE ENUMITEM. Provides for in-line lists. Creates paragraphs separated by white-space with no indentation. Allow embedding of individual pages from another PDF document. format pdf Allow hyphenation in ragged setting. Allows the section headings to be re-styled. Provide 1½ or double line spacing. Provides letter-spacing, strikeout, and underlining. Additional commands for common symbols and punctuation. University College Cork crest (restricted). Underlining as an option (not automatically replacing italics). Handling of URI formatting. methodsynopsis href University of Chicago reference and citation style. xreflabel chicago Provides extended formatting of cross-references. Allow for multiple optional arguments. Provide color. \AtBeginDocument{\ApaciteRestoreAtCode} Provides extra documentation commands to distinguish types of macro being defined. \doxitem{Attribute}{attribute}{attributes} \doxitem{AttributeValue}{attributevalue}{attribute values} \doxitem{Class}{class}{classes} \doxitem{Colour}{colour}{colours} \doxitem{Counter}{counter}{counters} \doxitem{DTD}{dtd}{DTDs/Schemas} \doxitem{Element}{element}{element types} \doxitem{Entity}{entity}{entities} \doxitem{Error}{error}{errors} \doxitem{Function}{function}{functions} \doxitem[macrolike]{Length}{length}{lengths} \doxitem{Mode}{mode}{mode} \doxitem{Option}{option}{options} \doxitem{Package}{package}{packages} \doxitem{Template}{template}{templates} \newcommand{\LabelFont}[2][\relax]{\strut {\fontencoding\encodingdefault \fontfamily{lmtt}\fontseries{lc}\selectfont#1#2}\space} \def\PrintDescribeAttribute#1{\LabelFont{@#1}} \def\PrintDescribeAttributeValue#1{\LabelFont[\itshape]{#1}} \def\PrintDescribeClass#1{\LabelFont{#1}} \def\PrintDescribeColour#1{\LabelFont[\color{#1}]{#1}} \def\PrintDescribeCounter#1{\LabelFont{#1}} \def\PrintDescribeDTD#1{\LabelFont{#1}} \def\PrintDescribeElement#1{\LabelFont{<#1>}} \def\PrintDescribeEntity#1{\LabelFont{\&#1;}} \def\PrintDescribeError#1{\LabelFont[\color{Red}!]{#1}} \def\PrintDescribeFunction#1{\LabelFont{#1}} \def\PrintDescribeLength#1{\LabelFont{#1}} \def\PrintDescribeMode#1{\LabelFont[\sffamily]{\textlangle#1\textrangle}} \def\PrintDescribeOption#1{\LabelFont[\itshape]{#1}} \def\PrintDescribePackage#1{\LabelFont{#1}} \def\PrintDescribeTemplate#1{\LabelFont[\fontfamily{lmss}\fontseries{sbc}\selectfont]{#1}} \setlist[description]{style=unboxed} \AtBeginDocument{\let\show\SavedShow} \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{9251}{\textvisiblespace} \PrerenderUnicode{–} \PrerenderUnicode{š} \PrerenderUnicode{ć} \PrerenderUnicode{Å} Provides better formatting of listings, with syntactic highlighting for &LaTeX; and other languages. \lstdefinelanguage[DocBook]{XML} {morekeywords={abstract,address,affiliation,annotation,arg,author, book,chapter,classname,cmdsynopsis,command,constraintdef,contrib, copyright,cover,date,email,emphasis,envar,filename,firstname, footnote,guibutton,guilabel,guimenu,guimenuitem,guisubmenu, holder,info,itemizedlist,listitem,literal,member,option, orderedlist,orgdiv,orgname,package,para,parameter,part, personname,phrase,procedure,productname,programlisting,quote, refsection,remark,constructorsynopsis,methodparan,modifier, funcparams,olink,bibliography,biblioentry,biblioset,subtitle, artpagenums,volumenum,issuenum, releaseinfo,replaceable,revdescription,revhistory,revision, sect1,sect2,sect3,sect4,seg,seglistitem,segmentedlist,segtitle, simplelist,step,surname,systemitem,tag,term,title,uri,userinput, variablelist,varlistentry,wordasword,xref,year,xml:id,xlink:href},} \lstdefinelanguage[TEI]{XML} {morekeywords={TEI.2,teiHeader,div2,head,p,num,val,xml:id}, }[keywords,comments,strings] \lstloadlanguages{[LaTeX]TeX,[DocBook]XML,XSLT,bash,R} \lstset{basicstyle=\small\color{Black}\ttfamily, literate= {Ö}{{\"O}}1 {Ä}{{\"A}}1 {Ü}{{\"U}}1 {ß}{{\ss}}2 {ü}{{\"u}}1 {á}{{\'a}}1 {é}{{\'e}}1 {í}{{\'i}}1 {ó}{{\'o}}1 {ú}{{\'u}}1 {ä}{{\"a}}1 {ö}{{\"o}}1, keywordstyle=\color{DarkGreen}\bfseries, commentstyle=\color{Gray}\upshape, stringstyle=\color{DarkRed}\upshape, emphstyle=\color{MediumBlue}\itshape, showstringspaces=false, columns=fullflexible, keepspaces=true} \makeindex \def\textonehalf{\ensuremath{\nicefrac12}} \allsectionsfont{\sffamily} \renewcommand*{\descriptionlabel}[1]{\hspace\labelsep \sffamily\bfseries #1} \vrefwarning \labelformat{chapter}{Chapter~#1} \labelformat{chapter}{\@chapapp~#1} \labelformat{section}{section~#1} \labelformat{subsection}{section~#1} \labelformat{subsubsection}{section~#1} \labelformat{paragraph}{section~#1} \labelformat{figure}{Figure~#1} \labelformat{table}{Table~#1} \labelformat{item}{item~#1} \renewcommand{\reftextcurrent}{elsewhere on this page} \def\reftextafter{on the \reftextvario{next}{following} page} There seems to be a bug in the T1 encoding of some package (unidentified, but possibly xcolor) which uses the command T1, which is an impossibility (no digits allowed in command names). So we fake it here to stop &LaTeX; complaining, by dropping the first argument on the floor. \@ifundefined{T}{\newcommand{\T}[2]{{\fontencoding{T1}\selectfont#2}}}{}