!config identifier: manual name: The arara manual authors: - Paulo Cereda commands: - name: The PDFLaTeX engine command: > @{ return getCommand('pdflatex', file); } - name: The PDFLaTeX engine command: > @{ return getCommand('pdflatex', file); } - name: File cleanup command: > @{ matches = listFilesByExtensions('.', [ 'aux' ], true); prefix = []; if (isUnix()) { prefix = [ 'rm', '-f' ]; } else { prefix = [ 'cmd', '/c', 'del' ]; } removals = []; extensions = [ 'listing', 'log', 'toc', 'out', 'synctex.gz' ]; foreach (extension : extensions) { removals.add(getCommand(prefix, getBasename(file) .concat('.').concat(extension))); } foreach (match : matches) { removals.add(getCommand(prefix, match.getCanonicalPath())); } return removals; } arguments: []